This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
Properties and Uses. - Substitution for orthoform, which has proven unsatisfactory. Local anaesthetic, analgesic, resembling cocaine, but owing to insolubility does not penetrate tissues, antiseptic, nontoxic: dentistry, catarrh, hay lexer, and internally to relieve pain of gastric ulcer, etc. Dose, gr. 8-15 (.5-1 Gm.), emulsion; apply as a dusting-powder, or with milk-sugar for insufflation, or dissolve in ether, oil, wool fat, etc.
Orthoform-new Hydrochloride is the most important salt, being soluble in water (10).
Anesthesin. - Paramidobenzoic acid ethyl ester, C6H4(NH2) (COOC2H5).
Manufacture: Ethylate paramidobenzoic acid by action of sulphuric acid and alcohol, reduce ether obtained by action of zinc and hydrochloric acid. It is a white, crystalline powder, melting at 90° C. (194° F.), odorless, tasteless, but benumbing tongue, soluble in ether, benzene, alcohol (6), practically insoluble in water, but decomposed by long boiling in it or warming with dilute alkalies.
Incompatibles: Alkalies and their carbonates.
Properties and Uses. - Substitute for cocaine - local anaesthetic, similar in action to orthoform, but free from irritation and toxicity; owing to insolubility effect is more prolonged than cocaine, and cannot be used hypodermically. Locally - more effective when skin is broken - in rhinologic and laryngeal affections, urethritis, anaesthetizing abraded surfaces, burns, ulcerations, painful skin affections; internally to relieve pain of gastralgia, ulcer, and cancer of stomach. Dose, gr 5-8 (.3-5 Gm.), pastilles, dusting-powder (pure or diluted), ointment (10 p. c), suppositories.
11. Naphthalene Derivatives.
Betanaphthol. Betanaphthol. Naphtol, C10H7OH. - (Official.) See page 861.
Benzonaphthol. Naphtyl Benzoate. - Beta-naphtholum Benzoicum.
Manufacture: Act on beta-naphthol with benzoyl chloride; reaction begins at 125° C. (257° F.) and is complete in half an hour at 170° C. (408° F.), when the product is washed several times with dilute solution of sodium hydroxide and recrystallized from hot alcohol. It is in colorless needles, soluble in alcohol, chloroform, slightly in water, melts at 107° C. (225° F.). Dose, gr. 4-8 (.26-.5 Gm.) in capsule, or suspended in syrup and water; may be applied in powder.
Properties and Uses. - Local and intestinal antiseptic.
Di-iodo-beta-naphthol. Naphthol-aristol, C10H5I2OH. - This compound is prepared like aristol; greenish-yellow, slightly soluble in alcohol, ether, acetic acid, very soluble in chloroform, insoluble in water.
Properties and Uses. - Antiseptic; locally like iodoform.
Naphthol-bismuth. Betanaphthol-bismuth. Orphol, Cl0H7O.-Bi2O2(OH).
Manufacture: Act on bismuth ternitrate dissolved in dilute glycerin or acid with alkaline solution of beta-naphthol. It is a light-brown, odorless powder, slight aromatic taste, insoluble in water, alcohol, and splits up in the duodenum into naphthol and bismuth hydroxide.
Properties and Uses. - Intestinal astringent, antiseptic, substitute for iodoform; cholera infantum, gastro-intestinal catarrh, typhoid fever. Dose, gr. 5-8 (.3-.5 Gm.), 5-6 times daily.
Asaprol. Calcium beta-naphthol-alpha-mono-sulphonate.
Manufacture: Neutralize the free acid beta-naphthol-alpha-mono-sulphonate with calcium carbonate, concentrate the solution and crystallize. It occurs as a white powder, soluble in water or alcohol, neutral reaction, not altered by heat, non-irritant, toxic, does not affect digestion, and is eliminated by the kidneys. Dose, gr. 5-20 (.3-1.3 Gm.).
Properties and Uses. - Antiseptic, antipyretic, analgesic; influenza, typhoid fever, rheumatism.
Anthrarobin. Des-oxy-alizarin. - Dioxy-anthrol, Leuko-alizarin.
Manufacture: Act on alizarin with nascent hydrogen - C14H8O4 + H4 =C14H10O3 + H2O. It occurs as a yellowish powder, soluble in caustic alkalies, glycerin, or alcohol, insoluble in water or diluted acids.
Properties and Uses. - In skin diseases like chrysarobinum: ointment (10-20 p. c). See page 320.
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