This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
Hage'Nia Abyssin'Ica, Cusso, Kousso, Brayera. The dried panicles of the pistillate flowers, official 1860-1910; Abyssinia, tablelands, mountains. Ornamental tree, 6-12 M. (20-40°) high; leaves
Fig. 164. - Porteranthus stipulatus.
Fig. 165. - Porteranthus trifoliatus: rootlets, natural size.
Fig. 166. - Hagenia abyssinica: A, branch of panicle; B, staminate flower; and C, pistillate flower, magnified 4 diam.
25-30 Cm. (10-12') long, imparipinnate, leaflets 3-6 pairs, 7.5-10 Cm. (3-4') long, sessile, serrate; flowers monoecious - staminate (Kousso-esels) greenish-yellow. Pistillate (Red kousso), panicles, in rolls or compressed bundles 25-40 Cm. (10-160 long, brownish, each branch from axil of a sheathing bract, each flower with 2 rounded bracts at base, calyx-tube top-shaped, pubescent, bearing a circle of 5 purple-veined bracts resembling outer calyx, which are larger than the 5 usually shriveled, incurved oval calyx-lobes; 5 caducous petals, usually absent in drug; carpels 2; styles exserted, stigmas broad, hairy, odor slight, agreeable; taste bitter, acrid, nauseous; large stems should be rejected; solvents: alcohol, boiling water; contains kosin (amorphous resins) 6.25 p. c, volatile oil, tannin 24 p. c, kosidin, protokosin, kosotoxin, ash 5 p. c. Anthelmintic, tsenifuge. Dose 3ij-6 (8-24 Gm.); fluidextract (alcohol), 3ij-6 (8-24 Ml. (Cc.)); kosin, gr. 5-30 (.3-2 Gm.).
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