Jirnaushadhatvarn Evils Of A Digested Purgative, Etc.)

A mild purgative or emetic or a medicine administered in a small dose to a man of extremely constipated bowels (Krura-koshtha) or of an extremely keen digestive capacity (Tikshnágni), is like food easily digested in the stomach (and therefore fails to produce the wished-for results). The aggravated Doshas, being thus unexpelled by the (purgative or emetic) medicine from the body, brings on fresh distempers and loss of strength (Bala) * of the body. Under the circumstances a stronger medicine or a larger dose of the same should be administered to the patient. A mild medicine as well as a medicine administered without a previous application of Sneha and Sveda subdues only a slight aggravation of the Doshas. 6.

Evils Of Insufficient Or Excessive Expulsion Of The Doshas

A nausea, a sense of heaviness in the limbs, a sticky sensation in the chest and aggravation of the (existing) disease are the evils which attend an insufficient ejection of any bodily Dosha from the system after the administration of an emetic More satisfactory vomitings should be induced in such cases with the help of an appropriate (and stronger) medicine. Tympanites, heaviness of the head, suppression or incarceration of Váyu (flatus), a cutting pain (Pari-kartana) in the anus and aggravation of the existing) disease, are the evils which result from an imperfeet or partial expulsion of the Doshas from the system under the administration of a purgative remedy. The remedy in such cases should consist in inducing stronger purgings after a further application of Sneha and Sveda to the patient. A mild medicine should be administered on the third day to a strong-limbed patient, if there be a large quantity of dislodged agitated Dosha in his system. 7.

* For the meaning of "Bala" bere see Chapter XV (Surgical And Medical Treatment Of The Cases Of Difficult Malpresentation Of The Foetus And Of Difficult Labour (Mudha-Garbha))., Sutra-Sthána.

Váta-S'Ula (Flatulent Colic)

The bodily Váyu become enraged or agitated by the use of parching (Ruksha) medicines by a person who has not been treated with a previous application of Sneha and Sveda or by one who does not observe a total abstinence in sexual matters. The Váyu thus enraged tends to produce a kind of pain (S'ula) in the sides, waist (S'roni), back, tendons and the (principal) Marma (heart) and brings on vertigo, epileptic fits and loss of consciousness. The remedy under such circumstances consists in anointing the patient's body with oil or clarified butter, fomenting it with (hot and half-boiled) paddy (Dhánya-Sveda) An oil cooked with Yashti-madhu should then be employed as an Anuvásana-Vasti. 8-A.

Ayoga (Partial And Deficient Medfeation)

A mild or an insufficient dose of an emetic or purgative, administered without a previous application of Sneha and Sveda to the patient, fails to find an outlet either through the upper or the lower fissures of the body and hence brings about an aggravation of the Doshas incarcerated in the organism and produces a loss of strength (Bala), as well as tympanites with a catching pain in the chest (Hridaya-graha), thirst, epileptic fits and a burning sensation in the body. This is called Ayoga. The remedy in such cases should consist in inducing, without any delay, vomiting with powered Madana fruit dissolved in a saline solution, or in moving the bowels with a stronger purgative in the shape of decoctions. 8-B.

The bodily Doshas are aggravated through deficient or scanty vomitings under the action of an emetic drug and expands through the entire organism, giving rise to itching, swelling, cutaneous affections, pustular erup tions, fever aching of the limbs, piercing pain and suchlike symptoms. The remaining or uneliminated Doshas should then be expelled with (adequate) medicines of strong, potency (Mahaushadhi). Similarly, insufficient purgings under the action of a mild purgative, administered without a previous application of Sneha and Sveda to the patient, produce a numbed and drumlike distension of the abdomen below the umbilicus, causing a retention of the stool and flatus, and produce (colic) pain (S'ula), itching and urticarious eruptions (Mandalai. The remedy under these circumstances should consist in employing emulsive measures (Sneha) and a stronger purgative after having employed an Asthápana-Vasti. Draughts of hot water should be given to the patient and the abdomen and the sides should be fomented with the heated palms of the hands for exciting or inducing purging in the event of an unsatisfactory purging and of obnoxious matter not being expelled from the system The purging (of Dosha) would thus be induced. A second dose of a purgative should be again administered in the evening with a due consideration to the strength of the patient when the first would be found to have been digested before producing a sufficient purging if the system of the patient be still full of Doshas and morbid matter. In case of failure of this also to remove the Doshas (excreta), the system of the patient should be first treated with Sneha and Sveda after the lapse of ten days and should then be again cleansed with a further dose of a purgative *. Patients in whom purging can be induced only with the greatest difficulty should be first treated with Asthapana. Sneha should again be applied and a strong purgative should then be administered. 8.