1. Flaxseed Cake, Oil-Cake

Flaxseed Cake, Oil-Cake. Flaxseed when ground yields cake-meal, and this, after being deprived of oil, becomes oil-cake; it still contains all of the nitrogen, 4-5 p. c, and, moreover, a little oil, thus serving well as a cattle food; yields ash 5-8 p. c.

2. Boiled Linseed Oil

Boiled Linseed Oil. Obtained by heating oleum lini to 130° C. (266° F.), while passing a current of air through it, when it boils, losing 6-8 p. c. by weight; or may heat and add litharge, red lead, manganese dioxide, lead acetate or manganous borate, thereby increasing the oil's weight and drying properties. It is darker in color, thicker, sp. gr. 0.939-0.950, and dries faster, hence useful in painting, varnishing, etc., but must never be used in liniments as a substitute for the official ("raw") oil, since irreparable injury (from forming crusts) might be occasioned to burns, etc., in removing dressings.

3. Flax Liber-Fibres

Flax Liber-Fibres. These furnish linen, which, when scraped, gives lint, while the primitive short fibre is useful as tow.