5. Dri'Mys Win'Teri (Win'Tera Aroma'Tica)

Dri'Mys Win'Teri (Win'Tera Aroma'Tica). The bark, official 1820-1860; S. America; small tree; leaves coriaceous; flowers white; fruit black berries, 4-8; bark in quills or curves, 2.5-8 Mm. (1/10-1/3') thick, grayish-brown, striate, fracture granular, with white stone cells and yellow resin cells, odor of canella and cinnamon, for which drugs it has been substituted; sometimes called Winter's cinnamon; contains volatile oil (which has winterene, C15H24), tannin 9 p. c, pungent resin 10 p. c. Used for colic, flatulence, scurvy; in infusion or tincture. Dose, gr. 5-30 (.3-2 Gm.).

Fig. 110.   Magnolia acuminata.

Fig. 110. - Magnolia acuminata.

6. Magno'lia Virginia'na (glau'ca), M. acumina'ta, and M. tripet'ala. - The bark, official 1820-1890; United States; trees 6-28 M. (20-90°) high; flowers white, fragrant; fruit cones; bark in thin quills or curved pieces, orange-brown, glossy, warty, fissured, astringent, bitter; contains volatile oil, resin, magnolin, tannin. Used for malaria, rheumatism, gout, intermittents, catarrhs; in decoction, infusion, tincture. Dose, 3ss-l (2-4 Gm.).

7. Lirioden'Dron Tulipif'Era, Tulip-Tree

Lirioden'Dron Tulipif'Era, Tulip-Tree. The bark, official 1820-1880; United States, China; tree 18-45 M. (60-150°) high; flowers yellowish; fruit cone, 7.5 Cm. (3') long. Bark in quills or curved pieces 2 Mm. (1/12') thick, purplish-brown, thin ridges, inside whitish, smooth, astringent; contains volatile oil, resins, liriodendrin, tulipi-ferine, tannin; injured by boiling. Used for chronic rheumatism, dyspepsia, intermittent fever; in infusion or fluidextract. Dose, 3ss-l (2-4 Gm.).