This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
Preparations. - 1. Aqua Creosoti. Creosote Water. (Syn., Aq. Creosot.; Fr. Eau creosotee; Ger. Kreosotwasser.)
Manufacture: Agitate vigorously creosote 1 Ml. (Cc.) with recently boiled distilled water 99 Ml. (Cc), filter until clear. Should be prepared freshly when dispensed. Dose, 3j_4 (4-15 Ml. (Cc.)).
2. Creosoti Carbonas. Creosote Carbonate. (Syn., Creosot.' Carb., Creosotal, Creosotum Carbonicum; Fr. Carbonate de Creosote; Ger. Kreosotcarbonat, Kreosotal.)
Manufacture: This mixture of the carbonate of various constituents of creosote, chiefly guaiacol and creosol, is made by passing a current of carbon oxychloride into solution of creosote in sodium hydroxide solution, washing separated oil with dilute sodium hydroxide solution and finally with water. It is a clear, colorless, yellowish, viscid liquid, odorless, tasteless, slight odor and taste of creosote; prolonged exposure to cold crystals of guaiacol carbonate separate, which redissolve on warming; soluble in alcohol, petroleum benzin, fixed oils, insoluble in water, miscible, with chloroform, benzene, sp. gr. 1.145-1.170; contains 90 p. c. of creosote, and is analogous to guaiacol carbonate. Tests: 1. Heat for a few minutes .5 Ml. (Cc.) with 10 Ml. (Cc.) of alcoholic potassium hydroxide T. S., cool - crystalline precipitate, which effervesces with acids. 2. Saturated alcoholic solution neutral, + ferric chloride T. S. - only yellow color (abs. of creosote); incinerate 1 Gm. - ash .1 p. c. Dose, ev-10 (.3-6 Ml. (Cc.)), in capsule, emulsion.
Unoff. Preps.: Mulla Creosoti Salicylata, 20 Gm., + salicylic acid 10, yellow wax 5, benzoinated suet 65, Petroxolinum Creosoti, 20 Gm., + oleic acid 5, liquid petroxolin 75.
Properties and Uses. - Creosote - Internally, stimulant, antiseptic, parasiticide, anaesthetic; nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, vomiting of pregnancy and of hysteria, cholera morbus, cholera infantum, typhoid fever, dysentery, tapeworm, diabetes, polyuria, phthisis; locally - burns, chilblains, erysipelas, menorrhagia, uterine hemorrhage, leucorrhoea, puerperal metritis, fetid otorrhoea, diphtheritic sore throat, chronic empyema, toothache, gleet, ulcers, cancer, gangrene, mercurial stomatitis, glanders, ozaena, itching, lupus, warts, condylomata, as a preservative of animal tissue. The water (aqua) used in leucorrhoea, gleet, burns, ulcers, eczema, prurigo, etc. Creosote Carbonate - anti-tubercular, like creosote, but without its poisonous properties; it is well tolerated by the digestive system and is decomposed in the intestine, imparting a creosote odor to the breath and urine: phthisis (lessens fever and night-sweats), bronchitis, enteritis, ulceration, intestinal indigestion.
Poisoning: Same as for phenol.
Incompatibles: Strong sulphuric and nitric acid, reduces silver salts, exploding on contact with the oxide.
Cresol. Cresol. - (Syn., Cresolum, Cresylic Acid, Methylphenol, Tricresol, Oxytoluene; Fr. Cresol; Ger. Kresol, Enterol.) A mixture of isomeric cresols (C7H8O or C6H4CH3.OH) obtained from coal-tar.
Manufacture: Prepared from the " phenol" distillates of coal-tar between 140-220° C. (284-482° F.), by dissolving in sodium hydroxide solution, adding water and hydrochloric or sulphuric acid to separate hydrocarbons (benzene, naphthalene, toluene, etc.) and tarry matter; to filtrate add hydrochloric acid to precipitate cresols, leaving phenol in solution, purify by solution in sodium hydroxide and distilling with hydrochloric acid at 180-200° C. (356-392° F.); consists of ortho-, meta-, and para-cresol. It is a colorless, yellowish, brown-yellow, highly refractive liquid, darker or reddish with age and exposure to light, phenol-like, sometimes empyreumatic odor, dissolves in water (50), usually forming a cloudy solution, miscible with alcohol, ether, benzene, petroleum benzin, glycerin, solutions of fixed alkali hydroxides, sp. gr. 1.034. Tests: 1. Saturated aqueous solution, + ferric chloride T. S. - violet-blue, neutral, slightly acid. 2. Solution of 1 Ml. (Cc.) in 60 Ml. (Cc.) of water - only slightly turbid (abs. of hydrocarbons); 90 p. c. distils at 195-205° C. (383-401° F.). Impurities: Hydrocarbons, phenol, etc. Should be kept dark, in well-closed containers. Dose, ej-3 (.06-.2M1. (Cc.)).
Preparation. - 1. Liquor Cresolis Compositus. Compound Solution of Cresol. (Syn., Liq. Cresol. Co., Creolin; Fr. Solute de Cresol compose; Ger. Liquor Cresoli saponatus, Kresolseifenlosung.)
Manufacture: Heat in a tared vessel on a water-bath at 70° C. (158° F.) linseed oil 30 Gm.; dissolve potassium hydroxide 8 Gm. in water 5 Ml. (Cc), warm, add it to linseed oil; mix thoroughly; incorporate alcohol 3 Ml. (Cc), heat, without stirring, until a small portion is soluble in boiling water without oily drops separating; while warm add cresol 50 Gm., mix thoroughly, continue heat until clear, add water q. s. 100 Gm. It is a clear brownish-yellow liquid, oil-like consistence, slippery to touch, darkens with age, froths when mixed and shaken with water, cresol odor, alkaline reaction; may substitute sodium hydroxide 5.4 for the potassium hydroxide 8.
Properties and Uses. - Antiseptic, germicide, disinfectant; far less poisonous than phenol, the meta- being most powerful; as sodium cresylate, C7H7ONa, soluble in water, or by sulphonation with sulphuric acid have creolin, lysol, sapocresol, saprol, solutol, solveol, etc.
Liquor - sometimes sold as lysol, phenolin, sapocresol, etc., in 1-5 p. c. solutions as vaginal and intra-uterine douches following labor, in chronic and acute inflammations of pelvic organs, urethral and vesical irrigations in urethritis, cystitis, ophthalmia, wounds, abscesses, ulcers, sterilize instruments, hand, etc.; renders parts soft, pliable, not harsh and rough as with mercuric chloride.
4. Di-hydroxy Phenol Derivatives.
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