Oleum Cadinum. Oil of Cade, official.

Juniperus Oxycedrus,


An empyreumatic oil distilled (dry) from the wood.

Habitat. S. Europe, Spain.

Syn. Prickly (Spanish, Berry-bearing) Cedar, Large Brown-fruited Juniper; 01. Cadin., Cade Oil, Oil of Juniper Tar, Oleum Juniperi Empyreumaticum (Nigrum); Fr. Huile de Cade; Ger. Kadeol, Takinol, Spanisch-Cederol.

Ox-y-ce'drus. L. fr. Gr.

Juniperus Oxycedrus Prickly Cedar 127

sharp, pointed, -+-

Juniperus Oxycedrus Prickly Cedar 128

cedar - i. e., cedar with pointed leaves.

Ca-di'num. L. fr. Fr. cade, juniper; Bohem. kadik, juniper - i. e,, European cedar.

Plant. - Shrub 2.4-3.7 M. (8-12°) high, resembling J. commu'nis, branches spreading, drooping; leaves medium size, awl-shaped, pointed, 2 furrows on upper edge; fruit 12 Mm. (1/2') thick, reddish, shining, 2 white lines on apex.

Constituents. - Volatile oil, resin, tannin, extractive (acetic acid, pyroligneous acid, acetone, methyl alcohol, etc.).

Oleum Cadinum. Oil of Cade. - Should be dry (downward) distilled from the heartwood, similar to obtaining tar, pieces of wood being laid carefully upon one another and covered with earth except an opening at the top, thus permitting slow combustion; inverted iron pots also are filled with billets, surrounded with worthless wood and set on fire, producing sufficient heat for distillation; product is caught in receptacles, set aside 15-20 days for separation of tarry and aqueous layers, the upper oily one constituting the commercial product. It is a dark brown, clear, thick liquid, tarry, empyreumatic odor, warm, faintly aromatic, bitter taste, almost insoluble in water, imparting to it acid reaction, partially soluble in alcohol, petroleum benzin, completely soluble in ether (3), amyl alcohol, chloroform, glacial acetic acid, oil of turpentine, sp. gr. 0.980-1.055; contains phenols and sesquiterpene - cadinene, C15H24. Test: 1. Shake 1 part with warm distilled water (20); filtrate + few drops of ferric chloride solution (1 in 1000) - red; reduces silver ammonium nitrate T. S. (cold), and alkaline cupric tartrate T. S. (hot). Impurities: Rosin, rosin oil. The oil from wood of J. communis often substituted. Dose, iij-5 (.2-.3 Ml. (Cc.)).

Preparation. - (Unoff.): Petroxolinum Cadini, 25 p. c, Unguen-tum Sulphuris Compositum, 15 p. c.

Properties. - Anthelmintic, externally parasiticide.

Uses. - Psoriasis, pityriasis rubra, chronic eczema, prurigo, psora, favus. This oil may replace the official Oleum Picis Liquidae, both having about the same effect.

Allied Plants:

1. Juniperus Sabi'Na, Savin, Shrubby Red Cedar

Juniperus Sabi'Na, Savin, Shrubby Red Cedar. The tops, official 1820-1910; Europe, Siberia, N. America, rocky banks, mountains. Evergreen shrub, procumbent or erect, 1-4.5 M. (3-15°) high, branched, bark greenish (young), brownish (old); flowers dioecious; fruit gal-bulus, bluish, size of a pea, 1-3-seeded. Tops yellowish-green, sub-quadrangular branchlets; leaves 4 rows, dark green, scale-like, ovate-lanceolate, acute, imbricated, shallow groove on back, roundish gland in middle; odor peculiar, terebinthinate; taste disagreeable, resinous, bitter; solvents: boiling water, alcohol; contains volatile oil 2-5-10 p. c., resin, tannin, salts (K, Ca). Diuretic, emmenagogue, ecbolic, irritant, haemagogue; amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, rheumatism, gout; warts, ulcers, dental caries, tinea capitis, polypi. 6

Fig. 21.   Juniperus Sabina.

Fig. 21. - Juniperus Sabina.

Poisoning: Abdominal pain, vomiting, strangury, convulsions, coma - magnesium sulphate (full dose), demulcents, anodynes, stimulants. Dose, gr. 5-15 (.3-1 Gm.), in syrup, honey; fluidextract (alcohol), v-15 (.3-1 Ml. (Cc.)); cerate (25 p. c), to prolong secretion from blisters, etc.; infusion, tincture.

2. J. virginia'na, Red Cedar. - The tops, official 1820-1880; United States. Slow-growing evergreen, 6-24 M. (20-80°) high, 15-45 Cm. (6-18') thick, branches spreading, horizontal near the ground; leaves small, glandular, ternate in pairs; odor of tops peculiar; taste pungent; contains volatile oil, resin, tannin; wood yields volatile oil (of red cedar) containing cedrene, C15H24, and cedrene camphor, C15H26O. Differs from J. Sabina in habit, smaller erect fruit, more acute leaves, reddish durable heartwood, yellowish sapwood, and weaker properties, but the tops and volatile oils may be substituted for each other. Branchlets bear excrescences (cedar apples), which are used as anthelmintic, dose, gr. 10-30 (.6-2 Gm.), ter die.