Oleum Juniperi. Oil of Juniper, official.

Juniperus communis,


A volatile oil distilled from the ripe fruit.

Habitat. N. America (Canada, N. United States), Asia, Europe, N. Africa; dry woods, hills.

Syn. Juniper Bush, Juniper Berries, Fructus (Baccae) Juniperi; Fr. Genievre, Baies de Genievre; Ger. (Gemeiner) Wachholderbeeren, Ol. Junip., Juniper Oil, Oil of Juniper Berries, Oleum Fructus (Baccae) Juniperi; Fr. Essence de Genievre; Ger. Wachholder(beer)ol.

Ju-nip'e-rus. L. fr. Celtic juniperus, rough - i. e., its foliage; or fr. L. juvenis, young, + parere, to produce - i. e., young fruit, leaves, etc., are continually replacing the old.

Com-mu'nis. L. common, general - i. e., the usual or ordinary kind.

Plant. - Evergreen shrub 2-5 M. (6-15°) high, with many close branches, some often prostrate; leaves narrow, longer than fruit, 12 Mm. (1/2') long, in whorls of 3's, sharp-pointed, channeled, deep green; flowers dioecious - staminate catkins, pistillate cones; fruit (gal-bulus) roundish berry, 8 Mm. (J') broad, dark purplish with bluish-gray bloom, 3-rayed, pulpy, 3-seeded, oil-glands on surface, ripens second year; odor and taste terebinthinate.

Constituents. - Volatile oil .5-2.5 p. c, sugar 15-30 p. c, resin 10 p. c, juniperin, proteids 4 p. c, fat, wax, malates, formic and acetic acids.

Oleum Juniperi. Oil of Juniper. - Obtained from the ripe fruit by distillation with salt and water, or steam; it is a colorless, faintly green or yellow liquid, characteristic odor and taste of juniper fruit, soluble in 4 vols. of alcohol with not more than slight cloudiness, sp. gr. 0.870, laevorotatory; contains chiefly pinene, C10H16, with some cadinene, C15H24, juniper camphor, and an ester to which odor and taste are due. Should be kept cool, dark, in well-stoppered,

Fig. 19.   Juniperus communis.

Fig. 19. - Juniperus communis.

Juniperus Juniper 124Juniperus Juniper 125Fig. 20.   Juniperus: a, fertile catkin and longitudinal section; b, galbulus and transverse section; c, seed and longitudinal section magnified.

Fig. 20. - Juniperus: a, fertile catkin and longitudinal section; b, galbulus and transverse section; c, seed and longitudinal section magnified.

amber-colored bottles. Dose, v-15 15 (.3-1 Ml. (Cc.)).

Preparations. - 1. Spiritus Ju-niperi. Spirit of Juniper. (Syn., Sp. Junip.; Fr. Alcoolat (Esprit) de Genievre; Ger. Wachholder-spiritus.)

Manufacture: 5 p. c. Dissolve oil 5 Ml. (Cc.) in alcohol q. s. 100 Ml. (Cc.). Dose, 3j-4 (4-15 Ml. (Cc.)).

2. Spiritus Juniperi Compositus. Compound Spirit of Juniper. (Syn., Sp. Junip. Co.; Fr. Alcoolat de Genievre compose; Ger. Zusam-mengesetzter Wachholderspiritus.)

Manufacture: 2/5 p. c. Dissolve oil of juniper .4 Ml. (Cc.), oil of caraway .05 Ml. (Cc.), oil of fennel .05 Ml. (Cc.), alcohol 70 Ml. (Cc.)., gradually add water q. s. 100 Ml. (Cc.). Dose, 3j-4 (4-15 Ml. (Cc.)).

Unoff. Preps. Fruit: Extract, dose, gr. 10-30 (.6-2 Gm.). Fluid-extract (dil. alc.), dose, 3j-2 (4-8 Ml. (Cc.)). Infusion, 5 p. c, dose, ℥ss-2 (15-60 Ml. (Cc.)). Succm Juniperi inspissatus (Ger.), 20 p. c

Properties. - Similar to turpentine; stimulant, diuretic, anodyne, emmenagogue, carminative, stomachic, antiseptic.

Uses. - Renal dropsy, vesical catarrh, rheumatic pains, swellings.