1. Cinnaldehydum, Cinnamic Aldehyde, C3h8o Official 1900-1910

Cinnaldehydum, Cinnamic Aldehyde, Cho Official -. Obtained as a natural product by shaking oil of cassia with aqueous solution of acid sodium sulphite, filtering, washing crystalline magma with alcohol, decomposing with diluted sulphuric acid, or synthetically by oxidation of cinnamyl alcohol by dry distillation of a mixture of calcium cinnamate and formate, or as a condensation-product by acting on benzaldehyde (10), acetaldehyde (15) with hydrochloric acid gas, or with 10 p. c solution of sodium hydroxide (10) + water (900). It is a colorless liquid, cinnamon-like odor, burning, aromatic taste, sp. gr. 1.047, boils at 250° C. (482° F.) with partial decomposition, optically inactive, solidified with ice and salt should melt at - 7.5° C. (18.5° F.), soluble in alcohol, ether, fixed or volatile oils, sparingly in water; contains at least 95 p. c. of pure cinnamic aldehyde.

Similar to oil of cinnamon, for which it may be substituted. Should be kept in well-stoppered, small, amber-colored bottles. Dose, j-5 (.06-.3 Ml. (Cc.)).

2. Cinnamomum Cassia (Aromat'Icum), Chinese Cinnamon

Cinnamomum Cassia (Aromat'Icum), Chinese Cinnamon. The dried bark of the shoots deprived of most of the corky portion, official 1820-1900; China. Plant - handsome tree, but bark removed when 5-6 years old, occurring in quills 5-20 Mm. (1/5-4/5') broad, bark 1-2 Mm. (1/25-1/12') thick, deprived of corky layer, yellowish-brown, often with grayish patches, rough, inside nearly smooth, faintly striate, fracture nearly smooth; odor fragrant; taste sweet, aromatic, pungent, astringent. The outer layers are simply imperfectly removed by curved knives or planes, those of iron being avoided, consequently can be recognized readily by having undergone this treatment, also by its more irregular zone of stone cells, the greater abundance of bast-fibres and tannin. This bark is very irregular in quality, owing to its varied origin, and accordingly is recognized in commerce as Cassia, Cassia vera, Cassia lignea, etc. C. Burman'ni is believed to yield the Sumatra, also a portion of the Java, China, Timor; C. Tam'ala, some of the Calcutta, N. India, Cochin China; C. i'ners, part of E. Iridian archipelago.

3. Cassia Buds, Flores Cassiae

Cassia Buds, Flores Cassiae. These are the small, stem-like immature fruits of various species, somewhat resembling, but smaller than clove, having fine cinnamon odor and taste; contain oil of cinnamon, tannin, etc.