This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
Use of cold water, exposure to cold winds and resorting to cool places and such other conduct during the action of an emetic or a purgative remedy in a person tend to thicken the Doshas loosened and dislodged from their seats by virtue of its potency, arrest their out-flow, make them adhere to the internal passages through which they pass and, by affecting the excretions, give rise to a suppression of stool, urine and Váyu (flatus), attended with rumbling in the intestines, fever, burning sensation and excruciating pain. The patient should in such a case † be made to speedily vomit the contents of his stomach, and the concomitant symptoms (such as fever, etc.) should be treated with appropriate medicinal remedies (as in the case of their actual and respective attacks). Drugs efficacious in subduing the Doshas confined in the lower cavity (abdomen) of the body (Adhobhága-hara) ‡ should be employed for purgative purposes with the admixture of Saindhava, Kánjika and cow's urine in cases of the retention of the stool, etc., due to an abuse of a purgative. Proper Asthápana and Anuvásana Vastis should be prescribed in consideration of the nature and intensity of the Doshas involved in the case. The nature of the diet should be judiciously determined according to the nature of the Doshas The supervening distresses in both the cases should be remedied with due consideration of the nature of the Doshas originating them. 20.
* Dallana recommends both Niruha and Snaihika Vastis in such cases. † This evidently refers to the case of an abuse of an emetic. ‡ See Chapter XXXIX (Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever (Jwara-Pratishedha))., Sutra-Sthanam.
The cutting pain in the anus in connection with purging corresponds to the digging in the throat in a case of vomiting. The oozing out of the faecal matter downward (Parisráva) in connection with a purgative corresponds to the water-brash in the case of an emetic. What diarrhoea (Praváhiká) is to purging, a dry eructation is to vomiting. 21.
The fifteen kinds of distempers (Vyápat) described in the present chapter originate through an excessive, injudicious or insufficient use of purgatives or emetics. 22.
Thus ends the Thirty-fourth Chapter of the Chikilsila Sthánam in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with the treatment of the disorders resulting from an injudicious use of purgatives and emetics.
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