The Valá-Kalpa

Seeds of sesamum should be successively soaked a number of times in a decoction of Valá roots * and then dried (in the manner of a Bhávaná saturation). The oil pressed out of such sesamum should be successively cooked a hundred times with the decoction of Valá-roots. This being done, the oil should be poured into an earthen pitcher and the patient, while taking it in adequate doses, should live in a lonely chamber protected from the wind. After its digestion, the patient should partake of milk and boiled Shashtika rice. A Drona measure of the oil, should in this way, be gradually taken and the regimen of diet (milk and Shashtika rice, etc.) should be observed for double that period. This oil is efficacious in improving one's strength and complexion and adds a century (of years) to the duration of one's life, and at the same time absolves him from all sins. It is said that the use of each succesive Drona measure of this oil adds a century to one's days on earth. 16.

* Valá would be the Kalka in this oil, says Dallana. But he also says that some authorities hold that the Kalkas used in the Valá-Taila should be used as the Kalka in this oil as well.

Oils may similarly be prepared with each of Ativishá, Guduchi, Aditya-parnii Saireyaka, Virataru, S'atávari, Tri-kantaka, Madhuka and Prasárani, and may be prescribed by an experienced and erudite physician. 17.

Nilotpala and S'atávari should be cooked in milk. The milk thus prepared should be again cooked with sesamum oil successively a hundred times and a paste of all the drugs used as a paste in the Valá Taila should be added to it at the time of cocking. The therapeutic virtues of all these oils are the same as those of the Valá-Taila and the same regimen of diet and conduct should be observed in all such cases. 18.

Thus ends the fifteenth Chapter of the Chikitsita Sthánam in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with the medical treatment of Mudha-garbha.