Incompatibles: Alkalies, alkali carbonates and bicarbonates, heat, moisture, etc.

Properties and Uses. - Similar to but better than salicylic acid, as it is almost free from the undesired local and systemic by-effects (tinnitus, etc.), owing to the slow liberation of the salicylic acid; decomposed in the intestine but not in the stomach. Rheumatism, internal antiseptic. Dose, gr. 5-15 (.3-1 Gm.), capsules, wafers, dry on tongue, or dissolved in sweetened water, ter die.

Novaspirin Disalicylic Ester of Anhydromethylene Citric Acid, C21H16O11.

This white, odorless, crystalline powder, obtained by the action of methylene citric acid dichloride on salicylic acid, is soluble in alcohol, slightly in water, chloroform, ether, benzene, decomposed in the intestine, not in the stomach, therefore causing no irritation to latter organ; heated in test-tube melts, liberating formaldehyde.

Properties and Uses. - Similar to aspirin, but possibly a better preparation from being unattended by secondary effects; rheumatic, gouty, and neuralgic conditions, coryza, influenza, tonsillitis. Dose, gr. 5-15 (.3-1 Gm.), ter die.

Meta-cresalol, C6H4(OH)CO2C6H4CH3, and Para-cresalol, C6H4-(OH)CO2C6H4OH3, are made by condensation of salicylic acid with either meta- or para-cresol. Both occur in colorless, odorless, tasteless crystals, and are used like salol. Dose of either, gr. 5-30 (.3-2 Gm.).

Betol. Naphtho-salol. - Naphthyl Salicylate, Salinaphthol.

II Aromatic Benzene Series C6h6 Closed Chain Compo 1084

Manufacture: By replacing a hydrogen atom in salicylic acid by naphthol group (C10H7), instead of phenol group (C6H5) as in salol. Heat together beta-naphthol sodium, sodium salicylate, and phosphorus oxychloride. It is a white, tasteless, inodorous, crystalline powder, soluble in boiling alcohol, ether, benzene, warm fixed oils, insoluble in water or glycerin. Dose, gr. 2-5 (.13-3 Gm.).

Properties and Uses. - Intestinal antiseptic; articular rheumatism, vesical catarrh, cystitis; instead of salol.

Salacetol. Acetol Salicylate.

II Aromatic Benzene Series C6h6 Closed Chain Compo 1085

Manufacture: Differs from salol in replacing the phenol group (C6H5) by acetone radical (CH2 - CO - CH3). Heat together sodium salicylate and mono-chlor-acetone - C6H4(OH)COO [Na + Cl] CH2-COCH3=NaCl+C6H4(OH)COOCH2COCH3. Occurs in needle crystals, bitter taste, melts at 71° C. (160° F.), soluble in alcohol (15), castor oil (25), olive oil (30), water (2200). Dose, gr. 15-30 (1-2 Gm.).

Properties and Uses. - Similar to salol; rheumatism, diarrhoea.

Salophen. Salophenum. - Acetyl-para-amido-phenolsalicylate, Ac etparamidophenol-salicylsaureester, Acetparamidosaloi.

II Aromatic Benzene Series C6h6 Closed Chain Compo 1086

Manufacture: By a complicated process resembling somewhat that for salol - para-nitro-phenol-salicylate (C6H4(OH)COOC6H4NO2) is formed by condensation of salicylic acid and para-nitro-phenol; this upon reduction gives para-amido-phenol-salicylate (C6H4(OH)COOC6-H4NH2), and this acted on by acetic acid gives salophen. It is in white scales, odorless, tasteless, soluble in alcohol, ether, alkalies, insoluble in water, melts at 188° C. (370° F.); contains 51 p. c. of salicylic acid. Dose, gr. 5 - 15 (.3 - 1 Gm.).

Properties and Uses. - Antiseptic, antipyretic. As a substitute for salol or salicylic acid in acute articular rheumatism, also as an intestinal antiseptic. It is much safer and equally as efficient as salol.

10. Para-oxybenzoic Derivatives.

Anisic Acid. Methyl-para-oxy-benzoic Acid.

II Aromatic Benzene Series C6h6 Closed Chain Compo 1087

Manufacture: 1. By the oxidation of para-cresyl-methyl ether. 2. By heating methyl iodide with potassium para-oxy-benzoate. 3. By the oxidation of anethol. It is a light, colorless crystalline powder, soluble in alcohol, ether, slightly in water; melts at 184° C. (363° F.), boils at 277° C. (530° F.). Dose, gr. 2-5-10 (.13-.3-.6 Gm.).

Properties and Uses. - Antiseptic, antirheumatic, neuralgia, acts like salicylic acid; usually given as sodium anisate.

Orthoform. Orthoformum. - Methyl-para-amido-meta-oxybenzoate.


This is a permanent, colorless, odorless, tasteless, crystalline powder, slightly soluble in water; the chloride quite soluble, but so acid as often to preclude its use. Dose, gr. 5-10 (.3-.6 Gm.).

Properties and Uses. - Local anaesthetic, analgesic, antiseptic. Has no action on sound mucous membranes or unbroken skin, and serves best as a dusting-powder to painful abrasions, burns, ulcers, or to gastric cancers and ulcers. Anaesthesia is induced as quickly as by cocaine, and is more persistent (many hours to several days), owing to the feeble solubility and tardy elimination of the drug, but it does not penetrate the tissues to the same extent, benumbing only those nerve-ends with which it comes in direct contact. May apply 5 p. c. solution of the chloride in diluted alcohol, and 10-20 p. c. ointments.

Orthoform-new. Methyl Metamidoparoxybenzoate. Meta-amido-para-oxybenzoate of Methyl, C6H3.(COO.CH3)(NH2)(OH).-1:3:4.

Manufacture: By the nitration of methyl paroxybenzoate and reduction of the resulting nitro-product. Occurs as a fine, white, neutral, odorless, tasteless, crystalline powder, melting at 141° C. (286° F.), soluble in alcohol (6), ether (50), insoluble in water, but decomposed when boiled in it, yielding methyl alcohol and paroxybenzoic acid, incompatible with alkalies and their carbonates.