2. Oculi'Na Virgin'Ea And Coral'Lium Ru'Brum, Corallium, Coral

Oculi'Na Virgin'Ea And Coral'Lium Ru'Brum, Corallium, Coral. Hexa (Octo)-coralla; Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean. Polypipher-ous animals having a skeleton and a fleshy portion. The calcareous skeleton is branched like a shrub, and on these branches are the individual animals in tube-like apertures; skeleton is used in medicine; occurs in hard, cylindrical, branching pieces, porous, striate surface, radiating interior, often hollow, inodorous, tasteless, white (first) or red (second); contains animal matter 8 p. c, CaCO3 83 p. c, MgCO3

3.5 p. c., Fe2O3 (red coral) 4.25 p. c. Used in tooth powders and as an antacid. Dose, gr. 5-30 (.3-2 Gm.).

3. Se'Pia Officinalis, Os Sepioe, Cuttle-Fish Bone

Se'Pia Officinalis, Os Sepioe, Cuttle-Fish Bone. Decapoda; Mediterranean, Atlantic Ocean. A calcareous substance under the skin of the back of the cuttle-fish, often found floating in the water; occurs 12.5-25 Cm. (5-10') long, 2.5-7.5 Cm. (1-3') wide, outside hard, smooth; inside porous, friable, inodorous, taste saline; contains CaCO3 80-85 p. c, NaCl, MgO, Ca3(PO4)2. Used as an antacid like chalk, oyster-shell, etc., also in tooth and polishing powders, chiefly now for caged birds to rub (sharpen) their bills against.

1. As'Tacus Fluvia'Tilis, Crawfish

As'Tacus Fluvia'Tilis, Crawfish. Decapoda; Russia. The stomach of this contains concretions known as calculi (lapides) cancrorum, crabs' eyes or stones, which are obtained by washing putrefied animals. These are circular, 3-10 Mm. (1/8-2/5') broad, plano-convex, white, hard, inodorous, tasteless; contain animal matter 12-15 p. c, calcium carbonate 63 p. c, calcium phosphate 17 p. c. Used as an antacid. Dose, gr. 5-30 (.3-2 Gm.).