This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
1. Sevum Praeparatum. Prepared Suet.
2. Adeps Lanae. Wool Fat.
Ovis aries,
1. The internal fat of the abdomen of the sheep, purified by melting and straining. 2. The purified fat of the wool of sheep, freed from water.
Habitat. Domesticated, and form a variety from either the Siberian (Ovis Ammon) or S. Europe sheep (Ovis Musimom).
Syn. 1. Sev. Praep., Mutton Suet, Sevum; Fr. Suif (Graisse) de Mouton Purine; Ger. Sebum ovile (ovillum), Hammeltalg, Talg. 2. Adeps Lan., Anhydrous Lanolin, Lanolinum, Lanolin (L. lana, wool, + oleum, oil, + in), Agnin, Oesipus, Oesipum, Woolfat; Fr. Suint de Laine; Ger. Woolfett, Adeps Lanae anhydricus, Wollfett.
O'vis.' L. sheep, fr. Gr
a sheep, from which comes our ewe - i. e., original name.
A'ri-es. L. a ram. fr. OE. ares - i. e., the original name for the male species.
Animal. - This is one of the most useful animals to man. The male is a ram, the female an ewe, and the young a lamb; the flesh of the latter is called lamb, that of the adult mutton; the fleece is wool, the principal component of our warm clothing; the prepared hide is the useful sheepskin; the entrails furnish sausage skins, and when dried (catgut) are twisted into musical instrument strings. In addition to all these we have the two official products as above named. There are many varieties of sheep, but the most important are: 1, Leicester; 2, Cotswold; 3, Southdown; 4, Cheviot; 5, Astrakhan; 6, Cretan; 7, Merino.
I. Prepared Suet: This is taken chiefly from around the kidneys, and is prepared by freeing from adhering membrane and blood, cutting into pieces, melting carefully, and straining through cotton or flannel; may also boil it in water, when it rises to the surface, leaving the water and impurities as a substrata. It is a white, solid fat, nearly inodorous, bland taste when fresh, rancid on prolonged exposure to air, insoluble in water, cold alcohol, soluble in boiling alcohol (44), ether (60), slowly in purified petroleum benzin (2), from which, on standing, it slowly separates in crystalline form; alcoholic solution neutral, slightly acid to litmus paper moistened with alcohol; melts at 47° C. (117° F.), congeals at 39° C. (102° F.). Impurities: Free acid, etc. Should be kept in well-closed vessels impervious to fat, and not used when rancid.
Constituents. - Stearin and palmitin 70 p. c, olein 30 p. c, hircin a trace.
Preparations. - 1. Unguentum Hydrargyri, 23 p. c.
Unoff. Preps.: Sevum Benzoinatum, 3 p. c. (benzoin), prepared suet 100, heat, strain. Ceratum Resinae Compositum, 30 p. c. Unguentum Fuscum, 25 p. c.
Properties and Uses. - Lenitive, when rancid an irritant; chiefly in cerates, ointments, plasters, as it is thicker than lard, for dressing blisters, excoriated surfaces, chapped hands, etc.
Allied Fat:
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