Treatment Of Vátaja Arvuda

In a case of Vátaja Arvuda, a poultice composed of Karkáruka, Erváruka, cocoanut, Piyála and castor seeds, boiled with milk, water and clarified butter, and mixed with oil, should be applied lukewarm (to the tumour). As an alternative, a poultice made up of boiled meat or of Ves'a-vára, should be applied to it. Fomentation of the part in the manner of a Nádi-sveda (application of medicated fumes through a pipe) should be applied by an experienced physician and the (vitiated) blood (of the locality) should be repeatedly cuffed off with a horn. S'atáhvá or Trivrit *, boiled with the decoction of the Váyu-subduing drugs and with milk and Kánjika, should be given to the patient. 22-23.

Treatment Of Pittaja Arvuda

Applications of mild fomentations and poultices (to the either the nose or the big vein (Kandará) at the heel looking like the nose (Ghoná) of the ankle joint and below the Indra-vasti".

Dallana says that the part to be excisioned, according to the first stanza, is below the Indra-vasti and that, according to the second, is above the Indra-vasti. We also think that the seat of the Indra-vasti should be carefully avoided and an excision should be made both above and below the Indra-vasti, according to the requirements in each case.

* There is a different readingTreatment Of Pittaja Arvuda 20097 in place of

Treatment Of Pittaja Arvuda 20099 In that case, roots of white Trivrit should be boiled with the decoction, etc.

affected part) and of purgatives are efficacious in Pittaja Arvuda. The tumour should be well rubbed with (the rough surface of) the leaves of the Udumbara, S'áka, or of the Goji and it should be plastered over with the fine powders of Sarja-rasa, Priyangu, Pattavga (red sandal wood), Rodhra, Anjana * and Yashti-madhu, mixed with honey. As an alternative, a plaster composed of Aragvadha, Goji, Soma and S'yámá pasted together should be applied to it after the secretion Visráva. Clarified butter, cooked with Klitaka (as a Kalka) and with the decoction of S'yámá, Girihvá, Anjanaki, Dráhshá and Saptaliká should be prescribed for internal application in a case of Pittaja Arvuda and of abdominal dropsy (Jathara) of the Pittaja type. 24-26.

Treatment Of Kaphaja Arvuda

In cases of the Kaphaja type of Arvuda blood should be let out from the affected part after the system of the patient has been cleansed (by emetics and purgatives). Then a medicinal plaster composed of the drugs, † which are efficacious in correcting the Doshas, confined to the upper and lower parti of the organism, should be applied hot to the tumour. Or a plaster composed of Kánsya-nila, S'uka, Lángalákhya and Kákádani roots, and the dung of a Kapota and of Párávata pasted together with urine, or with alkaline water should be applied to it. The Kalkas (pastes) of Nishpáva (S'imbi), Pinyáka (oil-cakes of sesamum) and Kulattha pulse, pasted with curd-cream and an abundunt quantity of flesh, should be used in plastering the affected part so that worms and parasites may be produced in the ulcer and flics attracted to it (and so consume the ulcer). A small portion of the ulcer, left unconsumed (un-eaten) by worms and parasites, etc., should be scarified and the ulcer should then be cauterised with fire. 27-28.

* Chakradatta reads "Arjuna" in place of "Anjana". † These are the drugs included in the emetic and purgative groups see chap. XXXIX. Sutra Sthánam).

A comparatively superficial tumour (Arvuda) should be covered with thin leaves of zinc, copper, lead, or of iron, and cauterization with fire or with an alkali as well as surgical operations should be carefully and repeatedly resorted to, so as not to hurt, nor in any way injure the body. The incidental ulcer should be washed with the decoction of the leaves of the Asphota, Játi, and Karavira for the purpose of purification. A medicated oil, cooked with Bhárgi, Vidauga, Páthá, and Triphalá should then be used as a healing remedy. An experienced physician should treat a tumour, spontaneously suppurating, in the manner of a suppurated ulcer. 29-31.