2. Coto Bark

Coto Bark. Bolivia. May be from Dri'mys Win'teri var. granatin'sis. In flat or curved pieces 12 Mm. (1/2') thick, cinnamon color and odor, taste pungent, bitter; contains cotoin, C4H12O4, volatile oil, resin. Dose, gr. 1-5 (.06-.3 Gm.); cotoin, gr. 3/4-2 (.05-.13 Gm.).

3. Paracoto Bark

Paracoto Bark. Bolivia. 12 Mm. (J') thick, sometimes with white fissured cork, odor nutmeg-like; contains paracotoin, C12H18O4, hydrocotoin, volatile oil, resin. Used like coto bark for diarrhoea of typhoid, phthisis, sweating, cholera, nasal catarrh. Dose, gr: 5-10 (.3-.6 Gm.); fluidextract (90 p. c. alcohol); tincture 12.5 p. c. (alcohol), 3ss-l (2-4 Ml. (Cc.)); paracotoin, gr. 1-5 (.06-.3 Gm.).

4. Ben'Zoin (Lin'Dera) Benzoin, Spice Or Benjamin Bush

Ben'Zoin (Lin'Dera) Benzoin, Spice Or Benjamin Bush. N. America, damp woods. Shrub 2-4.5 M. (6-15°) high, smooth; bark mostly used, berries and leaves to some extent; tonic, aromatic stimulant, diaphoretic; berries for allspice. Dose, gr. 15-60 (1-4 Gm.).

5. Lau'Rus No'Bilis, Laurel, Sweet Bay

Lau'Rus No'Bilis, Laurel, Sweet Bay. The leaves and fruit; Mediterranean Basin. Leaves 5-10 Cm. (2-4') long, pellucid-punctate, smooth, aromatic, astringent; fruit (bayberries) oval drupes 12 Mm. (1/2') long; contain volatile oil, fixed oil (Oleum Lauri) 30 p. c; stimulant, astringent, stomachic.