This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
Ustila'Go May'Dis, Corn Smut. The fungous growth upon Zea Mays, official 1880-1890; United States, etc. The fungus is abundant upon stem, grains, and tassel; in irregular, globose masses 10-15 Cm. (4-6') broad, consisting of a blackish, gelatinous membrane enclosing many blackish, globular, nodular spores; odor and taste disagreeable. Should be kept dry and not longer than one year; contains fixed oil 2.5 p. c, sclerotic acid, crystalline principle (ustilagine) and alkaloid (secaline), volatile base, sugar, mucilage, ash 5 p. c. Used as emmenagogue, parturient, increases uterine pains during labor, like ergot. Dose, gr. 15-30 (1-2 Gm.).
Saccharomy'Ces (Tor'Ula) Cerems'Iae, Fermentum (Yeast). A peculiar insoluble product of the fermentation of malt liquors produced by this fungus, official 1820-1840, 1860-1880. Yeast plant is unicellular, multiplies by budding, being produced during alcoholic fermentation of saccharine fluid, in 2 forms: 1. Top or surface yeast, most active, semi-fluid, frothy mass, odorous, cellular, fermenting in 3 or 4 days at 15-20° C. (59-68° F.). 2. Bottom or sediment yeast, works at 6-8° C. (43-46° F.), much slower, reproduces by isolated spores. Liquid yeast becomes hard, dry (yeast cake), retaining vitality a long time; contains enzymes or ferments - zymase, invertase, diastase, maltase, and yields upon analysis C 49.9 p. c, H 6.6. p. c, N 12.1 p. c, O 31.4 p. c, insoluble in alcohol, water, ceases to vegetate below 5° C. (41° F.), but will stand - 60° C. ( - 76° F.) without being killed. Used as tonic, stimulant laxative, antiseptic poultices, for typhoid, diabetes, diarrhoea, scurvy, diphtheria, sores, bruises. Dose, ℥j-2 (30-60 Gm.); cerevisiae fermentum compressum.
Polyp'Orus (Bole'Tus) Fomenta'Rius, Agaric Of The Oak (Touch Wood). The fungus, official 1830-1840; Europe, on Quercus and Fagus species. It is formed by an additional layer of fibres each year; is collected Aug.-Sept., and resembles the horse's hoof, being 15-25 Cm. (6-10') wide. When young is soft, velvety, but becomes hard and ligneous; when deprived of outside ligneous portion, brownish above and yellowish-white beneath, porous, fibrous, tough, inodorous, tasteless; when for use is deprived of harder rind, sliced, boiled in lye, washed, beaten, until soft and pliable, then absorbs twice its weight of water; contains extractive, resin, nitrogenous matter, KC1, CaSO4; the ash - Fe, Ca, Mg, phosphate. Used locally with pressure to arrest hemorrhage. Agaric steeped in nitre solution yields spunk or tinder. Agaricin (Agaricinum), C16H30O5 + H2O, is from Polyp'orus officina'lis, Agaricus; occurs in white crystals, sweet at first then bitter, soluble in alcohol. Antihydrotic; night-sweats of phthisis, sweating from coal-tar products and salicylates. Dose, gr. 1/2-2 (.03-.13 Gm.). Agaricin contains agaricic acid, which is the active and better principle to use.
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