This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
Ber-se-ra'se-e. L. Burser-a + aceae, after Joachim Burser, German botanist, at Naples, 17th century. Trees, shrubs. Distinguished by secreting fragrant gum-resinous or resinous juice; leaves compound, dotted; ovary sessile, 1-5-celled, ovules in pairs; flowers perfect; calyx 2-5 divisions; petals 3-5; stamens twice the petals; fruit dry, 1-5-celled; seed exalbuminous, superior; tropics; bitter, purgative, anthelmintic, poisonous; lumber.
Genus: 1. Commiphora.
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