Oleum Cajuputi. Oil of Cajuput, official.

Melaleuca Leucadendron, Linne, var. Cajeputi, var. minor.

A volatile oil distilled from the fresh leaves and twigs.

Habitat. E. India Islands, Celebes, Bouro, Amboyna, Moluccas, Philippines, Cochin China, Australia.

Syn. Kayu-putu, White Tree (Wood), Pepperbark; 01. Cajup., Cajuput Oil, Oil of Caieput, Oleum Caieputi; Fr. Huile (Essence) de Caieput; Ger. Gajeputol.

Mel-a-leu ca. L. fr. Gr.

Cajuputum Cajuput 569

black +

Cajuputum Cajuput 570

white, - i. e., bark of the trunk is blackish, that of the branches is whitish.

Leu-ca-den dron. L. fr. Gr.

Cajuputum Cajuput 571

white, +

Cajuputum Cajuput 572

a tree - i. e., general appearance of the tree.

Caj-e-pu'ti (better Caj-u-pu'ti). L. fr. Malay. kayu, tree, + putih, white - i. e., appearance of the branches.

Mi'nor. L. minor, minus, less, smaller - i. e., plant smaller than other species, also smaller flower-heads and leaves.

Plants. - Small trees, 9-12 M. (30-40°) high; bark gray, brittle, splitting into thin layers; leaves 5-10 Cm. (2-4') long, blade twisted, lanceolate; flowers 5-7.5 Cm. (2-3') long, greenish to whitish, silky, pubescent, spikes; fruit woody, hard, sessile, dehiscing into 3 valves.

Constituents. - Volatile oil, mucilage, pectin.

Oleum Cajuputi. Oil of Cajuput. - This oil, obtained by water or steam distillation, is a colorless, yellowish, greenish (usually due to copper) liquid, peculiar, agreeable, distinctly camphoraceous (cineol) odor, aromatic, slightly bitter taste, soluble in 1 vol. of 80 p. c. alcohol, sp. gr. 0.918, laevorotatory; contains 50-67 p. c. of cineol (cajuputol, eucalyptol), C10H18O, also the alcohol terpineol, C10H17OH, several terpenes - l-pinene, etc., valeric and benzoic aldehydes, which upon oxidation impart acid reaction. It is imported mostly from Celebes (Macassar), Bouro (islands), some from Singapore, Java, Manila, in emptied beer and wine bottles, 25 packed in a crate, or in copper cans (rare). Should be kept cool, in well-stoppered, amber-colored bottles. Dose, eij-10 (.13-.6 Ml. (Cc.)), emulsion, pill, on sugar; externally in liniments.

Adulterations. - Copper from shipping cans (rare), many cheaper oils, as camphor, rosemary, turpentine (French turpentine, owing to its l-pinene, being difficult to detect), also these sometimes colored with resin of milfoil, all rendering action with iodine more violent.

Properties. - Same as oil of clove; carminative, stimulant, diaphoretic, vermifuge, parasiticide, rubefacient, counter-irritant.

Uses. - Rheumatism, myalgia, spasmodic affections of the stomach and bowels, catarrh of bladder, low fevers, gout, colic, cholera morbus, dysmenorrhoea, laryngitis, bronchitis, toothache, chilblains.

Preparation. - (Unoff.): Spiritus Cajupuii (Br.), 10 p. c, dose, ev-20 (.3-1.3 Ml. (Cc.).

Fig. 274.   Melaleuca Leucadendron var. Cajeputi   small branches with leaves, buds, and flowers: 1, vertical section of fruit; 2, transverse section of ovary; 3, vertical section of flower.

Fig. 274. - Melaleuca Leucadendron var. Cajeputi - small branches with leaves, buds, and flowers: 1, vertical section of fruit; 2, transverse section of ovary; 3, vertical section of flower.