Zi-go-fi-la'se-e. L. Zygophyll-um + aceae, fr. Gr.

38 Zygophyllaceae Guaiacum Or Bean Caper Family 459

yoke, +

38 Zygophyllaceae Guaiacum Or Bean Caper Family 460

leaf - i. e., leaves foliolate, yoked and in pairs. Herbs, trees, shrubs. Distinguished by flowers, white, red, yellow, with fleshy disk; sepals 5, free, glandless; petals 4-5, filaments 8-10, having small scales; ovary lobed, 4-12-celled, superior, 2 filiform ovules in each, little or no albumin; beyond tropics; stimulants, alterative, diaphoretic, anthelmintic; wood hard, durable. Genus: 1. Guaiacum (Guajacum).