Manufacture: Rub in a mortar potassium carbonate 8 Gm. with glycerin and water, each 5 drops, add granulated ferrous sulphate 16 Gm. and sugar 4 Gm., previously triturated to uniform powder, rub mass thoroughly until greenish, and when reaction complete add tragacanth 1 Gm., althaea 1 Gm., water q. s. 100 pills; each pill contains 1 gr. (.06 Gm.) of ferrous carbonate in a fresh state, resulting from double decomposition of the two salts. Dose, 1-2 pills.

Properties and Uses. - Tonic in debility of digestive organs; chlorosis, hysteria, phthisis, chronic catarrh.

Ferri Hydroxidum cum Magnesii Oxido. Ferric Hydroxide with Magnesium Oxide. - (Syn., Ferr. Hydrox. cum Mag. Oxid., Arsenic Antidote, Ferric Hydrate with Magnesia; Fr. Contre-poison de I'Arsenic; Ger. Gegengift (des Arseniks) der Arsenigsaure.)

Manufacture: Mix solution of ferric sulphate 40 Ml. (Cc.) with water 125 Ml. (Cc), keep liquid in large, well-stoppered bottle; rub magnesium oxide 10 Gm. with water to a smooth, thin mixture, transfer to a bottle holding 1000 Ml. (Cc), and fill it three-fourths with water and keep tightly stoppered; when wanted for use, shake latter mixture to a thin, creamy consistence, and slowly add to it the diluted ferric sulphate solution, shake until smooth. The magnesium oxide 10 Gm. may be replaced by 300 Ml. (Cc) of magnesia magma, diluting with water q. s. for required volume. Always keep the two solutions on hand in separate bottles, ready for immediate use, so that antidote may quickly be prepared.

Properties and Uses. - Solely as an antidote to arsenic-poisoning, when it may act by combination, although it is believed to envelop largely the poison mechanically, thereby preventing its absorption; stomach should be emptied shortly after its administration, and should always be prepared freshly, as it becomes inefficient by age. Dose, ℥iv-6; 120-180 Ml. (Cc).

Ferri et Ammonii Citras. Iron and Ammonium Citrate. - (Syn., Ferr. et Ammon. Cit., Soluble Ferric Citrate,Ammonio-ferric Citrate, Ferro-ammonium Citricum; Fr. Citras Ammonico-ferricus, Citrate de Fer et d'Ammoniaque (de Fer Ammoniacal); Ger. Citronensaures Eisenoxyd Ammonium (Ammoniak), Ferriammoncitrat.)

Manufacture: Add solution of ferric citrate 100 Ml. (Cc.) to ammonia water 40 Ml. (Cc), evaporate mixture at 60° C. (140° F.) to syrup, dry on glass. It is in thin, transparent, garnet-red scales, odorless, saline, ferruginous taste, deliquescent, soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol, aqueous solution slightly acid or alkaline, chars into ferric oxide; contains 16-18 p. c of Fe. Tests: 1. Heat with potassium hydroxide T. S. - brownish-red precipitate, ammonia evolved. 2. Aqueous solution + ammonia water - no precipitate, but darkens solution. Impurities: Ferric citrate, tartrate. Should be kept dark, in well-closed containers. Dose, gr. 2-5 (.13 - .3 Gm.).

Preparation. - (Unoff.): Vinum Ferri, official 1880-1910; dissolve iron and ammonium citrate 4 Gm. in sherry wine 70 Ml. (Cc), add tincture of sweet orange peel 6 Ml. (Cc), syrup 10 Ml. (Cc), sherry wine q. s. 100 Ml. (Cc), filter after several days, dose, 3j -4 (4-15 Ml. (Cc)).

Properties and Uses. - Tonic; chlorosis, anaemia, etc

Ferri et Quininae Citras. Iron-and Quinine Citrate. - (Syn., Ferr. et Quin. Cit., Ferri et Quininae Citras Solubilis, U. S. P. 1900, Soluble Iron and Quinine Citrate; Fr. Citrate de Fer et de Quinine (soluble); Ger. (Losliches Eisenchinincitrat.)

Manufacture: Dissolve by heat ferric citrate 85 Gm. in distilled water 160 Ml. (Cc), add quinine (dried) 12 Gm. + citric acid 3 Gm., previously triturated with distilled water 20 Ml. (Cc.); stir until dissolved, and add ammonia water 50 Ml. (Cc), constantly stirring, evaporate greenish-yellow liquid to syrup, dry on glass. It is in thin, transparent scales, greenish, golden-yellow, odorless, bitter, mildly ferruginous taste, deliquescent, soluble in water, partly in alcohol, aqueous solution acid, chars into ferric oxide; contains 11.5 p. c. of anhydrous quinine, and 13 p. c. of iron. Tests: 1. Aqueous solution + ammonia water - white, curdy precipitate, liquid deeper color. 2. Heated with potassium hydroxide T. S. - brown precipitate, ammonia evolved. Impurities: Ferric citrate, tartrate. Should be kept dark, in amber-colored, well-stoppered bottles. Dose, gr. 3-10 (.2-.6 Gm.), in pill or solution, before meals.

Preparation. - (Unoff): Vinum Ferri Amarum, official 1880-1910; iron and quinine citrate 5 Gm., tincture of sweet orange peel 6 Ml. (Cc), syrup 20 Ml. (Cc), sherry wine q. s. 100 Ml. (Cc), dose, 3j-2 (4-8 Ml. (Cc)).

Properties and Uses. - Tonic; combines the properties of both ingredients in convenient form; taken preferably in pills. Wine - mild ferruginous tonic; anaemia, debility.

Ferri Phosphas. Ferric Phosphate. - (Syn., Ferr. Phos., Ferri Phos-phas Solubilis, U. S. P. 1.900, Soluble Ferric Phosphate, Ferri et Sodii Citrophosphas, Ferrum Phosphoricum cum Natrio Citrico; Fr. Citro-phosphate de Fer. et de Soude; Ger. Natriumferricitrophosphat.)

Manufacture: Dissolve, by heat, ferric citrate 50 Gm. in distilled water 100 Ml. (Cc), add sodium phosphate (uneffloresced) 55 (Gm., stirring until dissolved, evaporate to syrup, dry on glass. It is in thin, bright green, transparent scales, odorless, acidulous slightly saline taste, permanent in the dark and dry air, soon darkens unprotected, soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol; aqueous solution slightly acid; contains 12 p. c of iron. Tests: 1. Aqueous solution + ammonia water - reddish-brown color. 2. Boil with potassium hydroxide T. S. - brownish-red precipitate, without evolving ammonia. Impurities: Pyrophosphate, etc. Should be kept dark, in amber-colored, well-stoppered bottles. Dose, gr. 3-10 (.2-.6 Gm.).

Preparations. - (Unoff.): Elixir, 3.5 p. c, +. Ferrated Elixir of Calisaya, 3.5 p. c, + dist. water 6, elixir of cinchona alkaloids q. s. 100. Elixir Ferri, Quininae et Strychninae Phosphatum, official 1900-1910; ferric phosphate 17.5 Gm., quinine 8.75 Gm., strychnine .275 Cm., phosphoric acid 2 Ml. (Cc), ammonium carbonate 9 Gm., acetic acid 28.65 Gm., alcohol 60 Ml. (Cc), distilled water 50 Ml. (Cc), aromatic elixir q. s. 1000 Ml. (Cc), dose, 3j-2 (4-8 Ml. (Cc)). Glyceritum Ferri, Quininae et Strychninae Phosphatum, official 1900-1910; ferric-phosphate 8 Gm., strychnine .08 Gm., quinine 10.4 Gm., water 10 Ml. (Cc), glycerin 50 Ml. (Cc), dose, exv-60 (1-4 Ml. (Cc)). Syrupus Ferri, Qnininae et Strychninae Phosphatum, official 1880-1910; ferric phosphate 2 p. c, + quinine 2.6, strychnine .02, or glycerite of the phosphates of iron, quinine and strychnine 25 Ml. (Cc), syrup q. & LOO Ml. (Cc); dose, 3j-2 (4-8 Ml. (Cc)). Allied Products: