Doses Of A Sneha-Nasya

Eight drops of oil trickling down the two upper phalanges of the forefingers should be regarded as the proper quantity for the smallest (lit. - first' dose. A Sukti measure (thirty-two drops) is the intermediate (lit. - second) dose and a Pani-Sukti measure (sixty-four drops) is the highest (lit - third) dose. These are the three doses (of Sneha-Nasya) which should be dertermined in proportion to the strength of the patient and of the disease under treatment An oily snuff should never be swallowed. 23.

Metrical Text

An oily snuff (Sneha-Nasya) should be hawked in so as to flow along the girths (Sringátaka) of the nostrils and immediately spit out (by the patient), without retaining it in the mouth for a moment, as it may otherwise (irritate the mucous membranes of the throat, etc., and) aggravate the local Kapha. 24.

The region of the neck and the cheeks, etc., of the patient should be fomented again after the use of the oily snuff (Sneha-Nasya) and the patient should be made to smoke, and partake of a meal not composed of any phlegmagogic articles (Anabhishyandi). He should then be advised as to regimen of conduct, etc. to be subsequently observed). Washing the head, exposure to the sun, dust and smoke, the use of any intoxicating liquor or of any other liquid or oleaginous substance, indulgence in a fit of anger and excessive driving, etc. are strictly prohibited (after the application of Sneha-Nasya). 25.

Effects of proper, excessive, or deficient application of a Sneha- Nasya (M. - T.) - The effects of proper and excessive applications of (oily) snuffs will now be described. Lightness of the head, sound and refreshing sleep, the state of being easily awakened, alleviation of the disease, hilarity of the mind and a gladsome activity of the sense-organs in performing their respective functions, are the symptoms which attend a proper and satisfactory application (of an oleaginous medicinal snuff). Salivation, heaviness of the head, and dulness of the sense organs are the symptoms which result from an excessive application of a Sneha (Nasya) and the remedy in such cases consists in employing the parching measures or medicines. A case of deficient application (of a Sneha-Nasya) is marked by the functional derangements of the sense-organs * and a dryness (Rukshata) of the system without any indication of the amelioration of the disease. The remedy, in such cases, consists in a fresh application of the (oleaginous) snuff. 26.

The proper doses of an oleaginous errhine (Siro-Vireka) should be four, six or eight drops in accordance with the strength 'of the disease and of the patient under treatment). 27.

The framers of the Ayurveda have particularly classified the effects of the application (of a Sneha-Nasya) into three classes, viz., proper or satisfactory, deficient and excessive. The head being satisfactorily cleared (by the satisfactory application (of an oleaginous errhine) is marked by a sense of lightness in the head, clearness of the channels (of the mouth, throat, nostrils, etc.), an amelioration of the disease under treatment, healthy and vigorous workings of the sense-organs and an exhilarating sensation of the body and of the mind. Itching, clumsiness of the mouth) heaviness, saturation of the local channels (of the mouth, throat, etc.). with mucous coatings are the symptoms which mark the deficient action of (an oleaginous) errhine. A discharge through the nostrils of Mastulunga (the brain matter), an aggravation of the Vayu, dulness of the sense-organs and a sense of void or emptiness in the head are the indications which mark an excessive application of an (oleaginous) errhine. 28.

* Gayi's reading, according to Dallana, as well S'rikantha's reading isDoses Of A Sneha Nasya 200202 which means the functional derangement of the local Váyu.

Measures and remedies possessed of the virtue of subduing the deranged Kapha and Váyu should be (respectively) employed in cases of excessive and deficient applications of (an oleaginous) errhine (Nasya), while in the case of a proper and satisfactory application the patient should be made to snuff in a quantity of clarified butter on each alternate day or at an interval of two days for one, two or three weeks in succession or for any longer period as considered proper according to the exigency of the case. In a case of an overwhelming aggravation of the Váyu, the patient may be made to use the snuff (of clarified butter) even twice a day. 29.