Fig. 464.   Corrosive mercuric chloride crystal.

Fig. 464. - Corrosive mercuric chloride crystal.

in securely stoppered glass containers bearing a red label with the word "POISON," and a statement indicating that the tablets contain the required amount of corrosive mercuric chloride.

2. Hydrargyrum Ammoniatum. Ammoniated Mercury, HgNH2Cl. (Syn., Hydrarg. Amnion., White Precipitate, Mercuric Ammonium Chloride, Hydrargyrum Ammoniato-muriaticum (Amidato-bichlora-tum), Hydrargyri Ammonio-chloridum, Mercurius Prsecipitatus Albus, Mercur-ammonium Chloride; Fr. Chloramidure de Mercure, Oxy-chlorure Ammoniacal de Mercure, Lait Mercuriel, Mercure Precipite blanc; Ger. Hydrargyrum praecipitatum album, Weisser Quecksilber-pracipitat, Quecksilber Chloridamid.)

Manufacture: Dissolve corrosive mercuric chloride 100 Gm. in warm distilled water 2000 Ml. (Cc), filter, cool, and pour gradually into ammonia water 150 Ml. (Cc), constantly stirring, wash precipitate with distilled water 400 Ml. (Cc), + ammonia water 20 Ml. (Cc.), dry - HgCl2 + 2NH4OH = HgNH2Cl + NH4CI + 2H2O. It is in white pulverulent pieces or white, amorphous powder, odorless, earthy, styptic, metallic taste, permanent; soluble in warm hydrochloric, nitric, or acetic acid, cold solution of ammonium carbonate or sodium thiosulphate, with evolution of ammonia which heated - red mercuric sulphide separates; boiled - turns black; insoluble in water, alcohol; by prolonged washing with water gradually decomposes, becoming yellow, basic salt; contains 78-80 p. c of pure salt. Tests: 1. Heat below redness - decomposes without fusion; at red heat - volatilizes with residue .2 p. c 2. Heat with potassium hydroxide T. S. - turns yellow, evolves ammonia. 3. Dissolve in diluted nitric acid, + potassium iodide T. S. - red precipitate, soluble in excess of reagent; with silver nitrate T. S. - white precipitate. Impurities: Mercurous salts, carbonates. Should be kept dark, in well-closed containers.

Prep.: 1. Unguentum Hydrargyri Ammoniati. Ointment of Ammoniated Mercury. (Syn., Ung. Hydrarg. Ammon., White Precipitate Ointment, Unguentum Prsecipitati Albi; Fr. Pommade de Precipite blanc; Ger. Unguentum Hydrargyri album, Quecksilberprazipitatsalbe.) Manufacture: 10 p. c Rub ammoniated mercury 10 Gm. with an equal weight of melted white petrolatum, add melted white petrolatum 40 Gm., mix thoroughly with hydrous wool fat 40 Gm., stir until congealed.

3. Hydrargyri Iodidum Rubrum. Red Mercuric Iodide, HgI2. (Syn., Hydrarg. Iod. Rub., Biniodide of Mercury, Mercuric Iodide, Red Iodide of Mercury, Deuto-ioduretum (Biniodidum) Hydrargyri, Mercurius Iodatus Ruber, Ioduretum Hydrargyricum; Fr. Deuto-iodure (Bi-iodure) de Mercure, Iodure mercurique; Ger. Hydrargyrum bijodatum, Quecksilberjodid, Rotes Jodquecksilber.)

Manufacture: Dissolve corrosive mercuric chloride 40 Gm. and potassium iodide 50 Gm., each, in distilled water 800 Ml. (Cc), filter, pour slowly both simultaneously into water 2000 Ml. (Cc), wash well and dry precipitate - HgCl2 + 2KI = Hgl2 + 2KC1. It is a scarlet-red, amorphous powder, odorless, tasteless, permanent, soluble in alcohol (115), boiling alcohol (20), chloroform (910), ether (120), solutions of soluble iodides, mercuric chloride, sodium thiosulphate, hot solutions of alkali chlorides; almost insoluble in water; contains 99 p. c. of pure salt. Tests: 1. Heat to 150° C. (302° F.) - yellow, but red on cooling; at higher temperature fuses to dark yellow liquid, which, on cooling - yellow crystalline mass; at higher heat - volatilizes with residue .2 p. c. 2. Heat with potassium hydroxide T. S., + little sugar of milk - compound reduced, metallic mercury precipitated. 3. Boil .1 Gm. with potassium hydroxide T. S. 2 Ml. (Cc), supersaturate filtrate with nitric acid - yellow liquid from liberation of iodine; blue with starch T. S. Impurities: Soluble mercury salts. Should be kept dark, in well-closed containers. Dose, gr. 1/50 - 1/8 (-0013-.008 Gm.).

Prep.: 1. Liquor Arseni et Hydrargyri Iodidi. Solution of Arsenous and Mercuric Iodide. (Syn., Liq. Arsen. et Hydrarg. Iod., Donovan's Solution, Solution of Hydriodate of Arsenic and Mercury, Solutio Donovani; Fr. Solute d'lodo-arsenite de Mercure Liqueur de Donovan; Ger. Jodquecksilber-Arsenik-losung, Donovansche Tropfen.) Manufacture: Rub together in a mortar arsenous iodide and red mercuric iodide, each, 1 Gm., add distilled water 15 Ml. (Cc), triturate until dissolved, filter, pass through filter water q. s. 100 Ml. (Cc); mix thoroughly. It is a clear, colorless, pale yellowish, aqueous liquid, odorless, disagreeable metallic taste; contains .95-1.05 p. c of each, arsenous iodide, Asl3, and red mercuric iodide, Hgl2. Tests: 1. Mix 1 Ml. (Cc) with distilled water 10 Ml. (Cc), containing a few drops of lead acetate T. S. - bright yellow precipitate. 2. Add a few drops to a mixture (zinc .5 Gm. + diluted hydrochloric acid 5 Ml. (Cc)), cover mouth of test-tube with filter paper moistened with mercuric chloride T. S. and dried - in 1 minute a yellow stain on inner surface of filter paper. Should be kept in well-filled, amber-colored bottles; must not be dispensed if darker than pale yellow. Dose, eiij-5 (.2-3 Ml. (Cc)), ter die, diluted. Unoff. Preps.: Liquor Hydrargyri et Potassii Iodidi: 2.5 Gm., potassium iodide 2, dist. water q. s. 250. Mulla Hydrargyri Chloridi Corrosivi .2 p. c, + benz. suet 90, benz. lard 5, alcohol 6. Unguentum Hydrargyri Iodidi Rubri (Br.), 4 p. c 4. Hydrargyri Oxidum Flavum. Yellow Mercuric Oxide, HgO. (Syn., Hydrarg. Oxid. Flav., Hydrargyrum Oxidatum Flavum (Prsecipi-tatum), Precipitated Oxide of Mercury or Mercuric Oxide; Fr. Oxyde mercurique jaune (precipite), Oxyde de Mercure jaune ou precipite, Deutoxide jaune de Mercure; Ger. Hydrargyrum oxydatum via humida paratum, Gelbes (Prsecipitirtes) Quecksilberoxyd.)

Manufacture: Dissolve corrosive mercuric chloride 100 Gm. in warm distilled water 1000 Ml. (Cc), filter, also dissolve sodium hydroxide 40 Gm. in cold distilled water 1000 Ml. (Cc.) and to this add first solution, constantly stirring, wash well and dry precipitate - HgCl2 + 2NaOH - HgO + 2NaCl + H2O. It is a light orange-yellow, amorphous, heavy, impalpable powder, odorless, metallic taste, permanent in air, darkens on exposure to light; soluble in diluted hydrochloric or nitric acid (colorless solutions); insoluble in alcohol, almost insoluble in water; moistened with hot distilled water - not alkaline; contains 99.5 p. c. of pure salt. Tests: 1. Heat moderately - red; at red heat - decomposes completely into oxygen and metallic mercury, finally volatilizes with residue .2 p. c. 2. Dissolve .5 Gm. in 25 Ml. (Cc.) of diluted hydrochloric or nitric acid - solution not more than slightly turbid. Impurities: Red mercuric oxide, etc. Should be kept dark, in well-closed containers.