This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
In an act of Práyogika inhalation, the stick (Varti ) should be dried in shady places protected from the wind. The stem of the S'ara weed inside the Varti should then be removed. The Varti should then be lighted with a live charcoal and fixed to the end of the pipe (Netra) and then the patient should be asked to inhale the fumes. The same method should be followed in respect of Snehana and Vairechana ones. In the other cases of smoking (Kásaghna and Vámauiya) the fumigating drugs (Varti) should be placed over a bed of smokeless burning charcoal contained in an earthen saucer Another saucer furnished with an aperture at its top or middle should be fitted over the former saucer and the inhaling pipe should be fitted into this aperture, and the fumes should be inhaled (through the mouth). On the subsidence of the fumes the remaining portion of the stick should be cast into the fire and the patient should continue to inhale the fumes till the complete elimination of the aggravated Doshas from his organism. This is the rule and means of inhalation (Dhuma-pána). 8.
Any kind of smoking (Dhuma-pána) is forbidden to a person afflicted with anger, fear, bereavement, fatigue, and in a heated state of the body and after fasting. It is also forbidden in cases of poisoning, haemorrhage (Rakta pitta), alcoholism, swooning, burning sensation of the body, thirst, jaundice, dryness of the palate, vomiting, head-disease, eructation, Timira, urinary complaints (Pra-meha), abdominal enlargement with dropsy (Udara), inflation of the abdomen and Urddha vata, and in respect of infants, old and enfeebled persons, as well as of those treated with purgatives and Asthápana-vasti. It is also forbidden to enciente women, those suffering from insomnia or a parched condition of the body as well as to those suffering from any kind of cachexia or from Urah kshata. An act of inhaling (smoke) is also prohibited after taking a potion of honey, clarified butter, curd, and milk, fish, wine or gruel (Yavágu) as well as during the continuance of a small quantity of Kapha in the organism. 9.
Medicated fumes inhaled in an improper season (vis., in the above-mentioned prohibited cases) bring on vertigo, fainting fits, diseases of the head and serious injury to the eyes, ears, nose and the tongue. 10.
The first three kinds of inhalations should be resorted to at the close of the following twelve physical functions and acts, viz. sneezing, cleansing the teeth, snuffing, bathing, eating, sleeping in the day, coition, vomiting, micturition, passing stools, fits of anger and surgical operations. A Snehana-Dhuma should be smoked after sneezing, micturition, passing stools, coition or after a fit of anger. Similarly, a Vairechana-Dhuma should be smoked after bathing, vomiting and sleeping in the day time, while a Prátyogika-Dhuma should be smoked after cleansing the teeth, snuffing, bathing, eating and after a surgical operation. 11.
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