This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
Properties and Uses. - Owing to its deficiency in H2SO4, this solution when evaporated yields a salt less irritating than the liquor tersulphatis, and one having greater astringency. It was introduced in 1857 by M. Monsel to coagulate blood, hence of use in hemorrhages from cuts, wounds, where irritation is to be avoided, chancre, haemoptysis, diarrhoea, hemorrhages from stomach, bowels, etc.
Liquor Ferri Tersulphatis. Solution of Ferric Sulphate. - (Syn., Liq, Ferr. Tersulph., Solution of Iron Tersulphate, Solution of Normal Ferric Sulphate; Br. Liquor Ferri Persulphatis; Fr. Persulfate de Fer liquide; (Ger. Flussiges Sehwefelsaures Eisenoxyd, Liquor Ferri Sulfurici Oxydati.)
Manufacture: Add sulphuric acid 9.6 Gm. to distilled water 25 Ml. (Cc), Heat to nearly 100° C. (212° F.), add nitric acid 5.6 Gm., mix well; divide ferrous sulphate 50 Gm., coarsely powdered, into four equal portions, add one at a time to the hot liquid, stirring after each until effervescence ceases; if, after ferrous sulphate is dissolved, solution be black, add nitric acid by drops, heating and stirring, until red fumes cease to he evolved; boil until solution reddish-brown and free from nitric acid; add distilled water, a little occasionally, and finally q. s. 100 Gm., filter - 6 (FeSO4 + 7H2O) + 3H2SO4 + 2HNO3 = 3Fe2(SO4)3 =2NO + 46H2O, thus showing formation of normal salt, which is not true in the preceding liquor. It is a yellowish-brown aqueous liquid, almost odorless, acid, strongly styptic taste, acid reaction, miscible with water and alcohol in all proportions, sp. gr. 1.432; contains normal ferric sulphate, Fe2(S04)3, corresponding to 9.5-10.5 p. c. of iron. Tests: 1. Aqueous dilution (1 in 20) with: (a) ammonia water - brownish-red precipitate; (b) potassium ferrocyanide T. S. - blue precipitate; (c) barium chloride T. S. - white precipitate, insoluble in hydrochloric acid. Impurities: Nitric acid, ferrous salt.
Properties and Uses. - May use cautiously like preceding, but is more irritating, less astringent, externally may cause sloughing sores owing to contained acid; its greatest service is that it forms the basis of our scale salts, also some other iron compounds.
Preparations. - (Unoff.): Liquor Ferri Acetatis, 80 Gm., ammonia water 85, dilute each, add former to latter, add washed magma (portions) to glacial acetic acid 26, dist. water q. s. 100. Liquor Ferri Citratis - 84 Gm., add to ammonia water 88 (both diluted), wash magma, add citric acid 30, heat, stir, evaporate to 100. Liquor Ferri Nitratis - 14.5 Gm., ammonia water 16, both diluted, mix, wash magma, dissolve in nitric acid 7.1, add dist. water q. s. 100. Magma Ferri Hydroxidi, 100 Ml. (Cc), added to ammonia water 138 (both much diluted), stirring constantly, wash precipitate.
Ferri Carbonas Saccharatus. Saccharated Ferrous Carbonate, FeCO3. - (Syn., Ferr. Garb. Sacch., Carbonas Ferrosus Saccharatus; Fr. Saccharure (de Carbonate ferreux) de Proto-carbonate de Fer; Ger. Ferrum carbonicum saccharatum, Zuckerhaltiges (Kohlensaures Eisen) Ferrocarbonat.)
Manufacture: Dissolve ferrous sulphate 50 Gm. in hot distilled water 200 Ml. (Cc), + few drops of diluted sulphuric acid; dissolve sodium bicarbonate 35 Gm. in distilled water 500 Ml. (Cc), filter both solutions and add former to latter in a large flask, wash precipitate, until only slight cloudiness with barium chloride T. S., by filling flask several times with hot distilled water, siphoning off each time the clear, supernatant liquid; drain, transfer to a dish, mix intimately with sugar 70 Gm., sugar of milk 10 Gm., evaporate to dryness on water-bath, pulverize, mix with well-dried sugar q. s. 100 Gm. - (FeSO4 + 10H2O) + 2NaHC03 = FeCO3 + Na2SO4 + CO2 + 11H2O; contains 15 p. c. of ferrous carbonate. It is a greenish-brown powder, gradually oxidized by contact with air, odorless, sweetish, ferruginous taste; partially soluble in water, completely on adding hydrochloric acid with evolution of carbon dioxide, forming clear, greenish-yellow liquid. Impurities: Sulphate, etc. Should be kept dark, in small, well-stoppered bottles. Dose, gr. 5-15 (.3-1 Gm.), in pill.
Properties and Uses. - Takes the place of subcarbonate and the anciently used iron-rust in anaemia, chlorosis, neuralgia, chorea.
Massa Ferri Carbonatis. Mass of Ferrous Carbonate. - (Syn., Mass Ferr. Carb., Vallet's Mass, Pill of Carbonate of Iron, Vallet's Ferruginous Pills, Pilulae Ferratae Valleti; Pilula Ferri Carbonatis; Fr. Masse pilulaire de Vallet - de Carbonate ferreux, Pilules de Carbonate ferreux - ferrugineuses; Ger. Valletsche Pillenmasse, Pilulae Ferri carbonici.)
Manufacture: Dissolve ferrous sulphate 100 Gm. and monohydrated sodium carbonate 46 Gm., each, in boiling distilled water 200 Ml. (Cc); to iron solution add syrup 20 Ml. (Cc), filter both solutions, cool; add gradually the iron solution to that of sodium, in a bottle of 500 Ml. (Cc.) capacity, frequently rotating bottle until carbonic acid gas no longer escapes; fill bottle with distilled water, cork, set aside for ferrous carbonate to subside, pour off supernatant liquid, wash precipitate with a mixture of syrup (1) and distilled water (19), by decantation, until washings no longer saline, drain, express, mix precipitate with clarified honey 38 Gm. and sugar 25 Gm., evaporate, with constant stirring, to 100 Gm. - (FeSO4 + 7H2O) + (Na2CO3 + 10H2O) = FeCO3 + Na2SO4 + 17H2O; contains 35 p. c. of ferrous carbonate. It is greenish-gray when fresh, gradually deepening in color, but should not be brown the result of oxidation; often blackish-green on surface owing to escape of moisture. Dose, gr. 1-5 (.06-.3 Gm.), in pill, after meals.
Pilulae Ferri Carbonatis. Pills of Ferrous Carbonate. - (Syn., Pil. Ferr. Carb., Chalybeate Pills, Blaud's Pills, Ferruginous Pills; Br. Pilula Ferri, Iron Pill, Pills of Iron; Fr. Pilules ferrugineuses (chalybes) de Blaud (Griffith); Ger. Blaudsche (Griffithsche) Pillen.)
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