1. Amygdalus (Prunus) Per'Sica, Peach

Amygdalus (Prunus) Per'Sica, Peach. Persia, cultivated largely in the United States, etc. Fruit edible, abounding in sugar, juice ferments, and upon distillation yields peach brandy; kernels poisonous front yielding HCN, often substituted for bitter almonds, also contain fixed oil resembling that of almond, for which it is an adulterant; leaves mild sedative in doses of gr. 15-30 (1-2 Gm.), in infusion.

2. Cydo'Nia (Py'Rus) Cydonia, (Quince

Cydo'Nia (Py'Rus) Cydonia, (Quince. Pomaceae. The seed, official 1860 1890; W. Asia. Tree 2.5-0 M. (8-20°) high, with crooked, straggling branches; leaves like pear leaves; flowers white or purplish; fruit pear-shaped; seed 6 Mm. (1/4') long, ovate, triangular, brown, covered with whitish, mucilaginous epithelium, causing seeds of each cell to adhere; swell with water, forming heavy mucilage; 2 cotyledons, white, oily, bitter almond taste; very similar to apple seeds; contain mucilage (cydonin) 20 p. c. (not precipitated by borax or potassium silicate, soluble in cold and hot water), fixed oil, proteids; used as demulcent, protective; fruit astringent. Mucilago Cydonii (1 part + water 50), official 1880-1890.

3. Ma'Lus (Pynis) Malus, Apple

Ma'Lus (Pynis) Malus, Apple. Plant resembles quince; fruit edible, laxative; bark tonic, febrifuge. Dose, gr. 15-60 (1-4 Gm.); succus pomorum.