This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
Aconitum Neomonta'Num. Leaves, official 1820-1840, and A. panicu'la'tum, leaves, official 1840-1850, possess very little acridity, but even now their roots are collected and mixed with the official.
2. A. Cam'marum (variega'tum). - Europe; root globular, ovate, 12 Mm. (J') long, pith rays 5, short, rounded; and A. Storckia'num, Europe; root conical, slender, pith roundish pentagonal, similar in effect, smaller than, but often found mixed with, the official.
Fig. 123. - Aconitum Napellus: leaf, small sized.
3. A. fer'ox. - India aconite (native Bikh or Bish) is the strongest species, with root 5-10 Cm. (2-4') long, 2.5 Cm. (I') thick, conical and brown; yields pseudaconitine (peraconitine), similar to and as active as aconitine; A. uncina'tum and A. lu'ridum roots are collected
Fig. 124. - Pulsatilla (Anemone) Pulsatilla.
Fig. 125. - Pulsatilla (Anemone) pratensis.
with this, as they all have constituents similar to the official, but here pseudaconitine predominates.
4. A. Fisch'eri and A. japon'icum, Japanese and Chinese Aconite. - Roots napiform, long, pith circular, 5-7-rayed; yields japaconitine, identical with aconitine; allied to former is A. Columbia'num; Rocky
Fig. 126. - Hepatica Hepatica (triloba): leaf showing venation.
Fig. 127. - Ranunculus in bloomMountains; poisonous. A. heterophyl'lum, India - fusiform, conical, bitter, not acrid or poisonous, A. Antho'ra, Europe - fusiform, long, pith thin, rays short and long, and A. Lycoc'tonum, Europe, N. Asia - rhizome oblique, several-headed, bitter.
Pulsatilla (Anem'One) Pulsatilla And Pulsatilla (Anmone) Pra-Ten'Sis, Pulsatilla. The herb, collected soon after flowering, official 1880-1900; Europe (England, Siberia). Perennial herbs, 10-25 Cm. (4-10') high, covered with soft, silky hairs; stems erect, simple, scape bearing a large terminal, bell-shaped, purplish flower having 6 sepals, 2.5-4 Cm. (1 - 1 3/5') broad; fruit achene, numerous, short-beaked; root, several-headed; leaves radical, pinnately-cleft; inodorous, very acrid, and owing to volatility of anemonin (chief constituent) should not be kept longer than one year; contains anemonin, acrid anemone camphor, iso-anemonic acid, C15H14O7. Sedative, anodyne, mydriatic, diuretic, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, vesicant, emetic, poisonous - similar to aconite, causing tingling, numbness, reducing respiration, temperature, cardiac and arterial tension, paralysis of motion and sensation; dysmenorrhoea, bronchitis, asthma, whooping-cough, gastritis, epididymitis, orchitis, conjunctivitis, eczema, ulcers, meningitis. Poisoning'. Symptoms and treatment similar to aconite. Dose, gr. 1-5 (.06-.3 Gm.; extract (expressed juice + alcohol, gr. 1/2-3 (.03-2 Gm.); tincture, 50 p. c, 1/10-10 (.006-.6 Ml. (Cc.)); Homeopathic tincture (extract); anemonin, gr. 1/4-3/4 (.016-.05 Gm.). P. hirsutis'sima (Anemone pa'tens var. Nuttallia'na); herb, official 1880-1890, W. N. America; flowers whitish, purplish, sepals 5-7, - 2.5-4 Cm. (1 - 1 3/5') long, developed before the leaves. A. quinquefo'lia (nemoro'sa), Wood Flower, Wood Anemone, N. America; flowers purplish-white, A. corona'ria, A. sylves'tris, and A. ranunculoi'des, Levant, Asia, Europe; all are acrid and deteriorate upon drying.
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