4. Thu'Ja Occidenta'Lis, Arbor Vita (White Cedar)

Thu'Ja Occidenta'Lis, Arbor Vita (White Cedar). The fresh tops, official 1880-1890; Canada, United States. Tree resembles closely Chamoeyp'aris sphoeroi'dea (Cupres'sus thyoi'des), 6-15 M. (20-50°) high, trunk crooked, bark pale, shreddy, wood light, soft, durable; leaves 4 rows, rhomboid-ovate, pointed, roundish gland on the back, balsamic, terebinthinate odor; pungent, camphoraceous, bitter taste; twigs flattish; contains volatile oil 1 p. c, resin, tannin, pinipicrin, thujin, thujigenin. Used as stimulant, diuretic, irritant for intermit-tents, coughs, fevers, scurvy, rheumatism, amenorrhoea, dropsy, worms,

Fig. 18.   Can for collecting balsam of fir.

Fig. 18. - Can for collecting balsam of fir.

pulmonary catarrh, ulcers, warts; in infusion, decoction, fluidextract (alcohol). Dose, gr. 15-60 (1-4 Gm.).

5. Ag'Athis Loranthifo'Lia (Dam'Mara), Dammar

Ag'Athis Loranthifo'Lia (Dam'Mara), Dammar. E. India. A spontaneous resinous exudation, in transparent, straw-colored rounded masses, almost odorless, and tasteless, fracture conchoidal; contains resin of which 40 p. c. is insoluble in alcohol and 60 p. c. soluble; by distillation get terpene, C10H16. Used mostly in varnishes, rarely in plasters. That from New Zealand - Kauri Resin - is found also fossil and often sold as copal.

6. Cal'Litris Quadrival'Vis, Sandaraca (Sandarac)

Cal'Litris Quadrival'Vis, Sandaraca (Sandarac). N. W. Africa. It is a resin which exudes spontaneously or from incisions made through the bark; occurs in elongated pale yellow tears 5-15 Mm. (1/5-3/5') long, covered with whitish dust, of a glass-like lustre, transparent, hard, brittle; odor and taste terebinthinate, balsamic, bitter, soluble in hot alcohol, ether; it resembles peas in size, often mixed with mastic, owing to its cheapness, but distinguished by being pulverulent when chewed (and not adhesive as with mastic); contains 3 resins, differing in solubility, also bitter principle; according to Tschirch - sandura-colic acid 85 p. c, callitrolic acid 10 p. c, volatile oil (amount depending upon freshness); mild stimulant; mainly used in varnishes.