10. Flex Verticilla'Ta (Pri'Nos Verticilla'Tus), Prinos, Black Alder, Winter-Berry

Flex Verticilla'Ta (Pri'Nos Verticilla'Tus), Prinos, Black Alder, Winter-Berry. Ilicaceae. The bark, official 1820-1890; N. America, swamps; shrub, 2-2.5 M. (6-8°) high; leaves serrate, pubescent beneath; flowers white; fruit scarlet berry, size of pea. Bark thin, fragments 1 Mm. (1/25) thick, brown-ash color, with white patches, black dots and lines; inner surface greenish, striate, bitter, astringent; contains, tannin, resin, bitter principle. Used as astringent, tonic, alterative, febrifuge, substitute for cinchona; diarrhoea, fevers, ulcers, etc. Dose, 3ss-l (2-4 Gm.), in decoction, fluidextract.