This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
Hepatic Aloes. This name was applied formerly to a variety of Socotrine aloes from E. Indies, but now the term is given in this country to Barbadoes, in fact to any opaque liver-colored aloes.
Natal Aloes. This has a greenish-slate hue, crystalline, fracture less shining than, but odor of Cape aloes; it is of little value, and is shipped from Port Natal.
Moka Aloes. This has brownish-black color, irregular fracture, disagreeable odor, and is from the interior of Arabia.
Caballine Or Horse Aloes. This is inferior, impure, having a dark color, fetid odor, being from irregular sources.
Jafferabad Aloes. This has black-pitch color and lustre, glassy, porous fracture, and is less agreeable than Socotrine aloes.
Allied Plant:
Erythro'Nium America'Num, Yellow Adders-Tongue. The root and herb, official 1820-1850; United States. Perennial herb, scape 15-22.5 Cm. (6-9') high, slender, leaves 2, pale green, equal length
12.5 Cm. (5'), one twice as wide as the other, brown-spotted, flowers yellow, 2.5-5 Cm. (1-2') long, root (bulb or corm) solid, brown; inside white. All parts of the plant active; used like colchicum. Dose, gr. 20-30 (1.3-2 Gm.) in infusion. Large doses emetic.
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