This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
Uses. - Epilepsy, hysterical, infantile, and puerperal convulsions, neuralgia, insanity, delirium tremens, chorea, tetanus, sunstroke, hysteria, whooping-cough, spasmodic asthma, vomiting of phthisis, seasickness, nervousness, angina pectoris, diabetes, seminal emissions, priapism, incontinence of urine, in teething, toothache, urticaria, acne, intermittent fever, enlarged spleen, amblyopia, diphtheria, to anaesthetize the pharynx, larynx, urethra, irritable bladder, enlarged prostate, gangrenous sores, strychnine-poisoning. After prolonged use may have bromism, which consists of muscular weakness, mental and bodily sluggishness, loss of memory, stupidness, depressed spirits, apathy, low temperature, with patient recumbent in bed, prostrated and almost lifeless; fetid breath, coated tongue, and acneiform eruption are its first constitutional symptoms, which may largely be aborted by Fowler's solution ej - 5 (.06-.3 Ml. (Cc.)) with each dose of bromide.
Poisoning: Withdraw drug, give diuretics, cathartics, tonics, iron, strychnine, cardiac stimulants, strong coffee, caffeine citrate, digitalis, morphine (best antagonist to mental symptoms), ergot, atropine.
Incompatibles: Motor excitants, cardiac stimulants, acids, acidulous and metallic salts.
Synergists: Opium, hypnotics, cardiac depressants.
Potassii Iodidum. Potassium Iodide, KI - (Syn., Pot. Iod., Kali Hydriodicum, Ioduretum (Potassicum) Kalicum; Fr. Iodure de Potassium; Ger. Kalium jodatum, Kaliumjodid, Jodkalium.)
Manufacture: Add iodine to hot solution potassium hydroxide until dark brown color is permanent, thus producing iodide and iodate; this solution is evaporated to dryness, mixed with charcoal, and heated to redness, in order to convert all iodate into the iodide - (1) 6KOH + 6I = 5KI + KIO3 + 3H2O. (2) 2KIO3 + 6C = 2KI + 6CO. The KI is dissolved out of the mass with boiling water, and solution set aside to crystallize; may also be prepared by action of ferrous iodide and potassium carbonate, or from the mother-liquors of Chile saltpetre. It is in colorless, transparent, translucent, or opaque, white, cubical crystals, or white, granular powder, pungent, saline, bitter taste, permanent, slightly deliquescent, soluble in water (.7), boiling water (.5), alcohol (22), boiling alcohol (8), glycerin (2); aqueous solution (1 in 20) neutral, slightly alkaline; contains, when dried, 99 p. c. of pure salt. Tests: 1. When heated - decrepitates; at low red heat - fuses; at bright red heat - volatilizes without decomposition. 2. Aqueous solution (1 in 20) and sodium bitartrate T. S. each 5 Ml. (Cc.) - white, crystalline precipitate; with 1 Ml. (Cc.) of ferric chloride
T. S. + distilled water 1 Ml. (Cc), shake with chloroform 5 Ml. (Cc.) - latter violet color. Impurities: Heavy metals, barium, alkalies, cyanide, iodate, thiosulphate. Should be kept in well-closed containers. Dose, gr. 2-30 (.13-2 Gm.), ter die, largely diluted; in syphilis may give 3ij-4 (8-15 Gm.) daily, well diluted with water, milk, compound syrup of sarsaparilla.
Preparations. - 1. Acidum Hydriodicum Dilutum. Diluted Hy-driodic Acid, HI. (Syn., Acid. Hydriod. Dil.; Fr. Acide hydriodique dilue; Ger. Verdunnte Jodwasserstoffsaure.) An aqueous solution containing 9.5-10.5 p. c. of HI.
Manufacture: Dissolve with heat potassium iodide 13.5 Gm., potassium hypophosphite 1 Gm. in distilled water 25 Ml. (Cc); dissolve tartaric acid 13.65 Gm. in diluted alcohol 40 Ml. (Cc), pour into a bottle and add first solution, shake mixture briskly and cool several hours (ice water 5° C; 41° F.), filter, wash precipitate with diluted alcohol until 100 Gm. of clear solution obtained, evaporate off alcohol (water-bath), add distilled water q. s. 100 Gm. - KI + KH2PO2 + 2H2C4H4O6 = HI + HH2PO2 + 2KHC4H4O6; here are formed hydriodic and hypophosphorous acids, and acid potassium tartrate, the removal of the latter being facilitated by alcohol and cold; potassium hypophosphite preserves acid solution, as its contained hypophosphorous acid (.63 p. c.) reconverts any free iodine that might possibly be liberated. It is a colorless, pale yellow, odorless liquid; strongly acid taste and reaction; sp. gr. 1.100. Tests: 1. Add distilled water (2), + few drops of ferric chloride T. S. or chlorine water - liberates iodine, reddish-brown solution. 2. Agitate preceding mixture with chloroform (few drops) - latter becomes violet. Impurities: Heavy metals, arsenic, barium, free iodine, chloride, sulphuric acid. Should be kept dark, in amber-colored, glass-stoppered bottles, and not dispensed if containing free iodine. Absolute hydriodic acid is a colorless, irrespirable, non-inflammable gas, sp. gr. 4.440, having odor of hydrochloric acid, strongest solution obtainable being 57.75 p. c Dose, ev-30 (.3-2 Ml. (Cc)).
Prep.: 1. Syrupus Acidi Hydriodici. Syrup of Hydriodic Acid. - (Syn., Syr. Acid. Hydriod.; Fr. Sirop d'Acide iodhydrique; Ger. Jodwasserstoffsirup.) Manufacture: 1.38 p. c Mix diluted hydriodic acid 12.5 Ml. (Cc), distilled water 30 Ml. (Cc), syrup 57.5 Ml. (Cc); the 100 Ml. (Cc.) contain 1.3-1.45 Gm. of pure acid. It is a transparent, colorless, pale straw-colored, syrupy liquid, odorless, sweet, acidulous taste, sp. gr. 1.215. Impurities: Free iodine, etc. Dose, 3j-2 (4-8 Ml. (Cc)). 2. Liquor Iodi Compositus, 10 p. c 3. Tinctura Iodi, 5 p. c 4. Un-guentum Iodi, 4 p. c
Unoff. Prep.: Unguentum Potassii Iodidi, 10 p. c, + sodium thiosulphate 1, water 9, benzoinated lard 80. Linimentum Potassii lodidi-cum Sapone (Br.), 10 p. c Properties. - Alterative, stimulant, absorbent, irritant.
Uses. - Specific in rheumatism, nervous diseases, secondary and tertiary syphilis, mercurial tremors and sore mouth, lead-poisoning and palsy, aneurism of the aorta, dropsy, granular meningitis, chronic hydrocephalus, brain tumors, priapism, muscular rheumatism, sciatica, angina pectoris, heart diseases, gout, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, asthma, paralysis, cord sclerosis. Hydriodic Acid and Syrup - similar to iodine and iodides, but less offensive to stomach and taste; chiefly as alterative in scrofula, chronic bronchitis, malarial poisoning, etc. All preparations and compounds containing iodine, iodide of potassium, etc., when given in large repeated doses produce constitutional symptoms known as iodism, preceded by coryza and pain over the brow, sore throat, fetid breath, swollen gums, eruptive acne, neuralgia, emaciation, cardiac palpitation.
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