This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
Aethu'Sa Cyna'Pium, Fool's Parsley, Small Hemlock. . - Leaves non-poisonous, and sometimes carelessly mixed with those of conium - the plants, however, being distinguished easily, as AEthusa Cynapiiun has leaves of different shape, darker color, leek-like odor; occasionally have mixed also the pubescent ciliate leaflets of several species of Choerophyl'lum.
2. Heracle'um lana'tum, Cow-parsnip, Masterwort - The root, official 1820-1860;
United States. Plant 1.5-3 M. (5-10°) high, 2.5-4 Cm. (1-l 3/5') thick, pubescent, hollow; root resembles parsley, disagreeable
Fig. 289. - AEthusa Cynapium.
Fig. 290. - Angelica - flowering stem and cross-section of cremocarp: a, the seed; /, the
2-ribbed wings (mericarps).
odor, acrid taste, fruit has each mericarp with 5 ribs and 6 vittae; contains volatile oil, resin. Used as stimulant, carminative; epilepsy, dyspepsia, warts, eseharotic; in infusion, juice. Dose, 3ss-l (2 4 Gm.).
Angelica Archangel'Ica (Officinalis), European Angelica. The root, official 1860-1870; ripe fruit also now used, and Angelica atropur-pu'rea, American (Purple-stemmed) Angelica; the root (rhizome), official 1820-1860. Herbs, 1.8-2 M. (5-6°) high; stems purplish, smooth, hollow, jointed; leaves double pinnate; flowers greenish-white; roots 5-10 Cm. (2-4') long, 2.5-5 Cm. (1-2') thick, annulate, fusiform, juicy, aromatic, sweetish, pungent, bitter; contains volatile oil, resin, valeric acid. Used as tonic, stimulant, carminative, diaphoretic, emetic, for typhoid condition, bronchitis, intermittents, rheumatism, gout, painful and swollen parts, condiment; in infusion, tincture, fresh juice (poisonous). Dose, gr. 10-30 (.6-2 Gm.); fluidextract (alcohol).
Dau'Cus Caro'Ta, Carrot (Seed). The fruit, official 1820-1880; N. Asia, Europe; biennial herb, .6-1 M. (2-3°) high, hispid; flowers July-Sept., white; root fleshy, fusiform, aromatic, edible; fruit 4 Mm. (J') long, oval, flat, grayish-brown, each mericarp with 9 ribs, 6 vittae; odor aromatic; taste pungent; contains volatile oil, fixed oil. Used as a stimulant, diuretic, excitant; dropsy, strangury, nephritic affections amenorrhoea, ulcers, eczema, itching; in infusion, fluidextract. Dose, gr. 10-30 (.6-2 Gm.).
Fig. 291. - Daucus Carota: magnified 5 diam.
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