This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
Preparation. - 1. Liquor Sodae Chlorinatae. Solution of Chlorinated Soda. (Syn., Liq. Sod. Chlorinat., Labarraque's Solution, Liquor Sodae Chloratae, Liquor Natri (Chlorati) Hypochlorosi, Bleaching Solution; Fr. Chlorure de Soude liquide, Liqueur de Labarraque; Ger. Bleichflussigkeit, Chlornatronlosung.)
Manufacture: Triturate, until uniform, chlorinated lime 10 Gm. with water 50 Ml. (Cc), gradually added; dissolve monohydrated sodium carbonate 7 Gm. in hot water 50 Ml. (Cc), add this to preceding mixture, stir or shake thoroughly, and if gelatinous warm gently until liquefied, transfer to wetted muslin strainer, return liquid until clear, finally wash precipitate with water q. s. 100 Gm.; by double decomposition calcium carbonate is precipitated, while chlorinated soda and sodium chloride remain in solution - 2Na2CO3 + Ca(C1O)2,CaCl2 = 2(XaClO,NaCl) + 2CaCO3; hot water is used to render the precipitate, CaCO3, compact, as direct heat carelessly applied might decompose solution into chloride and chlorate with evolution of oxygen. It is a clear, pale greenish, aqueous liquid (solution), faint chlorine odor, disagreeable, alkaline taste, at first colors red litmus paper blue, then bleaches it; hydrochloric acid causes evolution of chlorine and carbon dioxide; contains chlorine compounds of sodium with not less than 2.5 p. c. of available chlorine. Should be kept cool, dark, in well-stoppered bottles. Dose, exxx-40(2-2.6 Ml. (Cc.)), in water, or some mild liquid; as a gargle or injection should be diluted 8-10 times with water.
Unoff. Prep.: Liquor Calcis Chlorinatae (Br.), 10 p. c. + water q. s. 100 (yields 3 p. c. available Chlorine.)
Properties and Uses. - Desiccant, disinfectant (one of the very best), deodorizer; ulcers, chilblains, burns, skin affections, itch, putrid sore throat, ulcerated gums, dysentery, typhus fever, scrofulous enlargements, ophthalmia, aphthae, cancers, foul breath, mercurial salivation, antidote to hydrocyanic acid and hydrosulphuric acid. Liquor - stimulant, antiseptic, resolvent, typhus fever, scarlatina, dysentery, glandular enlargements, dyspepsia, syphilis, scrofula, carbuncles, ozaena, psoriasis, Tinea capitis, scabies, herpetic affections, smallpox, sore nipples, disinfect sick-chambers, etc.
Calcii Sulphidum Crudum. Crude Calcium Sulphide, CaS. - (Syn., Calc. Sulphid. Crud., Galx Sulphurata, Sulphurated Lime, Hepar Calcis, Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum; Fr. Sulfure de chaux; Ger. Kalk-schwefelleber, Calcaria sulfurata.)
Manufacture: Heat dried calcium sulphate (70), charcoal (10), starch (2), in loosely covered crucible, to bright redness until uniform gray results - CaSO4 + C3 = CaS + 2CO + CO2. It is a pale gray, yellowish powder, faint odor of hydrogen sulphide, nauseous, alkaline taste, gradually decomposes on exposure, soluble in solutions of ammonium salts, slightly soluble in water, more so in boiling water with partial decomposition, insoluble in alcohol; contains 55 p. c. of the salt. Tests: 1. Decompose with diluted acetic acid - evolves hydrogen sulphide and sometimes sulphur dioxide, residue calcium sulphate and carbon. 2. Filtered solution, + ammonium oxalate T. S. - white precipitate, insoluble in acetic acid, soluble in hydrochloric acid. Should be kept in well-closed containers. Dose, gr. 1/10-1/2 (.006-.03 Gm.).
Properties and Uses. - Depilatory, itch, ringworm, acne, furuncu-lar eruptions, buboes, leucorrhoea, rhinitis, diphtheria, rheumatism.
Calcii Chloridum. Calcium Chloride, CaCl2. - (Syn., Calc. Chlor., Chloridum Calcicum, Calcium Chloratum, Calcaria (Muriatica) Hydrochlorata; Fr. Chlorure de Calcium, Hydrochlorate de Chaux; Ger. Calciumchlorid, Chlorcalcium, Salzsaures Kalk.)
Manufacture: In the crude state this is a by-product in several chemical processes, especially that for ammonia water; it may be obtained pure by neutralizing hydrochloric acid with marble or other calcium carbonate, digesting the solution with chlorinated lime and slaked lime (to precipitate iron), neutralizing filtrate with hydrochloric acid, evaporating and fusing residue at 200° C. (392° F.) - CaCO3 + 2HC1 = CaCl2 + H2O + CO2. It is in white, slightly translucent, hard fragments, granules, sticks, odorless, sharp, saline taste, very deliquescent, soluble in water (.62), boiling water (.7), alcohol (10), boiling alcohol (2); aqueous solution (1 in 20) neutral, slightly alkaline; contains 75 p. c. of the salt. Tests: 1. Aqueous solution (1 in 20) + ammonium oxalate T. S. - white precipitate, insoluble in acetic acid, soluble in hydrochloric acid. 2. Aqueous solution (1 in 10) + silver nitrate T. S. - white precipitate insoluble in nitric acid, soluble in ammonia water. Impurities: Heavy metals, iron, aluminum, alkalies, magnesium, phosphates, etc. Should be kept in well-stoppered bottles. Dose, gr. 10-20 (.6-1.3 Gm.), in water, milk.
Properties and Uses. - Irritant - excessive doses occasion gastrointestinal inflammation; Resolvent - glandular enlargements, scrofulous swellings, skin diseases, lupus, uterine and ovarian tumors, fibroids.
Calcii Carbonas Praecipitatus. Precipitated Calcium Carbonate, CaCO3. - (Syn., Calc. Carb. Praec, Precipitated Chalk, Creta Prsecipi-tata, Carbonas Calcicus Prsecipitatus; Fr. Carbonate de Chaux precipite, Craie precipitee; Ger. Calcium carbonicum praecipitatum, Gefalltes Calciumcarbonat, Pracipitirter kohlensaurer Kalk.)
Manufacture: By double decomposition - adding to a hot solution of calcium chloride, while stirring, a solution of ammonium carbonate in excess, washing, drying precipitate, or may use sodium carbonate in place of ammonium carbonate - CaCl2 + Na2CO3 = CaCO3+2NaCl. It is a fine, white, micro-crystalline powder, odorless, tasteless, permanent, soluble with effervescence in diluted acetic, hydrochloric, or nitric acid, nearly insoluble in water, solubility increased by presence of ammonium salts, carbon dioxide, diminished by alkali hydroxides, insoluble in alcohol; heated to redness loses carbon dioxide - residue (calcium oxide); contains 98 p. c. of the salt. Tests: 1. Dissolve 1 Gm. in distilled water (50), using a few drops of hydrochloric acid, boil, cool - should be acid, and not more than .002 p. c. of insoluble matter should remain. 2. Neutralize a portion of this acid solution with ammonia water, + ammonium oxalate T. S. - white precipitate, insoluble in acetic acid, soluble in hydrochloric acid. Impurities: Heavy metals, soluble substances.
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