Preps.: 1. Unguentum Diachylon. Diachylon Ointment. (Syn., Ung. Diachyl., Unguentum Plumbi Hebrae, Hebra's Lead Ointment; Fr. Onguent (Pommade de) Diachylon; Ger. Bleipflaster-salbe, Diachylonsalbe.) Manufacture: Melt together lead plaster 50 Gm., white petrolatum 49 Gm., with gentle heat, strain, cool, but not congeal, add oil of lavender 1 Gm., stir until cold. 2. Emplastrum Resinae, 80 p. c. Unoff. Preps.: Ceratum Plumbi Subacetatis, Goulard's Cerate: solution of lead subacetate 20 Gm., melted wool fat 20 Gm., white petrolatum 38 Gm., white wax 20 Gm., camphor 2 Gm. Lotio Plumbi et Opii, 1.75 p. c, tinct. opium 3.5, water q. s. 100. Mistura Astringens: solution of lead subacetate 10 p. c, + copper sulphate 6.5, zinc sulphate 6.5, dil. acetic acid 85. Unguentum Plumbi Subacetatis (Br.); strong solution of lead subacetate 12.5 p. c. Glycerinum Plumbi Subacetatis (Br.); strong solution of lead subacetate 50 p. c. Pilula Plumbi cum Opio (Br.); lead acetate (80), opium (12), syrup of glucose (8), dose, gr. 2-4 (.13-26 Gm.). Suppositoria Plumbi Composita (Br.); each contains lead acetate 3 gr. (.2 Gm.), + opium 1 gr. (.06 Gm.). Properties and Uses. - Astringent, sedative, large doses irritant poison, diarrhoea, dysentery, internal hemorrhage, aneurism, tympanites, epilepsy, neuralgia, chorea, hysteria, bronchitis, whooping-cough, sweats. Externally - contusion, excoriations, fractures, sprains, gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea, chronic eczema, eye affections (conjunctivitis, etc.; wash or drops, 1/5-1/2 p. c. in distilled water). Cerate - for excoriations, burns, scalds, chilblains, skin eruptions, acute inflammations.

Poisoning: From any of the lead salts, when acute have burning, sweetish taste, thirst, vomiting (whitish fluid, due to lead chloride), abdominal colic (relieved by pressure), abdominal muscles rigid, cramps in legs, paralysis of extremities, rapid, weak pulse, livid face, stupor, constipation, feces black (lead sulphide), cold skin, collapse, giddiness, coma, convulsions, death. Give magnesium or sodium sulphate, then induce vomiting, follow with purgative enema, demulcent drinks, egg-white, milk, stimulants, opium; for lead colic hot fomentation, opiates, evacuants; for chronic lead-poisoning (constipation and dark blue line along margin of gums, wrist-drop) give iodides to saturation (Na, K, Ca), sulphurous baths, calomel, sulphuric acid, lemonade, friction to muscles, electricity, strychnine.

Allied Salts:

1. Plumbi Oxidum Rubrum. Red Oxide of Lead. Red Lead, Pb3O4 - 2PbO,PbO2, official 1840-1850. - Obtained by heating massicot to 450° C. (840° F.), which gradually combines with more oxygen, forming red lead. It is a bright reddish-orange, granular, crystalline powder, becoming redder by more heat, then purple, finally black. At red heat gives up oxygen, becoming litharge; sp. gr. 8.7-9.1, this lead ortho-plumbate corresponds to 31 p. c. of lead dioxide; Emplastrum Fuscum Camphoratum, 30 Gm., + olive oil 60, yellow wax 15, camphor 1, Unguentum Fuscum, 50 p. c, olive oil 25, prepared suet 25.

2. Plumbi Carbonas. Lead Carbonate, (PbCO3)2,Pb(OH)2, official 1840-1900. - Obtained by exposing lead sheets to air, acetic acid vapors, and carbon dioxide - 6Pb + 6HC2H3O2 + O6 + 2CO2 = (PbCO3)2,Pb(OH)2 + 2H2O + 3Pb(C2H3O2)2, or by double decomposition between lead nitrate and sodium carbonate. It is a heavy white opaque powder or pulverulent mass, odorless, tasteless, permanent, insoluble in water, alcohol, soluble in acetic acid or diluted HNO3 with effervescence. Used externally as a protective to irritated surfaces, also to constringe; erysipelas, erythema, intertrigo, ulcers, excoriated surfaces, eczema, burns, carbuncles; as paint, cosmetic; often produces chronic poisoning when applied to abraded parts; usually applied in fine powder or ointment (10 p. c).

3. Plumbi Nitras. Lead Nitrate, Pb(NO3)2, official 1840-1910.-Obtained by neutralizing warm dilute nitric acid with lead oxide or carbonate, crystallizing in a cool place - PbO + 2HNO3 = Pb(NO3)2 + H2O. It is in colorless, transparent or opaque octahedral crystals, odorless, sweetish, astringent, metallic taste, permanent, soluble in water (1.85), insoluble in alcohol (thus differing from acetate), chars into oxide; contains 99.5 p. c. of pure salt. Impurities: Iron, copper, zinc, salts of alkalies, magnesium, calcium, etc. Discutient, deodorizer - externally; to correct fetor of gangrenous sores, discharges from ear, nostril (ozaena), rectum, vagina; sore nipples, chapped hands, cracked lips, leucorrhoea, gonorrhoea, ulcers, impetigo, epithelioma; Ledoyen s disinfecting fluid (12.p. c.) valuable deodorant. Dose, gr. 1/2-4 (.03-20 Gm.).

4. Plumbi Iodidum. Lead Iodide, Pbl2, official 1850-1910. - Obtained by mixing equal quantities (120 Gm.) of lead nitrate and potassium iodide, each dissolved separately in sufficient water (500 Ml. (Cc.)), filtering, washing, drying precipitate - Pb(NO3)2 + 2KI = Pbl2 + 2KNO3. It is a heavy, bright yellow powder, odorless, tasteless, permanent, soluble in fixed alkali solutions, water (1300), boiling water (200),decomposed by heat; contains 99 p. c. of pure salt. Impurities: Nitrate, acetate, chromate, soluble and insoluble foreign salts. Resolvent, alterative; tuberculous diseases, scrofulous tumors, ulcers, indolent swellings, malarial enlargement of spleen; ointment, 10 p. c, best form externally. Should be kept dark, in well-stoppered bottles. Dose, gr. 1/2-4 (.03-.26 Gm.), ter die, in pill; ointment, 10 p. c, ben-zoinated lard 90.