This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
54. Ericaceae - Distinguished by hypogynous corolla and stamens, anthers 2-celled, dehiscing by pores or slits, ovary 2-5-celled, leaves exstipulate, fruit capsule or berry; composed of 55 genera, 1050 species. Gaultheria, Arctostaphylos.
Styraceae. Distinguished by flowers of 5-10 stamens attached to 5-lobed corolla, anthers 2-celled, calyx coherent with ovary, superior or part inferior, fruit drupe; composed of 7 genera, 75 species. Styrax.
Oleaceae. Distinguished by 2 stamens, ovary superior, 2-celled, each with 2 ovules, corolla regular, 4-8-cleft, fruit capsule, berry, or drupe, seed albuminous, oily; composed of 21 genera, 500 species. Olea, Fraxinus.
Loganiaceae. Distinguished by opposite, entire, stipulate leaves, stamens epipetalous, styles divided as ovary cells number, fruit capsule, drupe, seeds winged; composed of 30 genera, 400 species. Gelsemium, Spigelia, Strychnos.
Gentianaceae. Distinguished by being smooth herbs, leaves entire, glabrous, sessile, calyx and corolla persistent, ovary superior, fruit 2-celled capsule; composed of 65 genera, 600 species. Gentiana.
Apocynaceae. Distinguished by milky juice, from Asclepiadaceae by stamens being free from style and stigma, anthers contain granular pollen, stigma hour-glass-shaped; composed of 130 genera, 1050 species. Strophanthus, Aspidosperma.
Convolvulaceae. Distinguished by milky juice, from Solanaceae and Scrophulariaceae by twining, trailing habit, alternate leaves, large solitary seeds, crumpled embryo, corolla 5's, plaited; composed of 40 genera, 900 species. Exogonium, Convolvulus.
Hydrophyllaceae. Distinguished by watery, insipid juice, flowers scorpioid, 5's, stamens borne on corolla base, styles 2, fruit capsule; composed of 17 genera, 160 species. Eriodictyon.
Labiatoe. Distinguished by square stems, corolla bilabiate, stamens 4, didynamous, ovary 4-lobed, leaves aromatic, stigma bifid, fruit achenes; composed of 160 genera, 3000 species. Thymus, Mentha, Lavandula, Rosmarinus.
Solanaceae. Distinguished by colorless juice, flowers with plicate border, isomerous, ovules many, fruit capsule or berry, ovary superior; composed of 70 genera, 1600 species. Capsicum, Atropa, Hyoscyamus, Datura.
Scrophulariaceae. Distinguished by 2-celled ovary, numerous seeds, fleshy albumin, calyx 5-lobed, corolla irregular, 2-lipped, stamens 4, didynamous, ovary sessile, 2-celled, fruit capsule or berry; composed of 165 genera, 2500 species. Digitalis.
Pedaliaceae. Distinguished by being glandular, oily seed, entire, exstipulate leaves, large, irregular flowers, calyx 5-cleft, corolla bilabiate, stamens didynamous, fruit drupe; composed of 14 genera, 50 species. Sesamum.
Rubiaceae. Distinguished by regular, epigynous corolla, valvate lobes, salver, rotate, or funnel-shaped, stamens on corolla-tube, epi-petalous, ovary crowned with an epigynous disk, fruit capsule or fleshy nuts; composed of 355 genera, 5500 species. Coffea, Cephaelis, Cinchona, Ourouparia.
Caprifoliaceae. Distinguished by gamopetalous corolla, leaves opposite, exstipulate, stamens on corolla-tube, ovary inferior, fruit berry or drupe; composed of 10 genera, 260 species. Viburnum.
Valerianaceae. Distinguished by corolla being epigynous, anthers free, seed exalbuminous, leaves exstipulate, ovary inferior, 3-celled, 2 empty; composed of 9 genera, 275 species. Valeriana.
Cucurbitaceae. Distinguished by stems being succulent, prostrate or climbing, with tendrils, flowers unisexual, leaves and stem scabrous, fruit pulpy; composed of 90 genera, 650 species. Cucurbita, Citrullus, Ecballium.
Campanulaceae. Distinguished by endosperm present, fleshy, usually milky juice, flowers perfect, calyx 5-lobed, gamopetalous, stamens 5, ovary 2-5-celled, fruit capsule or berry, seeds many; com-posed of 60 genera, 1500 species. Lobelia.
Cichoriaceae. Distinguished by flowers all expanded into rays (ligulate), juice milky, calyx-tube adnate to ovary, gamopetalous, 5-toothed, anthers connate, ovary 5-celled, ovule 1, fruit achene; composed of 65 genera, 1400 species. Taraxacum, Lactuca.
Compositae. Distinguished by compound flowers, watery or resinous (rarely milky) sap, calyx-tube adnate to ovary, corolla 5-lobed, stamens 5, borne on corolla, anthers syngenesious, ovary 5-celled, ovule 1, fruit achene; composed of 760 genera, 10,000 species. Grindelia, Matricaria, Anacyclus, Artemisia, Arnica.
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