
Medicines which induce stupor or sleep, and ease pain.


Medicines which produce nausea, diminish arterial action, and thus abate inflammation.

Nettle Seed

It is said when given with the horse's corn, to produce a smooth coat, and to impart an appearance of condition and liveliness.


Nitrate of Potash. Cooling and diuretic. In colds, fevers, and inflammatory complaints of the horse, from 2 to 4 dr. may be given daily, in plenty of water, or linseed tea, till the desired effect is produced. An ounce is often given, but smaller doses repeated are better. Cattle, 2 to 4 dr. [1 oz. in 24 hours for some days. - Moiroud.] Swine and sheep, 30 to 40 gr.; dogs, 4 to 10 gr. A strong solution is applied to gangrenous wounds.

Nitric Acid, Nitrous Acid, or Aqua fortis

Used externally only, as a strong caustic; or largely diluted (2 dr. to a pint of water) as an antiseptic wash to foul ulcers.

Nitrate of Silver

Lunar Caustic. Tonic; but rarely given to annuals, except to dogs in chorea, in doses of 1/8 to 1/4 of a gr. Externally caustic. It is the best caustic that can be applied to the bites of rabid animals. A weak solution (10 gr. to 1 oz. rain-water) is used to excite sluggish wounds, and to remove opacity from the cornea of the eye.

Nux Vomica

Poisonous to all animals. Given in doses of 8 to 10 gr., gradually increased to 30 gr., in paralysis of the horse; but its effect requires to be carefully watched. It has been tried in glanders and farcy, but without much success. In small doses it invigorates the digestive functions. The French veterinarians are stated to have sometimes given Nux Vomica with good effect in amaurosis and stringhalt in horses, and chorea in dogs, particularly when accompanied by debility. A few grains will destroy a dog. A drachm has killed a horse. See Strychnia,


See Gall-nuts.


Stimulant, and perhaps narcotic. Sometimes given in colic, but not much in use.

Oak Bark

Astringent and tonic. Dose, 1/2 oz. to 2 oz., in powder, or boiled in water, for diarrhoea, diabetes, and debility in horses. To cattle, in dysentery, and in red-water (after purgatives), 1/2 oz. to 1 oz. The powdered bark and the decoction are applied to unhealthy wounds, etc. In France, a mixture of oak-bark, gentian, and chamomile, is used as a substitute for Peruvian bark.

Fish Oil

Common whale oil is a good preventive of the fly, and does not injure the wool.

Oil of Spike

As sold for veterinary purposes, it consists of turpentine, coloured, and merely scented with foreign oil of lavender. It is used in warm liniments.

Oil of Turpentine

See Turpentine.

Oil of Tar

See Tar.

Expressed Oils

Olive, almond, and linseed oils are laxative, demulcent, and emollient. Dose, 3 to 16 oz., or a pint. In the latter dose they are given (especially linseed oil) as a substitute for castor oil: they are harmless, but rather uncertain in then' operation. (See Castor Oil.) They are useful in poisoning by acrid and corrosive poisons. Olive oil is used, both inwardly and outwardly, as a remedy for the bites of reptiles and stings of insects. Externally the expressed oils are used in liniments and ointments. Oil of bays is gently stimulant and antispasmodic, but chiefly used outwardly.