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The Sushruta Samhita - An English Translation Based on Original Texts

No special apology is necessary for the publication of an English translation of the Sushruta Samhita. The vast medical literature of ancient India practically remains as yet unexplored, and any undertaking, which has the object of making that terra incognita, known to the scientific world, is bound to be welcomed by the public. Spasmodic attempts have been made by several scholars and erudite bodies to bring out an English translation of the Sushruta Samhita, as the most representative work of the Ayurveda, but we regret to say that such efforts have hitherto proved abortive. In spite of incomplete information on the subject many drugs of the Ayurvedic Materia Medica have been adopted by different foreign systems of medicine, and this has afforded us a fresh impetus to issue an English translation of the book, which not only deals with the essentials of Indian Therapeutics but embraces the whole range of the science of Ayurveda, as it was understood and practised by the Vedic sages.

TitleThe Sushruta Samhita
AuthorKaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna
PublisherKaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna
Copyright1916, Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna
AmazonThe Sushruta Samhita
The Sushruta Samhita 1001The Sushruta Samhita 1002The Sushruta Samhita 1003

An English Translation Of The Sushruta Samhita

Based On Original Sanskrit Text.

Edited And Published By Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna

With A Full And Comprehensive Introduction, Translation Of Different Readings, Notes, Comparative Views, Index, Glossary & Plates.

( In Three Volumes. )

Vol. I. - Sutrasthanam


Vol. II. Nidana-Sthana, Sarira-Sthana, Chikitsita-Sthana And Kalapa-Sthana


Vol. III. Uttara-Tantra



Mahamah0padhyaya Kaviraj Dvarkanath Sen, Kaviratna. (In Durbar dress)

The Sushruta Samhita 1006
No special apology is necessary for the publication of an English translation of the Sushruta Samhita. The vast medical literature of ancient India practically remains as yet unexplored, and any under...
Sushruta : - His Age And Personality A few preliminary observations regarding the technique of the Ayurvedic system of medicine are necessary at the outset to correctly understand the aim and scope o...
-Introduction. Part 2
Date Of Nagarjuna At all events Nagarjuna who redacted the Sushruta Samhita lived about the latter part of the fourth century before the Christian era;(2) and the original or vriddha Sushruta must ha...
-Introduction. Part 3
Western Opinions On The Subject The consensus of western opinions is to place Nagarjuna in the first quarter of the third Century B. C. (2). and for fixing Sushruta as a contemporary of Sakya Sinha B...
-Introduction. Part 4
Conflicting Testimonies And The Uncertain Indication Of Materials At Our Disposal It is a matter of historic certainty that Subhuti was one of the personal disciple of Sakya Sinha Buddha, and that it...
-Introduction. Part 5
Sushruta Prior To Charaka The general consensus of expert opinion is to place Charaka prior to Sushruta in respect of time. But the Puranas unanimously describe Sushruta as a disciple of Dhanvantari,...
-Introduction. Part 6
Commentators Of The Sushruta Samhita We would be guilty of ingratitude if we closed this portion of our dissertation without expressing a deep sense of our obligation to Jejjada Acharva, Gayadasa, Bh...
-Introduction. Part 7
Different Kinds Of Physicians Vedic India, like Ancient Egypt, recognised the principle of the division of labour among the followers of the healing art. There were Shalya Vaidyas (surgeons), Bhisaks...
-Introduction. Part 8
The Scope And Nature Of Sushruta's Surgery So much for the history of Vedic Surgery. It is in the Su-shruta Samhita that we first come across a systematic method of arranging the surgical experiences...
-Introduction. Part 9
Plastic And Rhinoplastic Operations Doctor Hirschberg of Berlin Says - the whole plastic surgery in Europe took a new flight when these cunning devices of Indian workmen became known to us. The tra...
-Introduction. Part 10
Amputation Amputations were freely made and medicated wines, were given to the patients as anaesthe-tics (I). These conclusively show that the surgery of Sushruta does not rest content with the mere ...
-Introduction. Part 11
Dissection Sushruta, himself a practical surgeon, was the first to advocate dissection of dead bodies as indispensable for a successful student of Surgery. The Paruschittas of ancient Egypt perhaps l...
-Introduction. Part 12
Which Being Translated Reads Let his eye go to the sun, let his breath-wind mix with the wind of the atmosphere, and to the sky. earth and the cereals the parts which have sprung out of them. etc. A...
-Introduction. Part 13
Sushruta As A Biologist In the first chapter of his Sharira Sthanam, Sushruta discusses the question, what is man, wherein lies his individuality, why does he come into being, why does he die at all ...
-Introduction. Part 14
Nature Of Self Self is a simple substance, and, as such, is immaterial. Force is substance and substance is force. It is endued with constructive intelligence, and, like gravitation or cohesion can p...
-Introduction. Part 15
Sexual Diamorphism Some light is thrown on the relative preponderance of the sperm and ovum in the birth of a female child. When the maternal element preponderates the child is female; when the pate...
-Introduction. Part 15. Continued
(2) Mahabharatam forces of life and death (1). A little more investigation into the biological thesis of the Rishis would be necessary for the clear comprehension of Shukra-Vahulyam and Shonita...
-Introduction. Part 16
Sushnita's Physiology But if Sushruta is admired so much for his practical and scientific last of mind, it is his writings on Physiology, which is practically the same as the one adopted, by all scho...
-Introduction. Part 17
The Three Fundamental Principles Of Vayu,Pittam And Kaphah The actions of living matter vary and so may be reduced to three categories. They are either - (1), functions which affect the material comp...
-Introduction. Part 18
Pittam The function of the Pittam consists in metamorphosing the chyle, through a graduated series of organic principles, to a protoplasmic substance like sperm in men, and the ovum in women. ...
-Introduction. Part 19
Kaphah Sushruta is one in holding with Foster that the animal body dies daily, in the sense that at every moment some part of its substance is suffering decay, is undergoing combustion. The etymolo...
-Introduction. Part 20
Agni And Dhatvagnis We can not better conclude this portion of our dissertation than by speaking a word or two about Agni. Sushruta raises the question whether there is any kind of fire in the human ...
-Introduction. Part 21
Ojah-Dhatu From what has been stated before it will appear that during the process of tissue-formation, the lymph or chyle, under the influence of Pittam, or metabolic heat, is transformed into the s...
-Introduction. Part 22
Sushruta's Pathology What is it in a man, asks Sushruta, that falls sick? What is that that we treat medicinally? The body or the mind? Sushruta says that, anything that afflicts the inner man (self...
-Introduction. Part 23
Drug-Dynamisation It is the potency of a drug that cures a disease. The potency is administered best * That Hahnemann's theory of disease was long before foreshadowed by Sushruta, will appear from...
-Introduction. Part 24
Forms Of Medicine Powders, lambatives, decoctions as well as medicated oils, Ghritas, confection and wines are the forms in which, according to Sushruta, medicines should be given. The different drug...
-Introduction. Part 25
Medical Botany After therapeutics comes the subject of Medical Botany. Sushruta divides the whole vegetable kingdom into Vriksha, Gulma, Vanaspati and Virudha. This classification has been minutely w...
-Introduction. Part 26
Twofold Division Of Time &C It is a fundamental dictum of Sushruta that in a case of medical treatment the then prevailing season of the year should be taken into account. In his Samhita we find two ...
-Introduction. Part 27
Kalpa In the Kalpasthanam of his Samhita, Sushruta has described the symptoms of hydrophobia and snake bites, etc as well as those developed in cases of vegetable poisoning, together with their thera...
Chapter I. Initiation Of A Student Of The Ayurveda The eight divisions of the Ayurveda and the characteristic features of each of them - History of Surgery and its primary importance - Gradual extens...
-Contents. Part 2
Chapter IX. Practice Of Surgery Teaching of surgery on dummies and suitable fruits, etc. .. , .. .. .. 71 - 73 Chapter X. Essential Qualifications Of A Physician Before He Formally Enters His Profes...
-Contents. Part 3
Chapter XVI. Piercing And Bandaging Of The Lobules Of Ears Evils which attend the accidental hurting of a local vein - Medical unguents and lints - Different processes of bringing about the adhesion ...
-Contents. Part 4
Chapter XXIII. Prognosis In Ulcer Cases Easy curability of an ulcer - Symp toms of an ulcer which readily granulates - Symptoms of difficult or incurable types, as well as of those which admit only o...
-Contents. Part 5
Chapter XXXIV. Mode Of Preserving The Life Of A King Whose Soldiers Are On The March The four factors of medical treatment - Good which results from a satisfactory combination of all these lour facto...
-Contents. Part 6
The March The - actors of medical treatment - Good Chapter XLIII. Mode Of Administering Emetics Compounds of Madana fruits Compounds of Jimutaka .. .. 394 - 399 Chapter XLIV. Choice Of Purgatives ...
-Sutrasthanam. Chapter I. The Origin Of The Science Of Medicine, As Disclosed By The Holy Dhanvantari To His Disciple Sushiuta. (Vedotpattimadhyayam)
Once upon a time, when the holy Dhanvantari, the greatest of the mighty celestials, incarnated in the form of Divodasa, the king of Kasi, was blissfully seated, in his hermitage, surrounded by a conco...
-The Origin Of The Science Of Medicine, As Disclosed By The Holy Dhanvantari To His Disciple Sushiuta. Part 2
The Primary Importance Of The Shalyam All hold this Tantram to be the most important of all the other branches of the getanle world belongs of locomotion, belong to may be argued here, since ...
-The Origin Of The Science Of Medicine. Part 3
Disease: Its Definition The Purusha (man) is the receptacle of any/particular disease, and that which proves a source of torment or pain to him, is denominated as a disease. * There are four differen...
-Chapter II. Rites Of Formal Initiation Of A Pupil Into The Science Of Medicine (Shishyopanayaniya-Madhyayam)
Such an initiation should be imparted to a student, belonging to one of the three twice-born castes such as, the Brahmana, the Kshatriya, and the Vaishya, and who should be of tender years, born of a ...
-Rites Of Formal Initiation Of A Pupil Into The Science Of Medicine. Continued
Prohibited Periods Of The Study Of The Ayurveda The day of the new moon, the eighth day of the moon's wane, the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight, as well as the corresponding days in the bright o...
-Chapter III. Classification Of The Ayurveda And The Order [In Which The Venerable Dhanvantari Discoursed On Them To His Pupils]. Adhyayana-Sampradaniyam
It has been stated before, that a hundred and twenty chapters have been distributed among the five parts or subdivisions (of the present work in the following order: - Forty six in the part of Definit...
-Classification Of The Ayurveda And The Order [In Which The Venerable Dhanvantari Discoursed On Them To His Pupils]. Adhyayana-Sampradaniyam. Continued
From their proposing remedies against poisons, they are called Kalpas, and are eight in number. Chapter I (Medical Treatment Of The Two Kinds Of Inflamed Ulcers (Dvivraniya Chikitsitam)) Preservation...
-Chapter IV. General Explanations (Prabhasaniya-Madhyayam)
The endeavours of a man who has studied the entire Ayurveda (shastra) but fails to make a clear exposition of the same, are vain like the efforts of an ass that carries a load of sandal wood (without ...
-Chapter V. Preliminary Measures In Connection With The Curative Remedies Of A Disease. (Agropaharaniyam-Adhyayam)
The entire course of medical treatment in connection with a disease may be grouped under three subheads, as the Preliminary measures (Purva-karma); the Principal therapeutical or surgical appliances (...
-Preliminary Measures In Connection With The Curative Remedies Of A Disease. Continued
Then it should be fumigated with the drugs, known as Guggulu, Vacha, white mustard, Saindhava and the leaves of the Nimva tree, soaked in clarified butter. The residue of the clarified butter [dripped...
-Chapter VI. Characteristic Features Of The Different Seasons Of The Year And Their Influence On Health And Drugs (Ritucharyardhyayam)
The Eternal Time is without origin, middle, or end, self-begotten, and the lord of all attributes. Contrariety or non contrariety of the natural attributes of drugs or substances endued with character...
-Characteristic Features Of The Different Seasons Of The Year And Their Influence On Health And Drugs. Continued
Prophylactic Measures In such cases migration to a healthy or unaffected locality, performances of rites of pacification and atonement, (wearing of prophylactic gems and drugs), recitations of mantra...
-Chapter VII. Surgical Appliances, Their Uses And Construction. (Yantra-Vidhimadhyayam)
Surgical instruments number one hundred and one * in all, of which the hand is the most important, inasmuch as (all of them depend on the hand for their principal auxiliary) and as none of them can be...
-Surgical Appliances, Their Uses And Construction. Continued
The Functions Of Surgical Instruments: - Are Striking Out (Nirghatanam - Lit withdrawing a Shalyam by moving it to and fro), injection or filling, binding, up-lifting, cutting and thereby withdrawing...
-Chapter VIII. Instruments Used In Connection With A Surgical Operation. (Shastravacharaniyamadhyayam)
These instruments are twenty in number such as, the Mandalagram, the Karapatram, the Vriddhipatram, the Nakhashastram, the Mudrika, the Utpalapatram, the Arddhadharam, the Suchi, the Kushapatram, the ...
-Instruments Used In Connection With A Surgical Operation. Continued
Commendable Features In A Surgical Instrument Instruments that are fitted with handles of easy grip and are made of good and pure iron, well shaped, sharp, and are set with edges that are not jagged ...
-Chapter IX. Practical Instructions In Surgical Operations (Yogya-Sutra)
The preceptor should see his disciple attends the practice of surgery even if he has already thoroughly mastered the several branches of the science of Medicine, or has perused it in its entirety. In ...
-Chapter X. Essential Qualifications Of A Physician Before He Formally Enters His Profession (Vishikhanupraveshaniya-Madhyayam)
A physician having thoroughly studied the Science of medicine, and fully pondered on and verified the truths he has assimilated, both by observation and practice, and having attained to that stage of ...
-Chapter XI. Pharmacy Of Alkalis Or Potential Cauteries (Kshara-Paka-Vidhi-Madhyayam)
In cases that require incising, excising and scraping, alkalis or alkaline preparations are of greater importance than surgical instruments and appliances (both principal and secondary or substitutive...
-Pharmacy Of Alkalis Or Potential Cauteries. Continued
Then having immersed eight Pala measures of the substances known as the Shankhanabhi etc., in the abovesaid alkaline water, the physician should boil it by continuous and steady stirring, care being t...
-Chapter XII. Cauteries And The Rules To Be Observed In Their Use (Agni-Karma-Vidhimadhyayam)
A fire (cautery) is better than an Alkali as far as its healing property is concerned. A disease burnt with fire, is cured for good and knows no recrudescence; and diseases which ordinarily baffle the...
-Cauteries And The Rules To Be Observed In Their Use. Continued
Authoritative verses on the subject. - The blood of a man is agitated and made hot by fire, and the blood thus heated tends to excite or causes it to raise the bile. And since fire and bile (...
-Chapter XIII. Leeches And Of How And Which To Use (Jalauka-Vacharraniyamadhyaryam)
Leeches should be applied where the patient would be found to be old or imbecile, or a woman, or an infant, or a person of an extremely timid disposition, or a person of a delicate constitution, and a...
-Leeches And Of How And Which To Use. Continued
The Authoritative Verse On The Subject Leeches that are venomous, thick about the middle, elongated, of slow locomotion, look fatigued, do not readily take to the part they are applied to, and capabl...
-Chapter XIV. Blood (Shonita-Varnaniya-Madhyayam)
The food of a human being, which is usually composed of the five fundamental material principles, admits of being classified under four different heads [as, drinks and edibles, etc.]. It has six diffe...
-Blood. Part 2
Authoritative Verse On Its Computation In the present work, as well as in other works of recognised authority, a month is calculated to consist of eighteen thousand and ninety Kalas. The said Rasa c...
-Blood. Part 3
Cases Where Blood-Letting Is Prohibited A person afflicted with an oedematous swelling extending all over the body should be deemed unfit for bleeding. An intumescence occurring in a weak and enfeebl...
-Chapter XV. Development And Non-Development Of The Humoral Constituents Of The Body And Excrements (Dosha-Dhatu-Maia-Kshaya-Vriddhi-Vijnaniya-Madhyayam)
Since the human body is constituted of humours, (Doshas), excretions (Mala), and the fundamental principles (Dhatus) of blood, marrow, etc., hear me discourse on the features which are peculiar to eac...
-Development And Non-Development Of The Humoral Constituents Of The Body And Excrements. Part 2
* The armpits look thin, narrow and contracted. The loss absence, suppression or scanty formation of fecal matter is attended with a sensation of pain at the sides and the region of the heart, and th...
-Development Of Humoral Constituents Of Body And Excrements. Part 3
Metrical Text An increased quantity of a bodily principle gives rise to a similar increase in the quantity of one immediately succeeding it in the order of enumeration as stated above; aud hence an i...
-Development Of Humoral Constituents Of Body And Excrements. Part 4
Etiology Of Obesity Obesity or loss of flesh (Karsha) should be ascribed to changes in the condition of the lymph chyle. The lymph chyle derived from the assimilated food of a person, who is habituat...
-Chapter XVI. Piercing And Bandaging Of The Lobules Of Ears (Karna-Vyadha-Vandha-Vidhimadhyaym)
The lobules of the ears of an infant are usually pierced through for protecting it (from the evil influences of malignant stars and spirits) and for the purposes of ornamentation as well. The piercing...
-Piercing And Bandaging Of The Lobules Of Ears. Part 2
Authoritative Verses On The Subject The exact middle point of the external ear should be pierced (with a knife) and the severed parts should be pulled down and elongated in the case where both the pa...
-Piercing And Bandaging Of The Lobules Of Ears. Part 3
Remedies A plaster composed of the drugs known as Apamarga, Sarjarasa, Patala bark and Lakucha bark pasted togather, or a medicated oil prepared and boiled with the preceding substances should be app...
-Chapter XVII. Mode Of Distinguishing Between Suppurating And Non-Suppurating Swellings. Ama-Pakkaishaniya-Madhyayam
Diseases such as, Granthi (Aneurism), Vidradhi, (abscess) and Alaji (inflammation of the edge of the cornea) etc. are ushered in by a preliminary swelling which subsequently develops symptoms peculiar...
-Chapter XVIII. Dressings And Bandages Of Ulcers (Vranalepana- Vandha-Vidhi-Madhyayam)
A medicinal plaster should be regarded as the general and most important remedy in all cases of (inflammatory) swelling. We shall presently discuss the nature of plasters to be used in each specific f...
-Dressings And Bandages Of Ulcers. Part 2
Articles Of Bandaging Now we shall enumerate the names of articles which are required in bandaging ulcers. They are as follows: - Kshauma (cloth woven with the fibres of Atasi plant), Avika (blankets...
-Dressings And Bandages Of Ulcers. Part 3
Kavalika' (Tow) Any soft stuffing or tow (such as the leaves or the bark of trees of medicinal virtues) between the medicine applied over an ulcer and the bandaging linen is called the Kavalika (medi...
-Dressings And Bandages Of Ulcers. Part 4
Evils Of Non-Bandaging An ulcer, left uncovered and untied with a suitable bandage, is soon assailed by gnats and flies. It is moistened by sweat and cold wind, etc. and stands in danger of being irr...
-Chapter XIX. Management Or Nursing Of A Patient With An Ulcer Etc. (Vranito-Parsaniya-Madhyayam)
First of all a suitable chamber should be sought and selected for a patient, suffering from an ulcer. It should be roomy and spacious and situated in a commendable site. Metrical Text Diseases, whic...
-Chapter XX. Salutary And Non-Salutary Effects Of Regimen, Etc. (Hitahitiya-Madhyayam)
According to certain eminent medical authorities, an article or a substance which is beneficial in derangements of the bodily Vayu may prove positively injurious in a Pittaja affection; hence it is im...
-Salutary And Non-Salutary Effects Of Regimen. Part 2
Things Which Are Unwholesome Through Combination Now I shall enumerate the names of substances which become positively unwholesome through incompatible combinations. The flesh of any domestic (Gramya...
-Salutary And Non-Salutary Effects Of Regimen. Part 3
Objectionable Proportions Now we shall enumerate the names of substances which become unwholesome by being mixed in objectionable proportions. Two oily substances (such as oil and clarified butter) o...
-Salutary And Non-Salutary Effects Of Regimen. Part 4
The Effects Of The Winds Now we shall describe the effects of the winds on the body, (as they blow from the dfferent quarters of the heaven). The East Wind The East wind, which is cool and sweet in...
-Chapter XXI. Investigates The Nature Of Bodily Humours, As Exciting Causes Of Ulcers (Vrana-Prashna-Madhyayam)
The Vayu, Pittam and Shleshma should be considered as the primary and the most essential factors in the constitution of human organism. These fundamental and vital humours, occupying respectively the ...
-Nature Of Bodily Humours, As Exciting Causes Of Ulcers. Part 2
The Pachakagni By the ordination of fate or necessity (unfathomable natural cause), the Pittam, located in the region between the stomach (Amashaya) and the intestines (Pakvashaya), helps the digesti...
-Nature Of Bodily Humours, As Exciting Causes Of Ulcers. Part 3
The Kledakam The Kapham, even though principally located in the stomach, permeates its four other distant localities with its peculiar watery or humid essence in virtue of its inherent attributes. T...
-Nature Of Bodily Humours, As Exciting Causes Of Ulcers. Part 4
Symptoms Of Aggravated Pittam The Pittam is aggravated by anger, grief, fear, fatigue, fasting, acid transformation (reaction) of the assimilated food, or deficient gastric digestion, unnatural sexua...
-Nature Of Bodily Humours, As Exciting Causes Of Ulcers. Part 5
Expansion Of The Deranged Humours Now we shall describe the expansion (Prasaram) of the deranged humours. The deranged humours, aggravated by the above mentioned causes, expand and overflow the limit...
-Nature Of Bodily Humours, As Exciting Causes Of Ulcers. Part 6
Sthana-Samshrayam Now we shall enumerate the names of the peculiar diseases, which are originated by the deranged and expanded humours, incarcerated in the different parts of the body. These humours,...
-Chapter XXII. Secretions From Boils Or Ulcers Of Different Types. (Vranasrava-Vijnaniaya-Madhyayam)
A boil or an ulcer has its seat generally in one of the eight following components or principles of the body such as, the bone, the skin, the flesh, the veins, the ligaments, the joints, the viscera a...
-Secretions From Boils Or Ulcers Of Different Types. Continued
Pain And Its Character Now we shall describe all the different kinds of pain, which are experienced in the several types of Vrana (ulcers) described before. Vataja Pain Pains of pricking, piercing,...
-Chapter XXIII. Prognosis Of An Ulcer (Krityakritya-Vidhi-Madhyayam)
A boil or an ulcer appearing in a patient who is young, muscular (in frame), strong, or is possessed of an indomitable courage and fortitude, proves readily amenable to healing measures and applicatio...
-Prognosis Of An Ulcer. Part 2
Incurable Diseases Now we shall describe the types of diseases which are usually held as incurable. An ulcer (Vrana) cropping up like a fleshy tumour, painful and containing pus in its inside, and wh...
-Prognosis Of An Ulcer. Part 3
Symptoms Of Cleansed Healthy Ulcers An ulcer, not belonging to any of the above said types, may prove easily amenable to the curative efficacies of medicines. In other words, an ulcer of recent origi...
-Chapter XXIV. Classification Of Diseases According To Their Specific Nature (Vyadhi-Samuddheshiya-Madhyayam)
Diseases may be grouped under two broad subdivisions, such as Surgical, and Medical, that is those that yield to the administration of purgatives, emetics, oils, diaphoretics, and unguents. The use o...
-Classification Of Diseases According To Their Specific Nature. Part 2
Samghata-Vala-Pravritta The Traumatic type (Samghatha-vala-pravritta) includes diseases that are caused by an external blow or are due to wrestling with an antagonist of superior strength. They may b...
-Classification Of Diseases According To Their Specific Nature. Part 3
The Sattva: - Illuminating Or Psychic Principle. Rajas Principle of Action and Co-hesion. Tamas: - Principle of Nescience or Illusion. The deranged bodily humours (Dosha) in contact with the...
-Classification Of Diseases According To Their Specific Nature. Part 4
Shukra-Doshaja Diseases such as, im-potency, entire aversion to sexual intercourse, Shukra-shmari (seminal concretions), Spermatorrhoea, and other seminal affections, should be regarded as having the...
-Chapter XXV. Eight Different Forms Of Surgical Operations (Ashtavidha-Shastra-Karmanya-Ma-Dhyayam)
Metrical Texts Bhagandara, Shlaishmika Granthi, Tilakalaka, Arvuda, Arsha, Charma-Kila, Jatumani, Mansa-Samghata, Gala-Sunthika, Valmika, Vrana-Vartma, Shataponaka, Adhrusha, Upadansha, Mansakandha, ...
-Eight Different Forms Of Surgical Operations. Part 2
Seevyam Suturing (Seevya) should be resorted to in the case of an open ulcer due to the action of the deranged fat after its vitiated contents (morbid matter) had been fully scraped out, as well as i...
-Eight Different Forms Of Surgical Operations. Part 3
Defective Surgical Operations These eight forms of operations may be attended with dangers of four different kinds such as those arising from an insufficient or over performance, or from the slanting...
-Chapter XXVI. Exploration Of Splinters Lost Or Deep-Seated In The Organism (Pranashta-Shalya-Vijnaniya-Madhyayam)
Definition The term Shalyam is derived from the root Shala or Shvala (to go swiftly) joined to the Unadi affix Yat. Shalyas may be divided into two kinds according as they are extrinsic (Agantuk...
-Exploration Of Splinters Lost Or Deep-Seated In The Organism. Continued
Localisation The exact position of a shaft (Shalyam) embedded in the skin should be ascertained by applying a plaster composed of clay, Masha-pulse, Yava, Godhuma and cow-dung over the injured limb o...
-Chapter XXVII. Modes Of Extracting Splinters (Shalyapaniya-Madhyayam)
There are two kinds of Shalyas. A Shalya is either loose or firmly fixed to its seat within the body. We shall presently speak of the fifteen different modes of extracting a loose Shalyam, which are a...
-Modes Of Extracting Splinters. Continued
A Shalyam, lodged in any other part of the body and that is difficult to extract, and that produces pain and local inflammation, should be removed by cutting the part open. In the case of a shaft (Sha...
-Chapter XXVIII. Favourable Or Unfavourable Prognosis Of An Ulcer. (Viparitaviparita -Vrana- Vijnaniya-Madhyayam)
Metrical Text Certain fatal or unfavourable symptoms (Arishtas) * unmistakably presage the death of an ulcer-patient, as a flower, smoke and cloud respectively herald a fruit, fire and rain. In most ...
-Chapter XXIX. Favourable Or Unfavourable Prognosis In Diseases, As Known From Messengers, Omens And Dreams Etc. (Viparitaviparita-Duta-Shakuna-Svapna-Nidarshaniya-Madhyayam)
Metrical Texts The favourable or unfavourable termination of a disease may be predicted from the appearance, speech, dress and demeanour of the messenger sent to call in a physician, or from the natu...
-Favourable Or Unfavourable Prognosis In Diseases, As Known From Messengers, Omens And Dreams Etc. Part 2
Messengers Of Happy Augury A fair and handsome messenger, who is clad in clean and white garments, and belongs to the same caste or spiritual clan (Svagotra) as the patient himself, forebodes the suc...
-Favourable and Unfavourable Prognosis In Diseases, As Known From Messengers, Omens And Dreams. Part 3
Dreams Now I shall describe the dreams, which either being dreamt by the patient, or by his relations, portend fatal or a successful close of the malady. The patient, who dreams of going towards the ...
-Chapter XXX. Prognosis That Can Be Obtained From The Perverted Functions Of The Five Sense Organs (Panchendriyartha-Vipratipatti-Madhyayam)
Metrical Texts A perversion or contrariety of the functions of the mind or brain (Shilam), and of the organs of sense-perception, is called Arishtam (an unfavourable symptom foreboding death). Now he...
-Chapter XXXI. Prognosis To Be Gathered From The Altered Condition Of Features (Chhaya-Viprati-Patti Madhyayam).
Metrical Text The man, whose complexion suddenly assumes a brown, red, blue or yellow shade, should be regarded as already gathered to his rest. The man, who has lost all sense of modesty or propriet...
-Chapter XXXII. Prognosis Based On The Perversion Of The External Appearances Of The Body (Svabhava-Vipratipatti - Madhyayam)
A contrariety of the natural features of any part or member of the body should be looked upon as a fatal indication. The blackness of a limb or a part which is naturally white, * or the whiteness of a...
-Chapter XXXIII. Incurable Diseases (Avaraniya-Madhyayam)
Metrical Texts Hear me describe, Oh child, the diseases which being attended with many a distressing and supervenient symptom, and being treated without rejuvenating and restorative medicines, speedi...
-Chapter XXXIV. Mode Of Preserving The Life Of A King Whose Soldiers Are On March (Jucta-Seniya-Madhya-Yam)
Metrical Texts I shall presently describe the measures, which a physician in the king's service should adopt with a view to protect the life of his royal master, specially from acts of secret poisoni...
-Chapter XXXV. Clinical Observations (Aturopakramaniya-Madhyayam)
A physician should first observe the vital condition (Ayu) of the patient before commencing the medical treatment. After that, the nature of the disease, the country and season of the year in which it...
-Clinical Observations. Part 2
Specific Traits Of A Short-Lived Man Now, hear me describe the specific traits, which characterise the body of a short-lived man. A man with short phalanges of fingers, a narrow back, and external ea...
-Clinical Observations. Part 3
Physical Temperament (Sara) Now we shall describe the characteristic traits of the different preponderant principles Sara) or temperaments of the human organism. A man, who is possessed of a good ret...
-Clinical Observations. Part 4
Authoritative Verse On The Sub Ject As there is not a single disease, which can make its appearance without the participation of any of the deranged bodily humours, a wise physician is enjoined to ad...
-Clinical Observations. Part 5
Mandagni The digestive fire or heat which causes the tardy digestion even of a scanty meal, and produces heaviness of the abdomen and head, cough, difficult breathing, water-brash, nausea, and wearin...
-Clinical Observations. Part 6
Features Of An Anupa Country A country may be classed either as an Anupa, Jangala or a Sadharana one, according to its distinctive physical features. An Anupa (watery or swampy) country contains a la...
-Chapter XXXVI. Miscellaneous Remedies For Swellings, Etc. (Mishraka-Madhyayam)
Metrical Texts A medicinal plaster, composed of Matulanga, Agnimantha, Devadaru, Mahaush-dham, Ahinsra, and Rasna pasted together and applied to the seat of the affection, leads to the resolution of ...
-Miscellaneous Remedies For Swellings, Etc. Continued
Shodhana Plasters A Kashaya decoction) of Shankhini, Ankota, Sumanah, Karavira, and Suvarchchala, or of drugs belonging to the group (Ganas) known as the Aragvadadi-Varga, should be used in w...
-Chapter XXXVII. The Distinctive Traits Of The Different Classes Of Soil Commended For The Growth Or Culture Of Medicinal Herbs (Bhumi-Pravibhaga-Vijnaniya-Madhyayam)
These are the general features of a ground which is recommended for the culture of medicinal plants or herbs. A plot of ground, whose surface is not broken or rendered uneven by the presence of holes,...
-Chapter XXXVIII. General Classification Of Drugs According To Their Therapeutical Properties (Dravya-Sangra-Haniya-Madhyayam)
These drugs are usually made into thirty-seven different groups (Gana) which are as follows: - The Vidarigandhadi Group The drugs known as Vidarigandha, Vidari, Sahadeva, Vishvadeva, Shvadanstra, Pr...
-Classification Of Drugs According To Their Therapeutical Properties. Part 2
The Arkadi Group The drugs known as the Arka, Alarka, the two kinds of Karanja, Nagadanti, Mayuraka, Bhargi, Rasna, Indrapushpi, Kshudrashveta Mahashveta, Vrishchikali, Alavana and Tapasha-Vriksha, e...
-Classification Of Drugs According To Their Therapeutical Properties. Part 3
The Shyamadi Group The drugs known as Shyama, Maha-Shyama, Trivrit, Danti, Shan-khini, Tilvaka, Kampillaka, Ramyaka, Kramuka, Putrashroni, Gavakshi, Rajavriksha, the two kinds of Karanja, Guduchi, Sa...
-Classification Of Drugs According To Their Therapeutical Properties. Part 4
The Anjanadi Group The group known as the Anjanadi Gana consists of Anjana, Rasanjana, Nagapushpa, Priyangu, Nilotpala, Nalada, Nalina, Keshara and Madhuka. Metrical Texts An attack of haemoptysis ...
-Classification Of Drugs According To Their Therapeutical Properties. Part 5
The Mustadi Group The group of drugs known as Mushtadi Gana is composed of Musta, Haridra, Daru-Haridra, Haritaki, Amlaki, Vibhitaka, Kushtha, Haimavati, Vacha, Patha, Katu-rohini, Sharngashta, Ativi...
-Classification Of Drugs According To Their Therapeutical Properties. Part 6
The Mahat Panchamula Group The one known as the great or the major group of five medicinal roots (Mahat-Pancha-Mula) consists of the roots of such trees as Vilva, Agnimantha, Tuntuka, Patala and Kash...
-Chapter XXXIX. Medicinal Drugs Possessed Of Cleansing (Cathartic Or Soothing Effects (Samshodhana-Samsha-Maniya-Madhyayam)
Emetic Drug's The drugs known as Madana fruits, Kutaja, Jimutaka, Ikshvaku, Dhamagarba, Krita-vedhana, Sarshapa, Vidanga, Pippali, Karan-jaka, Prapunnada, Kovidara, Korvudara, Arishta, Ashva-gandha, ...
-Medicinal Drugs Possessed Of Cleansing (Cathartic Or Soothing Effects. Continued
Vata-Samshamana-Varga The following drugs, viz. Bhadradaru, Kustha, Haridra, Varuna, Meshshringi, Vala, Ativala, Artagala, Kachhura, Sallaki, Kuverakshi, Virataru, Sahachara, Agnimantha, Vatsa-dani, ...
-Chapter XL. Drugs And Their Flavours, Virtues, Potencies And Chemical Actions. (Dravya-Rasa-Gunavirya-Vipaka-Vijnaniya-Madhyayam)
Certain professors of the Ayurveda hold that a medicinal drug or substance is pre-eminently the most important matter with which the science of medicine is concerned. First because, a drug, as a subst...
-Drugs And Their Flavours, Virtues, Potencies And Chemical Actions.. Continued
Authoritative Verses On The Subject Tastes, which are possessed of dry, light or expansive potencies, fail to pacify the deranged Vayu, though otherwise they may prove soothing to that deranged humou...
-Chapter XLI. Specific Properties Of Drugs (Dravya- Vishesha-Vijnaniya-Madhyayam)
The five fundamental principles * such as the earth (Kshithi), water (Apa), fire (Teja), air (Marut) and Sky (Vyoma) enter into the composition of all substances in the world, and the predominance of ...
-Chapter XLII. Specific Properties Of Flavours (Rasa- Vishesha-Vijnaniya-Madhyayam)
The properties of sky (Akasha), air (Parana), fire (Dahana), water (Toya) and earth (Bhumi) are sound touch, colour, taste and smell, each of the preceding elements possessing properties less by one t...
-Specific Properties Of Flavours. Part 2
Characteristics Of Tastes Now we shall describe the characteristics of tastes. A taste, which is pleasant, proves comfortable to, and contributes to the life-preservation of a man, keeps his mouth mo...
-Specific Properties Of Flavours. Part 3
Saline Taste A saline taste is possessed of corrective (purgative and emetic) virtues, favours the processes of suppuration and spontaneous bursting of swellings, brings about the looseness or resolu...
-Specific Properties Of Flavours. Part 4
Madhura-Groups The drugs forming the groups known as the Kakolyadi-Gana, as well as thickened milk, Ghee, lard, marrow, Shali and Shashtika rice, Yava, Godhuma, Masha pulse, Shringataka, Kasheruka, T...
-Chapter XLIII. Mode Of Administering Emetics (Vamana-Dravya- Vikalpa-Vijnaniya-Madhyayam)
Of all emetic fruits the Madana (seeds) should be deemed as the best (most active). Madana fruits should be dried in the sun and powdered. Then a Pala weight (eight tolas) of the powder should be stir...
-Chapter XLIV. Choice Of Purgatives (Virechana- Dravya-Vikalpa - Vijnaniya - Madhya-Yam.)
Metrical Texts Of the purgative roots, the roots of reddish Trivrita should be deemed the most effective. The barks of Tilvaka and the fruit known as Haritaki are the most potent of all purgative bar...
-Choice Of Purgatives. Part 2
Purgative Preparations Of Mudga, Etc The soup of Mudga pulse saturated with the decotion of a purgative drug, and taken with clarified butter and rock salt, acts as a good purgative as well. Similarl...
-Choice Of Purgatives. Part 3
Preparations Of Purgative Asavas (Wines) All purgative drugs * should be duly boiled in water. Three parts of the decoction thus prepared should be mixed with two parts of cold powdered barley (Phani...
-Choice Of Purgatives. Part 4
Trivridashtaka The nine following drugs, viz. Trikatu, Trijata, Musta, Vidanga and Amalaka taken in equal parts, and eight parts of Trivit, and two parts of Danti roots should be separately pulverise...
-Chapter XLV. Rules To Be Observed In Respect Of Liquid Substances In General (Drava-Dravya-Vidhi-Madhyayam)
Water Group Atmospheric, or rain water is possessed of a non-patent taste. It is ambrosial in its nature, pleasant and beneficial to life. It is enlivening, * invigorating or strength-giving, ...
-Rules To Be Observed In Respect Of Liquid Substances In General. Part 2
The Means Of Collecting Atmospheric (Rain) Water Is As Follows A broad piece of clean and white linen should be hung out in the open air, (with a stone placed across the middle to clip its centre of ...
-Rules To Be Observed In Respect Of Liquid Substances In General. Part 2. Continued
The water of rivers, which have their sources in the Sajhya mountains, begets cutaneous affections; while the water of those, which rise from the Vindhya mountains, produces Kushtha and Jaundice. The ...
-Rules To Be Observed In Respect Of Liquid Substances In General. Part 3
The Milk Group The milk of a cow, she-goat, she-camel, ewe, she-buffalo, mare, she-elephant, or of a woman, is what generally comes to the use of man. * The milk is the white fluid essence of drugs ...
-Rules To Be Observed In Respect Of Liquid Substances In General. Part 4
(Lit imparting stoutness to one's body). The milk, which emits a fetid smell, or has become discoloured and insipid, or has acquired an acid taste and looks shreddy and curdled, or tastes saline, sho...
-Rules To Be Observed In Respect Of Liquid Substances In General. Part 5
The Takra Group The Takra (whey) is sweet and acid in taste, and leaves an astringent aftertaste. It is light, appetising and heat-making in its potency, and has a parchifying effect upon the organis...
-Rules To Be Observed In Respect Of Liquid Substances In General. Part 6
Clarified Butter (Ghritam) Ghritam or clarified butter is Saumya or cooling in its essence and potency, and is mild and sweet. It slightly increases the slimy secretions of the organs, and acts as a ...
-Rules To Be Observed In Respect Of Liquid Substances In General. Part 7
The Oil Group Oils, which belong to the category of fiery (Agneya) substances, are hot or heat-making in their potencies, irritating, and sweet in taste and digestion, and are constructive (Vrinhanam...
-Rules To Be Observed In Respect Of Liquid Substances In General. Part 8
The Honey Group Honey is sweet, and leaves an astringent after-taste. It is parchifying, cold, stomachic, cosmetic, tonic, light, softening, palatable, liquefacient (Lekhanan), and fermenting (Sandha...
-Rules To Be Observed In Respect Of Liquid Substances In General. Part 9
The Sugar-Cane Group Sugar-cane is sweet in taste and digestion, heavy, cool, demulcent, strength-giving, . spermatopoietic, and diuretic. It produces Kapham in the body, and proves remedial in haemo...
-Rules To Be Observed In Respect Of Liquid Substances In General. Part 10
Madya Varga ( Wines And Spirits) All species of wine are acid in taste, and appetising. They generate Pittam, and impart a greater relish to one's food. They act as mild purgatives, subdue the derang...
-Rules To Be Observed In Respect Of Liquid Substances In General. Part 10. Continued
The species of wine known as the Arishta (fermented liquor) is highly efficacious owing to the concerted action of a variety of drugs entering into its composition. It proves curative in a large numbe...
-Rules To Be Observed In Respect Of Liquid Substances In General. Part 11
The Urine Croup The urine of cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep, mules, horses, and camels * are commonly hot and bitter, and leave a saline after-taste. They are light and are used as purifying agents, a...
-Chapter XLVI. Food And Drink (Annapana-Vidhi-Madhyayam)
Having Made Obeisance To The Holy Dhanvantari, Sushruta Said You have stated before that food determines the origin of beings and forms the chief source of their bodily strength and complexion, as w...
-Food And Drink. Part 2
Shashtika Group The several species of Shashtika, Kanguka, Mukundaka, Peetaka, Pramodaka, Kakalaka, Asana-Pushpaka, Maha-Shashthika, Churnaka, Kuravaka, and the Kedardka, etc. Metrical Texts They (...
-Food And Drink. Part 3
The Genus Kudhanya The several varieties of Kudhanyam are known as the Kora-dushaka, Shyamaka, Nivara, Shantanu, Varaka, Uddalaka, Priyangu, Madhulika, Nandimukhi, Kura-vinda, Gavedhuka, Varuka, Toda...
-Food And Drink. Part 4
The Meat Group Now I shall describe the properties of the different species of edible meats. The flesh of animals such as those which are aquatic in their habits (Jaleshaya), or frequent marshy lands...
-Food And Drink. Part 5
The Prasaha Group Birds such as, the Kaka, Kanka, Kurura, Chasa, Bhasa, Shashaghati, Uluka, Chilli, Shyena, Gridhra, etc. belong to the family of Prasahas (Carnivorous birds that suddenly dart on the...
-Food And Drink. Part 6
The Anupa Group Animals, which are generally found to frequent marshy places (Anupas) may be divided into five groups, such as, the Kulacharas (frequenting the shores of pools and lakes), Plavas (div...
-Food And Drink. Part 7
The Conchiferous (Koshastha) Species Animals such as, the Shankha, Shankhanakha (a species of small bivalve molluscs), Shukti, Shambuka and Bhalluka, etc., belong to the Koshastha (conchiferous) grou...
-Food And Drink. Part 8
The Fruit Group (Phala-Varga) Now we shall discourse (on the specific virtues) of fruits, such as the Dadima, Amalaka, Kapittha, Vadara, Kola, Karkandhu, Sauvira, Shimvitikaphala, Matulunga, Amra, Am...
-Food And Drink. Part 8. Continued
Of these the fruit of trees which belong to the genus Kshiri-Vrikshas is heavy and cooling, and is long retained in the stomach in an undigested state. It has a sweet, acid and astringent taste and do...
-Food And Drink. Part 9
The Group Of Potherbs Now we shall deal with the properties of potherbs. The fruits of such creepers as the Pushpaphala, Alavu and Kalindak des-troy the Pittam, generate the Vayu, and slightly produc...
-Food And Drink. Part 9. Continued
Dried Mulaka subdues the action of the three deranged humours. It is anti-toxic and light (of digestion). All dried herbs with the exception of the preceding one generate the Vayu and take a long time...
-Food And Drink. Part 10
The Flower Group The flowers of such trees as the Kovidara, Shana, and Shalmali are sweet in taste and digestion and prove curative in cases of haemoptysis The flowers of the Vrisha and Agastya have ...
-Food And Drink. Part 11
Pinyaka Group The Pinyaka (levigated powder or cake of linseed or mustard pressed in an oil-mill), the Tilakalka (the levigated powder of sesamum of which the oil has been similarly pressed out), and...
-Food And Drink. Part 12
The Salt Group (Lavana Varga) The different varieties of salt such as the Saindhava, the Samudra, the Vida, the Sauvarchala, the Romaka and the Audbhidam (prepared from vegetable alkali), etc., shoul...
-Food And Drink. Part 13
The Metal Group Gold has a sweet and agreeable taste, acts as a tonic or restorative elixir, imparts rotundity to the body, and subdues the action of all the three deranged humours of the body. It is...
-Food And Drink. Part 14
The Kritanna Varga Now we shall fully deal with the properties of cooked and prepared food (Kritannas). A gruel (Manda) of fried paddy seasoned with powdered Pippali and Nagara proves a wholesome die...
-Food And Drink. Part 14. Continued
The use of meat of which the essence has been previously extracted fails to contribute to the growth and strength of the organism, and is long retained in an undigested state in the stomach and impair...
-Food And Drink. Part 15
The Panakas Well diluted treacle (Panaka) no matter whether it has been rendered acid or not with the admixture of Amla lemon juice), is diuretic and heavy in respect of digestion. Water saturated wi...
-Food And Drink. Part 16
Anupanam Or After-Potions Now we shall discourse on drinks and potions which are found to be beneficial when taken after a certain kind of food (Anupanas.) Certain people oppressed with an acid tast...
-Food And Drink. Part 17
Serving Of A Meal Now I shall describe the mode of serving out the different dishes. Clarified butter should be served out in a vessel of steel (Kanta-Loha); Peya, in a silver bowl; and all kinds of ...
-Food And Drink. Part 17. Continued
Boiled rice food (Annam) which is impure and dirty, infested with poison, or out of which another has eaten a portion as well as that which is full of weeds, pebbles, dust etc., which the mind instinc...
-Food And Drink. Part 18
Types Of Indigestion A case of indigestion in which the undigested food matter acquires a sweet taste is called chymous (or mucous) indigestion (Amajirnam), that in which the undigested food acquires...
-Food And Drink. Part 19
Specific Properties Of Matter Now we shall deal with the actions of several properties of matter, and from them should be inferred the nature of the properties which are inherent in various kinds of ...
-Nidana-Sthana, Sarira-Sthana, Chikitsita-Sthana And Kalapa-Sthana. Preface
It is with mingled feelings of pain and pleasure that we now place before the public the Second Volume of our English Translation of the Susruta Samhita. The arduous task of compiling a connected and ...
-Introduction To Nidana-Sthana, Sarira-Sthana, Chikitsita-Sthana And Kalapa-Sthana
In the introduction of the first volume of our translation of the Susruta-Samhitá we have attempted to place before the public a correct interpretation of Váyu, Pitta and Kapha, the falsely so-called ...
-Introduction To Nidana-Sthana, Sarira-Sthana, Chikitsita-Sthana. Part 2
In his masterly classification Mr. Herbert Spencer has, in his Biology, given, indeed, the first place to Anatomy and Physiology, but still it is divested of any elaborate chapters dealing with the su...
-Introduction To Nidana-Sthana, Sarira-Sthana, Chikitsita-Sthana. Part 3
The Definition Of Ayu The same as Life. (which are perhaps electrical in nature) are grosser and coarser shocks. Now this last epithet, viz., as explained by Chakrapáni - - furnishes us with a clu...
-Introduction To Nidana-Sthana, Sarira-Sthana, Chikitsita-Sthana. Part 4
The ancient Hindu sages from time immemorial had been cognizant of the benefits of massage and shampooing and taken to practising them. Whereas, it is but of late that the advantages of these methods ...
-Introduction To Nidana-Sthana, Sarira-Sthana, Chikitsita-Sthana. Part 5
Avagharshana. It would not, perhaps, be out of place here to mention that Dr. A. F. R. Hoernle, M. A , F. R. S, C. I. E., Ph. D., in his recent publication on Hindu Osteology, has proved it to the hi...
-Nidana Sthana Contents. Section On Pathology
Chapter I Diseases of the Nervous System, etc: - The action of the Vayu in its normal state. - The Prana Vayu - The Udana Vayu - The Samana Vayu - The Vyana Vayu - The Apana Vayu. - Descriptions of t...
-Sarira Sthana Contents. Section On Anatomy
Chapter I The Science of Being in General: - The Twenty-four Tattwas or first Principles. - ThePurusha or the Primordial Being or the Self-conscious Reality. - The Prakriti or the External Nature per...
-Chikitsita Stanana. Section On Therapeutics
Chapter I The two kinds of inflamed Ulcers: - The Causes, Symptoms and Classification of Ulcers. - Idiopathic and Traumatic ulcers. - General and specific Symptoms. - Symptoms of different Dosha-orig...
-Chikitsita Stanana. Section On Therapeutics. Part 2
Chapter XVII The medical treatment of Erysipelas etc., Sinus and Diseases of the Mammary Glands: - Classifications of curable and incurable types of Visarpa (Erysipelas) - Treatment of Vataja and Pit...
-Chikitsita Stanana. Section On Therapeutics. Part 3
Chapter XXIII The medical treatment of Sopha (Swellings). - Classifications of general S'opha - Its causes. - The specific symptoms of Dosha-origined types of S'opha. - Symptom of Vishaja S'opha - Co...
-Chikitsita Stanana. Section On Therapeutics. Part 4
Chapter XXXI The medicinal uses of Sneha, etc.: - Classifications of Sneha - Description of Sneha - The specific uses. - Measures of drugs. - The Kashaya-paka-Kalpa - The Sneha-paka-Kalpa. - Alternat...
-Chikitsita Stanana. Section On Therapeutics. Part 5
Chapter XXXVIII The mode of applying, as well as the treatment with a Nirudha-Vasti: - The mode of Preparing a Vasti. - The mode of Applying a Vasti. - Symptoms of a satisfactory application of a Vas...
-Kalapa-Sthana. Section On Toxicology
Chapter I The mode of Preserving Food and Drink from the effects of Poison: - The necessary qualifications of a Superintendent of the Royal Kitchen - The necessary features of a Royal Kitchen. - Char...
-Chapter I. VáTavyáDhi (Diseases Of The Nervous System) NidáNam
Metrical Text Having clasped the feet of the holy Dhanvantari, who had arisen out of the primordial ocean with the pitcher of ambrosia on his head, and who was the foremost of all knowers of truth. S...
-VáTavyáDhi (Diseases Of The Nervous System) NidáNam. Part 2
The Prána Váyu The Váyu, that courses in (governs)the cavity of the mouth. is called the Prána. its function being to force down the food into the cavity of the stomach, and to assist the dif...
-VáTavyáDhi (Diseases Of The Nervous System) NidáNam. Part 3
The Nidánam Of Váta Raktam An over-indulgence in grief, excessive sexual intercourse, inordinate physical exercise, drinking large quantities of wine, observance of a regimen of diet and conduct in a...
-VáTavyáDhi (Diseases Of The Nervous System) NidáNam. Part 4
Apatantrakah (Convulsions) The Váyu, aggravated (by its specifically exciting factors and principles) and dislodged from its natural scat or receptacle in the body in consequence thereof, courses upw...
-VáTavyáDhi (Diseases Of The Nervous System) NidáNam. Part 5
Gridhrasi (Sciatica) The disease in which the two great nerve-trunks (Kandará), which emanating from below the lower extremity of the thigh reach down to the bottom of the insteps and toes and become...
-Chapter II. NidáNam Of Arsas (Haemorrhoids.)
Haemorrhoids may be divided into six classes viz - (i) Vataja (due to the action of the deranged Váyu), (ii) Pittaja (due to the action of deranged Pittam), (iii) Kaphaja (due to the action of derange...
-NidáNam Of Arsas. Continued
The Sannipáta Type In a case of haemorrhoids due to the concerted action of the deranged Váyu, Pittam and Kapham, symptoms characteristic of each of these types manifest themselves in unison. 12. Th...
-Chapter III. NidáNam Of As-Mari (Urinary Calculi)
The disease admits of being divided into four several types, such as the Vátaja, the Pittaja, the Kaphaja and the Sukraja (Seminal) concretions. An exuberance or preponderance of the deranged Kapham s...
-NidáNam Of As-Mari. Continued
The Vátás'Mari The deranged Kapham (mucus) inordinately saturated with the bodily Váyu, acquires hardness and gains in dimensions, and these lying at the mouth of the bladder obstructs the passage of...
-Chapter IV. NidáNam Of Bhag-Andaram (Fistula In Ano And Fistular Ulcers)
The deranged Váyu, Pittam, Kaphah and Sannipátah (a simultaneous derangement of the three bodily Doshas) and extraneous causes (such as a blow etc.) give rise to the types of Bhagandaram known as Sata...
-Chapter V. NidáNam Of Kush-Tham (Cutaneous Affections In General)
Improper diet or conduct; especially ingestion of improper, unwholesome, indigestible, or inconge-nial food; physical exercise or sexual intercourse immediately after partaking of any oleaginous subst...
-NidáNam Of Kush-Tham. Continued
Kshudra Kushthas We shall now describe (the features of the diseases known as) Kshudra-kushthas (M.Text): - The type known as Sthulárushka appears about the joints. It is extremely thick at its base,...
-Chapter VI. NidáNam Of Pra-Meha (Diseases Of The Urinary Tracts)
It may be prognosticated that an idle man, who indulges in day sleep, or follows sedentary pursuits or is in the habit of taking sweet liquids, or cold and fat-making or emollient food, will ere long ...
-NidáNam Of Pra-Meha. Part 2
Symptoms Of Kaphaja Mehas The urine * of a person suffering from an attack of Udaka-meha becomes white and water-like and is passed without the least pain. In a case of Ikshumeha the urine resembles ...
-NidáNam Of Pra-Meha. Part 3
For English Equivalents Of The Different Types Of Prameha Compare Cystitis (Acute Infective) - Frequent, painful micturition, small quantity of urine voided with pain and urgency. Urine - slightly ac...
-Chapter VII. NidáNam Of Udara (Dropsy With An Abnormal Condition Of The Abdomen)
Metrical Text The royal sage Dhanvan-tari, the foremost of all pious men who equalled in splendour and glory the lord of the celestials, thus blissfully discoursed on the Nidánam of Udara to Susruta,...
-NidáNam Of Udara. Continued
The Tridoshaja Type Evil-natured women (with a view to win the affections of their husbands or lovers sometimes) mix with their food and drink such refuse matters of their bodies as nails, hair, faec...
-Chapter VIII. NidáNam Of Of Mudhagarbham (False Presentations And Difficult Labour)
Causes Of Mudha-Garbham Sexual intercourse during pregnancy, riding on horseback, etc., or in any sort of conveyance, a long walk, a false step, a fall, pressure on the womb, running, a blow, sitting...
-NidáNam Of Of Mudhagarbham. Continued
* Caecsarean Section means incision of the uterus through the abdominal walls and extrication of the ftus therefrom. Operation like this upon a dead subject requires no skill of a surgeon. Any o...
-Chapter IX. NidáNam Of Vidradhi (Abscess Etc.)-
The blessed Dhanvantari, the honoured of the gods, who for the promulgation of the knowledge of the Ayurveda and for administering proper medicines (to the sick), took his birth at Kási, (Benares) as ...
-NidáNam Of Vidradhi (Abscess Etc.)-. Part 2
Antara-Vidradhi Now we shall describe the characteristic features of internal abscesses (Antara- Vidradhi). The Váyu, Pittam and Kaphah of the body, deranged through eating heavy, incompatible and in...
-NidáNam Of Vidradhi (Abscess Etc.)-. Part 3
Differentiating Diagnosis Of Gulma And Vidradhi Now I shall discuss the features which distinguish a Gulma (internal tumour from a Vidradhi (internal abscess). It may be asked, how is it that Gulma, ...
-Chapter X. NidáNam Of Visar-Pa (Erysipelas), NáDi (Sinus) And Stana-Roga (Diseases Affecting The Mammae Of A Woman)
Definition Of Visarpa The deranged and aggravated Doshas, (Váyu, Pittam and Kapham) having recourse to, and affecting the Tvaka (Skin), flesh and blood, speedily give rise to a sort of shifting, elev...
-NidáNam Of Visar-Pa (Erysipelas), NáDi (Sinus) And Stana-Roga. Continued
The Nádi-Vrana The pus of an abscess or swelling burrows into the affected part if a person neglects it in its fully suppurated stage, dubious of its being so conditioned, or not, or even neglects to...
-Chapter XI. NidàNam Of Granthi (Glands Etc.), Apachi (Scrofula Etc.), Arvuda (Tumours) And Galaganda (Goitre)
The deranged and unusually aggravated Váyu etc. (Pittam and Kapham), by vitiating the flesh, blood and fat mixed with the Kapham (of any part of the organism), give rise to the formation of round, kno...
-NidàNam Of Granthi (Glands Etc.), Apachi (Scrofula Etc.), Arvuda (Tumours) And Galaganda. Part 2
Arvuda - (Tumour Etc.) The large vegetation of flesh which appears at any part of the body, becomes slightly painful, rounded, immovable and deep-seated, and has its root sunk considerably deep in th...
-NidàNam Of Granthi, Glands, Apachi (Scrofula), Arvuda (Tumours) And Galaganda. Part 3
Definition Of Galaganda (Goitrej The deranged and aggravated Vàyu in combination with the deranged and augmented Kapham and fat of the locality affects the two tendons of the neck (Manyás) and gradua...
-Chapter XII. NidáNam Of Vriddhi (Hydrocele, Hernia, Scrotal Tumours Etc), Upaciansa (Disease Of The Genital Organ, And Slipada (Elephantiasis)
Classes: -There are seven different types of Vriddhi such as the Vátaja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Raktaja, Medaja, Mutraja and the Antra-vriddhi. Of these both the Mutraja-vriddhi (hydrocele or extravagation...
-NidáNam Of Vriddhi (Hydrocele, Hernia, Scrotal Tumours Etc), Upaciansa (Disease Of The Genital Organ, And Slipada. Part 2
The Upadansam An inflammatory swelling of the genital, whether ulcerated or not is called Upadansa *. The disease owes its origin to the action of the local Doshas, aggravated by promiscuous and exce...
-NidáNam Of Vriddhi (Hydrocele, Hernia, Scrotal Tumours), Upaciansa (Disease Of The Genital Organ, And Slipada. Part 3
Slipadam (Elephantiasis) The disease in which the deranged Vàyu, Pittam and Kapham, taking a downward course, are lodged in the thighs, knee-joints, legs and the inguinal regions and spread to the fe...
-Chapter XIII. NidáNam Of Kshudrarogam (Diseases Which Are Known By The General Name Of Minor Ailments)
These diseases are generally divided into forty-four distinct varieties or types such as: - Ajagalliká, Yavaprakshyá, Andhálaji, Vivritá, Kachchapiká, Valmika, Indravriddhá, Panasiká, Páshána-garddabh...
-NidáNam Of Kshudrarogam. Part 2
Sarkarárbudam The deranged Váyu and Kapham having recourse to and affecting the flesh, veins (Sirá), ligaments (Snáyu) and fat give rise to a sort of cyst (Granthi) which when it bursts exudes a copi...
-NidáNam Of Kshudrarogam. Part 3
Masaka (Lichen) The hard, painless, black and elevated eruptions on the body (skin) resembling the Másha pulse in shape, caused by the aggravated condition of the bodily Váyu are called Mas'aka Tilak...
-Chapter XIV. NidáNam Of The Disease Known As Sukadosha
Any of the eighteen different types of the disease may affect the genital (penis) of a man who foolishly resorts to the practice of getting it abnormally elongated and swollen by plastering it with Su...
-Chapter XV. NidáNam Of Bhag-Nam (Fractures And Dislocations Etc. Of Bones)
Various kinds of fracture may be caused from a variety of causes, such as by a fall, pressure, blow, violent jerking or by the bites of ferocious beasts etc. These cases may be grouped under the two m...
-Chapter XVI. NidáNam Of Mukharogam (Diseases Which Affect The Cavity Of The Mouth In General)
General Classifications Sixty five * different forms of mouth disease are known in practice. They are found to attack seven different localities viz. the lips, the gums of the teeth, tongue, palate, ...
-NidáNam Of Mukharogam. Part 2
Danta-Vaidarbha The disease which is consequent upon the friction of the gums marked by the appearance of a violent swelling about the portion (so rubbed and in which) the teeth beeome loose and can ...
-NidáNam Of Mukharogam. Part 3
Diseases Of The Tongue The five Kinds of diseases which affect the organ of taste are the three sorts of Kantakas due to the three deranged which gradually obstruct the channel of the throat and brin...
-NidáNam Of Mukharogam. Part 4
The Diseases Of The Throat And Larynx The diseases peculiar to the throat and the larynx are seventeen in number and arc known as the five types of Rohini, Kantha-Saluka, Adhijihva, Valaya. Valása, E...
-NidáNam Of Mukharogam. Part 5
Gala-Vidradhi The disease in which an extensive swelling occurs along the whole inner lining of the throat, owing to the concerted action of the deranged Váyu, Pittam and Kapham is called Gala-vidrad...
-Chapter I. Sáriram Which Treats Of The Science Of Being In General (Sarva-Bhuta Chinta Sáriram)
The latent (lit: unmanifest) supreme nature (Prakriti) is the progenitor of all created things She is self-begotten and connotes the three fundamental or primary virtues of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Sh...
-Sáriram Which Treats Of The Science Of Being In General. Part 2
Traits Of Commonalty Both the Purusha and Prakriti are eternal realities, both of them are un-manifest, disembodied, without a beginning or origin, eternal, without a second, all - pervading and omni...
-Sáriram Which Treats Of The Science Of Being In General. Part 3
The Attributes Of An Organic Individual Longing for pleasure, shunning of pain, enemity, energetic undertaking of work, respiration (Prána emission of flatus (Apána), closing and opening of the eyefi...
-Chapter II. Sáriram Which Treats Of The Purification Of Semen And Cataminal Fluid Etc. (Sukra-Sonita-SuddhirnáMa Sáriram)
A man is incapable of begetting children, whose seminal fluid, affected by the aggravated Váyu, Pittam or Kapham, emits a cadaverous smell, or has acquired a dotted or shreddy character or which looks...
-The Purification Of Semen And Cataminal Fluid Etc. Part 2
Treatment Of Deranged Artava In all the four cases when the catamenial blood would be found to be vitiated (by the deranged Váyu, Pittam, Kaphah or Sonita), the preliminary remedial measures of the a...
-The Purification Of Semen And Cataminal Fluid Etc. Part 3
Regimen To Be Observed In Her Menses A woman in her menses should lie down on a matress made of Kus'a blades (during the first three days of her uncleanness), should take her food from her own blende...
-The Purification Of Semen And Cataminal Fluid Etc. Part 4
Causes Of Different Colours Of The Child The fiery principle (Tejadhátu) of the organism, which is the originator of all colours of the skin (complexion), happening to mix largely with the watery pri...
-Chapter III. Sáriram Which Treats Of Pregnancy,Etc. (Garbhá Vakranti Sáriram)
The male reproductive element (Sukra) is endowed with Soma-guna (i.e, thermolytic properties) the female element Artava) presents the opposite property and is therefore Agni-guna (i e., thermogenetic ...
-Sáriram Which Treats Of Pregnancy,Etc. Part 2
Period Of Menstruation The process (menstruation) commences at the twelfth year, flowing once in every month, and continues till the fiftieth * year when it disappears with the sensible decay of the ...
-Sáriram Which Treats Of Pregnancy,Etc. Part 3
Longings And Its Effects During Pregnancy An enciente longing for a royal interview during her gestation (fourth month) gives birth of a child, who is sure to be rich and to hold a high position in l...
-Sáriram Which Treats Of Pregnancy,Etc. Part 4
Different Opinions On The Formation Of The Foetal Body Saunaka says that probably the head of the foetus is first developed since head is the only organ that makes the functions of all other organs p...
-Sáriram Which Treats Of Pregnancy,Etc. Part 5
Signs Of Male And Female Conception An enciente, in whose right mammaethe milk is first detected, who first lifts up her right leg at the time of locomotion, whose right eye looks larger, or who evin...
-Chapter IV. Sáriram Which Treats Of The Development Of A Foetus In The Womb, As Well As Of The Factors Which Contribute To The Growth Of Its Different Bodily Organs And Principles (GarbhavyakáRanam-Sáriram)
The Pittam (fiery or thermogenic) and Sleshma (lunar principles of the body, the bodily Váyu, the three primary qualities of Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas (adhesion, cohesion and disintegration), the five ...
-The Development Of A Foetus In The Womb. Part 2
Mánsadhará-Kalá Of these Kalás, the first is named Mánsadhará (fascia), in the contained flesh (bodily substance of the Kalá) of the Sirá (veins), Snáyu (fibrous tissues), Dhamani (arteries) and othe...
-The Development Of A Foetus In The Womb. Part 3
Sleep And Its Virtues Sleep is the illusive energy of God (lit -the all-pervading deity) and naturally has its sway over all created beings. The kind of sleep which sets in when the sensation-carryin...
-The Development Of A Foetus In The Womb. Part 4
Cf. Charaka When the active self of a person, tired in body and mind, loses touch with his worldly affairs, sleep comes to him. Memorable Verses Hence, one should not sleep in the day,nor keep late...
-The Development Of A Foetus In The Womb. Part 5
The Temperaments The temperaments (Prakriti) of persons may be of seven different types, according as the deranged Doshas of the body are involved therein, either severally, or in combination of two ...
-The Development Of A Foetus In The Womb. Part 6
Sáttvika Features The features of a Brahma-káya person are cleanliness of person and conduct, belief in the existence of God, a constant reader of the Vedas, a worship and reverence of elders and pre...
-Chapter V. Sáriram Which Treats Of The Anatomy Of The Human Body (SáRira-Sankhya-Vyakaranam)
Definition Of Garbha And Sárira The combined semen and ovum (Sukra and Sonita) in the womb, mixed with (the eight categories known as) the Prakriti and (her sixteen modifications known as) Vikára, an...
-The Anatomy Of The Human Body. Part 2
The Asayas (Cavities Or Viscera) They are named as the Vátásaya (the receptacle of the bodily Váyu), Pittás'aya (the receptacle of the Pittam), Sleshmásáya (the receptacle of Sleshma or Kapham), Rakt...
-The Anatomy Of The Human Body. Part 3
The Simantas The Simantas number fourteen in all, and are respectively situated about the place of each of the aforesaid Asthi-sanghata. Several authorities assert that there are eighteen Sanghátas. ...
-The Anatomy Of The Human Body. Part 4
Bones Above The Clavicles There are nine bones in the Grivá (neck); four in the Kantha-nádi * (wind-pipe); two in the Hanu (Jaws). The teeth number thirty-two. There are three bones in the nose; one ...
-The Anatomy Of The Human Body. Part 5
Sandhis Of The Koshtha And Clavicles There are three Sandhis about the Kapála or flat bone in the Kati (waist, hence pelvis); twenty-four in the vertibral column; twenty-four in the sides; eight in t...
-The Anatomy Of The Human Body. Part 6
The Muscles (Pesis) The muscles (Pes'is) number five hundred in all, of which four hundred are in the four extremities; Sixty-six * in the trunk (Koshtha) and thirty-four in the region above the clav...
-The Anatomy Of The Human Body. Part 7
Superiority Of Salya-Tantram The different parts or members of the body as mentioned before including even the skin cannot be correctly described by any one who is not versed in Anatomy. Hence, any o...
-Chapter VI. Sáriram Which Specifically Treats Of The Marmas Or Vital Parts Of The Body (Pratyeka-Marma-Nirdesa Sáriram.)
Classification Of Marmas There are one hundred and seven Marmas (in the human organism), which may be divided into five classes, such as the Mánsa-Marmas, Sirá-Marmas, Snáyu-Marmas, Asthi-Marmas and ...
-The Marmas Or Vital Parts Of The Body. Part 2
Qualitative Classes Again these Marmas (vital unions of the body) are under five distinct heads, namely, Sadya-Pranahara, (fatal within twenty-four hours), Kalántara-Pránahara, (fatal within a fortni...
-The Marmas Or Vital Parts Of The Body. Part 3
Different Opinions On The Marmas Some assert that Marmas, which are the firm union of the five bodily factors (of veins, ligaments, muscles, bones and joints), belong to the first group (Sadya-Prána-...
-The Marmas Or Vital Parts Of The Body. Part 4
Marmas Of The Extremities Now we shall describe the situation of every Marma. The Marma, known as the Kshipra *, is situated in the region between the first and the second toes (Tarsal articulation),...
-The Marmas Or Vital Parts Of The Body. Part 5
Marmas On The Thorax Etc Now we shall describe the Marmas, situated in the region of the thorax and the abdomen (trunk). A hurt to the Guda-Marma *, which is attached to the large intestine and serve...
-The Marmas Or Vital Parts Of The Body. Part 6
Prishtha Marmas Now we shall discourse on the Marmas in the back (of a man). An injury to any of the Katika-tarimas * (sacro-iliac articulation), situated in the region of the S'roni (sacrum) on both...
-The Marmas Or Vital Parts Of The Body. Part 6. Continued
It is a S'náyu-Marma, and is of the Vaikalyakara class. They are S'irá-Marmas to the length of half a finger and of the Vaikalyakara class. They are S'ira Marmas to the length...
-Chapter VII. Sáriram Which Treats Of The Description And Classification Of Sirá Or Vascular System (Sira-Varnana-VibhaktináMa Sariram)
There are seven hundred Sirás (vessels) in the human organism (except those which cannot be counted for their extremely attenuated size). The vessels (Sirás) by their contractibility and expansibility...
-The Description And Classification Of Sirá Or Vascular System. Continued
Memorable Verses - The Váyu-Carrying Sirás The Váyu in its normal state and coursing through its specific Sirás (vessels) helps the unobstructed performance of its specific functions viz., expansion,...
-Chapter VIII. Sáriram Which Treats Of The Method Of Venesection Etc. (Sira-Vyadha-Vidhi -Sáriram)
Persons Unfit For Venesection The vessel or vessels (Sirá) of an infant, an old man, a perched man, one fatigued and emaciated with endocarditis (Kshata-kshina), a person of timid or coward dispositi...
-Sáriram Which Treats Of The Method Of Venesection Etc.. Continued
An incision to the depth of a barley-corn should be made with a Vrihimukha instrument (into a vein situated) in the muscular parts of the body, whereas the instrument should be thrust only half that d...
-The Method Of Venesection Etc. Continued
Defective Venesection Now we shall describe the twenty kinds of defects relating to an opened vein (Dushta-vyadhana). They are as follows: - Durviddhá, Atividdhá, Kunchitá, Pichchitá, Kuttitá, Aprasr...
-Chapter IX. Sáriram Which Treats Of The Description Of The Arteries, Nerves And Ducts, Etc. (Dhamani-VyáKarana-Sáriram)
There are twenty-four Dhamanies (ducts) in all, and all of them have their origins in the naval region (which includes the whole abdominal region ). Several authorities assert that no arbitrary...
-The Description Of The Arteries, Nerves And Ducts. Continued
Functions Of The Down-Coursing Dhamanis The down-coursing Dhamanis respectively form the channels for the downward conveyance of Váyu (flatus), urine, stool, semen, and catamenial fluid, etc. These D...
-Chapter X. Sariram Which Treats Of The Nursing And Management, Etc., Of Pregnant Women From The Day Of Conception Till Parturition (Garbhini -VyáKarana-Sariram)
General Rules An enciente, from the first day of conception, should always cherish a clear joyful spirit in a clem body. She should wear clean and white garments, ornaments, etc. engage herself in th...
-The Nursing And Management Of Pregnant Women. Part 2
Signs Of Imminent Parturition - (M. - T.) A looseness of the sides of the abdomen and untying of the umbilical cord of the child (from the cardiac cord of its mother) and a perception of the characte...
-The Nursing And Management Of Pregnant Women. Part 3
Natal Rites Then having sprayed (the face of) the baby with cold water, the post-natal rites should be performed unto it. After that the baby should be made to lick an electuary composed of honey, cl...
-The Nursing And Management Of Pregnant Women. Part 4
Makkalla And Its Treatment The lochia of a newly delivered woman whose organism has become excessively dry on account of profuse use of absorbants or deranged by any other causes, - the lochia being ...
-The Nursing And Management Of Pregnant Women. Part 5
Examination, Etc. Of Milk The breast-milk of a nurse or a mother should be tested by casting it in water. The milk which is thin, cold, clear, and tinged like the hue of a conch-shell, is found to be...
-The Nursing And Management Of Pregnant Women. Part 6
Infantile Elixirs Clarified butter cooked with (the decoction and Kalka of) white mustard seeds,. Vachá, Mánsi, Payasyá, Apámdrga, S'atávari, Sárivá, Bráhmi, Pippali, Haridrá, Kushtha and Saindkava ...
-The Nursing And Management Of Pregnant Women. Part 7
Education And Marriage The education of a child should be commenced at a suitable age and with subjects proper to the particular social Varna or order it belongs to. On attaining the twenty-fifth yea...
-Chapter I. Medical Treatment Of The Two Kinds Of Inflamed Ulcers (Dvivraniya Chikitsitam)
Ulcers may be grouped under two heads according as they are Idiopathic or Traumatic in their origin. The first group includes within its boundary all ulcers that are caused through the vitiated condit...
-Medical Treatment Of The Two Kinds Of Inflamed Ulcers. Part 2
The Vátaja-Ulcer The ulcer assumes a brown or vermilion colour and exudes a thin, slimy and cold secretion, largely attended with tension, throbbing and a sort of pricking and piercing pain (in its i...
-Medical Treatment Of The Two Kinds Of Inflamed Ulcers. Part 2. Continued
* N. B. Authorities, however, differ in enumerating these factors, although every one of them sticks to the total number of sixty. Of these, Kasháya, Varti, Kalka, Ghrita, Taila, Rasa-kriyá and Avach...
-Medical Treatment Of The Two Kinds Of Inflamed Ulcers. Part 3
Blppd-Letting Blood-letting should be resorted to in a case of newly formed swelling for its resolution and for alleviating the pain. Bleeding (Visrávana) is recommended in the case of an ulcer which...
-Medical Treatment Of The Two Kinds Of Inflamed Ulcers. Part 3. Continued
Plugs or lints plastered with a paste of the purifying drugs (enumerated before) should be inserted into an ulcer with any foreign matter (e.g., pus) lying embedded in it, or into one with a deep but ...
-Medical Treatment Of The Two Kinds Of Inflamed Ulcers. Part 4
Utsádana-Kriyá (Elevation) Medicated plasters (consisting of Apámárga, As'vagandhá, etc.) and medicated clarified butter (prepared with the same drugs should be used in ulcers (due to the aggravated ...
-Medical Treatment Of The Two Kinds Of Inflamed Ulcers. Part 5
Pándu-Karana The natural and healthy colour (Pándu) of the surrounding skin should be imparted to a cicatrix which has assumed a black colour owing to the defective or faulty healing up of the sore i...
-Medical Treatment Of The Two Kinds Of Inflamed Ulcers. Part 6
Vasti-Karma A medicated Vasti (enema) should be applied to the rectum in the case of an ulcer marked by an aggravated condition of the deranged Váyu which is extremely dry and is attended with an exc...
-Medical Treatment Of The Two Kinds Of Inflamed Ulcers. Part 7
Vrinhanam (Use Of Restorative And Constructive Tonics) All kinds of tone-giving and constructive measures should be adopted in the case of a patient weak and emaciated with the troubles of a long-sta...
-Chapter II. Medical Treatment Of Recent Or Traumatic Wounds Or Sores (Sadyovrana-Chikitsa)
Metrical Texts The holy Dhanvantari, the foremost of the pious and the greatest of all discoursers, thus discoursed to his disciple Sus'ruta, the son of Vis'vámitra. 2. Different Shapes Of Sores I ...
-Medical Treatment Of Recent Or Traumatic Wounds Or Sores. Part 2
Treatment Of Cuts Or Incised Wounds &C Now we shall discourse on the medical treatment of Chhinna cuts. An open mouthed ulcer on the side of the head * should be duly sutured as described before and ...
-Medical Treatment Of Recent Or Traumatic Wounds Or Sores. Part 3
Subsequent Treatment [After the full and correct introduction of the intestines] the wound should be bandaged with a piece of silk-cloth saturated with clarified butter, and the patient should be giv...
-Medical Treatment Of Recent Or Traumatic Wounds Or Sores. Part 4
Treatment Of Dushta-Vrana In the case of a malignant ulcer (Dushta-Vrana) emetics, errhines, purgatives, Asthápana, fasting, specific sorts of diet (composed of bitter, pungent and astringent things)...
-Chapter III. Medical Treatments Of Fractures And Dislocations (Bhagnas)
Metrical Texts A fracture or dislocation (Bhagna) occurring in a person of a Vátika temperament, or of intemperate habits, or in one who is sparing in his diet, or is affected with such supervening d...
-Medical Treatments Of Fractures And Dislocations. Part 2
Treatment Of Fractures In Particular Limbs Now we shall discourse on the measures to be adopted in fractures occurring in each particular limb. In the case of a nail-joint, being in any way crushed o...
-Medical Treatments Of Fractures And Dislocations. Part 3
Gandha-Taila Now we shall discourse on the recipe of a medicated oil, capable of bringing about the union of fractured bones. A quantity of black sesamum-seeds (tied up into a knot with a piece of li...
-Chapter IV. Medical Treatment Of Nervous Disorders (VáTa-VyáDhi)
Metrical Texts The patient having been made to vomit in the event of the deranged Váyu being-incarcerated (lodged) in the Amásaya (stomach), a pulverised compound known as the Shad-Dharana-yoga (a co...
-Medical Treatment Of Nervous Disorders. Part 2
Sálvana-Upanaha A poultice composed of the drugs of the Kákolyadi group, the Váyu-sub-duing drugs (those of Bhadra-dárvádi and Vidári-gandhadi groups), and all kinds of acid articles (such as...
-Medical Treatment Of Nervous Disorders. Part 3
The Tilvaka-Ghrita A paste (Kalka) of the following drugs, viz, Trivrit, Danti, Suvarna-kshiri, Saptalá, Samkhini, Triphalá and Vidanga, each weighing an Aksha (two tolás), and Tilvaka-roots and Kamp...
-Medical Treatment Of Nervous Disorders. Part 4
The Patra-Lavana The green leaves of the Eranda plants and those of the trees known as Mushkaka, Naktamála, Atarushaka, Patika, Aragvadha and Chitraka should be thrashed with (salt of equal quantity)...
-Chapter V. Medical Treatment Of Mahá-VáTa-Vyadhi
Several authorities group the disease Váta-Rakta under two different sub-heads, such as superficial and deep-seated. But such a classification is arbitrary and unscientific, inasmuch as this disease f...
-Medical Treatment Of Mahá-VáTa-Vyadhi. Part 2
Plasters, Etc Barley, wheat, sesamum, Mudga pulse aud Másha pulse should be taken in equal parts and pounded separately; and the paste of the following drugs, viz., Kákoli, Kshira-kákoli, Jivaka, Ris...
-Medical Treatment Of Mahá-VáTa-Vyadhi. Part 3
Váta-Rakta With A Preponderance Of Kapha Incases where the Kapha preponderates, the patient should be made to drink a potion consisting of a decoction of Haridrá and Amalaka, sweetened with honey; or...
-Medical Treatment Of Mahá-VáTa-Vyadhi. Part 4
The Medical Treatment Of Apatánaka The medical treatment of a patient suffering from Apatánaka (hysterical convulsions), not exhibiting fixedness of gaze and arched eye-brows, with an absence of pers...
-Medical Treatment Of Mahá-VáTa-Vyadhi. Part 5
Treatment Of Pakshághata A physician is enjoined to take in hand the medical treatment of a patient laid up with Pakshágháta, unattended by a discolouring of the skin, but having pain in the affected...
-Medical Treatment Of Mahá-VáTa-Vyadhi. Part 6
Hingvádi-Vati A compound consisting of asafoetida, Trikatu, Vachá, Ajamodá, Dhanyá, Aja-gandhdá, Dádimba, Tintidi, Páthá, Chitraka, Yava-kshára, Saindhava salt, Vid salt, Sauvarchala salt, Svarjiká-k...
-Chapter VI. Medical Treatment Of Haemorrhoids (Arsas)
The remedial measures in haemorrhoids may be grouped under four subheads; namely, the employment of (active) medicinal remedies, the application of an alkali (into the seat of the disease), actual cau...
-Medical Treatment Of Haemorrhoids. Part 2
Rectal Speculum Now we shall describe the dimensions of the Yantras (and the materials of which they are made of). The instrument may be made of iron, ivory, horn or wood. It should be made to resemb...
-Medical Treatment Of Haemorrhoids. Part 3
Dantyarishta A Tula weight * (twelve seers and a half) of the following drugs, viz. Das'a-mula, Danti, Chitraka and Haritaki should be boiled with four Drona measures of water till reduced to one qua...
-Medical Treatment Of Haemorrhoids. Part 4
Bhallataka-Yoga Now we shall describe the mode of using Bhallátaka in cases of haemorrhoids. * Some are of opinion that the Rishis do not read this line. But as Gayadása explains it, so Dallana, he ...
-Chapter VII. Medical Treatment Of Urinary Calculus, Etc. (Asmari)
Metrical Texts Asmari (urinary calculus, etc) is a dangerous disease and is as fatal as death itself. A case of recent origin (acute) proves amenable to medicines, while an enlarged or chronic one re...
-Medical Treatment Of Urinary Calculus, Etc. Part 2
Alkaline Treatments An alkali should be prepared from the ashes of the drugs used in the preparation of the aforesaid medicated clarified butters, by dissolving and filtering them in ewe's urine The ...
-Medical Treatment Of Urinary Calculus, Etc. Part 3
Prognosis-M. Text An operation should not be proceeded with nor an attempt made to extract the stone (Salya) in a case where, the stone on being handled, the patient would be found to drop down motio...
-Medical Treatment Of Urinary Calculus, Etc. Part 4
Parts To Be Guarded In Lithotomic Operations The Mutra-vaha (urine-carrying) and the S'ukra-vaha (semen-carrying) ducts or channels, the Mushka-srotas (cords of the testes), the Mutra-prascka (urinar...
-Chapter VIII. Medical Treatment Of Fistula-In-Ano, Etc., (Bhagandara)
The disease admits of being divided into five different groups, of which the two, known as S'ambukávarta and S'alyaja (traumatica should be regarded as incurable, and the rest as extremely difficult t...
-Medical Treatment Of Fistula-In-Ano, Etc.,. Part 2
Treatment Of Ushtra-Griva The ulcer should first be searched with a probe or director and, after an operation, an alkali should be applied to it. To remove all sloughed off or sloughing flesh and mem...
-Medical Treatment Of Fistula-In-Ano, Etc.,. Part 3
Treatment Of Tridoshaja Bhagandara A case of Bhagandara, due to the concerted action of the three Doshas, should be treated without holding out any hope of recovery tot he patient's people, or should...
-Medical Treatment Of Fistula-In-Ano, Etc.,. Part 4
Syandana Taiia Oil slowly cooked and prepared (in the manner aforesaid) with Chitraka, Arka Trivrit, Páthá, Malapu (Kakodumbara). Karavira, Sudhá (Snuhi). Vachá, Lángalaki, Saptaparna, Suvar-chiká an...
-Chapter IX. Medical Treatment Of Cutaneous Affections In General (Kushtha)
A cutaneous disease (Twag-dosha) originates through injudicious conduct of life such as, partaking of large quantities of unwholesome food, or taking it before the previously eaten one is digested (i....
-Medical Treatment Of Cutaneous Affections In General. Part 2
Treatments Of Doshaja Types In the first stage of Kushtha, the patient should be treated in accordance with the prescribed maxims (rules) of Sneha-pána. In a case of Vátaja-Kushtha, oil or clarified ...
-Medical Treatment Of Cutaneous Affections In General. Part 3
Medicinal Plasters For Kushtha Having first soothed the patient with any of the preceding medicated clarified butters and having his body fomented, the surgeon should have recourse to the venisection...
-Medical Treatment Of Cutaneous Affections In General. Part 4
Nila-Ghrita Váyasi, Phalgu and Tiktá each weighing one hundred Palas, two Prastha measures of powdered iron, three Adhaka (eight seers) measures of Triphalá and two Adhaka measures of Asana should be...
-Medical Treatment Of Cutaneous Affections In General. Part 5
Vajraka-Taila The roots of Sapta-parna, Karanja, Arka, Málati, Karavira, Suuhi, S'irisha, Chitraka and Asphotá as well as of Visha (aconite root), Lángala, Vajrákhya (mica), sulphate of iron, Haritál...
-Chapter X. Medical Treatment Of Major Cutaneous Affections (Maha-Kushtha)
Metrical Text An intelligent physician should have recourse to the following medicinal compounds in virulent types of Kushtha, urinary complaints (Meha), di eases due to the action of the deranged an...
-Medical Treatment Of Major Cutaneous Affections. Part 2
Medicated Asavas Now we shall describe the mode of preparing Asavas. The ashes of burnt Palás'a should be dissolved in hot water and duly filtered. Three parts of this (alkaline) water, subsequently ...
-Medical Treatment Of Major Cutaneous Affections. Part 3
Medicinal Ayaskriti Now we shall describe the process of preparing an Ayaskriti (iron compound). Thin leaves of steel should be plastered with the (five officinal kinds of) salts and heated in fire a...
-Medical Treatment Of Major Cutaneous Affections. Part 4
Mahaushadha-Ayaskriti A decoction of the drugs of the S'ála sárádi group should be poured in a Droni (vessel) made of Palás'a wood. Sheets of iron should be made red-hot and cooled down (twenty one t...
-Chapter XI. Medical Treatment Of The Diseases Of The Urinary Tracts (Prameha)
This disease may be ascribed to two causes, such as the congenital (Sahaja) and that attributable to the use of injudicious diet. The first type (Sahaja) is due to a defect in the seeds of one's paren...
-Medical Treatment Of The Diseases Of The Urinary Tracts. Part 2
Specific Treatments Now we shall specifically describe the course of treatment to be adopted in each particular type of the disease (Prameha). A decoction of Párijáta should be given in a case of Uda...
-Medical Treatment Of The Diseases Of The Urinary Tracts. Part 3
Medicinal Arishtas, Asavas, Yavágus. Etc Likewise Arishtas, Ayaskritis, lamba-tives and Asavas should be prepared (in the manner hereinbefore described) with Priyangu, Anantá, Yuthiká, Padmá (Bhárgi)...
-Chapter XII. Medical Treatment Of The Abscesses Or Eruptions Which Mark The Sequel Of A Case Of Prameha (Prameha-Pidaká)
The nine kinds of abscesses (Pidakás), such as Saráviká, etc., have been described before. Of such abscesses those, appearing in a strong person but small in size, affecting (only) the Tvak (skin) and...
-Medical Treatment Of The Abscesses Or Eruptions Which Mark The Sequel Of A Case Of Prameha. Part 2
Sálasárádi Avaleha A decoction of (one hundred Pala weight of) the drugs of the S'ála-sárádi group should be made by boiling it (in sixteen times the weight of water) down to a quarter part (of the w...
-Medical Treatment Of The Abscesses Or Eruptions, Marking The Sequel Of A Case Of Prameha. Part 3
The Recipe Of Lohárishta, According To Vágbhata, Is As Follows The drugs of the Asanádi group (which corresponds with Sus'ruta's S'ála-sárádi group), each weighing twenty Palas, should be boiled in e...
-Chapter XIII. Medical Treatment Of Diabetes (Madhu-Meha)
Metrical Text The intelligent physician should adopt the following course of treatment in the case of a Madhu-Meha-patient abandoned as incurable by other physicians. 2. Silájatu, Its Origin And Pro...
-Medical Treatment Of Diabetes. Continued
The Mákshika Kalpa The metal known as Mákshika (iron-pyrites), which grows in the river Tápi and which copes with the divine ambrosia in its highly therapeutic properties, may be also used in the sam...
-Chapter XIV. Medical Treatment Of Dropsy With An Abnormal Condition Of The Abdomen (Udara)
Of the eight different types of Udara, described before, those severally known as the Vaddha-guda and the Parisrávi should be understood as incurable, the rest being equally hard to cure. Hence the me...
-Medical Treatment Of Dropsy With An Abnormal Condition Of The Abdomen. Part 2
Treatment Of Dushyodara In a case of Dushyodara, the patient should be treated without giving any hope of a positive cure. Purgatives with clarified butter, cooked with the expressed juice of the Sap...
-Medical Treatment Of Dropsy With An Abnormal Condition Of The Abdomen. Part 3
The Haritaki Ghrita A Prastha measure of powdered Haritaki should be mixed with an Adhaka measure of clarified butter and heated over a charcoal fire by stirring it up quickly with a ladle; when well...
-Medical Treatment Of Dropsy With An Abnormal Condition Of The Abdomen. Part 4
Second AnáHa-Varti The inner pulp of the seeds of Madana fruits with Kutaja, Jimutaka, Ikshváku (bitter gourd), Dhámárgava, Trivrit, Trikatu, mustard seed and rock-salt, should be pasted together wit...
-Medical Treatment Of Dropsy With An Abnormal Condition Of The Abdomen. Part 5
Treatment Of Vaddha-Gudodara, Etc In cases of the Vaddha-guda (Entertis) and the Parisrávi types of Udara, the patient should be first treated with emulsive measures and fomentations and then anointe...
-Chapter XV. Surgical And Medical Treatment Of The Cases Of Difficult Malpresentation Of The Foetus And Of Difficult Labour (Mudha-Garbha)
The extraction of a foetus, acting (in the womb) as an obstructing Salya (foreign matter lodged in the body), is the most difficult of all surgical operations, inasmuch as actual contact or actual man...
-Surgical And Medical Treatment Of The Cases Of Difficult Malpresentation Of The Foetus And Of Difficult Labour. Part 2
Operations Involving Destruction Of The Fcetus - Craniotomy In cases where there would be any necessity of using an instrument for the purpose of delivery, the enciente should be encouraged (with hop...
-Treatment Of Malpresentation Of The Foetus And Difficult Labour. Part 3
Diet And Regimen Of Conduct The mother should always be neat and clean and subjected to a course of a small quantity of wholesome and emollient diet and to daily anointments and fomentations; and she...
-Treatment Of Malpresentation Of The Foetus And Difficult Labour. Part 4
The Valá-Kalpa Seeds of sesamum should be successively soaked a number of times in a decoction of Valá roots * and then dried (in the manner of a Bhávaná saturation). The oil pressed out of such sesa...
-Chapter XVI. Medical Treatment Of Abscesses And Tumours (Vidradhi)
Of the six types of Vidradhis, the one of the Sánni-pátika type should be regarded as incurable In all other types curative measures * should be speedily resorted to in their unsuppurated stage, as in...
-Medical Treatment Of Abscesses And Tumours. Part 2
Karanjádya Ghrita A Karsha measure of each of the following drugs, viz., the tender leaves and fruits of the Naktamála, the leaves of the Sumana (Játi flower), Patola and of Arishta, Hariárá, Daru-Ha...
-Medical Treatment Of Abscesses And Tumours. Part 3
Treatment Of Suppurated Internal Vidradhi A suppurated internal Vidradhi having bulged up (above the surface of the body) should be opened with a knife and treated in the manner of an (incidental) ul...
-Chapter XVII. Medical Treatment Of Erysipelas, Etc., (Visarpa), Sinus, Etc., (Nadi Vrana) And Diseases Of The Mammary Glands Stana-Roga)
Of the types of erysipelas (Visarpa) the first three (viz., the Vátaja, Pittaja and Kaphaja ones) are curable; the two remaining types, viz., those caused by the concerted action of the three Doshas (...
-Treatment Of Erysipelas, Sinus, And Diseases Of The Mammary Glands. Part 2
Treatment Of Kaphaja Visarpa Cases of the Kaphaja type of Visarpa readily yield to a proper application of a medicinal plaster (Pradeha) composed of Aja-gandhá, As'va-gandhá, Saralá * Kálá, Ekaishiká...
-Treatment Of Erysipelas, Sinus, And Diseases Of The Mammary Glands. Part 3
Treatment Of Salyaja Nádi In a case of Salyaja Nádi (incidental to any foreign matter into the body), the Salya should be first extracted by an incision into the sinus. Then having fully cleansed the...
-Treatment Of Erysipelas, Sinus, And Diseases Of The Mammary Glands. Part 4
Bhallátakádya Taila The use of the oil cooked with the paste (Kalka) of Bhallátaka, Arka, Maricha Saindhava salt, Vidanga, Haridrá, Dáru-Haridrá and Chitraka and with the expressed juice of the Bhrin...
-Chapter XVIII. Medical Treatment Of Glandular Swellings, Etc. (Granthi), Scurvy (Apachi), Tumour, Etc. (Arvuda) And Goitre (Gala-Ganda)
General Treatment Of Granthi In the non-suppurated or acute (inflammatory) stage of Granthi, an experienced physician should prescribe the measures * laid down in connection with (in-flammatory) swel...
-Treatment Of Glandular Swellings, Scurvy, Tumours And Goitre. Part 2
Treatment Of Kaphaja Granthi In a case of the Khaphaja type of the disease, the Doshas should be first eliminated from the system with the regular and successive measures. The affected part (...
-Treatment Of Glandular Swellings, Scurvy, Tumours And Goitre. Part 3
Treatment Of Apachi Clarified butter cooked with the fruit of Jimutaka and Kosha-vati, and with (the roots of) Danti, Dravanti and Trivrit, is a very powerful and efficacious remedy. Administ...
-Treatment Of Glandular Swellings, Scurvy, Tumours And Goitre. Part 4
Treatment Of Vátaja Arvuda In a case of Vátaja Arvuda, a poultice composed of Karkáruka, Erváruka, cocoanut, Piyála and castor seeds, boiled with milk, water and clarified butter, and mixed with oil,...
-Treatment Of Glandular Swellings, Scurvy, Tumours And Goitre. Part 5
Treatment Of Medoja Arvuda A Medoja Arvuda (fat origined tumour) should be first fomented and then incised. The blood in its inside having been cleansed it should be quickly sutured and then plaster...
-Treatment Of Glandular Swellings, Scurvy, Tumours And Goitre. Part 6
Treatment Of Medoja Gala-Ganda In a case of a Medoja goitre (due to the deranged fat), the patient should be first made to use oleaginous substances (internally and externally) and venesection should...
-Chapter XIX. Medical Treatment Of Hernia, Hydrocele, Scrotal Tumour, Etc. (Vriddhi), Diseases Of The Genital Organ (Upadamsa) And Elephantiasis (Slipada)
In the six types of Vriddhi other than the one known as the Antra-Vriddhi (Hernia), riding on horse back, etc., excessive physical labour, fastings, sitting in an unnatural position, constant walking,...
-Treatment Of Hernia, Hydrocele, Scrotal Tumour, Genital Organ Diseases. Part 2
Treatment Of Medoja Vriddhi In a case of the Medoja (fat-originated) type of the disease, the affected part should be (lightly) fomented, * and plasters composed of drugs (of the roots) of the Surasá...
-Treatment Of Hernia, Hydrocele, Scrotal Tumour, Genital Organ Diseases. Part 3
Treatment Of Upadamsa ln cases of the curable type of Upadams'a, Sneha (oleaginous substances) should be first applied, and the affected part should be fomented. Then the veins of the penis should be...
-Treatment Of Hernia, Hydrocele, Scrotal Tumour, Genital Organ Diseases. Part 4
Treatment Of Tridoshaja And Raktaja Upadams'A The medical treatment of the two kinds of Upadams'a due to the concerted action of the three Doshas as well as that due to the vitiated blood (Raktaja) s...
-Treatment Of Hernia, Hydrocele, Scrotal Tumour, Genital Organ Diseases. Part 5
The Alkaline Remedies An alkali should be prepared from the ashes of Kákádani, Kaka-janghá, Vrihati, Kantakáriká, Kadamba-pushpa, Mandá-ri, Lambá Sukanasá in the usual way by filtering them (twenty o...
-Chapter XX. Medical Treatment Of The Minor Ailments Or Diseases (Kshuldra-Roga )
Treatment Of Aja-Galliká Leeches * should be applied to the affected part in a case of non-suppurated Aja-galliká; it should be subsequently plastered with the alkalies (Kshára) of oyster-shells, S'r...
-Medical Treatment Of The Minor Ailments Or Diseases. Part 2
Treatment Of Sarkarárvuda, Etc A case of Sarkarárvuda should be treated like that of an Arvuda (tumour) of the fat-origined type. Cases of Kachchhu, Vicharchiká and Pámá should be treated in the mann...
-Medical Treatment Of The Minor Ailments Or Diseases. Part 3
Treatment Of Dárunaka, Etc Anointment and fomentation of the diseased patches are the (preliminary, remedies in a case of Dárunaka, after which bleeding should be effected by opening the vein in the ...
-Medical Treatment Of The Minor Ailments Or Diseases. Part 4
Treatment Of Niruddha-Prakas'A In a case of Niruddha-Prakasá (constriction or stricture of the urethra, a tube (open at both ends) made of iron, wood, or shellac should be lubricated with clarified b...
-Chapter XXI. Medical Treatment Of The Sores On The Penis Produced By The Suka. A Kind Of Poisonous Insect (Suka-Roga)
Treatment Of Sarshapi, Etc In a case of the Sarshapi type of the disease, the affected (ulcerated) part should be scarified and dusted with the (powdered) drugs of an astringent taste (as described i...
-Chapter XXII. Medical Treatment Of The Affections Of The Mouth (Mukha-Roga)
Treatment Of Vátaja Oshtha-Kopa In a case of inflammation of the lips (Oshtha-Kopa) due to the action of the deranged Váyu, the affected part should be rubbed with (an ointment composed of) the four ...
-Medical Treatment Of The Affections Of The Mouth. Part 2
Treatment Of Danta-Veshta, Etc In a case of Danta-Veshta, the swelling should be first bled and then rubbed with a pulverised compound of Rodhra, Pattanga, Yashti-madhu and Lákshá mixed with a profus...
-Medical Treatment Of The Affections Of The Mouth. Part 3
Treatment Of Danta-Nádi in a case of Danta-Nadi, the treatment of Nádi (Sinus) about the teeth is identical with that of sinus in general. The specific remedial measure, however, is that the gum of t...
-Medical Treatment Of The Affections Of The Mouth. Part 4
Treatment Of Kapáliká, Etc These remedies are also efficacious in a case of Kapáliká (caries of the tooth) which is extremely hard to cure. In a case of Krimi-Danta (worm-eaten tooth)found to be firm...
-Medical Treatment Of The Affections Of The Mouth. Part 5
Treatment Of Tálu-Páka, Etc Remedies which destroy the deranged Pitta should be employed in Tálu-páka (suppuration of the palate); while applications of Sneha (oil, etc.) and Sveda (fomentations), as...
-Chapter XXIII. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Swellings (Sopha)
The six kinds of swelling (Sopha) appearing in the particular parts of the body have already been described * with the variations in their symptoms and the medical treatment to be pursued in each case...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Swellings. Continued
The Special Treatment Of Sopha Traivrita (Ghrita) or castor oil should be administered for a month or a fortnight to the patient suffering from the Váttaja type of oedema (Sopha;. Clarified butter co...
-Chapter XXIV. Rules Of Hygiene And The Prophilactic Measures In General (AtiáGatá- VáDha-Prati-Shedhaniya)
Metrical Texts Now we shall describe the rules of conduct to be daily observed by an intelligent man (after leaving his bed) seeking perfect health and a sound body. 2. Tooth-Brushing A man should ...
-Rules Of Hygiene And The Prophilactic Measures In General. Part 2
Eye And Mouth-Washes The mouth and the eyes of a person of sound health should be washed with the decoction of the barks of Kshira trees mixed with milk, or with that of Bhillodaka, or of Amalaka, or...
-Rules Of Hygiene And The Prophilactic Measures In General. Part 3
Prohibitions Of Anointments, Etc Anointments of the body simply with (unmedicated) Sneha are strictly forbidden in cases of undigested (Ama) Doshas (as long as the aggravated Doshas of the body conti...
-Rules Of Hygiene And The Prophilactic Measures In General. Part 4
Prohibition Of Bathing Bathing in extremely cold water in winter tends to enrage the bodily Váyu and the Kapha, while bathing in hot water in summer agitates the blood and the Pitta. Bathing is not b...
-Rules Of Hygiene And The Prophilactic Measures In General. Part 5
General Rules Of Conduct The first rule is that one should keep his nails and hair short, always put on clean and white clothes,wear a light turban and a pair of shoes and carry an umbrella and a sti...
-Rules Of Hygiene And The Prophilactic Measures In General. Part 6
Rules Of Drinking Water, Etc Water should not betaken during the rainy season and only in moderate quantities in autumn. Water may be sparingly taken during the first four months of the rainy season ...
-Chapter XXV. Medical Treatment Of A Variety Of Diseases (Misraka-Chikitsita)
It has been stated before that blood-letting is the remedy in diseases of the Páli (ear-lobes). Now hear me describe in detail the treatment of those affections which are confined to the lobes of the ...
-Medical Treatment Of A Variety Of Diseases. Part 2
Treatment Of Palita The expressed juice of the Bhringa-rája and (the decoction of) Triphalá, powders of indigo leaves, Arjuna-bavk, Bhringa-rája, Pinditaka, black-iron, flowers of the Vija and of Sah...
-Medical Treatment Of A Variety Of Diseases. Part 3
Treatment Of Vyanga, Etc Láksha, Rodhra, the two kinds of Haridrá, Manahs'ilá, Maritála, Kushtha, Nága (lead), Gairika, Varnaka, Manjishtha, Vacha, Saurashtra-mrittika, Pattanga, Gorochaná, Rasánjana...
-Chapter XXVI. Medical Treatment For Increasing The Strength And Virile Power Of Weak Persons (Kshina-Valiyam VáJi-Karana)
A youth in sound health taking regularly some sort of Váji-Kirana (aphrodisiac) remedy may enjoy the pleasures of youth every night during all the seasons of the year. Old men, those wishing to enjoy ...
-Medical Treatment For Increasing The Strength And Virile Power Of Weak Persons. Continued
Their Remedies Now we shall describe the different Váji-Karana (aphrodisiac) remedies. Powders of sesamum. Másha-pulse, Vidári, or S'áli-rice should be mixed with Saindhava salt and pasted with a cop...
-Chapter XXVII. Recipes And Modes Of Using Elixirs And Rejuvinators Of The Human Organism Which Will Make It Invulnerable To The Inroads Of Any Disease Or Of Decay (SarvopagháTa - Samaniya-RasáYanam)
Metrical Texts A wise physician should (invariably) prescribe some sort of tonic (Rasayana) for his patients in their youth and middle age after having their systems (properly) cleansed by the applic...
-Recipes And Modes Of Using Elixirs And Rejuvinators Of The Human Organism Which Will Make It Invulnerable To The Inroads Of Any Disease Or Of Decay. Continued
Kásmarya Kalpa The use of huskless Kásmaryaja seeds for rejuvinating purposes, is similar to the preceding one, except that it requires a separate kind of diet and does not require the use to lie on ...
-Chapter XXVIII. Elixirs And Remedial Agents Which Tend To Improve The Memory And Invigorate The Mental Faculties As Well As To Increase The Duration Of Human Life (MedháYushkáMiyam RasáAnam)
Svetávalguja-Rasáyana The fruit (seeds) of the white Avalguja should be dried in the sun and then reduced to a fine powder. This powder should be stirred with (an adequate quantity of) treacle and pl...
-Elixirs And Remedial Agents Which Tend To Improve The Memory And Invigorate The Mental Faculties As Well As To Increase The Duration Of Human Life. Continued
Bráhmi Ghrita Two Prastha measures of the expressed juice of the Bráhmi and one Prastha measure of clarified butter should be cooked with one Kudava measure of Vidanga seeds, two Pala weight of each ...
-Chapter XXIX. Restorative And On The Constructive Agents (RasáYana) Which Arrest Innate Morbific Tendencies And Decay (SváBháVika-VyáDhi Pratishedhaniya RasáYana)
Metrical Text In the days of yore the gods such as Brahma, etc created a kind of Arnrita ambrosia) which is known by the epithet of Soma, for the prevention of death and decay of the body. We...
-Restorative And The Constructive Agents (RasáYana) Which Arrest Innate Morbific Tendencies And Decay. Part 2
The Niyamis, According To The Same Authority, Are (purity - external or internal), (contentment) (penance), (religious study) an](meditation of the Divine milk boiled and cooled should...
-Restorative And The Constructive Agents, Which Arrest Innate Morbific Tendencies And Decay. Part 3
Distinctive Features Of The Soma Plants A Soma plant of whatever species is furnished with fifteen leaves which wax and wane with the waxing and the waning of the moon. Thus one leaf grows every day ...
-Chapter XXX. Tonic Remedies Which Remove Mental And Physical Distress (Nivritta-SamtáPiya-RasáYana)
Metrical Text Even in this world mortals may live happily, free from disease and care like the gods in heaven if they (mortals) can secure the after-mentioned drugs (of all-healing potency). 2. Pers...
-Tonic Remedies Which Remove Mental And Physical Distress. Part 2
Differentiating Traits Now we shall describe the different traits of these (all-healing) Oshadhis. The Ajagari * Oshadhi is found to put forth five leaves which have a brown colour and are marked wit...
-Tonic Remedies Which Remove Mental And Physical Distress. Part 3
Mode Of Culling The Above Drugs The first seven of the all-healing Oshadi plants enumerated above should be culled by reciting the following Mantra: - We appease thee with the holy energy and dignit...
-Chapter XXXI. Medicinal Uses (Both Internal And External) Of The Snehas , I.e., Oleaginous Substances (Snehaupayogika-Chikitsita
A Sneha or an oleaginous substance forms the essential factor of the physical organism,, and the self-conscious animated element (which contributes directly to its vitality and makes life possible) ab...
-Medicinal Uses Of The Snehas, i.e., Oleaginous Substances. Part 2
Measures Of Drugs The weight of twelve middle-sized Dhánya-máshas (corns of paddy) make one Suvarna-máshaka. Sixteen Suvarna-mashakasmake one Suvarna. The weight of nineteen middle-sized Nishpávas (p...
-Medicinal Uses Of The Snehas, i.e., Oleaginous Substances. Part 3
The Process Of Taking A Sneha Internally Now we shall describe the process of taking a Sneha internally. A man with an empty stomach should be made to take a draught of a medicinal or medicated oil o...
-Medicinal Uses Of The Snehas, i.e., Oleaginous Substances. Part 4
The Dosage The Dosage of a Sneha which requires the quarter part of a day (i.e., three hours) to be digested, should be deemed appetising and beneficial in slight aggravations of the bodily Doshas; t...
-Medicinal Uses Of The Snehas, i.e., Oleaginous Substances. Part 5
Sadyah-Snehana The administration of a potion composed of powdered Pippali and (Sain-dhava) salt mixed with curd-cream and the four kinds of oleaginous substances (Sneha) constitute what is known as ...
-Chapter XXXII. Medical Treatment By Measures Of Fomentations, Diaphoretic Measures, Etc. (Svedá-Vacharaniya)
Sveda * (calorification, fomentation, diaphoretic measures, etc.) may be divided into four groups such as, the application of direct heat (Tápa-sveda), fomentation (Ushma-sveda) poulticing (Upanáha sv...
-Medical Treatment By Measures Of Fomentations, Diaphoretic Measures, Etc. Part 2
Upanáha-Sveda (Poulticing) The roots of the Váyu-subduing drugs should be pasted together with Amla (Kánjika) and mixed with an abundant quantity of rock-salt and of Sneha (clarified butter, etc.). T...
-Medical Treatment By Measures Of Fomentations, Diaphoretic Measures. Part 3
Effects Of Sveda Improved digestive capacity (Agni-dipti) softness of the limbs, smoothness and clearness of the skin, relish for food, clearness of the bodily ducts or channels, absence of somnolenc...
-Chapter XXXIII. Treatment Of The Distresses Which Prove Amenable To The Use Of Purgatives And Emetics (Vamana-Virechana-SáDhyopadrava)
The principal maxims to be followed are to augment the loss or deficiency, to pacify the aggravation and reduce the increment of the Doshas and maintain them in a state of healthy equilibrium. Emetics...
-Treatment Of The Distresses Amenable To Purgatives And Emetics. Part 2
Cases Where Emesis Is Forbidden Emesis or the exhibition of emetics is forbidden in cases of Timira (cataract', upward determination of the Váyu in the body (Urdhva-váta), Gulma, Udávarta, abdominal ...
-Treatment Of The Distresses Amenable To Purgatives And Emetics. Part 3
Mode Of Administering Purgatives Purgatives should also be administered to a patient after the due application of Sneha (oil, etc.) and Sveda (for a second time) after the administration of an emetic...
-Treatment Of The Distresses Amenable To Purgatives And Emetics. Part 4
Benefits Of Proper Purgation Clearness and expansion (Prasáda) of the intellect, firmness of the organs and of the Dhátus (root-principles) of the body, increase of energy (Bala) *, improved digestiv...
-Chapter XXXIV. Treatment Of The Disorders Resulting From An Injudicious Use Of Emetics Or Purgatives (Vamana-Virechana-VyáPach-Chikitsitam
Their Classes'. - Fifteen different kinds of disorders may result from an injudicious use of emetics and purgatives owing to the ignorance of the physician or of the patient. Of these fifteen), the up...
-Treatment Of Disorders Due to Injudicious Use Of Emetics Or Purgatives. Part 2
Jirnaushadhatvarn Evils Of A Digested Purgative, Etc.) A mild purgative or emetic or a medicine administered in a small dose to a man of extremely constipated bowels (Krura-koshtha) or of an extremel...
-Treatment Of Disorders Due to Injudicious Use Of Emetics Or Purgatives. Part 3
Ati-Yogcl (Over-Drugging With Purgatives, Etc.) Women, merchants, persons attending a king and pious Bráhmanas learned in the Vedas (S'rotriya) are often subjected to the necessity of repressing thei...
-Treatment Of Disorders Due to Injudicious Use Of Emetics Or Purgatives. Part 4
Jivádána (Haemorrhage) Due To Excessive Purging An excess (Ati-yoga) of purging is marked, at the outset, by a flow of watery mucus through the rectum, lesembling the crest of a peacock's plume in co...
-Treatment Of Disorders Due to Injudicious Use Of Emetics Or Purgatives. Part 5
Parikartiká (Cutting Pain In The Anus, Etc.) The Váyu and Pitta in the organism of an enfeebled person or of a person whose bowels can be easily moved or of one of a dry and arid temperament or affli...
-Treatment Of Disorders Due to Injudicious Use Of Emetics Or Purgatives. Part 6
Vibandha (Retention Of Flatus, Stool And Urine) Use of cold water, exposure to cold winds and resorting to cool places and such other conduct during the action of an emetic or a purgative remedy in a...
-Chapter XXXV. Dimensions And Classifications Of A Netra And A Vasti (Pipes, Nozzles And Apparatus) With Their Therapeutic Applications (Netra-Vasti-PramáNa- PravibháGa-Chikitsitam)
Sages of authority hold an application of the Vasti to be the best of all measures such as, the application of a Sneha, etc.; and why? Because on account of its varied functions and of its being compo...
-Dimensions And Classifications Of A Netra And A Vasti (Pipes, Nozzles And Apparatus) With Their Therapeutic Applications. Part 2
Materials Of The Pipes The pipe should be made either of gold, silver, copper, iron, brass, ivory, horn, gems or wood. It should be straight, smooth and firm, tapering at the top like the tuft of hai...
-Dimensions And Classifications Of Netra And Vasti (Pipes, Nozzles And Apparatus) and Their Therapeutic Applications. Part 3
The Different Defects Of A Vasti Now we shall deal with the defects and the evil effects which are consequent upon the wrong and injudicious application of a Vasti. The defects of wrongly handling a ...
-Chapter XXXVI. Medical Treatment Of The Mishaps Which Are Consequent On An Injudicious Application Of The Pipe And Of The Vasti (Netravasti-VáYpach-Chikitsitam)
Metrical Text A displacement or retroversion of the pipe during the application of a Vasti produces a painful and bleeding ulcer in the rectum, which should be treated as a recent or incidental ulcer...
-Medical Treatment Of The Mishaps Which Are Consequent On An Injudicious Application Of The Pipe And Of The Vasti. Continued
* An additional reading says that a dry (thickend?) Niruha-vasti produces a slimy deposit in the rectum and in the pelvic region, while one with its fluid of an extremely thin consistency would produc...
-Chapter XXXVII. Treatment Of An AnuváSana Vasti And An Uttara Vasti (Anuvasan-Ottara-Vasti-Chikitsita)
Metrical Texts An Anuvásana-vasti should be applied to a patient fit to be treated therewith, seven days after the administration of a purgative and after he has regained his strength and taken his m...
-Treatment Of An AnuváSana Vasti And An Uttara Vasti. Part 2
Fourth Taila A decoction of the drugs Bhutika, Eranda, Varshábhu, Rásná, Vásaka, Rohisha, the drugs of the Das'a-mula group, Saká (Mudga-parnn, Bhárgi, Shad-granthi (Vacha) Deva-dáru, Valá, Nágavalá,...
-Treatment Of An AnuváSana Vasti And An Uttara Vasti. Part 3
Eighth Sneha A paste composed of Tri-phala, Ativisha, Murva, Trivrit, Chitraka, Vasaka, Nimba, Áragvadha, Shad-granthá (Vacha), Sapta-parna, the two kinds of Haridrá, (Haridrá and Dáru-haridrá), Gudu...
-Treatment Of An AnuváSana Vasti And An Uttara Vasti. Part 4
Proper Time For The Application Of The Sneha-Vasti A Sneha-vasti should be employed during the day in spring and winter and in the evening during summer and the rainy season,with a view to ward off t...
-Treatment Of An AnuváSana Vasti And An Uttara Vasti. Part 5
The Successive Actions Of The Vastis The first application of the Vasti permeates the pelvic and the inguinal regions with the emulcent essence of the injected Sneha. The second tends to restore the ...
-Treatment Of An AnuváSana Vasti And An Uttara Vasti. Part 6
Uttara-Vastis Now we shall describe the mode of applying an Uttara-vasti (injection into the urethra of a male or of a female patient). The pipe to be used for the purpose (in the case of a male pati...
-Treatment Of An AnuváSana Vasti And An Uttara Vasti. Part 7
Vaginal Uttara-Vasti A grown up female patient, (under the circumstances), should be laid on her back with arched and up-drawn knees, and an injection should be made into her vaginal canal (Yoni) by ...
-Chapter XXXVIII. Mode Of Applying As Well As On The Treatment With A Nirudha-Vasti(Nirudhopakrama-Chikitsitam)
The Mode Of Preparing A Vasti The application of an Anuvásana-vasti (enema) should be followed by that of one of the Ásthápana class. The body of the patient should be first anointed (with a Sneha) a...
-Mode Of Applying As Well As On The Treatment With A Nirudha-Vasti. Part 2
Symptoms Of An Inadequate And Excessive Application Of A Vasti The emission of only a small quantity of flatus (Váyu), fcal matter and (of the medicinal solution applied in) the Vasti, as also ...
-Mode Of Applying As Well As On The Treatment With A Nirudha-Vasti. Part 3
Drugs To Be Used In A Niruhavasti The following drugs and articles, or as many of them as would be available, such as, all kinds of milk, acid group (Kánjika, etc.), urine, Sneha (oleaginous substanc...
-Mode Of Applying As Well As On The Treatment With A Nirudha-Vasti. Part 4
Dvá-Dasla Prasriti Now we shall describe the (recipe and preparation of) Vastis (technically) called the Dvá-dasa-Prasrita (weighing twelve Prasritas). An Aksha measure (two Tolás) of Saindhava sal...
-Mode Of Applying As Well As On The Treatment With A Nirudha-Vasti. Part 5
Sodhana (Corrective) Vastis The drugs of the S'odhana group 'possessed of corrective therapeutic properties) should be pounded together and mixed with an admixture of their own decoction. The solutio...
-Mode Of Applying As Well As On The Treatment With A Nirudha-Vasti. Part 6
Different Vastis An Utkles'ana (disintegrating) Vasti consists of castor seeds, Yashti-madhu, Pippali, Satndhava, Vacha, Habushd and Phala (Triphalá - Madana-phala, according to others) pasted togeth...
-Mode Of Applying As Well As On The Treatment With A Nirudha-Vasti. Part 7
Siddha-Vasti This Vasti should be prepared with the decoction of Pancha-mula, mixed with oil, honey and a paste of S'atáhvá, Pippali and Saindhava salt. Similar Vastis consisting of a decoction of Ya...
-Chapter XXXIX. Treatment Of Distressing Symptoms Which Are Manifested In A Patient (Aturopadrava-Chikitsitam)
The digestive fire (Kayagni) of a person naturally grows dull after the exhibition of emetics and purgatives, after the administration of a Niruha-Vasti, after the internal application of a Sn...
-Chapter XL. Treatment Which Consists In Employing The (Inhalation Of) Medicated Fumes, Snuffs Errhines) And Gargles (Dhuma-Nasya-Kavala-Graha-Chikitsita)
Dhuma (fumes) may be divided into five groups * viz., Práyogika (capable of being daily used), Snehana (soothing), Vairechana (expectorant), Kasaghna (anti-cough) and Vamaniya (emetic). 2. Ma...
-Treatment of Inhalation Of Medicated Fumes, Snuffs Errhines And Gargles. Part 2
Mode Of Inhalation In an act of Práyogika inhalation, the stick (Varti ) should be dried in shady places protected from the wind. The stem of the S'ara weed inside the Varti should then be removed. T...
-Treatment of Inhalation Of Medicated Fumes, Snuffs Errhines And Gargles. Part 3
The Therapeutic Effects Of Dhumapána Smoking the Snehana-Dhuma subdues the deranged and aggravated Váyu of the body owing to the existence of the Sneha with which it is charged as well as to a conseq...
-Treatment of Inhalation Of Medicated Fumes, Snuffs Errhines And Gargles. Part 4
On Snuffs And Errhines The term Nasya (Snuff) is so called from the fact of its being composed of the powders of any drugs or of any Sneha (oleaginous substance) cooked with such drug or drugs, to ...
-Treatment of Inhalation Of Medicated Fumes, Snuffs Errhines And Gargles. Part 5
Doses Of A Sneha-Nasya Eight drops of oil trickling down the two upper phalanges of the forefingers should be regarded as the proper quantity for the smallest (lit. - first' dose. A Sukti measure (th...
-Treatment of Inhalation Of Medicated Fumes, Snuffs Errhines And Gargles. Part 6
Avapida-Nasya The Avapida-Nasya, like the Siro-Virechana Nasya, should be administered to a person bitten by a snake, or lying in a comatose or unconscious state or suffering from a disease of the he...
-Treatment of Inhalation Of Medicated Fumes, Snuffs Errhines And Gargles. Part 7
Pratimarsha Nasya When To Be Used The Pratimarsha form of snuff should be resorted to on any of the following fourteen different occasions, viz,: - after quitting the bed in the morning, after cleans...
-Treatment of Inhalation Of Medicated Fumes, Snuffs Errhines And Gargles. Part 8
Specific Use Of Sneha-Nasya This snuff should consist of oil in a case marked by (the concerted actions of the deranged) Kapha and Váyu, while it should consist of Vasá (lard) in a case involving the...
-Chapter I. Mode Of Preserving Food And Drink From The Effects Of Poison (Anna-Pana-Raksha-Kalpa)
Dhanvantari, the King of Kás'i, the foremost in virtue and religion and whose commands brook no disobedience or contradiction, instructed his disciples, Sus'ruta and others (in the following words). 2...
-Mode Of Preserving Food And Drink From The Effects Of Poison. Part 2
Characteristic Features Of A Poisoner An intelligent physician well qualified to ascertain the true state of one's feelings from the speech, conduct, demeanour and distortions of the face, would be a...
-Mode Of Preserving Food And Drink From The Effects Of Poison. Part 2. Continued
Preparations of potherbs, soups, boiled rice and cooked meat are instantaneously decomposed, and become putrid, tasteless and omit little odour when in contact with poison. All kinds of food become ta...
-Mode Of Preserving Food And Drink From The Effects Of Poison. Part 3
The Mode Of Preparing The Soup The flesh of a Godhá, mungoose, or deer should be cooked and spiced with pasted Pâlindi (Trivrit), Yashti-madhu and sugar. The flesh of a peacock should be similarly co...
-Chapter II. Indications (Effects, Nature And Operations) Of StháVara Vegetable And Mineral Poisons (Sthavara-Visha-VijnáNiyam)
Sthávara-poison: its Source M. T.) - There are two kinds of poison viz., that obtained from immobile things (Sthavara) and that obtained from mobile creatures (Jangama). The sources of the Sthávara (...
-Effects, Nature And Operations Of Sthávara Vegetable And Mineral Poisons. Part 2
Effects Of Bulb-Poisons Now we shall describe in full the respective effects of the bulb-poisons which are very strong Tikshna) in their actions The bulb-poison known as the Kalakuta produces complet...
-Effects, Nature And Operations Of Sthávara Vegetable And Mineral Poisons. Part 3
Definition Of Dushi-Visha (Weak And Slow Poison) A poison whether animal, vegetable or chemical, not fully eliminated from the system and partially inherent therein, enfeebled, of course by anti-pois...
-Effects, Nature And Operations Of Sthávara Vegetable And Mineral Poisons. Part 4
Symptoms Of The Different Stages Of Sthávara Poisoning In the first stage of a case of poisoning by a Sthávara (vegetable or mineral) poison, the tongue becomes dark brown and numbed, and epileptic f...
-Effects, Nature And Operations Of Sthávara Vegetable And Mineral Poisons. Part 5
Ajeya-Ghrita Clarified butter should be duly cooked with an adequate quantity of water and the Kalka of Yashti-madhu, Tagara, Kushtha, Bhadra-dáru, Harenu, Punnága, Eld, Ela-váluka, Nágakes am, Utpal...
-Chapter III. Subject Of (The Nature, Virtue, Etc. Of) Animal Poisons (Jangama-Visha-VijnáNiya)
We have briefly said before that there are sixteen situations of poison in the bodies of venomous animals. Now we shall deal with them in detail. 2. Locations: - An animal poison is usually situated ...
-Subject Of (The Nature, Virtue, Etc. Of) Animal Poisons. Part 2
Poisons Of The Atmosphere And Its Purification The dropping of birds from the skies to the earth below in a tired condition is a distinct indication of the wind and the smoke (of the atmosphere) bein...
-Subject Of (The Nature, Virtue, Etc. Of) Animal Poisons. Part 3
General Treatment Of Poisoning Since a poison of whatever sort is extremely keen, sharp and heat-making in its poteney, a copious sprinkling with cold water should be used in all cases of poisoning. ...
-Chapter IV. Specific Features Of The Poison Of A Snakebite (Sarpa-Dashta-Visha-VijnáNiya)
Having laid himself prostrate at the feet of the holy and wise Dhanvantari, the master of all the S'ástras, Sus'ruta addressed him as follows: - Enlighten and illumineus, O Lord, on the number and cl...
-Specific Features Of The Poison Of A Snakebite. Part 2
Characteristic Features Of The Different Species Of Snakes Those having hoods and marked with spots resembling a wheel or a plough, an umbrella or a cross (Svastika) or a goad (Amkusa) on their heads...
-Specific Features Of The Poison Of A Snakebite. Part 3
Names Of The Different Species Of Darvi-Kara Snakes Snakes known as Krishna-Sarpa, Mahá-krishna. Krishnodara, Sveta-kapota, Valá haka, Mahá-Sarpa, Sankha-pála, Lohitáksha, Gave-dhuka. Parisarpa Khand...
-Specific Features Of The Poison Of A Snakebite. Part 4
Specific Symptoms Of A Bite By A Darvi-Kara Snake A black colour of the skin, eyes, nails, tooth, urine and stool and the seat of the bite, roughness of the body and heaviness of the head, pain in th...
-Specific Features Of The Poison Of A Snakebite. Part 5
Different Stages Of Poisoning From The Bites Of A Mandali Snake In the first stage of bite by a Mandali snake, the poison affects the blood (vascular system), which being thus vitiated produces shive...
-Chapter V. Medical Treatment Of Snake-Bites (Sarpa-Dashta Kaipa-Chikitsitam)
General Treatment Of Snake-Bites In all cases of snake-bites ligatures of cloth, skin, soft fibre or any other soft article (consecrated with the proper Mantras), should first of all be bound four fi...
-Medical Treatment Of Snake-Bites. Part 2
Specific Treatment Of The Bite By A Hooded (Darvi-Kara) Snake In the case of a bite by a hooded (Darvi-kara) snake, bleeding by opening the veins should be resorted to in the first stage of poisoning...
-Medical Treatment Of Snake-Bites. Part 3
General Dosage Of Medicines In Cases Of Snake-Bites In cases of snake bites, collyrium to the weight of one Máshaka (Máshá) should be used at a time. The dosage of medicated snuff (Nasya), potions an...
-Medical Treatment Of Snake-Bites. Part 4
Remedy For Aggravated Doshas Due To Poison If the Váyu of the body be found to be in an aggravated condition, even after a careful elimination of the poison from the system with the help of suitable ...
-Medical Treatment Of Snake-Bites. Part 5
Recipe Of Different Agadas: - Mahágada The powders of Trivrit, Vis'alyá, Yashti-madhu, the two kinds of Haridrá, Raktá (Manjishthá), Natendra (Aragvadha), the five kinds of officinal salt and Tri-kat...
-Medical Treatment Of Snake-Bites. Part 6
Mandli-Vishahara Agada One part each of Drákshá,Sugandhá, Naga-vrittiká * and Samangá * Dallana says that in place of Sugandhá Naga-vrittika some read Sugandhá Naga-mrittika which means the swe...
-Chapter VI. Cases Of Rat-Poisoning (Mushika-Kalpa)
Different varieties of rats (M. Text): - Now hear me enumerate the names of the different families of Mushika (rats) briefly referred to before as having their poison in their semen, classified accor...
-Cases Of Rat-Poisoning. Part 2
According To Dallana, The Recipe Of This Ghrita Is As Follows One Prastha each of clarified butter, curd and milk, two Palas each of Karanja, etc., and sixteen seers of water to be boiled dow...
-Cases Of Rat-Poisoning. Part 3
Causes Of Rabies The bodily Váyu in conjunction with the (aggravated) Kapha of a jackal, dog, wolf, bear, tiger or of any other such ferocious beast affects the sensory nerves of these animals and ov...
-Chapter VII. Sounds Of A (Medicated) Drum, Etc., Possessed Of Anti-Venomous Virtues (Dundhubhi-Svaniya)
Kshárágada The woods of Dhava, As'va-karna, Tinis'a, Palás'a, Pichu-marda, Pátall, Páribhad-raka, Antra, Udumbara, Karahátaka, Arjuna, Kakubha, Sarja, Kapitana, S'leshmátaka, Amtkotha, Amalaka, Pragr...
-Sounds Of A (Medicated) Drum, Etc., Possessed Of Anti-Venomous Virtues. Continued
Amrita Ghrita An adequate quantity of clarified butter duly cooked with the seeds of Apámárga and of the two kinds of S'vetá, S'irisha, and Kákamáchi (previously) pasted with the urine of a cow is kn...
-Chapter VIII. Insects, I.e. The Measures, Etc. To Be Adopted In Cases Of Insect-Bite, Etc. (Kita-Kalpa)
Various kinds of worms and insects (Kita) germinate from the semen, fecal matter, urine, putrid eggs and putrid carcases of serpents which are marked by Vátaja, Pittaja (Agneya) and Kaphaja (Ambuja) t...
-The Measures To Be Adopted In Cases Of Insect-Bite. Part 2
The Kanabha Class Of Insects The Trikantaka, Kuni, Hasti-kaksha and the Aparajita are the four kinds of insects that belong to the Kanabha group and are extremely painful in their bites giving rise t...
-The Measures To Be Adopted In Cases Of Insect-Bite. Part 3
Pipiliká (Ants) There are six kinds of Pipiliká (ants) vis., the Sthula-s'irshá, Samváhiká, Brahmaniká, Kapiliká and the Chitra-varná. A bite by any of these is attended with imflammatory swelling an...
-The Measures To Be Adopted In Cases Of Insect-Bite. Part 4
Recipes Of Remedies In Different Cases An anti-venomous compound (Agada) consisting of Kushtha, Chakra (Tagara), Vach, Vilva-roots, Pâthâ, Suvarchikâ, house-soot and the two kinds of Haridrâ is effic...
-The Measures To Be Adopted In Cases Of Insect-Bite. Part 5
Madhya-Visha Scorpions Scorpions of the Madhya-visha (mild-poisoned) class are red (Rakta) or yellow (Pita), or tawny (Kapila). All of them are ash-coloured in their belly and provided with three joi...
-The Measures To Be Adopted In Cases Of Insect-Bite. Part 6
Spider-Bites Cases of Lutá (venomous spider)-bite (lit. - poison of a Luta) are the most difficult to diagnose and cure. The diagnosis of such a case puzzles the head of many an experienced physician...
-The Measures To Be Adopted In Cases Of Insect-Bite. Part 7
Characteristics Of Poison According To Its Seat In The Body Of A Spider The poison which is secreted with the saliva (of a spider) gives rise to non-shiftting superficial Kotha (urticaria) attended w...
-The Measures To Be Adopted In Cases Of Insect-Bite. Part 8
Specific Symptoms Of Spider-Bites And Their Treatment A bite by a spider of the Tri-mandalá species is marked by a flow of black-coloured blood from the bite which is transformed into an open ulcer. ...
-The Measures To Be Adopted In Cases Of Insect-Bite. Part 9
General Remedies An Agada made of Sârivâ, Us'ira, Yashti' madhu, Chandana, Utpala and Padmaka may be used with advantage in cases of spider-bites of all types. The bark of S'leshmâtaka and Kshira-pip...
-Uttara-Tantra Preface
It was some years ago that we took upon ourselves the rather ambitious task of bringing out the Sushruta Samhita in English. And we may mention that the appreciation the first instalment of our undert...
-Chapter I. Diseases, Viz., Of The Eye, Etc. (Aupadravikam Adhyayam)
Here commences that portion of the Suruta Samhitá which is known as the Uttara Tantra (the supplementary part) to which references have been often made in the preceding one hundred and twenty ch...
-Diseases, Viz., Of The Eye, Etc. Part 2
Mandala And Sandhi The Mandalas of the eye are the following, viz., (1) the Fakshma-mandala (the circle of the eye-lashes), (2) the Vartma-mandala (the eye-lid) (3) the Sveta-mandaia (the Sclerotic a...
-Diseases, Viz., Of The Eye, Etc. Part 3
Causes Of Eye-Disease The local Doshas deranged and aggravated by such causes as diving in water immediately after an exposure to the heat and the glare of the sun, (constant) gazing at distant objec...
-Chapter II. Pathology Of Diseases Which Are Peculiar To The Joints Or Binding Membranes Of The Eye (Sandhi Gata-Roga-Vijnaniya)
The Names Of Those Diseases Diseases peculiar to the joining (Sandhi) of the eye are nine in number and are named Puyálasa, Upanáha, (the four kinds of) Sráva (viz. Puya-srava, leshma-sráva, Ra...
-Chapter III. Pathology Of Diseases Peculiar To The Region Of The Eye-Lids (Vartmagata- Roga-Vijnaniya)
Causes And Names The Doshas of the body jointly or severally expanding through the nerves and veins, (Sirâ) of the eye-lids (Vartma) bringing about an augmentation of the quantity of the blood and th...
-Chapter IV. Pathology Of Diseases Of The Sclerotic Coat (White Coat) Of The Eye (ŚUklagata-Roga-VijnáNiya)
Names: - The eleven different forms of diseases which are peculiar to the Sclerotic coat (white) of the eye, are Prastâryarma, uklârma, Kshatajárma (Raktâ-rma), Adhimânsârma, Snáyvarma, Suktikâ,...
-Chapter V. Pathology Of The Diseases Of The Black Part Of The Eye - Choroid Including The Iris (Krishna-Gata-Roga-VijnáNiya)
The diseases which are found to invade the region of the Choroid including the Iris (Krishna-mandala) have been briefly said to be four in number. Their names are Sa-vrana-ukra, A-vrana-uk...
-Chapter VI. Symptoms And Pathology Of The Diseases Affecting The Eye As A Whole (Sarva-Gata-Roga-Vijnaniya)
Names And Causes The four types of Abhishyandha (Ophthalmatis), the four types of Adhi-mantha, the two forms of Akshi-páka (suppuration of the eye) attended with or without swelling, these ten, as we...
-Symptoms And Pathology Of The Diseases Affecting The Eye As A Whole. Continued
The Prognosis A course of injudicious diet, conduct or medical treatment may usher in the blindness of vision in seven days from an attack of the Kaphaja type of Adhimantha (Ophthalmia) and in five d...
-Chapter VII. Pathology Of The Diseases Which Are Peculiar To The Drishti (Pupil) Of The Eye (Drishti-Gata-Roga-VijnáNiya)
Experts well-versed in the anatomy of the eye aver that the Drishti (pupil) of the eye is the quintessence of the five material elements with that of the eternal light predominating therein - this pri...
-Pathology Of The Diseases Which Are Peculiar To The Drishti (Pupil) Of The Eye. Continued
Symptoms - When Fourth Patala Attacked Loss of vision (Timira) results from the fact of the deranged bodily Doshas being confined within the fourth Patala (choroid) of the organ. When the vision is c...
-Chapter VIII. Classification Of Occular Affection According To The Different Modes Of Treatment (Netra-Roga-Chikitsá-VibháGa-VijnáNiya)
Classification We have already described the names and symptoms of the seventy-six kinds of eye disease. We shall now briefly and severally deal with the nature of treatment to be pursued in them. Of...
-Chapter IX. Remedial Measures Of Abhishyanda (Ophthalmia) Due To The Action Of The Deranged Vayu (VáTáBhishyanda-Pratish-Edha)
The patient should be treated with old and matured clarified butter, both in a case of (Vátaja) Abhishyanda (Ophthalmia) and (Vátaja) Adhimantha (Conjunctivites). The diseased organ should be then dul...
-Remedial Measures Of Abhishyanda (Ophthalmia) Due To The Action Of The Deranged Vayu. Continued
Treatment Of UshkáKshi-Paka Saindhavd, Devaddru and unthi and the expressed juice of Mátulunga, water, breast-milk and clarified butter mixed together and duly prepared (in the manner of ...
-Chapter X. Curative Treatment Of Abhishyanda (Ophthalmia) Due To The Action Of Deranged Pitta (Pittá-Bhishyanda-Pratishedha)
General Treatment Blood-letting and purgatives, eye-washes and plasters round the eyes, medicinal snuffs and Anjana (collyrium), as well as the remedial measures for Pittaja-Visarpa (Erysipelas) shou...
-Chapter XI. Curative Treatment Of Abhishvanda Due To The Deranged Action Of Leshmá (ŚIleshmáBhishyanda-Pratishedha)
General Treatment An attack of leshmaja Abhishyanda or Adhimantha during the stage of acute aggravation should be treated by opening a local vein * or by the employment of fomentation, Avapida-...
-Chapter XII. Curative Treatment Of The Type Of Abhishyanda (Ophthalmia) Which Has Its Origin In The Vitiated Condition Of The Blood (RaktáBhishyanda-Pratishedha)
General Treatment A wise physician shall pursue the same course of medical treatment in those four diseases known as Adhimantha, Abhishyanda, Sirotpáta and Sirá-harsha due to the vitiated condition o...
-Curative Treatment Of The Type Of Abhishyanda (Ophthalmia) Which Has Its Origin In The Vitiated Condition Of The Blood. Part 2
Irá-Harsha A compound consisting of Phánita( treacle boiled down to a sticky consistency) and honey should be applied to the affected organ as an Anjana in a case of Sirá'-harsha. Similar appli...
-Treatment of Abhishyanda (Ophthalmia) due to Vitiated Condition Of The Blood. Part 3
Treatment Of Ajaka The thin watery-matter accumulated in the eye in a case of Ajaka' should be drained by making a puncture on either side ( of the cornea ) with a needle after which the incidental u...
-Treatment of Abhishyanda (Ophthalmia) due to Vitiated Condition Of Blood. Part 4
Treatment Of Praklinna-Vartma The deranged Doshas of the system should be duly * removed (corrected) and the patient should be duly soothed in a case of Praklinna-vartma, after which washes, eye-salv...
-Chapter XIII. Curative Treatment Of Eye-Diseases In Which Scarification Should Be Resorted To (Lekhya-Roga-Pratishedha)
The general course of treatment to be adopted in the nine kinds of eye diseases which are amenable to Scarifying (Lekhana) operations is as follows: - The patient should be laid in a chamber not expos...
-Chapter XIV. Curative Treatment Of Eye-Diseases Which Require Surgical Incisions (Bhedya- Roga-Pratishedha)
Treatment Of Visa-Granthi In a case of suppurating Visa-granthi, it should be first fomented, and its puncture-like holes should be completely incised (so as to remove any swelling in the affected pa...
-Chapter XV. Curative Treatment Of Eye-Diseases, Which Should Be Cured With Excisions (Chhedya-Roga-Pratishedha)
Treatment Of Armas The patient should be first treated with a Sneha-predominating food before being surgically operated upon in a case of Annan marked by the manifest vegetation or polypus (on the af...
-Curative Treatment Of Eye-Diseases, Which Should Be Cured With Excisions. Continued
Treatment Of Sira-Jala And Sirapidaka In a case of Sira-Jala, the hardened veins (Sira) should be hung down with a hook (Vadisa) and scraped with a Mandalagra (round-topped) instrument. Cysts or pimp...
-Chapter XVI. Curative Measures For The Remedy Of Diseases Occurring On The Eye-Lashes And Hence On The Eye-Lid (Pakshma-Kopa Pratishedha)
Surgical Treatment in a case of Pakshma-kopa which is an affection of the eye-lid and which has been described before as admitting only of palliative treatment, the patient should be first treated wi...
-Chapter XVII. Curative Treatment Of The Diseases Of The Pupil And The Crystalline Lens (Drishtigata Roga Pratishedha)
Of the diseases included within the present group, three arc curable, three arc incurable, while the remaining six admit only of palliative treatment. The curative remedies of the disease known as Dhu...
-Curative Treatment Of The Diseases Of The Pupil And The Crystalline Lens. Part 2
Rasa-Kriya'Njana The urine, bile and dung of a cow together with wine, should be boiled (in the manner of Rasa-kriyanjana preparation) in the expressed juice of Dhatri, or in the Rasa (serum)...
-Curative Treatment Of The Diseases Of The Pupil And The Crystalline Lens. Part 3
Treatment Of Palliative Types Bleeding by opening the (local) veins should be resorted to in the six kinds of ocular affections in which the palliative treatment is all that is open to us. The patien...
-Curative Treatment Of The Diseases Of The Pupil And The Crystalline Lens. Part 4
Treatment Of Pittaja-Kacha Clarified butter skimmed from milk (and not from curd) and duly cooked with the drugs of the Madhura (Kako-lyadi) group should be employed as a snuff (Nasya), or as...
-Curative Treatment Of The Diseases Of The Pupil And The Crystalline Lens. Part 5
Treatment Of Blood Origined Parimlayi Measures and remedies mentioned in connection with the Pittaja type of Timira should be employed in a case of blood-origined Parimlayi. In the alternative, the r...
-Curative Treatment Of The Diseases Of The Pupil And The Crystalline Lens. Part 6
Surgical Treatment Of Kaphaja Linga Nasa Now we shall describe the (surgical) measures to be employed for curing a case of Linga-nasa (obstruction or choking up at the pupil with a cataract) due to t...
-Curative Treatment Of The Diseases Of The Pupil And The Crystalline Lens. Part 7
Symptoms And Treatment Of The Disorders Resulting From An Injudicious Operation If the incidental haemorrhage (from a puncture in a wrong place) fill in the cavity of the eye, in that case the eye sh...
-Curative Treatment Of The Diseases Of The Pupil And The Crystalline Lens. Part 8
Description Of The Saiak The Salaka (rod) should be made to measure eight fingers in length, its middle part being covered with strings of thread and resembling the upper section of the thumb in circ...
-Chapter XVIII. Preparations And Uses Of The Medicinal Measures (External Applications) To Be Adopted Or Employed In Treating Ocular Affections In General (Kriyakalpa)
Here follows a general exposition of the instructions which the sainted lord of Benares, the holy Dhanvantari of profound intellect imparted to his disciple the son of Vis'vamitra (Sus'ruta) regarding...
-Preparations And Uses Of Medicinal Measures To Treat Ocular Affections. Part 2
Treatment Of Excessive And Defective Tarpana Cases of defective and excessive Tarpana should be remedied with the application of medicinal snuffs, Anjanas, washes and inhalations of smoke and by adop...
-Preparations And Uses Of Medicinal Measures To Treat Ocular Affections. Part 3
Prohibition And Remedies For Infringement After the application of Tarpana and Puta-paka (to the affected eye) the patient should not catch glimpses of the light, fire, sky, looking-glass or any othe...
-Preparations And Uses Of Medicinal Measures To Treat Ocular Affections. Part 4
Aschyotana And Seka Properly prepared and applied, the Aschyotana and Seka measures would respectively subdue cases of slight and violent attacks of the eye. Like the Puta-paka measure these two also...
-Preparations And Uses Of Medicinal Measures To Treat Ocular Affections. Part 5
Forms Of Anjana The forms in which an Anjana may be, are those of pills, liquid (Rasa-kriya) and powder * each succeeding, one being more efficacious than the one preceding it, in the order of enumer...
-Preparations And Uses Of Medicinal Measures To Treat Ocular Affections. Part 6
(Snehana) And Ropana Anjanas The action of the satisfactory application of a Prasaidana (Snehana) Anjana is to soothe the eye, to impart a healthy tone to the organ of sight, to restore its natural c...
-Preparations And Uses Of Medicinal Measures To Treat Ocular Affections. Part 7
Bhadrodaya-Anjana The drugs known as Kushtha, Chandana, Ela, Patra, Yaskti-madku, Rasanjana, flowers of Mesha-s'ringi, Chakra (Tagara), the seven kinds of jewels *, the pollens of the flowers of Utpa...
-Chapter XIX. Medical Treatment To Be Adopted In Cases Of Hurt Or Injury To The Eye (Nayanabhighata-Pratishedha)
A violent and intolerable pain in the eye accompanied by redness and swelling therein, resulting from a blow or from any sort of hurt or injury to the organ, should be remedied with the application o...
-Medical Treatment To Be Adopted In Cases Of Hurt Or Injury To The Eye. Continued
Conclusion The Science of medicine is as incomprehensible as the ocean. It cannot be fully described even in hundreds and thousands of verses. Dull people who are incapable of catching the real impor...
-Chapter XX. Causes And Symptoms Of The Diseases Peculiar To The Ear - The Organ Of Hearing (Karna-Gata-Roga-Vijnaniya)
Classification Twenty-eight different forms of ear-diseases are noticed in practice, viz., Karna-Sula (ear-ache), Pra-nada (ringing or noise in the ear), Vadhirya (deafness), Kshveda, Karna-Srava (di...
-Chapter XXI. Medical Treatment Of The Diseases Peculiar To The Car (Karna-Gata Roga-Pratishedha)
General Treatment Potions of clarified butter (after meal), use of Rasayana-measures, * renunciation of all sorts of physical exercise, baths without immerging the head, absolute sexual abstinence an...
-Medical Treatment Of The Diseases Peculiar To The Car. Part 2
Dipika-Taila Pieces of the roots of the major Pancha-mula measuring eighteen fingures in length should be covered (extending only to three-fourths of the whole) with a piece of linen and then soaked ...
-Medical Treatment Of The Diseases Peculiar To The Car. Part 3
Treatment Of Deafness The oil duly cooked with water, milk and Vilva pasted with cow's urine (as Kalka) should be used as an car-drop in cases of deafness. Oil should be first cooked with goat's milk...
-Medical Treatment Of The Diseases Peculiar To The Car. Part 4
Treatment Of Puti-Karna Rasanjana rubbed and dissolved in the breast-milk and mixed with honey proves highly efficacious even in chronic and longstanding cases of Puti-karna attended with fetid disch...
-Chapter XXII. Causes And Symptoms Of Diseases Of The Nose (Nasa-Gata-Roga-Vijnaniya)
Nomenclature And Classification Diseases which are specifically found to affect the organ of smell may be classified into Thirty-one different groups, viz., - Apinasa, Puti-nasya, Nasa-paka. Sonita-P...
-Chapter XXIII. Therapeutics Of Nasal Diseases (Nasa-Gata-Roga-Pratishedha)
Treatment Of Apinasa And Putinasya In cases of the first-mentioned disease (i.e. Apinasa) and in those of Puti-nasya, applications of Sneha and of Sveda to the affected part, and application of emeti...
-Chapter XXIV. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Catarrh(Pratisyaya-Pratishedha)
Causes: - Excessive indulgence in sexual intercourse, heating of the head, entrance of the minute particles of dust or smoke into the nostrils, excessive application of cold or heat, voluntary retenti...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Catarrh. Continued
Treatment Of Pittaja And Raktaja Types In the Pittaja and Raktaja types (of Pratis'yaya) the patient should be given draughts * of clarified butter duly cooked with the drugs of the Kakolyadi group. ...
-Chapter XXV. Symptoms Of Diseases Peculiar To The Region Of The Head (Siro-Roga-Vijnaniya)
Classification Diseases which are peculiar to the region of the head number eleven in all, viz., the four kinds respectively due to the action of the deranged Vayu, Pitta, Kapha, and their combinatio...
-Chaper XXVI. Therapeutics Of The Diseases Of The Head (Oiroroga-Pratishedha)
Treatment Of Vataja-Siroroga Remedial measures described in connection with the treatment of Vata-Vyadhi should be employed in their entirety in the Vayu-origined types of the diseases of the head, a...
-Chaper XXVI. Therapeutics Of The Diseases Of The Head. Part 2
Treatment Of Kaphaja Siro-Roga In a case of Kaphaja-Siroroga, the Kapha-subduing measures, such as strong emetics, head-purgatives (Siro-vireka) and gargling should be resorted to. The transparent up...
-Chaper XXVI. Therapeutics Of The Diseases Of The Head. Part 3
Treatment Of Suryavarta And Ardhavabhedaka Errhines etc. (plaster, gargle, etc.) should be prescribed in cases of the Suryavarta type of Siroroga, The diet should principally consist of boiled rice a...
-Chapter XXVII. Specific Features (Of The Nine Diseases Of Infant Life, Which Are Attributed To The Influences) Of The Nine Malignant Grahas (Nava-Grahakriti-Vijna-Nam)
Different Names Attentively hear me describe, Sus'ruta, the origin, cause and medical treatment of the diseases of infancy which are due to the influences of malignant stars (Graha) or demons as well...
-Specific Features (Of The Nine Diseases Of Infant Life, Which Are Attributed To The Influences) Of The Nine Malignant Grahas. Continued
Naigamesha-Graha Frothy vomits, bending of the middle of the trunk, anxious appearance, loud crying, upward gaze of the eyes, constant emaciation (fever-D. R.), a fatty smell in the body and unconsci...
-Chapter XXVIII. Therapeutics (And Remedial Measures) Of An Attack By Skanda-Graha (Skanda-Graha-Pratishedha)
Decoctions of the leaves of the trees (Vilvadi) possessed of Vayu-subduing virtue should be used for sprinkling purposes and oil duly cooked and prepared with the decoction of their roots and with the...
-Chapter XXIX. Therapeutics Of An Attack By Skandapasmara (Skandapasmara-Pratishedha)
A decoction of Vilva, S'irisha, Golomi (Duralabha), and the drugs of the Surasadi group should be employed in sprinkling the body of the possessed child in a case of the present disease. Medicated oil...
-Chapter XXX. Medical Treatment Of An Attack By Salami(Sakuni-Pratishedha)
A wise physician should sprinkle the body of the child possessed by Sakuni with the decoction (duly prepared) of Vetasa, Amra and Kapittha, Oils duly cooked with the drugs of the sweet and astringent ...
-Chapter XXXI. Therapeutics Of An Attack By Revati (Revati-Pratishedha)
The duly prepared decoction of As'vagandha, Sariva, Ajas'ringi, Punarnava, the two kinds of Saha and Viddri should be employed in sprinkling (Sechana) the body of the affected child (in a case of an a...
-Chapter XXXII. Medical Treatment Of An Attack By Putana (Putana-Pratishedha)
A decoction of the barks of Kapota-banka, Araluka, Varuna, Paribhadraka and A'sphota should be used in washing, and medicated oil duly cooked and prepared with (the Kalka and decoction of) Vacha, Vaya...
-Chapter XXXIII. Medical Treatment Of An Attack By Andha-Putana (Andha-Putana-Pratishedha)
The decoction of the leaves of the trees of the Tiktaka gana (trees of bitter taste) should be used in sprinkling (the body of the possessed child). Surd (wine). Souviraka (a kind of acid gruel), Kush...
-Chapter XXXIV. Medical Treatment Of An Attack By Sita-Putana (Sita-Putana-Pratishedha)
The decoction of Kapittha, Suvaha (Rasna), Vimbi, Vilva, Prachivala (?), Nandi (Vata) and Bhallataki should be used in sprinkling (the child's body). The urine of a cow and of a she-goat, as well as M...
-Chapter XXXV. Medical Treatment Of An Attack By Mukhamandika (Mukha-Mandika-Pratishedha)
The decoction of Kapittha, Vilva, Tarkari (Jayanti), Vamsa-lochana (D.R. Vasa), Gandharva-hastaka (Eranda) and Kuverakshi (Patala) should be used in sprinkling (the body of the possessed child). Oil a...
-Chapter XXXVI. Medical Treatment Of An Attack By Naigarhesha (Naigamesha-Pratishedha)
The decoction of Vilva, Agnimantha and Putika should be used in sprinkling (the body of the possessed child) and sprinkling with Surd, Sauvira and Dhany-mla (Kanjika) is also advisable in such cases. ...
-Chapter XXXVII. Origin Of The Nine Grahas (Grahotpatti- Adhyaya)
The nine presiding deities - viz., Skanda and others- of the nine diseases of infant life are all possessed of ethereal frames, divine effulgence and specific sex-distinction of their own. They were c...
-Chapter XXXVIII. The Symptoms And The Therapeutics Of The Diseases Of The Female Organ Of Generation (Yoni Vyapat Pratishedha)
Causes: - The bodily (as well as the local) Vayu of a girl of tender years, weakly constitution or build and dry organic temperament, is deranged and aggravated in consequence of her excessive indulge...
-The Symptoms And The Therapeutics Of The Diseases Of The Female Organ Of Generation. Continued
Symptoms Of The Kaphaja Types An Atyauanda yoni knows no satisfaction in matters of sexual pleasures. Hemorrhoid growths or polypii due to the aggravation of Kapha and vitiated blood appear on the li...
-Chapter XXXIX. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever (Jwara-Pratishedha)
The Divine Dhanvantari, who in his first incarnation arose out of the primordial Ocean with a pitcher of ambrosia on his head, (when it was churned by the gods and the demons) and who conferred immort...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever. Part 2
Symptoms Of Vataja Fever Shivering, irregular fits of fever, dryness of the throat, lips and of the mouth, loss of sleep, stoppage of sneezing, par-chedness of the skin, pain in the head, chest and l...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever. Part 3
Symptoms Of Dwandvaja Fever A case of fever which involves, and is due to the combined action of any two deranged Doshas of the body, is called Dwaudvaja fever and such cases are classified into thre...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever. Part 4
Seat Of Vishama Jwara Even a small residue of the deranged bodily Dosha, lurking in the system after the apparent cure of fever, is aggravated by a course of injudicious conduct and indifference to s...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever. Part 5
Gambhira Fever And Its Prognosis A case of Gambhira fever is characterised by a feeling of internal burning sensation in the body (which is not complained of in the surface), thirst, suppression of t...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever. Part 6
Prohibition Of Fasting Fasting is prohibited in a case of fever due to a wasting process in the bod\' or incidental to the action of the deranged bodily Vayu or appearing in consequence of any seriou...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever. Part 7
Symptoms Of Pakva-Jwara Abatement of the bodily heat, lightness of the body and an easy passing of stool and urine are the indications from which the assimilation of the deranged bodily Doshas should...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever. Part 8
Administration Of Ghrita The residue of the deranged bodily Dosha having lurked in the system (of a patient) even after the exhibition of proper emetics and purgatives, the fever should be remedied b...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever. Part 9
Milk As A Diet Milk may be given with advantage in a case of chronic or lingering fever marked by the scanty presence of the deranged bodily Dosha in the system, by emaciation of the frame and by men...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever. Part 10
Samsamana Decoctions For Kaphaja Jwara A decoction of Saptachchhada, Gudu-chi, Nimba and Sphurjaka mixed with honey, or of Tri-katu, Naga-Kes'ara, Haridra, Katurohini and Indra-yava, or of Chitraka, ...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever. Part 11
Additional Text A potion of the decoction of Haridri, Bhadra-musta, Tri-phala, Katuka, Nimba, Patola, Devada' ru and Kanta-ka'ri would cure a case of Tri-doshaja fever with indigestion, water...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever. Part 12
Patoladi Ghirita Clarified butter duly cooked with the Kalka of Patola, Parpata, Arishta (Nimba), Guduchi, Tri-phala, Brisha, Katuka, Ambitda (Musta), Bhu-nimba, Yavdsa, Yashti-madhu, Chandana, Darvi...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever. Part 13
Tri-Phaladi Ghrita Clarified butter duly cooked with the Kalkas of Tri-phals, Us'ira, Sam-paka, Katuka, Ativisha, S'atsvari, Sapta-parna, Guduchi, the two kinds of Rajani, Chitraka, Trivrita,...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever. Part 14
Fumigation And Anjana The body of the patient should be fumigated with the fumes of the skin and hairs of a goat and a sheep mixed with Vacha, Kushtha, Palankasha (Guggulu), Nimba leaves, and honey a...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever. Part 15
General Treatment Of The Complications The deranged Pitta should be crushed and remedied first of all in a case of fever, involving therewith the co-operation of any of the deranged Doshas of the bod...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever. Part 16
Application Of Vastis Nirudha-vastis charged with the decoctions of sweet (Kakolyadi) or Vayu-subduing (Bhadra-darvadi) drugs, should be applied in fever due to the derangement of the bodily Vayu, ac...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Fever. Part 17
Symptoms Of Remission The features or indications which mark a complete remission of fever, are lightness of the head, flow of perspiration, pale and yellowish colour of the face, sneezing and desire...
-Chapter XL. Causes, Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Diarrhoea, Etc. (Atisara Pratisheda)
Causes Of Atisara - The excessive use of extremely heavy (hard to digest), oleaginous, dry, hot, cold, fluid, thick, and incompatible articles of food, eating irregularly and at improper time (or unac...
-Causes, Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Diarrhoea, Etc. Part 2
Symptoms Of Ama And Pakva Atisara A case of Atisara (diarrhcea) would be said to be in the Ama (acute) state, if the stool of the patient suffering from any of the foregoing Doshas would be found to ...
-Causes, Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Diarrhoea, Etc. Part 3
Twenty Different Recipes For Amatisara (i) Deva-daru, Vacha, Musta, Nagara, Ativisha and Abhaya ; or of (2) Kalinga (Indra-yava), Ativisha, Hingu, Sauvarchala-salt, Vacha and Abhaya, or of (3) Abhaya...
-Causes, Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Diarrhoea, Etc. Part 4
Six Yogas For Pittaja-Atisara Any one of the six decoctions respectively prepared with Musta, Kutaj'a-seeds (Indra-yava.J, Bhu-nimba and Rasanjana; or with Darvi, Duralabha, Vilva and red Chandana; o...
-Causes, Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Diarrhoea, Etc. Part 5
Putapaka Preparations A case of long-standing (chronic) Atisara marked by stools oi various colours and a keen digestion but unattended with any sort of pain or complication should be remedied with m...
-Causes, Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Diarrhoea, Etc. Part 6
Use Of Milk In Atisara Milk should be given in a case of Atisara marked by the suppression of stool and Vayu and attended with griping (Sula), constant scanty motions, symptoms of Rakta-pitta and thi...
-Causes, Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Diarrhoea, Etc. Part 7
Causes And Symptoms Of Raktatisara The bodily Pitta of a person already suffering from an attack of Pittaja-Atisara is further deranged and aggravated, if Pitta-generating eatables are taken, and ush...
-Causes, Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Diarrhoea, Etc. Part 8
Symptoms Of Pravahika The Vayu in the organism of a person addicted to the use of unwholesome food, is deranged and aggravated. It carries down the accumulations of Valasa (mucus) into the lower part...
-Causes, Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Diarrhoea, Etc. Part 9
General Principle Of Treatment Drying (Ruksha) measures should be employed in a case due to the excessive use of any oily or emulsive food and emulsive (Snigdha) measures should be adopted in a case ...
-Causes, Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Diarrhoea, Etc. Part 10
Specific Symptoms Of Graham A case of the Vataja type is accompanied by a severe aching pain at the anus, thorax (Hridaya), sides, abdomen and the head. A case of the Pittaja type is marked by a burn...
-Chapter XLI. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Phthisis (Sosha-Pratishedha)
Nomenclature Wasting or a general emaciation of the frame marks the sequel of and comes in as a premonitory symptom of an organic disease. Any cachectic condition of the bod}- accompanied by a low li...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Phthisis. Part 2
Other causes of Sosha and their Symptoms Sexual excess, grief, old age, over-fatiguing physical exercise, toils of journey, fasting, ulcers and ulceration of the Urah (lungs) are included by certain ...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Phthisis. Part 3
Diet - Meat, Etc The flesh of a crow or an owl or a mungoose or a cat or a Gandupada (earthworm) or a cormorant or a beast of prey (Vyala) or of any animal of the Viles'aya or Jangala class mixed wit...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Phthisis. Part 4
Eladi Mantha A Prastha measure of clarified butter should be duly cooked with the decoction of Ela,Ajamoda, Amalaka, Abhaya, Aksha, Gayatri, Arishta, Asana, S'alasdra, Vidanga, Bhallataka, Chitraka, ...
-Chapter XLII. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Gulma(Gulma-Pratisheda)
Definition And Number Of Gulmas The fundamental principles of the body, deranged and aggravated by their respective or specific exciting causes and factors tend to accumulate in the cavity of the abd...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Gulma. Part 2
Symptoms Of Raktaja-Gulma The symptoms of Raktaja-Gulma are mentioned below. The bodily Vayu of a woman newly delivered of a child as well as that of a woman who has recently miscarried, or of a woma...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Gulma. Part 3
Chitraka Ghrita Clarified butter duly cooked with curd, fermented rice-boilings (Kanjika) as well as with the decoction of Vadara and the expressed juice of Mulaka and with the Kalka of Chitraka, Tri...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Gulma. Part 4
Internal Use Of Kshara Alkaline preparation should be duly made with the following drugs, viz., the ashes of (dried stems of) Tila, Ikshnraka, Sarshapa and Yava and of (the barks of) Palas'a and of M...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Gulma. Part 5
Prohibited Articles A person suffering from Gulma, should refrain from taking Vallura (dried meat), Mulaka (radish), fish, dried pot-herbs, any preparation of pease, Aluka, (potato of any kind) and a...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Gulma. Part 6
Treatment Of Vataja Sula Sura, Sauviraka (fermented rice boilings), S'ukta, the cream of curd and Udas'vit (half-diluted Takra) saturated with Kala-salt * should be taken in a case of Vataja Sula. Th...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Gulma. Part 7
Symptoms Of Parsva-Sula The deranged Kapha in the regions of the Parsva (sides) arrests the course of local Vayu which thus irritated causes an immediate distention of the abdomen and a rumbling in t...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Gulma. Part 8
Symptoms And Treatment Of Hrichchhula The deranged bodily Vayu aggravated by the vitiated Rasa (chyle) and incarcerated in the region of the heart through the action of the deranged Pitta and Kapha, ...
-Chapter XLIII. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of The Disease Of The Heart (Hridroga-Pratishe-Dha)
Etiology And Nomenclature The deranged Doshas of the body, aggravated by such causes as voluntary repression of any natural urging (of stool, urine, etc), external blow or hurt, use of extremely dry ...
-Chapter XLIV. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Jaundice, Etc. (Pandu-Roga Pratishedha)
Etiology And Nomenclature The deranged bodily Doshas of a person addicted to sexual excesses * or to eating clay or salts or articles of keen potency and of acid or saline taste or to strong liquors ...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Jaundice, Etc. Continued
Treatment Of Kamala, Etc Tribhandi (Trivrit) taken with sugar as well as Gavdkshi or S'unthi taken with treacle, is beneficial to a patient suffering from an attack of Kamala. Clarified butter duly c...
-Chapter XLV. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Hemorrhage (Rakta-Pitta-Pratishedha)
Cause And Pathology Excessive indulgence in grief, fright or anger, excessive physical labour, exposure to the sun and fire, constant use of pungent, acid, saline and alkaline food, or, of articles o...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Hemorrhage. Part 2
General Principles Of Treatment It is improper to arrest the emission of blood immediately at the outset of the disease if the patient be a sufficiently strong man, in as much as such a procedure may...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Hemorrhage. Part 3
The Best Six Yogas A paste (Kalka) of Trapusi-voois in combination with honey and washings of rice or two Tolas of the pasted Yashti-madhu should be taken (with the same vehicles). A compound consist...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Hemorrhage. Part 4
Asthapana And Anuvasna The application of an Asthapana-Vasti charged with milk duly cooked with the drugs of the Vidari-gandhadi group and mixed with honey, clarified butter, sugar and Draksha, prove...
-Chapter XLVI. Symptoms And The Medical Treatment Of Faint-Ing Fits (Murchchha-Pratishedha)
Defination The deranged and aggravated Doshas of the body of a person who is emaciated or accustomed to the use of incompatible articles of food or who has become very weak on account of a sudden sup...
-Chapter XLVII. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Alcoholism And Its Kindred Maladies (Panatyaya-Pratishedha)
Properties And Actions Of Wine Wine is heat-making in its potency, keen or sharp in its properties, subtile in its essence, acts as a soaker or cleanser of moisture and albuminous matter (Vis'ada), i...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Alcoholism And Its Kindred Maladies. Part 2
Cases Where Wine Is Prohibited Wine should not be taken by a person under the influence of anger, grief, fright, thirst or hunger. The use of wine is prohibited immediately after a fatiguing journey,...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Alcoholism And Its Kindred Maladies. Part 3
Treatment Of Kaphaja And Tri-Doshaja Type, Etc In the Kaphaja type of Panatyava. the mucus should be eliminated by taking a potion of wane mixed with the expressed juice or decoction of Vimibi and Vi...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Alcoholism And Its Kindred Maladies. Part 4
Treatment Of Pana-Vibhrama A Panaka composed of Draksha, Kapittka, Phala (Matu-lunga, etc.) and Dadima sweetened with profuse quantity of sugar and honey, as well as the one made with the expressed ...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Alcoholism And Its Kindred Maladies. Part 5
Remedies For Daha Now I shall describe the cooling measures which should be employed for alleviating the burning sensation (Da'ha) in the case of a rich patient. The body of such a patient under the ...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Alcoholism And Its Kindred Maladies. Part 6
Symptoms Of Raktaja Daha The blood coursing through the whole body when aggravated by any cause whatsoever becomes heated and imparts a copper colour to the skin, complexion and the eyeballs of the p...
-Chapter XLVIII. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Thirst
(Trishna-Pratishedha Adhyaya). I. He who is not satisfied even with the constant drinking of water but craves for more and more water should be regarded as afflicted with the disease known as thirst ...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Thirst. Part 2
Amaja And Annaja Thirst The symptoms of all the three (aggravated) Doshas in addition to pain in the heart, spitting and a sense of lassitude in the limbs are present in the type which is due to indi...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Thirst. Part 3
The Commentator Kartika Kundu Supports This Dallana. For Kantaka- Pancha-mula, see Chap. XXXVIII - Sutra-Sthana. Water duly boiled with Kas'eru, S'ringataka, Padma, Mocha (plantain-flower) and Vis'a...
-Chapter XLIX. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Vomiting (Chhardi-Pratishedha)
Causes And Nomenclature The bodily Doshas are deranged and aggravated per force by the use of extremely liquid, emollient, unpalatable or oversalted food or of one taken at an improper time or in an ...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Vomiting. Continued
The Supervening Symptoms Arc Cough, asthma, fever, hic-congh, thirst, mental dejection, heart-disease and Tamaka-S'vasa. General Treatment In a case of vomiting marked by an excessive preponderance...
-Chapter L. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Hiccough (Hicca-Pratishedha)
Causes: - Hiccough, cough and asthma are the result of using those articles of fare which are heavy, dry, or secreting (Abhishyandi) or which are followed by an acid reaction or which remain long in a...
-Chapter LI. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Asthma (Svasa-Pratishedha)
AEtiology: - To the same group of exciting factors which bring in an attack of hiccough should be attributed the origin of that voilcnt disease which is known as Svasa (asthma). The vital Vayu known a...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Asthma. Part 2
Himsradi Ghrita Clarified butter should be duly cooked with a Kola (D. R. Karsha) weight each of * Himsra, Vidanga, Putika, Tri-phala, Vyosha and Chitraka, and with milk twice as much and water four ...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Asthma. Part 3
The Five Lambatives A lambativc composed of any of the following five groups of drugs mentioned in a hemistich each, viz, Tims'a-seeds, Karkata-S'ringi and S'uvarchika (Jatuka-creeper), or Dura-labha...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Asthma. Part 4
Articles Recommended Matured clarified butter, Pippali, soups of Kulattha, or of the flesh of any Jangala animal, Sura. Souviraka (fermented rice-boilings), Hingu, the expressed juice of Matuluuga, h...
-Chapter LII. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Cough. (Kasa Pratishedha)
Cause And Etiology Cough has its origin in the same sets of causes, which excite or usher in an attack of hiccough or asthma. The vital Vayu of the body known as the Prana-Vayu combined with other Do...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Cough. Part 2
Inhalation Of Dhuma The patient should be made to inhale the smoke of a burning Varti (medicinal stick) composed of Bhargi, Vacha and Hiugu, pounded together and mixed with clarified butter, or of th...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Cough. Part 3
Pittaja And Kshayaja Kasa A case of cough of the Pittaja-type, as well as the one due to the wasting (Kshaya) brought about by sexual excess, yields to the use every morning of the clarified butter, ...
-Chapter LIII. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Hoarseness Of Voice (Svara-Bheda-Pratishedha)
Etiology : - The Vayu and the other Doshas arc deranged and aggravated by such causes as ex-tremely loud speaking, taking poison, reading at the top of the voice, external hurt or injury and exposure ...
-Chapter LIV. Symtoms And Medical Treatment Of Worms(Krimi-Roga-Pratishedha)
Causes : - The Pitta and Kapha of the body are aggravated by such causes as eating before the digestion of a previous meal, excessive use of any indigestible, uncongenial, incompatible or filthy artic...
-Symtoms And Medical Treatment Of Worms. Continued
Specific Causes Worms which have their origin in the feces (accumulated in the bowels) are the results of the (excessive) use of such articles of fare as Masha-pulse, cakes, salt, treacle and pot-her...
-Chapter LV. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of The Disease Due To The Retention Of Any Natural Physical Urging (Udavarta-Pratishedha)
Causes : - A wise man valuing his life shall never repress any natural urging of his body, whether upward or downward, e. g. that of Vayu, etc. Udavarta is so called from its origin from the repressio...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of The Disease Due To The Retention Of Any Natural Physical Urging. Continued
Udavarta Due To Errors In Diet The abdominal (Koshthaja) Vayu deranged and aggravated by such factors as eating dry, astringent, pungent or bitter articles of fare (in inordinate quantities) causes a...
-Chapter LVI. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Vishn-Chika Type Of Cholera, Etc. (Visuchika-Pratishedha)
Causes: - Visuchi, Alasaka and Vilambika arc produced from the effects of the three kinds of indigestion spoken of before (in Sutra, chapter XLVI (Symptoms And The Medical Treatment Of Faint-Ing Fits ...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Vishn-Chika Type Of Cholera, Etc. Continued
Some Here Read The Following Two Compounds As An Additional Text Kushtha, Aguru, Patra, Rasna, S'igru, Vacha and Tvak should be Diet Digestive and appetising Peya, etc., should be given to t...
-Chapter LVII. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Aversion To Food (Arochaka-Pratishedha)
Aetiology : - The derangement of the Doshas either several or combined or an apathetic state of the mind (through grief, etc.) tends to block the food-carrying channels vis., the esophagus, etc., as w...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Aversion To Food. Continued
Regimen Of Diet The patient should partake of fruits, edible roots, etc. which grow in his country and take cordials, Shadavas Ragas and other palatable dishes which are congenial to ...
-Chapter LVIII. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of The Suppression Of Urine (Mutra-Ghata Pratishedha)
The disease is of twelve* kinds, viz., Vata-kunda-lika, Ashthila, Vata-vasti Mutratita, (Mutra-) Jathara, Mutrotsanga, (Mutra-)Kshaya, Mutra-granthi, Mutra-s'ukra, Ushna-vata and the two forms of (viz...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of The Suppression Of Urine. Continued
Mutra-Sukra And Ushna-Vata A person visiting a woman in the presence of a strong urging towards urination and by voluntarily repressing the same is found to pass urine highly charged with semen which...
-Chapter LIX. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of The Defects Of Urine (Mutra-Dosha-Pratishcdha)
Classification The disease known as Mutropaghata is divided into eight different types according as an attack is induced by the deranged action of the bodily Vayu, Pitta and Kapha separately, or is d...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of The Defects Of Urine. Continued
Tri-Doshaja Type The foregoing measures and remedies should be employed in the Tri-doshaja type of Mutra-krichchhra according to the nature and intensity of the predominance of the Doshas involved. P...
-Chapter LX. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of The Disease Brought On Through Super-Human Influences (Amanusha-Pratishedha)
Now we dilate upon the dictum which has been put forward in the first portion of the present work, and which is to the effect that a patient suffering from ulcers should always be protected from the e...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of The Disease Brought On Through Super-Human Influences. Part 2
Times Of Possession A Deva Graha strikes i. e. possesses a man at full moon ; an Asura Graha at the meeting of day and night i. e. in the morning and evening twilights ; a Gandharva generally on the ...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Diseases Brought On Through Super-Human Influences. Part 3
General Religious Treatment Japas (mental repetition of a Mantra sacred to any deity), Homas (offering of oblations to the gods) and other religious rites in accordance with the proper rules should b...
-Chapter LXI. Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Apasmara (Apasmara-Pratishedha)
Derivative Significance The word Smriti signifies the faculty of past sense-perceptions and (the prefix) Apa denotes the privation (of any object or attribute). Hence, this disease (in which an i...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatment Of Apasmara. Continued
Discussion On Its Cause The sudden appearance of the disease without any apparent cause and also its sudden and spontaneous disappearance after a short while without any apparent treatment, have indu...
-Chapter LXII. Symptoms And Medical Treatmentlof Insanity (Unmada-Pratishedha)
Derivation In as much as (in this disease) the deranged bodily Doshas traversing the upper part of the body affect the up-coursing nerves and produce thereby a distracting state of the mind, it is ca...
-Symptoms And Medical Treatmentlof Insanity. Continued
Maha-Kalyana Ghrita Clarified butter duly cooked with twice as much of milk and with Vidanga, Tri-phala, Musta, Manjishtha, Dadima, Uipala, S'yama, Ela-valuka, Ela, (redi Chandana, Deva-daru, Barkisk...
-Chapter LXIII. Different Combinations Of The Six Different Rasas (Rasa-Bheda-Vikalpa Adhyaya)
The fifteen different combinations of the Doshas already spoken of (in Chapter XXI (Medical Treatment Of The Diseases Peculiar To The Car (Karna-Gata Roga-Pratishedha)), Sutra-Sthana) are meant only f...
-Different Combinations Of The Six Different Rasas. Continued
Taken Four At A Time The Madhura (sweet) Rasa has got ten different combinations of four at a time. Similarly Amla (acid) Rasa has got four, and Lavana (saline) Rasa only one. They are as follows : -...
-Chapter LXIV. Rules Of Health (Svastha-Vrittaadhyaya)
Health indicates a normal condition of the (three) Doshas (fundamental principles), Agni (the digestive fire), Mala (excrements viz., feces, urine, etc.)*, and the (seven) Dhatus or root-principles of...
-Rules Of Health. Part 2
Rules for Hemanta and winter Seasons The season of Hemanta is cold but dry (Ruksha). The sun is weak and the atmosphere is very airy. Hence, owing to the outside cold, the bodily Vayu is also aggrava...
-Rules Of Health. Part 3
Rules For Summer Physical exercise, toil, hot and excessively drying articles of fare {e.g. those prepared with pulses), as well as those abounding in heat-producing (e. g. pungent, acid and saline) ...
-Rules Of Health. Part 4
Propertimes Forthe Administration Of Medicines We shall now speak of the ten specific times (i. e. proper occasions) for the administration of medicines. They are - Nir-bhakta, Prag-bhakta, Adho-bhak...
-Chapter LXV. Technical Terms Used In This Treatise (Tantra-Yukti-Nama-Adhyaya)
Names Of The Technical Terms There arc thirty-two technical terms in this Treatise. They are - (1) Adhikarana, (2) Yoga, (3) Padartha, (|) Hetvartha, (5) Uddes'a, (6) Nirdes'a, (7) Upades'a, (8) Apad...
-Technical Terms Used In This Treatise. Continued
* The common example of an Arthapatti (presumption) in Sanskrit philosophy is 'Pino Devadatto diva na bhumkte,' (i. e., Fat Devadatta does not eat at day-lime), from which it is evident that he certai...
-Chapter LXVI. The Different Modifications (Combinations) Of The Different Doshas - Dosha-Bhedavikalpa-Namadhyaya
Revered Sus'ruta, the son of Vis'vamitra, asks (the following to) the high-minded Divodasa, well-versed in all the eight divisions of Ayurveda, with intellect sharp and as deep as an ocean, as it were...
-Appendix No. 1. Glossary Of Important Medical Sanscrit Words. A-G
A Alepa Alepana ......Plaster - see Vol. I Ch. XVIII. III - 155 Andha-putana .. .. A demoness supposed to cause diseases to children. Anila ... .. .. See Vayu Anjali .. .. .. A measure weighing hal...
-Appendix No. 1. Glossary Of Important Medical Sanscrit Words. H-N
H II - 127 Havishya .. .. A particular course of food consisting of Ghrita, etc., esp. without meat and fish as prescribed in the Hindu Smriti. Himalaya ... .. A mountain. Homa .. .. .. Offering ...
-Appendix No. 1. Glossary Of Important Medical Sanscrit Words. 0-S
O Ojah .........Strength; Vitality. See Vol. I. 130. Intro. P. LVI. Omkara ......The mystic syllable Om'. P Pachana.........Process of setting up suppuration. Anything that digests the undigeste...
-Appendix No. 1. Glossary Of Important Medical Sanscrit Words. T-Z
T Takra.........Vol. I 438. Takshaka .. .. The name of the king of serpents. Tamas.........Princple of nescience. Illusion. See note - Vol. II. P. 114, 120 Tarpana.. .. .. A pleasing tonic. A soot...
-Appendix No. 2. Sanscrit Names Of Animals. With English Equivalents Or Explanations
A Ajagara ......... A python (rock-snake) ; a boa. A'lahvaya.... ......A bird belonging to the group that kill or strike with beaks. Ambu-Kukkutika.........A water-fowl. Anjali-karna .........One ...
-Appendix No. 3. Sanscrit Names Of Drugs. (With Latin Synonyms)
A Abhaya .. .. Terminalia Chebula. Abhraka ............Talc. Adhaki ............See Tuvara. Aditya-Vaktra .........Cleome Viscosa. Gynandropsis pentaphylla. Ardraka .. ...... Zingiber. Agara-dhuma...
-Appendix No. 3. Sanscrit Names Of Drugs. Continued
I Ikshu ............Saccharum officinarum. Sugarcane. Ikshu-gandha .........Tribulus terrestris. Indra-Varuni .. .. Citrulus Colocynthis. Cunnis melo. Indra-Yava............(Seeds of) Hollarrhenaa...
-Appendix No. 3. Sanscrit Names Of Drugs. Continued. Part 2
Markati ...........See S'uka-s'mbi. Markava ............Wedelia Calendulacea. MarU7aka.... .....Ocymum Caryophyllatum. Masha ............Phaseolus radiatus, Roxburghii. Masha-parni .........Tera...
-Appendix No. 3. Sanscrit Names Of Drugs. Continued. Part 3
Sahadeva............See Bala. Sailaja........... A species of Lichen. S'aivala ............Blyxa Octandra. Saka.. ............Sectona grandis. Sakra ............See Kutaja. Sakhotaka............

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