This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
Erythrophlae'Um Guineen'Se, Sassy, Mancona, Or Ordeal Bark. The dried bark; W. and C. Africa. Large tree with spreading branches, doubly pinnated leaves. Bark flat or curved, 5 Mm. (§') thick, warty, fissured, hard, dull red with whitish spots, brittle, transverse cut shows fawn-colored spots, inodorous, astringent; contains erythro-phloeine (heart tonic, anaesthetic, poisonous), manconine, tannin. Cardiac tonic, local anaesthetic, astringent, diaphoretic, narcotic, sternutatory; occasions slow, strong pulse. Dose of erythrophloeine hydrochloride, gr. 1/32-1/16 (.002-004 Gm.).
Fig. 192. - Krameria triandra.
Fig. 193. - Krameria: transverse sections: root; a, Peruvian; b, Savanilla.
4. Krame'ria trian'dra, K. Ixi'na, K. argen'tea, Rhatany. - Krameri-aceae. The dried root, official 1830-1910; S. America, Mexico, sandy, mountainous elevations. Low spreading shrubs; bark grayish-brown, when young hoary with silvery hairs; leaves, covered on both sides with silvery hairs, obovate, entire; flowers red, 4 scarlet sepals, 4 dissimilar, red petals. Roots, branched from short head, woody, 1.5-4 Cm. (3/5-1 3/5') thick, roughly fissured, supporting a several-headed crown; rootlets 25-50 Cm. (10-20') long, often 1 Cm. (2/5') thick, wavy, flexible, reddish-brown, purplish-brown, wood paler; bark about one-third the radius; inodorous; taste very astringent; solvents: water, alcohol; contains (mostly in bark) kramero-tannic acid 20 p. c., rhatanic-red, krameric acid, starch, calcium oxalate. There are several varieties: 1, Peruvian (Payta, Red); 2, Savanilla (New Granada, Violet); 3, Para (Brazilian, Brown). Astringent, tonic, similar to tannic acid; chronic diarrhoea, dysentery, hemorrhage, gonorrhoea, ozaena, fissure of anus, nipple; gargle - sore throat, epistaxis, relaxed uvula, irritated eyes, nose, gums, tooth powder (wash). Dose, gr.
5 30 (.3-2 Gm.); fluidextract (diluted alcohol), v 30 (.3-2 Ml. (Cc.)) - syrup, 45 p. c., 3ss-2 (2-8 Ml. (Cc.)); extract (water), gr. 5-10 (.3-.(.3-.6 Gm.) - troches, 1 gr. (.06 Gm.); tincture, 20 p. c. (dil. alc.), 5ss 2 (2-8 Ml. (Cc.)). K. cistroi'des, Chile; roots resemble Peruvian very closely, wood of tap-root pale-reddish in outer layer, brownish-red in the centre. Guayaquil Rhatany (origin unknown), root large, contorted, bark thin, fibrous, rich in tannin, reddish-brown, striated, warty. K. secundiflo'ra (lanceola'ta), Texas Rhatany; roots valuable, thin, dark brown, bark thick, rich in tannin; Florida Rhatany - same source, and similar to Texas; neither on the market.
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