2. Linimentum Chloroformi. Chloroform Liniment. (Syn., Lin. Chlorof.; Fr. Liniment au Chloroforme; Ger. Chloroformliniment.)

Manufacture: 30 p. c. Mix by agitation chloroform 30 Ml. (Cc.) and soap liniment 70 Ml. (Cc); used externally.

3. Spiritus Chloroformi. Spirit of Chloroform. (Syn., Sp. Chlorof., Chloric Ether, Spirit of Chloric Ether; Fr. Alcoolat (Alcoole) de Chloroforme; Ger. Chloroformspiritus.)

Manufacture: 6 p. c. Mix chloroform 6 Ml. (Cc.) with alcohol q. s. 100 Ml. (Cc). Dose, 3ss-l (2-4 Ml. (Cc)).

Unoff. Preps.: Emulsum Chloroformi - chloroform 4 Ml. (Cc), expressed oil of almond 6 Ml. (Cc), tragacanth 1 Gm., water q. s. 100 Ml. (Cc), dose, 3j-4 (4-15 Ml. (Cc)). Mistura Chloroformi et Morphinae Composita, 12.5 p. c, + morphine sulphate .25, ether 3.25, tinct. of cannabis 18.50, tinct. of capsicum 2.5, oil of peppermint .2, glycerin 12.5, water 6.5, alcohol q. s. 100, dose, exv-60 (1-4 Ml. (Cc)). Tinctura Chloroformi et Morphinae Composita (Br.), chloroform 7.5 p. c, morphine hydrochloride 1, diluted hydrocyanic acid .5, tincture of capsicum .25, tincture of Indian hemp 10, dose, ev-15 (.3-1 Ml. (Cc)).

Properties. - Internally - irritant, anaesthetic locally, astringent, stimulant, narcotic. The first stage is that of general stimulation, excited imagination, feeling of warmth and comfort, mind incoherent, confused, pupils dilated, may laugh, kick, fight, vomit, or cry unconsciously, pulse increases, heart and great vessels throb, may have choking, cessation of breathing, flushed face; the second stage is that of depression, complete unconsciousness, sees, hears, and feels nothing; third stage is that of total abolition of reflex excitability, may pass urine and faeces involuntarily. Externally - irritant, vesicant, anaesthetic Should not be given to those having lung affections, fatty or feeble hearts, nor to the very old.

Uses. - Internally or inhalation - toothache, dyspepsia, setting fractured bones, dislocations, strangulated hernias, hiccough, chorea, hysteria, whooping-cough, asthma, angina pectoris, biliary and nephritic colic, tetanus, hydrophobia, tic douloureux, vomiting of pregnancy, labor, painter's colic, dysmenorrhoea, spasms of bladder or rectum, gastric ulcer, colic, pain from calculi, convulsions, fevers. Externally - toothache, headache, rheumatism, neuralgia, dysmenorrhea, painful parturition, swelled testicle, haemorrhoids, hemorrhage, taeniae.

When inhaled, should be with abundance (95 p. c.) of air. It requires usually 2-3 minutes to produce insensibility (much more quickly than with ether), which lasts only 5-10 minutes, unless inhalation is continued or morphine injected, which latter prolongs the effect considerably. One fluidrachm (250 drops; 4 Ml. ((Cc.)) will suffice for each inhalation, though more at the initial stage often is required.

Poisoning: Have irregular, shallow, stertorous breathing, dilated pupils. If swallowed, empty the stomach by pump, siphon, or emetics, give enema of hot coffee, large draughts of water containing sodium bicarbonate, demulcents, and treat as if inhaled, thus: Lower the head, pull forward the tongue to admit air, artificial respiration for an hour, electricity, hot and cold douche, inhale amyl nitrite, ether, ammonia, friction, heat, give brandy, atropine, strychnine. One death occurs in every 3000 inhalations. On recovery, first the muscles regain power of involuntary motion, sensibility next is regained, and lastly consciousness, which may require hours for perfect restoration. There is never remembrance of occurrences during the insensibility; even the nausea, vomiting, etc., are wholly involuntary.

In compatibles: Weak alcoholic spirits, glycerin, stimulants, galvanism.

Synergists: Anaesthetics, alcohol, hydrated chloral, morphine, etc.

Allied Product: