1. Prepare a frog for heart tracings, and secure normals on both the slow and fast drum. Into the anterior lymph sac inject o.1 mg. Nitroglycerin. Take frequent sample graphs on both drums.

2. Place a cat in the etherizing box, and into the cone drop 3 minims Amyl Nitrite. Administer immediately for 1/2 minute, then quickly place cat under a cage, and watch her recovery.

3. Obtain the normals of pulse and respiration of a rabbit; then administer sub-cutaneously 0.5 mg. Nitroglycerin. Plot your findings on the chart.

4. Etherize a cat; secure the usual registrations. Keeping apparatus running (Hurthle manometer should be adjusted for low drop), drop into ether cone 3 minims Amyl Nitrite, and obtain the registered effect. This may be repeated several times.

5. When the normal returns (in Experiment No. 4), administer to the cat 0.25 mg. x kg. Nitroglycerin intraperitoneally. Keep constant drum until registration marks normal.

6. With the return of normal, administer the same dose intravenously. When the drug action is at its maximum, administer by jugular vein 0.3 mil Epinephrin solution, 1 to IOOO.

7. Form a group of six. A, the subject, is to inhale 3 minims Amyl Nitrite, gazing meanwhile at a black spot on a large white surface; B, to take continuous pulse-count, announcing the count in continual 5-second intervals; C, to record the pulse as announced; D, to take continuous blood-pressure readings, quickly following the rapid variations; E, to record the pressure findings; F, to obtain sphygmograms and to note subject's facial appearance. Let subject break an Amyl Nitrite pearl in a towel, and immediately inhale the fumes, continuing for 1/2 minute unless he feels too dizzy. Both reaction and recovery will be rapid, so observers must maintain keen attention.

8. Nitroglycerin in therapeutic doses is not dangerous, but it sometimes produces a rather severe headache; this lessens with tolerance. Therefore if one accustomed somewhat to the drug, or if some one else will volunteer, let the usual observations be made concerning the effects of Nitroglycerin. Dose, 0.5 mg.

9. In the hospital assignment, determine the reactions of Nitroglycerin in the several instances where it may have been prescribed. Compare these reactions with those you have observed in the laboratory. Endeavor to ascertain, also, how extent and duration of Nitroglycerin action may be modified in any given case by habituation.

10. Consulting the literature, ascertain the rationale of the use of Nitroglycerin, and seek to explain any apparent discrepancies.

Experiment No. i.

Graphs. Frog:

Experiment No. 2. Report of Amyl Nitrite on a cat:

Experiment No. 3. Nitroglycerin, 0.5 mg. hypodermic. Rabbit:

Experiment No. 4. Kymograph record: Amyl Nitrite. Cat:

Experiment No. 5. Kymograph record: Nitroglycerin. Cat:

Experiment No. 6. Kymograph record: Nitroglycerin, then Epinephrin. Cat:

Experiment No. 7.

No. Date

Pharmacodynamics of Amyl Nitrite Dose, 3 minims Administration, Inhaled Service

Subject Age Sex Weight Condition

Temperature, Humidity, Reporter

The Nitrite Series 45The Nitrite Series 46

Experiment No. 8.

Subject's initials or No..................................................................... Date............................------------------------------........_.

Age.................Sex................Height.................Weight.................... Medicine .............................------......................._.................

Condition.................................................................................................... Dose...............--------------........................................_..

Thermometer............................................................................................ How administered........................................................._

Barometer................................................................................................... Remarks..................................................................................

Relative humidity................................................................................... Reporter..................................................................................

Experiment No. 9. Report of observations in the hospital:

Experiment No. 10. Explanatory summary of the action of Nitroglycerin: