The Alkaline Remedies

An alkali should be prepared from the ashes of Kákádani, Kaka-janghá, Vrihati, Kantakáriká, Kadamba-pushpa, Mandá-ri, Lambá Sukanasá in the usual way by filtering them (twenty one times) after dissolving them in cow's urine. The expressed juice of Kákodumbariká, Sukanasá and the decoction of Madana fruit should be mixed with the above alkaline preparation (and duly cooked in the manner of Kshára-páka). Diseases, such as Slipada (Elephantiasis), Apachi (Scrofula Gala-ganda 'Goitre), Grahani (chronic diarrhoea), aversion to food and the affections of all kinds of poison, yield to the internal use of this alkaline preparation. An oil cooked with the aforesaid drugs, if used as errhines and anointments, will cure all the foregoing maladies as well as malignant ulcers (Dushta-vrana). 27.

* Chakradatta rebels 'The Alkaline Remedies 200103 in place of

The Alkaline Remedies 200105 which shows that the expressed juice of Puti-Karanja leaves should be taken with mustard oil and not separately. Dallana evidently supports this in his cinrnentary. That Chakradatta's reading is the correct one is also evident from the next copulet which says that the expressed juice of Putranjivaka should be taken in the preceding manner. This "preceding manner" evidently means "with mustard oil", and unless' we accept Chakradatta's reading, the expression would be unmeaning. - E'l.

† It evidently means that the expressed juice of Putranjivaka should be taken with mustard oil - see last note. - Ed.

The ashes of the Dravanti, Trivrit, Danti. Nili, S'yatná, Saptalá and S'amkhini should be filtered in the way of preparing alkalies after dissolving them in cow's urine. The solution, thus prepared, should be boiled with a decoction of Triphala. Taken internally it tends to act in the lower part of the body (i. e , it moves the bowels). This medicine produces the same effect as the preceding ones. 28.

Thus ends the nineteenth Chapter of the Chikitsita Suhánam in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with the medical treatment of Vriddhi, Upadams'a and S'lipada.