This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
Recapitulation No. 1.
Family (Nat. order). | Botanic source. | Part official. | Habitat. | Constituents. | Official preparations. | Medicinal properties. | Medicinal uses. | Doses. | |
1. | Latin official name. | ||||||||
2. | Eng. official name. | ||||||||
1. | Chondrus crispus, Gigartina mamillosa. | The dried plants. | N. Atlantic Ocean. | Mucilage, minerals, albuminoids. | ..................................... | Demulcent, nutritive, dietetic. | Bronchitis, diarrhoea, kidney and bladder trouble, scrofula. | Grains. | |
2. | Chondrus. | 60-120 (4-8 Gm.). | |||||||
1. | Claviceps purpurea. | The sclero-tium. | Russia, Spain. | Ergotoxine, parahy-droxyphenylethyla-mine, isoamylamine, ergamine, enzymes, fixed oil, scleromucin. | Fluidextr., extract. | Emmenagogue, ecbolic, haemostatic, excitomotor, poisonous. | In labor, dysmenorrhoea, polypi, amenorrhoea, hemorrhages, hemorrhoids. | 15-60 | |
2. | Ergot. | (1-4 Gm.). | |||||||
1. | Dryopteris: Filix-mas, marginalis. | The rhizome and stipes. | N. America, N. Asia, | Filicic acid, filicin, fixed oil, filitannic acid, vol. oil, resin. | Oleoresin. | Taenifuge. | Tape-worms. | 30-120 | |
2. | Aspidium. | (2-8 Gm.). | |||||||
1. | Lycopodium clava-tum. | The spores. | Europe, Asia, N. America. | Fixed oil, cane-sugar, volatile base (methyl-amine). | ..................................... | Diuretic, antispasmodic for rheumatism, epilepsy, pulmonary, renal disorders. | Externally for erysipelas, eczema, herpes, ulcers, chafing, to prevent adherency of pills and suppositories. | Externally. | |
2. | Lycopodium. | ||||||||
Pinaceae (Coniferae): | |||||||||
1. | Oleum Terebinthinae. | Pinus palustris +. | Volatile oil. | N. America. | Pinene, C10H16. | Oil: Recti. oil, liniment, terebene, terpin hydrate, emul., canthar. cerate. Rosin: ros. cer., ros. plaster, cer. canth., tar. | Stimulant, carminative, cathartic, anthelmintic, haemostatic, expectorant, antiseptic, diuretic, rubefacient. | Bronchitis, catarrh, cystitis, gleet, urinary troubles, piles, hemorrhages, erysipelas, worms, pneumonia, rheumatism, renal colic, sprains, scabies. | Minims. |
2. | Oil of Turpentine. | 5-30 | |||||||
1. | Resins. | .................................. | Resin. | .......................... | Abietic, pinic and sylvic acids. | (.3-2 Ml. (Cc.)). | |||
2. | Rosin. | ||||||||
1. | Oleum Pini Pumilionis. | Pinus montana. | Volatile oil. | C. Europe. | Pinene, phellandrene, sylvestrene. | .................................... | Antirheumatic, expectorant, stimulant, antiseptic. | Rheumatism, bronchitis, laryngitis. | 1-5 |
2. | Oil of Dwarf Pine Needles. | (.06-.3 Ml. (Cc.)). | |||||||
1. | Oleum Juniperi. | Juniperus communis. | Volatile oil. | N. America. | Pinene, C10H16, cadinene, C15H24. | Spirit, comp. spt. | Stimulant, diuretic, anodyne, antiseptic, emmenagogue, carminative. | Renal dropsy, urinary catarrh, rheumatism, swellings. | 5-15 |
2. | Oil oi Juniper. | (.3-1 Ml. (Cc.)). | |||||||
1. | Oleum Cadinum. | Juniperus Oxyce-drus. | Volatile oil. | S. Europe. | Phenols, cadinene, C15H24. | Psoriasis, pityriasis rubra, eczema. | 3-5 | ||
2. | Oil of Cade. | (.2-3 Ml. (Cc.)). | |||||||
1 | Zea Mays. | The starch grains from fruit. | .......................... | (C6Hl0O5)3 | Glycerite, diluent in extracts, etc. | Nutritive, demulcent. | Allays itching, urticaria, erysipelas, inflamed rectum, bladder, protective. | Grains. | |
2 | Starch. | 30-120 (2-8 Gm.). |
1. | Saccharum. | Saccharum offici-narum, Beta vul-garis, var. Rapa. | The juice evaporated and crystallized. | S. Asia. | C12H22O11. | Syrup, many troches ana medicated syrups, pills, powders, etc. | Demulcent, lenitive, laxative, ulcerations. | Vehicle, corrigent, preservative, antiseptic, excipient, coughs, hiccough, ascarides, ulcers, wounds, eye troubles. | Ad libitum. |
2. | Sugar. | ||||||||
1. | Agropyron repens. | The dried rhizome. | Europe, N. America. | Triticin, fruit-sugar, inosite, glucose, mal-ates, lactic acid. | Fluidextract. | Diuretic, aperient, demulcent. | Cystitis, gravel, jaundice, bronchitis, gout, skin troubles, fevers. | 30-180 | |
2. | Triticum. | (2-12 Gm.). | |||||||
1. | Hordeum sativum. | The partially germinated grain dried. | W. Asia, China. | Diastase, peptose, dextrose, sugar, starch. | Extract. | Nutritive, laxative demulcent. | Dyspepsia, phthisis, wasting diseases, emulsifying agent. | Ad libitum. | |
2. | Malt. | ||||||||
1. | Serenoa serrulata. | The partially dried ripe fruit. | S. United States. | Volatile oil, fixed oil, fat, alkaloid, resin. | ..................................... | Sedative, diuretic, expectorant, tonic. | Bronchitis, phthisis, whooping-cough, prostate gland, asthma. | 15-60 | |
2. | Sabal. | (1-4 Gm.). | |||||||
1. | Veratrum viride. | The dried rhizome and roots. | N. America. | Protoveratrine, jer-vine, rubijervine, pseudojervine, ceva-dine, resin - veratroi-dine. | Fluidextract, tincture. | Sedative, emetic, diaphoretic, errhine. | Arterial excitement, spinal spasms, pneumonia, typhoid, heart troubles, convulsions, tetanus, chorea, mania. | 1-4 | |
2. | Veratrum Viride. | (.06-26 Gm.). | |||||||
1. | Veratrina. | Asagraea officinalis. | A mixture of alkaloids. | Mexico, S. America. | Veratrine, cevadine, veratridine, cevadil-line, sabadine, saba-dinine. | ..................................... | Sedative, powerful irritant, sternutatory, errhine. | Neuralgia, headache, sciatica, pediculi, rheumatism, pneumonia, sprains, heart trouble. | 1/32-1/12 |
2. | Veratrine. | (.002-.005 Gm.). | |||||||
1. | Urginea maritima. | The bulb. | Mediterranean Basin. | Scillitin, sinistrin,sugar Ca oxalate. | Vinegar, syrup, fluidextr., comp. syrup, tincture. | Expectorant, cardiac stimulant, diuretic, emetic, cathartic, irritant. | Croup, coughs, bronchitis, asthma, dropsies, whooping-cough. | 1-5-10 | |
2. | Squill. | (.06-.3-.6 Gm.). | |||||||
1. | Aloe. | Aloe: Perryi, vera, ferox. | The inspissated juice. | E. Africa, Socotra, W. Indies, Curacao, Cape of Good Hope. | Aloin, resin, emodin, volatile oil. | Pills, tincture, extr. coloc. co., pil. rhei co., tr. benz. co. | Cathartic, drastic, emmenagogue, vermifuge. | Costiveness, jaundice, hemorrhoids, amenor-rhoea, ascarides. | 1/2-10 |
2. | Aloes. | (.03-.6 Gm.). | |||||||
1. | Colchici Cormus. | Colchicum autumnale. | The dried corm. | C. and S. Europe, | Colchicine, colchiceine colchicoresin, starch sugar, fixed oil. | Extract. | Alterative, cathartic, emetic, sedative, diuretic, diaphoretic. | Gout, rheumatism, skin affections, prurigo, urticaria, neuralgia. | 2-8 |
2 | Colchicum Corm. | (.13-.5Gm.). | |||||||
1. | Colchici Semen. | The dried seeds. | N. Africa. | Fluidextr., tincture. | 1-5 | ||||
2 | Colchicum Seed. | (.06-.3Gm.). | |||||||
1. | Smilax: medica, officinalis, ornata. | The dried root. | Trop. America, Mexico. | Sarsasaponin, parillin, smilasaponin, volatile oil, resin, starch Ca oxalate, coloring | Fluidextr., comp. syr., comp. fluid-extract. | Alterative, diuretic, diaphoretic, tonic. | Blood purifier in scrofula, skin diseases, syphilis, abscesses, ulcers. | 30-120 | |
2. | Sarsaparilla. | (2-8 Gm.). | |||||||
1. | Elettaria Carda-momum. | The dried seeds. | Malabar, India. | Volatile oil, fixed oil, starch, salts. | Tinct., tinct. co., extr. colocy. co., pulv. arom., tr gent. co., tr. rhei | Carminative, stimulant, aromatic, condiment. | As adjuvant or corrective to cordials, tonics, purgatives, flavoring. | 5-15 | |
2. | Cardamom Seed. | (.3-1 Gm). |
Recapitulation No. 2.
Family (Nat. order). | Botanic source. | Part official. | Habitat. | Constituents. | Official preparations. | Medicinal properties. | Medicinal uses. | Dose. | ||
1. | Latin official name. | |||||||||
2. | Eng. official name. | |||||||||
Zingiberaceae: | ||||||||||
1. | Zingiber officinale. | The dried rhizome. | India, Africa, Hindustan. | Volatile oil, gingerol, resin, starch, mucilage. | Fluidextr., syrup, oleoresin, tinct., pulv. arom., pulv. rhei comp. | Carminative, stimulant, sternutatory, rubefacient, sialagogue. | Dyspepsia, diarrhoea, cholera, bronchitis, rheumatism, toothache, headache, colic. | Grains. | ||
2. | Ginger. | 5-20 (.3-1.3 Gm.). | ||||||||
1. | Vanillinum. | Vanilla planifolia. | Methylpro-tocatechuic aldehyde. | E. Mexico. | C8H8O3. | .................................. | Carminative, stimulant, aphrodisiac, irritant. | Hysteria, flavoring agent. | 1/6-1/2 | |
2. | Vanillin. | (.01-.03Gm.). | ||||||||
1. | Piper Cubeba. | The dried unripe fruit. | Java, Sumatra, Borneo, W. Indies. | Volatile oil, resin, cu-bebin, cubebic acid, fixed oil. | Oleoresin, troches, oil. | Diuretic, stimulant, carminative, irritant. | Gonorrhoea, cystitis, bronchitis, catarrh, vesical irritability. | 15-60 | ||
2. | Cubeb. | (1-4 Gm.). | ||||||||
1. | Piper. | Piper nigrum. | The dried unripe fruit. | S. India, Malabar. | Piperin, volatile oil, piperidine, chavicin, fixed oil. | Oleoresin. | Stimulant, tonic, febrifuge, irritant, antipyretic. | Intermittents, rheumatism, colic, headache, indigestion, gleet. | 5-20 | |
2. | Pepper. | (.3-1.3 Gm.). | ||||||||
1. | Salicinum. | Salix and Populus species. | A glucoside. | Europe, N. America. | C13H18O7. | ................................... | Bitter, tonic, antiperiodic, antipyretic, antiseptic, antiferment. | Rheumatism, intermittents, coryza, neuralgia, diabetes, eczema, cancer, relieves pain. | 10-30 | |
2. | Salicin. | (.6-2 Gm.). | ||||||||
Fagaceae (Cupuliferae) : | ||||||||||
1. | Quercus infectoria. | The excrescence. | Mediterranean Basin. | Tannin, gallic acid, mucilage, starch. | Oint., Tannin: gly-cerite, troch., oint., gallic acid, pyrogallic acid. | Astringent, tonic. | Diarrhoea, gleet, relaxed membranes, sore mouth, antidote to alkaloidal poisoning. | 5-30 | ||
2. | Nutgall. | (.3-2 Gm.). | ||||||||
Ubnaceae: | ||||||||||
1. | Ulnius. | Ulmus fulva. | The dried inner bark. | N. America. | Mucilage, starch, tannin, bitter principle. | ................................... | Demulcent, emollient, nutritive. | Diarrhoea, urinary affections, bronchitis, boils, fissures, strictures. | 120-240 | |
2. | Elm. | (8-15 Gm.). | ||||||||
1. | Humulus Lupulus. | The dried strobiles. | N. Temperate zone. | Vol. oil, choline, resin, tannin, salts. | .................................. | Tonic, sedative, anodyne, hypnotic. | Dyspepsia, delirium, priapism, bladder troubles, rheumatism, boils, colic, bruises. | 30-60 | ||
2. | Hops. | (2-4 Gm.). | ||||||||
1. | Cannabis sativa, or var. indica. | Thedriedpis-tillate flowering tops. | Asia, N. India, United States. | Cannabinol, Canna-bin, choline, vol. oil. | Extract, fluidextr., tincture. | Anodyne, nervine, sudorific, narcotic, aphrodisiac. | Neuralgia, gout, tetanus, chorea, hysteria, epilepsy, delirium tremens. | 1-5 | ||
2. | Cannabis. | (.06-.3 Gm.). | ||||||||
1. | Oleum Santali. | The volatile oil. | S. India, | Santalol - C15H26O. | ................................. | Astringent, stimulant, diuretic. | Bronchitis, gonorrhoea, cystitis, pyelitis, diarrhoea. | Minims. | ||
2. | Oil of Santal. | E. Indian Islands. | 5-20 (.3-1.3 Ml. (Cc.)). |
1. | Aristolochia: Serpentaria, reticulata. | The dried rhizome and roots. | United States. | Volatile oil, aristolo-chine, resin, tannin, starch. | Tinct. cinch. co. | Stimulant, tonic, diaphoretic, anti-periodic. | Pneumonia, intermit-tents, dyspepsia, diphtheria. | Grains. | ||
2. | Serpentaria. | 5-30 (.3-2 Gm.). | ||||||||
1. | Rheum: officinale, palmatum, var. tanguticum. | The dried rhizome and roots. | W.and C. China. | Resin, cathartic acid, vol. oil, chryso-phanic acid, emodin, aloe-emodin, rheino-lic acid, rhein, starch, rheotannic acid, Ca oxalate. | Extr., fluidextr., syrup.pillscomp., pulv. comp., tinct., ar. tr., ar. syr. | Aperient, purgative, astringent, stomachic, tonic. | Diarrhoea, hemorrhoids, chronic dysentery, thread-worms, bilious fever. | 5-30 | ||
2. | Rhubarb. | (.3-2 Gm.). | ||||||||
1. | Oleum Chenopodii. | Chenopodium ambrosioides, var. anthelmin-ticum. | The volatile oil. | W. Indies, C. and S. America. | Pinene, + C10H16O. | ................................. | Anthelmintic, vermifuge, roundworms. | Worms, intermittents, hysteria, chorea, nervousness, taenia. | Minims. | |
2. | Oil of Chenopodium. | 2-10 (.13-6 Ml. (Cc.)). | ||||||||
1. | Myristica fragrans. | The kernel of the seed. | Moluccus (Spice Islands), India. | Volatile oil, fixed oil, starch, proteids. | Ar. pulv., tr. lav. co., tr. rhei ar., troch. sod. bicarb. Oil: Sp. aur. ar. | Stimulant, stomachic, condiment, flavoring, narcotic. | Flatulence, diarrhoea, nausea, colic, dyspepsia, carminative. | Grain.. | ||
2. | Myristica. | 5-20 (.3-1.3 Gm.). | ||||||||
1. | Hydrastis canadensis. | The dried rhizome and roots. | N. America. | Hydrastine, berberine, canadine, resin. | Extr., fluidextr., glycerite, tinc-ture.hydrastinine hydrochloride. | Alterative, tonic, aperient, antipe-riodic, nervine. | Dyspepsia, costiveness, malaria, jaundice, catarrh, gonorrhoea. | 5-30 | ||
2. | Hydrastis. | (.3-2 Gm.). | ||||||||
1. | Cimicifuga race-mosa. | The dried rhizome and roots. | United States, Canada. | Cimicifugin, resin, vol. oil, fat, tannin. | Extract, fluidextr. | Alterative, emmen-agogue, sedative. | Bronchitis, rheumatism, amenorrhoea, chorea, dyspepsia. | 5-30 | ||
2. | Cimicifuga. | (.3-2 Gm.). | ||||||||
1. | Delphinium Staphisagria. | The ripe seeds. | Mediterranean Basin. | Delphinine, delphin-oidine, delphisine, staphisagrine, fixed oil. | Fluidextract. | Diuretic, cathartic, rubefacient, poisonous. | Parasiticide, rheumatism, neuralgia, itch, vermin. | 1-2 | ||
2. | Staphisagria. | (.06-.13Gm.). | ||||||||
1. | Aconitum Napel-lus. | The dried tuberous root. | Europe, Asia, N. America. | Aconitine, aconine, picraconitine, pseud-aconitine, resin, aconitic acid. | Extract, fluidextract, tincture. | Sedative, anodyne, antipyretic, poison. | Fevers, rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, pneumonia. | 1-2 | ||
2. | Aconite. | (.00-13 Gm.). | ||||||||
1. | Podophyllum peltatum. | The dried rhizome and roots. | N. America. | Resin (podophyllin - podopnyllotoxin), starch, fixed oil. | Fluidextract, resin. | Cathartic, tonic, alterative. | Constipation, torpid liver, diarrhoea, fevers, jaundice. | 5-15 | ||
2. | Podophyllum. | (.3-1 Gm.). | ||||||||
1. | Jateorhiza pal-mata (cafumba). | The dried root. | E. Africa. | Calumbin, berberine, calumbic acid, resin, starch. | Tincture. | Tonic, stomachic, stimulant. | Dyspepsia, debility, remittent fevers, diarrhoea, phthisis. | 5-30 | ||
2. | Calumba. | (.3-2 Gm.). | ||||||||
1. | Sassafras varii-folium (Sassafras). | The bark of the root. | N. America. | Volatile oil (safrol), sassafrid, resin, tannin, starch. | Fluidextr. sars. co. Oil: syr. sars. co., troch. cub. | Alterative, diaphoretic, stimulant. | Skin diseases, rheumatism, syphilis. | 30-60 | ||
2. | Sassafras. | (2-4 Gm.). |
Recapitulation No. 3.
Family (Nat. order). | Botanic source. | Part official. | Habitat. | Constituents. | Omcial preparations. | Medicinal properties. | Medicinal uses. | |||
1. | Latin official name. | Doses. | ||||||||
2. | Eng. official name. | |||||||||
Lauraceae: | ||||||||||
1. | Cinnamomum Saigoricum. | Undetermined species. | The dried bark. | China, Annam, Java, Sumatra, S. America. | Volatile oil, tannin, sugar, mannite, starch. | Tinct., ar. powd., fluidextr. ar., tr. card, co., tr. gambir. co., tr. lav. co., tr. rhei ar. Oil: aqua, spirit, inf. dig., mist, cret., syr. rhei., ar. sulph. ac. | Germicide, antispasmodic, carminative, stimulant, astringent, aromatic. | Parturient, flavoring, diarrhoea, flatulence, nausea, menorrhagia. | Grains. 5-30 (.3-2 Gm.). | |
2. | SaigonCinnamon. | |||||||||
1. | Cinnamomum Zeylanicum. | Cinnamomum Zeylanicum. | The inner bark. | |||||||
2. | Ceylon Cinnamon. | |||||||||
1. | Cinnamomum Camphora. | The dextrorotatory ketone. | China, Japan, Formosa. | C10H15O. | Aq., lin., spt., lin. belladon.,, tr. opii camph., monobromated. | Antispasmodic, stimulant, nervine, diaphoretic, resolvent, antiseptic. | Hysteria, nervousness, diarrhoea, colic, rheumatism, tenesmus, asthma, cough, ulcers, scabies. | 1-5 (.06-.3Gm.). | ||
2. | Camphor. | |||||||||
1. | Papaver somnif-erum,var. album. | The air-dried milky exudation. | W. Asia. | Morphine, narcotine, codeine, narceine, meconic acid, ethyl-morphine, apomor-phine, cotarnine, etc. | Extr., tr., tr. opii deod., tr. opii camph., pulv. ip. et opii, opium deod., gran., opii pulv. | Narcotic, sedative, anodyne. | Diarrhoea, peritonitis, cholera morbus, coughs, rheumatism, etc. | 1-2 (.06-.13 Gm.). | ||
2. | Opium. | |||||||||
1. | Sanguinaria canadensis. | The dried rhizome and roots. | N. America. | Chelerythrine, san-guinarine, protopine, β-homochilidonine, resin, starch. | Tincture. | Emetic, stimulating expectorant, tonic, alterative, cardiac paralyzer, irritant. | Bronchitis, croup, asthma, pneumonia, dyspepsia, jaundice, syphilis. | 1-30 (.06-2 Gm.). | ||
2. | Sanguinaria. | |||||||||
1. | Sinapis Alba. | Sinapis alba. | The ripe seeds. | Asia, S. Europe. | Fixed oil, sinalbin, sinapine sulphoey-anide, myrosin. | ....................................... | Stimulant, emetic, tonic, diuretic, laxative, rubefacient, condiment. | Dyspepsia, delirium tremens, dropsy, poisoning, rheumatism, gout, colic, headache, etc. | 15-60 (1-4 Gm.). | |
2. | White Mustard. | |||||||||
1. | Sinapis Nigra. | Brassica nigra. | The ripe seeds. | Asia, | Fixed oil, sinigrin, sinapine sulphocy-anide, myrosin. | Emplast., vol. oil. | ||||
2. | Black Mustard. | S. Europe. | ||||||||
1. | Aqua Hamame-lidis. | Hamamelis vir-giniana. | From bark, twigs, stems. | N. America. | Tannin, bitter principle, volatile oil. | Aqua (distilled). | Astringent, haemostatic, sedative, tonic. | Hemorrhages, tumors, hemorrhoids, varicose veins. | Minims. 60-240 (4-15 Ml. (Cc.)). 10-30 (.6-2 Gm.). | |
2. | Hamamelis Water. | |||||||||
1. | Liquidambar orientalis. | The balsam. | Asia Minor. | Styrol, styracin, phenylpropyl cin-namate, cinnam. benzo. acids, store-sin, vanillin | Tinct. benzoini comp. | Stimulant, expectorant, diuretic, antiseptic. | Bronchitis, catarrhs, gleet, phthisis, asthma, amenorrhoea. | |||
2. | Storax. |
Rosacea: | |||||||||
1. | Rosa gallica. | The dried petals. | W. Asia. | volatile oil, mucilage, tannin, quercitrin, sugar. | Fluidextract, mel., aq., aq. fort.,ung. | Tonic, mild astringent, carminative. | Hemorrhages, aphthae, ulcers, inflamed eyes, flavoring, perfumery. | Grains. 15-60 (1-4 Gm.). | |
2. | Red Rose. | ||||||||
1. | Prunus Yirgini-ana. | Prunus serotina. | The stem bark. | N. America. | Amygdalin, emulsin, bit. prin., tannin, resin, gallic a id. | Syrup. | Sedative, pectoral, tonic, astringent. | Consumption, cough, scrofula, dyspepsia, debility, intermittents. | 30-60 (2-4 Gm.). |
2. | |||||||||
1. | Oleum Amygdalae Amarae. | Prunus Amygda-lus, var. amara. | The volatile oil. | W. Asia. | Benzaldehyde, hydrocyanic acid. | Aq., spirit. | Demulcent, nutrient, sedative. | Coughs, pulmonary affections, flavoring. | Minims. 1/4-1 (.10-60 Ml. (Cc.)). |
2. | Oil of Bitter Almond. | ||||||||
1. | Amygdala Duleis. | Prunus Amygda-lus, var. duleis. | The ripe seeds. | W. Asia. | Fixed oil, emulsin, mucilage, sugar, proteids. | hmul., Oil: .hmul. ol. terebinth., ung. aq. rosae. | Demulcent, nutrient. | Diabetes, confectionery. | Grams. ad lib. |
2. | Sweet Almond. | ||||||||
1. | Acacia Senegal, + | The dried gummy exudation. | E. and W. Africa. | Arabic acid, combined with Ca, Mg, K, sugar. | Mucil.,syr.,emuls., mist, glycyr. co., pulv. cretae co., pills, troches. | Demulcent, emollient, nutritive. | Coughs, gastritis, dysentery, hemorrhages, typhoid, emulsiner, excipient. | ad lib. | |
2. | Acacia. | ||||||||
Coesalpinaccae: | 30-180 | ||||||||
1. | Cassia: acutifolia, angustifolia. | The dried leaflets. | E. and C. Africa, India. | Anthraglucosemin, emodin, chrysophan. acid, isoemodin, senna-rhamnetin, sennanigrin. | Fluidextr., syr., co. infus., pulv. glycyr. co., syr. | Cathartic. | Constipation, hemorrhoids, fissures, fevers. | (2-12 Gm.). | |
2. | Senna. | ||||||||
1. | Copaiba: one or more species. | The oleo-resin. | Brazil. | Volatile oil, resin, bitter principle, copaivic acid. | Diuretic, stimulant, expectorant, laxative. | Urinary affections, cystitis, bronchitis, hemorrhoids, dropsy, gonorrhoea. | Minims. 10-60 (.6-4 Ml. (Cc.)). | ||
2. | Copaiba. | ||||||||
1. | Balsamum Peru-vianum. | Toluifera Pereirae. | The balsam. | C. America. | Cinnamein (vol. oil), resin, cinnamic, and benz. acids, vanillin. | .................................. | Stimulant, expectorant, vulnerary, stomachic. | Catarrhs, phthisis, gonorrhoea, rheumatism, ulcers, eczema, scabies. | 5-30 (.3-2 Ml. (Cc.)). |
2. | |||||||||
1. | Balsamum Tolu-tanum. | Toluifera Balsamum. | The balsam. | S. America. | Resin, volatile oil, cinnamic and benzoic acids, vanillin. | Syrup, tincture, tinct. benzoini comp. | Stimulant, expectorant, vulnerary. | Bronchitis, catarrhs, coughs, flavor, perfumery. | Grams. 5-30 (.3-2 Gm.). |
2. | |||||||||
1. | Tragacantha. | Astragalus gum-mifer, +. | The spon. dried gummy exudation. | W. Asia. | Bassorin, calcium, compound of a gum-mic acid, starch. | Mucilage. | Demulcent, nutritious. expectorant. | Coughs, protective, excipient to pills and troches. | 5-30 (.3-2 Gm.). |
2. |
Recapitulation No 4.
Family (Nat. order). | Botanic source. | Part official. | Habitat. | Constituents. | Official preparations. | Medicinal properties. | Medicinal uses. | Doses. | ||
1. | Latin official name. | |||||||||
2. | Eng. official name. | |||||||||
1. | Santalum Rub-rum. | Pterocarpus san-talinus. | The heart-wood. | S. Asia, Madras. | Santalin, santal, pterocarpin, homo-pterocarpin. | ................................. | Astringent. | Dyeing, for coloring tinctures, ointments, etc. | ||
2. | ||||||||||
1. | Kino. | Pterocarpus Mar-supium. | The spont. dried juice. | E. Indies. | Kino-tannic acid, kino-red, pyrocatechin, kinoin, gum. | Tincture. | Astringent, tonic, haemostatic. | Diarrhoea, menorrhagia, leucorrhoea, ulcers, sore throat. | Grains. 5-20 (.3-1.3 Gm.). | |
2. | Kino. | |||||||||
1. | Glycyrrhiza glabra, var. typica, and glandulifera. | The dried rhizome and root. | S. Europe, W. Asia. | Glycyrrhizin, glycyr-amarin, asparagin, resin, starch, tannin. | Extr., pil. Fe. iod., tro. cub., tro. am. cl., pure extr., mist. g. co.,fldext. cas. sag. ar., fldext., elix., syr. sars. co., am. gly., pulv. g. CO., fldext. sars. co., mass. hyd., tr. aloes. | Demulcent, expectorant, laxative. | Catarrhs, bowel and urinary affections, coughs, colds. | 15-60 (1-4 Gm.). | ||
2. | Glycyrrhiza (Licorice Root). | |||||||||
1. | Sparteinae Sulphas. | Cytisus Scoparius. | The alka-loidal salt from tops. | W. Asia, S. and W. Europe (U. S.). | Tops: Volatile oil, sparteine, scoparin, tannin, fat. | ................................. | Cardiac stimulant, narcotic. | Cardiac dropsies, asthma, palpitation. | 1/4-1/2 (.01-.03 Gm.). | |
2. | Sparteine Sulphate. | |||||||||
1. | Chrysarobinum. | Vouacapoua Araroba. | A mixture of neutral principles. | Brazil. | C30H26O7. | Ointment. | Irritant. | Parasites, ringworm, psoriasis, eczema, hemorrhoids. | i. (.008 Gm.). | |
2. | Chrysarobin. | |||||||||
1. | Physostigma ven-enosum. | The dried, ripe seeds. | W. Africa. | Physostigmine, eseri-. dine, calabarine, starch, phytosterin, fat. | Extr., tinct., physostigmine salicylate. | Sedative, myotic, poisonous, emetic, purg., diaphoretic. | Tetanus, paralysis, chorea, gastralg., convuls., strych. and atrop. poisoning. | 1-4 (.06-.26 Gm.). | ||
2. | Physostigma. | |||||||||
1. | Linum usitatissi-mum. | The ripe seed. | Levant, S. Europe (United States). | Fixed oil, mucilage, proteids, amygdalin, resin. | ................................. | Demulcent, emollient, diuretic. | Internal inflammations, catarrh, dysentery. | 60-120 (4-8 Gm.). | ||
2. | Linseed (Flaxseed) . | |||||||||
1. | Oleum Lini. | ................................ | The fixed oil. | .................... | Linolein, glycerides of palmitin, myristin, and olein. | Lin. cal.,liq. cresol. CO. | Demulcent, laxative. | Piles, erysipelas. | Minims. 240-960 (15-60 Ml. | |
2. | Linseed Oil. | |||||||||
(Cc.)). | ||||||||||
1. | Cocaina. | Erythroxylon Coca. | The alkaloid from leaves. | S. America (Peru, Bolivia). | Leaves: Cocaine, hygrine, benzoyl-ecgonine, cinnamyl-cocaine, truxilline, tannin. | Cocaine hydrochloride. | Stimulant, tonic, diaphoretic, narcotic, anaesthetic. | Wasting diseases, con-valesc., stomatitis, bronchi., surgery. | Grains. 1/8-2 (.008-.13Gm.). | |
2. | Cocaine. | |||||||||
1. | Guaiacum. | Guaiacum: officinale, sanctum. | The resin of the wood. | W. Indies, Northern S. America | Guaiaretic acid, guaia-conic acid (resin), guaiacic acid, guaiac-yellow. | Tincture, ammo niated tincture. | Alterative, stimulant, diaphoretic. | Syphilis, rheumatism, scrofula, skin affections. | 5-30 (.3-2 Gm.). | |
2. | Guaiac. |
1. | Xanthoxylum: americanurn, Clava-Herculis. | The dried bark. | N. America. | Resins, xanthoxylin-e, vol. oil, tannin. | Fluidextract. | Alterative, stimulant, emmena-gogue, sialagogue. | Rheumatism, dropsy, syphilis, pharyngitis. | 10-30 (.6-2 Gm.). | |
2. | Xanthoxylum. | ||||||||
1. | Pilocarpus: Jaborandi, microphyllus. | The dried leaflets. | S. America (Brazil). | Pilocarpine, isopilo-carpine, jaborine, vol. oil, resin, salts, acid. | Fluidextract, pilocarpine hydrochloride. | Diaphoretic, siala-gogue, myotic, emetic, cardiac depressant. | Dropsy, rheumatism, pleurisy, coryza, Bright's disease, eye affections. | 15-30 (1-2 Gm.). | |
2. | Pilocarpus. | ||||||||
2. | Barosma: betulina, serratifolia. | The dried leaves. | S. Africa. | Volatile oil, barosmin, diosphenol, resin. | Fluidextract. | Diuretic, stimulant, tonic, diaphoretic. | Urinary troubles, bladder catarrh, etc., feeble digestion. | 15-30 (1-2 Gm.). | |
2. | Buchu. | ||||||||
1. | Citrus Aurantium, var. amara. | The dried rind of the fruit. | N. India. | Volatile oil (naringen, aurantiamarin), hesperidin, fixed oil, tannin, resin. | Fluidextr., tinct., tr. cinch. co., tr. gent. co. (Ol. aur. flo.): aqua, aq. fortior, syr. Syr., tinct., Oil: sp. comp., elix. aro. | Stimulant, tonic, carminative, stomachic, flavor. | Indigestion, flatulence, corrigent to purgatives. | 15-30 (1-2 Gm.). oil. ej-5 (.06-.3 Ml. (Cc.)). | |
2. | Bitter Orange Peel. | ||||||||
1. | Citrus Aurantium. | The rind of the fresh fruit. | |||||||
2. | SweetOrangePeel. | ||||||||
1. | Citrus medica, var. Limonum. | The outer rind of the fresh ripe fruit. | N. India. | Volatile oil, bitter principle, hesperidin. | Tinct., Oil: spiritus aurantii comp., spt. amnion. ar. | Stimulant, stomachic, flavor. | Indigestion. | Grains. 30-60 (2-4 Gm.). | |
2. | Lemon Peel. | ||||||||
1. | Picrasma excelsa, Quassia amara. | The wood. | W. Indies, Surinam. | Picrasmin (quassiin), resin, alkaloid, mucilage. | Tincture. | Tonic, febrifuge, anthelmintic, bitter. | Dyspepsia, diarrhoea, constipation, loss of appetite. | 15-60 (1-4 Gm.). | |
2. | Quassia. | ||||||||
Burseraceae: | |||||||||
1. | Commiphora (Myrrha), one or more species. | The gum-resin. | E. Africa. | Volatile oil, resin, gum, bitter principle. | Tincture, pil. rhei comp. | Stimulant, tonic, expectorant, em-menagogue, vulnerary. | Dyspepsia, amenorrhoea, anaemia, pharyngitis, diseased gums, ulcers, disinfectant. | 5-30 (.3-2 Gm.). | |
2. | Myrrh. | ||||||||
1. | Polygala Senega. | The dried roots. | United States. | Senegin, polygalic acid, fixed oil, vol. oil, resin, pectin, malates. | Fluidextract, syrup, syrup squill comp. | Expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic. | Bronchitis, croup, asthma, renal dropsy, rheumatism, pneumonia, amenorrhoea. | 5-30 (.3-2 Gm.). | |
2. | Senega. | ||||||||
1. | Oleum Tiglii. | The fixed oil. | India, Philippine Islands. | Glycerides of stearic, palmitic, myristic, lauric, oleic, formic, acetic, tiglinic, valeric acids, crotonol, croton-resin, croton-olic acid. | ................................. | Powerful purgative, irritant, rubefacient. | Mania, constipation, taeniae, dropsies, dysentery, paralysis, rheumatism, swellings, pneumonia, ovaritis, pleurisy. | Minims. i-2 (.02-.13 Ml. (Cc.)). | |
2. | Croton Oil. | ||||||||
1. | Oleum Ricini. | Ricinus communis. | The fixed oil. | India, Europe. | Ricinolein, palmitin, ricinoleic acid. | .................................. | Purgative, demulcent. | Constipation, colic, diarrhoea, enteritis, worms, fevers, calculi, amenorrhoea, cystitis, gonorrhoea. | 60-180 (4-30 Ml. (Cc.)). |
2. | Castor Oil. | ||||||||
1. | Stillingia syl-vatica. | The dried roots. | United States. | Sylvacrol, vol. oil, resin, glucoside, fixed oil, tannin. | Fluidextract. | Alterative, anti-venereal, emetic, cathartic. | Syphilis, scrofula, skin diseases, liver affections, intermittents, constipation. | Grains. 15-30 (1-2 Gm.). | |
2. | Stillingia. |
Recapitulation No. 5.
Family (Nat. order). | Botanic source. | Part official. | Habitat. | Constituents. | Official preparations. | Medicinal properties. | Doses. | |||
1. | Latin official name. | Medicinal uses. | ||||||||
2. | Eng. official name. | |||||||||
1. | Paullinia Cupana. | The dried paste from the crushed seeds. | N. and W. Brazil. | Caffeine, tannin, resin, volatile oil, fat, saponin. | Fluidextract. | Nervine, stimulant, tonic, astringent. | Sick headache, migraine, diarrhoea of phthisis, convalescence. | 15-60 (1-4 Gm.). | ||
2. | Guarana. | |||||||||
1. | Rhamnus Frangula. | The dried bark. | Europe, N. Asia. | Frangulin, emodin, isoemodin, resin, tannin. | Fluidextract. | Purgative, tonic, diuretic, emetic. | Dropsy, costiveness, constipation of pregnancy. | 30-60 (2-4 Gm.). | ||
2. | Frangula. | |||||||||
1. | Rhamnus Purshi-ana. | The dried bark. | Western U. States. | Emodin, isoemodin, resin, tannin, vol. oil, rhamnol, ferment. | Fluidextract, extr., aro. fluidextr. | Purgative, tonic, febrifuge. | Constipation, dyspepsia, hemorrhoids. | 15-60 (1-4 Gm.). | ||
2. | Cascara Sagrada. | |||||||||
1. | Althaea officinalis. | The dried root. | Europe, W., N. Asia, United States. | Asparagin, mucilage, starch, pectin. | Mas. hydrarg., pil. ferri carb., pil. phosphori. | Demulcent, emollient. | Inflammations of pulmonary, digestive, and urinary tracts, skin eruptions. | 30-60 (2-4 Gm.). | ||
2. | Althaea. | |||||||||
1. | Gossypium Puri-ficatum. | ................................. | The hairs of the seeds. | ...................... | Cellulose, fixed oil, inorganics. | Pyroxylin, collodion, flex., canthar. collodions. | Protective. | Dressing to burns, surgical wounds, etc. | ||
2. | Purified Cotton | Gossypium herba-ceum, +. | ||||||||
1. | Oleum Gossypii Seminis. | ................................. | The fixed oil. | ....................... | Olein, palmitin, lino-lein. | Soft soap, lins. s. soap, amnion., camph. | Demulcent, nutrient. | For olive, almond oil, liniments. | Minims. 120-480 (8-30 Ml. (Cc.)). | |
2. | Cottonseed Oil. | |||||||||
1. | Oleum Theobro-matis. | Cacao. | The concrete fixed oil. | S. America. | Stearin, palmitin, laurin, linolein, gly-cerides of formic, acetic, butyric acids. | ................................. | Demulcent, emollient, nutrient. | Abraded surfaces, base for suppositories, ointments. | Grains. 30-60 (2-4 Gm.). | |
2. | Oil of Theobroma. | |||||||||
Theaceae, see Rubiaceae. | Thea sinensis. | |||||||||
Guttiferae: | ||||||||||
1. | Garcinia Hanburii. | The gum-resin. | Camboja, Annam, Siam. | Gum, resin (cambogic acid), vol. oil. | Pil. cathar. comp. | Drastic, hydra-gogue cathartic. | Liver and kidney diseases, vermifuge, dropsy. | 1/2-5 (03-.3 Gm.). | ||
2. | Gamboge. | |||||||||
Thymelaeaceae: | ||||||||||
1. | Daphne: Mezereum, Gnidium, Laureola. | The dried bark. | Europe. | Acrid resin, acrid volatile oil, daphnin. | Fluidextr. sars. co. | Stimulant, diuretic, diaphoretic, alterative, siala-gogue, vesicant. | Syphilis, scrofula, rheumatism, skin diseases. | 1-10 (.06-6 Gm.). | ||
2. | Mezereum. |
Lythraceae: | |||||||||
1. | Punica Granatum. | The dried bark of stems and roots. | S. W. Asia India. | Punico-tannic acid, pelletierine, mannite, gum, pectin. | Fluidextract, pel-letierine tannate. | Anthelmintic, taeniafuge, astringent. | Tape- and lumbricoid worms. | 30-120 (2-8 Gm.). | |
2. | Pomegranate. | ||||||||
1. | Oleum Cajuputi. | Melaleuca Leuca-wendron. | The volatile oil | E. India Islands. | Cineol, terpineol, l-pinene, valer., benz., aldehydes. | ................................. | Carminative, stimulant, diaphoretic, rubefacient. | Rheumatism, affections of stomach, bowels, colic, toothache, bronchitis, dysmenorrhoea. | Minims. 2-10 (.13-6 Ml. (Cc.)). |
2. | Oil of Cajuput. | ||||||||
1. | Eugenia aromatica. | The dried flower-buds. | Molucca (Clove) Islands. | Volatile oil, tannin, gum, resin, earyo-phyllin, eugenol. | Tinct. lavend. comp., tinct. rhei ar., Oil. | Stimulant, stomachic, antispasmodic, rubefacient. | Nausea, colic, condiment, rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache. | Grains. 5-10 (.3-.6 Gm.). | |
2. | Clove. | ||||||||
1. | Oleum Pimentae. | Pimenta officinalis. | The vol. oil from fruit. | C. and S. America. | Eugenol, sesquiterpene. | ................................. | Stomachic, stimulant, carminative, condiment. | Flatulence, nausea, colic, rheumatism, neuralgia. | Minims. 1-5 (.06-.3 Ml. |
2. | Oil of Pimenta. | ||||||||
1. | Eucalyptus globulus. | The dried leaves. | Australia. | Volatile oil, tannin, cerylic alcohol, eucalyptic acid, resins. | Fluidextract, oil, eucalyptol. | Febrifuge, stimulant, astringent, antiseptic, diaphoretic. | Intermittents, urinary and pulmonary troubles, bronchitis, hemorrhages, gleet, ulcers. | (Cc.)). Grains. 15-60 (1-4 Gm.). | |
2. | Eucalyptus. | ||||||||
1. | Petroselinum sativum. | The dried ripe fruit. | S. Europe, Asia, U. S. | Volatile oil, apiol, resin, tannin. | Oleoresin. | Diuretic, stim., emmenag., anti-period., germicide. | Nephritis, dropsy, amenorrh., dysmen-orrh. | 10-30 (.6-2 Gm.). | |
2. | Parsley Fruit. | ||||||||
1. | Carum Carvi (Carui). | The dried fruit. | C. and W. Asia. | Volatile oil, fixed oil, resin, sugar, gum, tannin. | Tr. card. co., Oil: spt. junip. co. | Stimulant, carminative, diuretic. stomachic. | Colic, flatulence, flavoring, toothache. | 10-30 (.6-2 Gm.). | |
2. | Caraway. | ||||||||
1. | Pimpinella Anisum. | The dried ripe fruit. | W. Asia, S. Europe. | Volatile oil, fixed oil choline, sugar, mucilage. | Oil: Aq., spt., spt. aurant. co., syr. sars. co., fidext. cas. sag. ar., tr. opii camph. | Stimulant, carminative, stomachic, aromatic. | Colic, flatulence, bronchitis, catarrhs, flavoring. | 10-30 (.6-2 Gm.). | |
2. | Anise. | ||||||||
1. | Faeniculum. | Foeniculum vulgare. | The dried ripe fruit. | S. Europe, W. Asia. | Volatile oil, fixed oil sugar, mucilage. | Comp. inf. sen., Oil: pulv. glycyr. co., spt. junip. co. | Carminative, stimulant, galactagogue. | Nausea, colic, amenor-rhoea, flatulence, increases secretions. | 10-30 (.6-2 Gm). |
2. | Fennel. | ||||||||
1. | Coriandrum sativum. | The dried ripe fruit. | C. Asia, S. Europe. | Volatile oil, tannin malic acid, mucilage | Oil: fidext. cas. sag. ar., spt. aurant. co., syr. sennae. | Aromatic, carminative, stimulant, stomachic. | Indigestion, flatulence, flavoring, rheumatism. | Grains. 10-30 (.6-2 Gm.). | |
2. | Coriander. | ||||||||
1. | Ferula: asafoetida, foetida. | The gum-resin. | Persia, Turkestan. | Gum, resin, volatile oil, vanillin, ferulic acid. | Emulsion, pill, tinct. | Stimulant, antispasmodic, laxative, emmena-gogue. | Hysteria, spasms, asthma, catarrhs, chorea, consumption, flatulence. | 3-10 (.2-.6 Gm.). | |
2. | Asafetida. |
Recapitulation No. 6.
Family (Nat. order). | Botanic source. | Part official. | Habitat. | Constituents. | Official preparations. | Medicinal properties. | Medicinal uses. | Doses. | ||
1. | Latin official name. | |||||||||
2. | Eng. official name. | |||||||||
Umbelliferoe: | ||||||||||
1. | Ferula Sumbul. | The rhizome and roots. | C. and N. W. Asia. | Volatile oil, resin, angelic acid, valeric acid. | Extract, fluid-extract. | Stimulant, tonic, nervine, antispasmodic. | Hysteria, epilepsy, chlorosis, amenorrhoea, delirium tremens. | 10-30 (.6-2 Gm.). | ||
2. | Sumbul. | |||||||||
Ericaceoe: | ||||||||||
1. | Methylis Salicy-las. | Gaultheria pro-cumbens. Betula lenta. | An ester (compd. ether). | N. America. | CH3C7H5O3. | Emul. ol. morrh., fldext. cas. sag. ar., syr. sars. co. | Antiseptic, analgesic, carminative, stimulant, flavoring. | Rheumatism, migraine, sciatica, lumbago. | Minims. 1-10 (.06-.6 Ml. (Cc.)). | |
2. | Methyl Salicylate. | |||||||||
1. | Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi. | The dried leaves. | Europe, Asia, N.America. | Tannin, gallic acid, arbutin, ericolin, urson. | Fluidextract. | Astringent, diuretic, tonic, nephritic. | Cystitis, gravel, gleet, menorrhagia, bronchitis, diarrhoea. | Grains. 15-60 (1-4 Gm.). | ||
2. | Uva Ursi. | |||||||||
Styracaceoe: | ||||||||||
1. | Styrax Benzoin, +. | The balsamic-resin. | Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Siam. | Benzoic and einnamic acids, resin, volatile oil, vanillin. | Benzoinated lard, tinct.,tinct. benz. co., benzoic acid. | Stimulant, expectorant, antiseptic, diuretic. | Laryngitis, diarrhoea, wounds, coryza, ulcers. | 5-30 (.3-2 Gm.). | ||
2. | Benzoin. | |||||||||
Oleaceoe: | ||||||||||
1. | Oleum Olivoe. | Olea europaea. | The fixed oil. | Asia, S. Europe. | Olein, linolein, palmi-tin, arachin, phytos-terin. | Lead plast., soap: lin., ext. colocy. co., pil. aloes, pil. asaf. | Nutrient, laxative, demulcent, protective. | Constipation of infants, gallstones, bruises, sprains, wounds, as-carides, lubrication. | Minims. 60-480 4-30 Ml. (Cc.)). | |
2. | Olive Oil. | |||||||||
1. | Fraxinus Ornus. | The dried saccharine exudation. | Mediterranean Basin. | Mannite, glucose, resin, fraxin, mucilage. | Infusum sennae comp. | Laxative, demulcent, expectorant, chola-gogue. | Piles, urinary irritation, to evacuate bowels of children, etc. | Grains. (60-480 (4-30 Gm.). | ||
2. | Manna. | |||||||||
Loganiaceoe: | ||||||||||
1. | Gelsemium sem-pervirens. | The dried rhizome and roots. | S. United States. | Volatile oil, gelsem-ine, gelseminine, gelsemic acid, resin, starch. | Extract, fluid-extract, tincture. | Nervine, sedative, antispasmodic, antiperiodic. | Rheumatism, neuralgia, intermittents, dysmenorrhoea, chorea, hysteria, epilepsy, tetanus. | 2-10 (.13-6 Gm.). | ||
2. | Gelsemium. | |||||||||
1. | Spigelia marylan-dica. | The dried rhizome and roots. | United States. | Volatile oil, resins, bitter principle, spi-geline, tannin, fat. | Fluidextract. | Anthelmintic, toxic, mydriatic. | Round worms. | 30-120 (2-8 Gm.). | ||
2. | Spigelia. | |||||||||
1. | Strychnos Nux-vomica. | The dried ripe seeds. | India, E. India Islands. | Strychnine, brucine, igasurine, igasuric acid, loganin, fat. | Extract, fluid-extract, tincture, strychnine: nitrate, sulphate. | Spinal nervine, tonic, poisonous. | Atonic dyspep., nervousness, anaemia, paralysis, lead palsy, tetanus, chorea, epilepsy. | 1/2-5 (.03-.3 Gm.). | ||
2. | Nux Vomica. | |||||||||
Gentianaceoe: | ||||||||||
1. | Gentiana lutea. | The dried rhizome and roots. | C. and S. Europe. | Gentiopicrin, gentiin, gentiogenin, gentien-in, gentianose, fixed oil, pectin, resin. | Extract, fluidext., tinct. gent. comp. | Tonic, bitter. | Increases digestion, amenorrhoea, dyspepsia, intermittents. | 5-30 (.3-2 Gm.). | ||
2. | Gentian. |
1. | Strophanthus: Kombe, hispi-dus. | The dried ripe seeds. | Africa, Asia. | Strophanthin, choline, trigonelline, kombic acid, fixed oil. | Tincture. | Heart stimulant, diuretic. | Bright's disease, heart palpitation, endocarditis, asthma, dropsy. | 1/8-1/2 (.008-.03 Gm.). | |
2. | Strophanthus. | ||||||||
1. | Aspidosperma Quebracho-bianco. | The dried bark. | S. America, Argentine Rep., Chile. | Aspidospermine, aspidospermatine, aspidosamine, quebrachine, tannin. | Fluidextract. | Cardiac and respiratory stimulant, antispasmodic. | Dyspnoea, phthisis, asthma. to endure fatigue. | 15-30 (1-2 Gm.). | |
2. | Aspidosperma. | ||||||||
1. | Exogonium purga. | The dried tuberous root. | E. Mexico. | Resin (jalapin and jalapurgin), starch, gum. | Comp. powder, resin, comp. cath. pills. | Hydragogue cathartic, diuretic. | Constipation, dropsy, fevers, inflammations, head affections. | 5-20 (.3-1.3 Gm.). | |
2. | Jalap. | ||||||||
1. | Convolvulus Scammonia. | The dried root. | W. Asia. | Resin, gum, tannin, starch. | Resin, extr. colo-cynth. comp. | Hydragogue, cholagogue cathartic. | Dropsies, cerebral affections, torpid intestines. | 5-20 (.3-1.3 Gm.). | |
2. | Scammony Root. | ||||||||
1. | Eriodictyon cali-fornicum. | The dried leaves. | California. | Volatile oil, resin, eriodictyol, triacon-tane, tannin. | Fluidextract. | Expectorant, bitter tonic, stimulant. | Bronchitis, asthma, to disguise quinine taste. | 30-60 (2-4 Gm.). | |
2. | Eriodictyon. | ||||||||
1. | Oleum Thymi. | Thymus vulgaris. | The volatile oil. | S. Europe. | Phenols, cymene, thy-mene, thymol, pinene, borneol. | Thymol. | Stimulant, tonic, emmenagogue, antispasmodic, antiseptic. | Chlorosis, rheumatism, neuralgia, bronchitis, diarrhoea, gleet, vesical catarrh. | Minims. 1-5 (.06-.3 Ml. (Cc.)). |
2. | Oil of Thyme. | ||||||||
1. | Mentha spicata (viridis). | The dried leaves and tops. | Europe, N. America. | Volatile oil, resin, tannin, gum. | Spirit, Oil: water, spirit. | Carminative, stimulant, nervine. | Cholera infantum, culinary and confectionery purposes, perfume. | Grains. 30-60 (2-4 Gm.). | |
2. | Spearmint. | ||||||||
1. | Mentha piperita. | The dried leaves and tops. | Asia, Europe, N. America. | Volatile oil, resin, tannin, gum. | Spirit, Oil: water, spirit, pil. rhei comp., menthol. | Carminative, stimulant, nervine, antispasmodic. | Flatulence, colic, nausea, diarrhoea, headache, dysmenorrhoea, rheumatism, toothache. | 15-60 (1-4 Gm.). | |
2. | Peppermint. | ||||||||
1. | Oleum Lavandulae. | Lavandula officinalis. | The volatile oil. | S. Europe. | Terpene, C10H16, geraniol, linalool, C10H18O. | Spirit, comp. tinct., Fowler's solution, lin. sap., sp. am. aro., oint. diachy. | Stimulant, carminative, nervine, errhine. | Gastralgia, nausea, headache, flatulence, perfumery. | Minims. 1-5 (.06-.3 Ml. (Cc.)). |
2. | Oil of Lavender. | ||||||||
1. | Oleum Rosmarini. | Rosmarinus officinalis. | The volatile oil. | S. Europe, Med.Basin. | Pinene, camphor borneol, cineol. | Soap liniment, tinct. lavender comp. | Carminative, stimulant, diuretic, diaphoretic. | Colic, nervousness, menstrual derangements, rheumatism, sprains. | 1 5 (.06-3 Ml. (Cc.). |
2. | Oil of Rosemary. |
unity (Nat. order). | Botanic source. | Part official. | Habitat. | Constituents. | ( official preparations. | Medicinal properties | Medicinal uses. . | Doses. | ||
I. | Latin official name. | |||||||||
2. | Knir. official name. | |||||||||
1. | Capsicum frutes-cens. | The dried fruits. | S. and C. America. | Capsaicin, fixed oil, volatile oil, resin, capsicine. | Olcoresin, plaster, tincture. | Stimulant, stomachic, diaphoretic, rubefacient. | Dyspepsia, colic, cholera, diphtheria, menor-rhagia, rheumatism, relaxed uvula. | Grains. 1 8 (.06-.5 Gm.). | ||
2. | Capsicum. | |||||||||
1. | Belladonnae Folia. | Atropa Belladonna. | The dried leaves and tops. | C. and S. Europe. | Atropine, belladon-nine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine, atropa-mine, atrosin, malic acid, starch; homa-tropine. | Extr. (pil., pow.), plaster, ointment, tinct. | Sedative, narcotic, mydriatic, antispasmodic, anodyne. | Rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, cancer, meningitis, erysipelas, asthma, coughs, spasms, scarlet fever, abscesses, eczema, phthisis. | i-3 (.03-.2Gm.). | |
2. | Belladonna Leaves. | |||||||||
1. | Belladonnae Radix. | ................................. | The dried root. | ........................ | ................................. | Fluidextr., liniment, atropine, atrop. sulph. | ................................. | ................................. | 1/2-2 (.03-.13Gm.). | |
2. | Belladonna Root. | |||||||||
1. | Hyoscyamus niger. | The dried leaves and flowering tops. | Europe, Asia. | Hyoscyamine, scopolamine (hyoscine), choline, hyoscipic-rin. | Extr., fluidextr., tincture, hyoscyamine hydro-brom., scopolamine hydrobrom. | Anodyne, hypnotic, narcotic, mydriatic, laxative, carminative | Mania, insomnia, insanity, coughs, colic, paralytic tremors, bladder trouble, constipation, chorea, tetanus. | 2-10 (.13-.6Gm.). | ||
2. | Hyoscyamus. | |||||||||
1. | Datura: Stramonium, Tatula. | The dried leaves. | Asia, nat. universally. | Daturine, vol. oil, mucilage, albumin, KNG3. | Extr. (pil., pow.), ointment, tincture. | Narcotic, anodyne, antispasmodic, diuretic mydriatic. | Insanity, epilepsy, asthma, whooping-cough, rheumat., dysmenorr.. chorea, sprains, ulcers, hemorrhoids. | 1-5 (.06-.3 Gm.). | ||
2. | Stramonium. | |||||||||
1. | Digitalis purpurea. | The dried leaves. | W. and C. Europe. | Digitoxin, digitophyl-lin, gitalin, gitin, di-gitsaponin, enzymes: vol. oil, digitalin. | Fluidextr., infusion, tinct. | Cardiac tonic, vascular stimulant sedative, narcotic, diuretic, emetic. | Feeble heart, renal dropsy, pneumon., mania, delirium, men-orrhag., epilep., enlarged glands. | 1-2 (.06-.13Gm.). | ||
2. | Digitalis. | |||||||||
1. | Oleum Sesami. | Sesamum indicum. | The fixed oil. | India, Africa, China. | Triglycerides of oleic, linoleic acids, myris-tin, pal., stea., sesa-min. | ................................. | Laxative, demul. emol., nutritious | Like olive oil; mostly externally in hair preps. | Minims. 240-960 (15-60 Ml. (Cc.)). | |
2. | Sesame Oil. | |||||||||
Rubiaceae: | ||||||||||
1. | Coffea arabica. | Caffeine, feeble basic substance (alkaloid). | Trop. Africa. | C8H10N4O2 + H2O. | Citrat. caffeine, effervesc. citrat. caffeine, caf. sod. benz. | Tonic, stimulant nervine, antiemetic, diuretic | Nervous headache, diarrhoea, phthisis, dropsy, gout, insomnia, fevers. | Grains. Caffeine 1-5 (.06-.3 Gm.) | ||
2. | Coffee. | |||||||||
1. | Thea. | Thea sinensis. | S. E. Asia. | |||||||
2. | Tea. | |||||||||
1. | Cephaelis: Ipecacuanha, acuminata. | The dried root. | Brazil, Bolivia, Columbia. | Emetine, cephaeline, psychotrine, ipecac-uanhic acid, resin. | Fluidextr., syr., pulv. ip. et opii. | Emetic, expectorant, diaphoretic cholagogue, haemostatic. | Catarrh, croup, asthma, pneumon., dyspep., vomit. of preg., cholera, ophthalmia. | 1-20 (.06-1.3 Cm.). | ||
2. | Ipecac. | |||||||||
1. | Cinchona: Ledgeriana, Cal-isaya. | \ The bark. | S. America, (Java, India, Ceylon). | Quinine, quinidine, cinchonine, cinchon-idine, quinamine, chinoidine, quinic, quinovic, cinchotan. acids, cinchona-red, vol. oil. | Fluidextr., tinct. Tinct. cinch. co., alkaloids from either. | Tonic, antiperiodic antispasmodic, febrifuge, astringent. | Dyspepsia, convalescence, gastritis, asthma, bronchitis, inter-mitts., typhoid pneumon., neuralgia, erysipelas. | 15-60 (1-4 Gm.) | ||
2. | Cinchona. | |||||||||
1. | Cinchona Rubra. | Cinchona succiru-bra. | ||||||||
2. | Red Cinchona. | |||||||||
l. | Gambir. | Ourouparia Gambir. | Dried extr. of leaves, twigs. | E. India Islands. | Tannic acid, cate-chin. | Tinct. co. | Astringent, tonic. | Diarrhoea, leucorrh., phthisis, bronchit; relaxed uvula, dyeing | 5-30 (.3-2 Gm). | |
2, | Gambir. |
Family (Nat. order). | Botanic source. | Part official. | Habitat. | Constituents. | Official preparations. | Medicinal properties. | Medicinal uses. | Doses. | ||
1. | Latin official name. | |||||||||
2. | Eng. official name. | |||||||||
Caprifoliaceoe: | ||||||||||
1. | Viburnum Pruni-folium. | Viburnum: prunifolium, Lentago. | The dried bark. | United States. | Viburnin, valeric acid, tannin, resin. | Extr., fluidextr. | Diuretic, tonic, antispasmodic, nervine, astring. | Dysmenorrh., menorrh., hysteria, asthma. | 30-120 (2-8 Gm.). | |
2. | Viburnum Pruni-folium. | |||||||||
Valerianaceoe: | ||||||||||
1. | Valeriana officinalis. | The dried rhizome and roots. | Europe, N. Asia. | Vol. oil, valeric, formic acetic, malic acids, chatinine, tannin, resin. | Tincture, ammo-niated tincture. | Stimulant, anodyne, nervine, antispasmodic, vermifuge. | Hysteria, nervous coughs, diabetes, delirium tre., typhoid, dysmenorrh., epilepsy. | 15-60 (1-4 Gm.). | ||
2. | Valerian. | |||||||||
Cucurbitaceoe: | ||||||||||
1. | Pepo. | Curcurbita Pepo. | The dried ripe seeds. | Tropic. Asia, America. | Fixed oil, acrid resin, starch, proteids. | ................................. | Taeniafuge, vermifuge. | Tape- and lumbricoid worms. | 480-960 (30-60 Gm.). | |
2. | Pepo. | |||||||||
1. | Citrullus Colocynthis. | Dried pulp of fruit. | Asia, Africa, S. Europe. | Colocynthin, colocyn-thitin, pectin, gum. | Extr., comp. extr., pil. cathar. co. | Cathartic, drastic, diuretic, emetic. | Evacuant, dropsy, apoplexy, paralysis. | 2-10 (.13-.6Gm.). | ||
2. | Colocynth. | |||||||||
1. | Elaterinum. | Ecballium Ela-terium. | Neutral principle from elaterium. | W. Asia, N. Africa, S. Europe. | C20H28O5. | Triturate. | Hydragogue cathartic. | Dropsy, brain and lung congestion, uraemia. | 1/20-1/10 (.003-.006 Gm.). | |
2. | Elaterin. | |||||||||
Campanulaceoe: | ||||||||||
1. | Lobelia inflata. | The dried leaves and tops. | N. America. | Lobeline, inflatin, lobelacrin, lobelic acid, resin, vol. oil. | Fluidextract, tincture. | Expectorant, emetic, nervine, purg., narcotic. | Spasmod. asth., catarrh, bronch. spasms, whooping-cough. | 1-20 (.06-1.3 Gm.). | ||
2. | Lobelia. | |||||||||
Cichoriaceoe: | ||||||||||
1. | Taraxacum officinale. | The dried rhizome and roots. | Europe. | Inulin, pectin, milk-juice, taraxacin, resin, taraxacerin. | Extract, fluid-extract. | Diuretic, tonic, aperient, deob-struent. | Liver affections, dyspepsia, constipation, eczema, dropsies. | 30-120 (2-8 Gm.). | ||
2. | Taraxacum. | |||||||||
1. | Lactuca virosa. | The dried milk-juice. | C. and S. Europe. | Lactucin lactucic acid, lactucopicrin, lactu-cerin, vol. oil, caoutchouc. | Tincture, syrup. | Anodyne, sedative, hypnotic, expect., diuretic. | Insomnia, cough, dropsy, heart trouble, nervousness, intermitts. | 1-8-15 (.06-5-1 (Gm.). | ||
2. | Lactucarium. | |||||||||
Compositoe: | ||||||||||
1. | Grindelia: campo-rum, cuneifolia, squarrosa. | The dried leaves, flowering tops. | N. America. | Vol. oil, resin, bitter principle, grindeline, fat. | Fluidextract. | Cardiac sed., tonic, antispasmod., expect. | Asthma, bronch., catarrhs.whoop.-cough, rheumat., burns, blisters. | 15-60 (1-4 Gm.). | ||
2. | Grindelia. | |||||||||
1. | Matricaria Cham-omilla. | The dried flower-heads. | Europe, W. Asia. | Volatile oil, anthemic acid, anthemidin, tannin. | ................................. | Stimulant, tonic, nervine, carminative, emmena-gogue. | Indigest., convales., intermitt., delirium tre., abscesses, colic, toothache, rheumat., sprains. | 15-60 (1-4 Gm.). | ||
2. | Matricaria. | |||||||||
1. | Anacyclus Pyrethrum. | The dried root. | N. Africa. | Pyrethrine, resin, vol. oil, inulin, tannin. | Tincture. | Irritant, rubefacient, sialagogue, sternutatory. | Headache, rheumat.. toothache, tongue par-aly., catarrh, neuralg. | 30-60 (2-4 Gm.). | ||
2. | Pyrethrum. | |||||||||
1. | Santoninum. | Artemisia pauci-flora. | The inner anhydride (lactone) of santonic acid. | N. Turkestan. | C15H18O3. | ................................. | Anthelmintic, stimulant, em-menagogue. | Round and threadworms, incontinence of urine, eye affections. | 1-4 (.016-.26 Gm.). | |
2. | Santonin. | |||||||||
1. | Arnica montana. | The dried flower-heads. | Europe, N. Asia. | Arnicin, volatile oil, resin, salts. | Tincture. | Stimulant, tonic, carminative, diuretic, emmen-gue, irritant. | Typhoid, intermitts., diarrhoen, goat, nephritis, amenorrh., rheumat.. dropsy, | 5-20 (.3-1.3 Gm.). | ||
2. | Arnica. |
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