Gridhrasi (Sciatica)

The disease in which the two great nerve-trunks (Kandará), which emanating from below the lower extremity of the thigh reach down to the bottom of the insteps and toes and become stuffed or pressed with the enraged Váyu, thus depriving the lower extremities of their power of locomotion, is called Gridhrasi. 59.

Visvachi (Elbe's Paralysis Or Bracialneuralgia)

The disease in which the enraged Váyu affecting the nerve-trunks (Kandará) which run to the tips of fingers from behind the roots of the upper arms, making them incapable of movement and depriving them of their power of flexion or expansion is called Visvachi. * 60.

Kroshtukas'Irsha (Synovitis Of The Knee-Joints)

An extrimely painful swelling in the kneejoints, which is originated through the concerted action of the deranged Váyu and the vitiated blood is called Kroshtukasirsha from the fact of its resembling the head of a jackal (Kroshtuka) in shape. 61.

* When the aforesaid nerve of a single arm is affectd the disease is restricted to it alone, while it attacks the both when both their nerves are affected.

Khanja (Lameness)

-The disease proceeds from the drawing up of the nerve trunks (Kandará) of a leg by the deranged Vayu lying about the region of the waist. When both the legs are similarly affected, the patient is called a Pangu. He whose legs tremble before starting for a walk and who afterwards manages to go on limping is called a Kálaya Khanja one in whom the bone-joints become loose. 62 - 63.

Váta Kantaka

The local Vayu, enraged by making a faise step on an uneven ground, finds lodgment in the region of the ankle (Khudaka, instep according to others), thus giving rise to a disease which is called Váta Kantaka. The burning sensation in the soles of the feet caused by the enraged local Váyu, in conjunction with the deranged Pittam and blood, is called Páda-dáha, which is generally seen to afflict persons of pedestrian habits. When the legs are deprived of all sensibility of touch, and a sort of tingling pain is experienced in them it is termed Pádaharsha, which is due to the deranged action of the Váyu and Kapham. The disease in which the enraged local Váyu dries up the normal Kapham lying about the shoulder-joints is called Ansa-shoshaka. The form in which the aggravated local Váyu contracts the nerves of the arms is called Avaváhuka *. 64 - 67.

Vádhiryayam (Deafness)

The disease occurs only when the deranged Váyu, either singly or surcharged with the Kapham, stuffs the sound-carrying channels (Srota) of the ears. 68.

* The Ansa-shosha is due to the single action of the enraged Vayu, while Ava-vahuka is due to the concerted action of the deranged Vayu and Kapham.


The disease in which the deranged Váyu causing a piercing pain in the regions of the cheekbones, head, temples and neck, gives rise to a sort of aching pain in the tympanum, is called Karna-s'ulam (otitis). The local Váyu, deranged and saturated with the Kapham stuffing the nerves (Dhamani) which conduct of the sound of speech, produces complete (in some cases partial) loss of the power of speech - eg. Muka (dumbness . Minmina (nasal voice) and Gad-gada (indistinct speech). 69 - 70

A sort of pain, which (rising from the bowels or the urinary bladder and ranging downward) gives rise to a bursting sensation in the regions of the anus and the genitals, is called Tuni, whereas the one, rising upward from the preceding parts and extending up to the region of the intestines, is called Prati-tuui. A distension of the abdomen (Udara), attended with the incarceration of flatus (Váyu) and an intense pain and rumbling in its inside, is called Adhmánam (Tympanites'1. When it first affects the stomach (Amásáya) and is unattended with an oppressive feeling about the heart and pain at the sides-it is called Pratyádhmánam. The Váyu saturated with the deranged Kapham causes the preceding type of distemper. 71 - 74.

A knotty stone-like tumour (Granthi) of considerable density, whether fixed or mobile, and appearing below the umbilicus,and having an elevated shape which is always found to be extended in an upward direction, is called a Vátásthilá, (which) as its name implies, is due to the action of the local deranged Váyu. The tumour, thus formed, obstructs the emission of flatus and impedes the evacuation of faeces. A tumour of similar shape.

appearing laterally or across the region of the abdomen (Jathara) and obstructing the passage of stool, urine and flatus (Váta) is called a Pratyashthilá. 75 - 76.

Thus ends the first Chapter of the Nidana Sthanam in the Sushruta Samhila, which treats of the Nidanam of the diseases of the nervous system.