This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
Pol-i-po-di-a'se-e. L. Polypodi-um + aceae, fr. Gr.
many, +
foot - many feet, rays - i. e., from the branched rootstocks of some species. Includes nine-tenths of our ferns, being the typical family. Herbaceous with a permanent stem, which is usually prostrate or subterranean. Fronds large, simple, pinnate, pinnatifid or decompound, coiled in vernation; numerous sporangia, on the underside or margins, in clusters (sori). Sori with or without membranaceous covering (indusium), prothallium green; universal, bitter, astringent, anthelmintic, mucilage, tonic. Genus: 1. Dryopteris.
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