1. Sco'Pola Carniol'Ica, Scopola

Sco'Pola Carniol'Ica, Scopola. The dried rhizome containing .5 p. c. of mydriatic alkaloids, official 1900-1910; C. Europe, Germany, Austro-Hungary, Carniola. Shrub, 20-60 Cm. (8-24') high, usually branchless; leaves oblong-lanceolate, wavy or notched toward apex, petiolate, reticulate; flowers tubular, campanulate, brownish-purple; fruit capsule, circumseissile, dehiscent. Rhizome flexuous, cylindra-ous, mostly in pieces 2.5-7.5 Cm. (1-3') long, .8-1.6 Cm. (1/3-2/3') thick, often split before drying; upper surface with large, closely set cup-shaped stem-scars, margins irregularly contracted, brownish, longitudinally wrinkled, obscurely annulate, nodular-roughened, fracture short, sharp; wood indistinctly radiate, central pith horny; nearly inodorous; taste sweetish, bitterish, acrid; solvents: alcohol (80 p. c), water partially; contains scopolamine .05 p. c, hyoscyamine .5 p. c, atropine, scopoletin, ash 7-10 p. c. Mydriatic, analgesic, hypnotic antiphlogistic; glaucoma, ptyalism, hyperidrosis. Should not be given in renal affection nor in advanced age, and cases of poisoning should be treated as in belladonna. Dose, gr. 1-3 (.06-.2 Gm.); extract, gr. 1/4-1/2 (.016-.03 Gm.); scopolamine, gr. 1/250-1/60 (.00025-001 Gm.). S. japon'ica, Japanese Belladonna, plant resembles very closely S. carniolica, differing only in having the style curved, calyx-teeth unequal, leaves less obovate with longer petioles; rhizome 10 Cm. (4') long, 12 Mm. (J') thick; this also yields atropine, scopolamine, etc.

2. Mandrag'ora officina'lis (Atropa mandragora), together with var. autunna'lis, having blue flowers, and var. verna'lis, white flowers; S. Europe - all are acaulescent plants, having constituents similar to those of belladonna.