38. Zygophyllaceae

Zygophyllaceae. Distinguished by flowers bearing a fleshy disk, white, red, yellow, sepals 5, free, glandless; composed of 20 genera, 150 species. Guaiacum (Guajacum).

39. Rutaceae

Rutaceae. Distinguished by leaves being exstipulate, dotted, petals imbricated, ovary sessile, surrounded at base by fleshy, glandular disk, or elevated on gynophore; composed of 110 genera, 880 species. Xanthoxylum, Pilocarpus, Barosma, Citrus.

40. Simarubaceae

Simarubaceae. Distinguished from Rutaceae by leaves being exstipulate, without glands or dots, disk conspicuous, ovary stalked; composed of 30 genera, 112 species. Picrasma, Quassia.

41. Burseraceae

Burseraceae. Distinguished by secreting a resinous or gum-resinous juice, leaves compound, dotted, disk and stamens perigynous, ovary superior; composed of 26 genera, 150 species. Commiphora.

42. Polygalaceae

Polygalaceae. Distinguished by flowers being irregular, papilionaceous, stamens monadelphous, sepals 5, of which 2 inner are winglike, petaloid; composed of 10 genera, 150 species. Polygala.

43. Euphorbiaceae

Euphorbiaceae. Distinguished by milky, acrid juice, flowers unisexual, apetalous, fruit tricoccous, 3-6-seeded capsule, radical superior; composed of 210 genera, 4000 species. Croton, Ricinus, Stillingia.

44. Sapindaceae

Sapindaceae. Distinguished by flowers being unsymmetrical, hypogynous, leaves compound, sepals and petals on a fleshy, glandular disk; composed of 120 genera, 1000 species. Paullinia.

45. Rhamnaceae

Rhamnaceae. Distinguished by its spiny habit, perigynous stamens, concave petals, non-caducous, valvate sepals, fruit not a berry; composed of 45 genera, 575 species. Rhamnus.

46. Malvaceae

Malvaceae. Distinguished by stamens monadelphous, anthers 1-celled, leaves often downy, palmate-divided; flowers showy, purple, yellow, white; composed of 40 genera, 800 species. Althaea, Gossypium.

47. Sterculiaceae

Sterculiaceae. Distinguished by flowers being regular or irregular, petals sometimes absent, filaments usually monadelphous, anthers 2-celled; composed of 49 genera, 730 species. Theobroma.

48. Theaceae (Ternstroemiaceae)

Theaceae (Ternstroemiaceae). Distinguished by sepals distinct, endosperm little or none, leaves alternate, flowers large, solitary, sepals 5, petals 5, hypogynous, ovary 2-several-celled, fruit 2-3-celled, woody capsule; composed of 16 genera, 160 species. Thea.

49. Guttiferae

Guttiferae. Distinguished by yielding a resinous juice, stamens distinct, monadelphous or polyadelphous, flowers unisexual or polygamous, leaves coriaceous; composed of 24 genera, 340 species. Garcinia.

50. Thymelaeaceae

Thymelaeaceae. Distinguished by calyx being petaloid, 4-5 imbricated lobes, stamens perigynous, radical superior, ovary 1-celled, fruit drupe; composed of 37 genera, 425 species. Daphne.

51. Lythracae (Punicaceae)

Lythracae (Punicaceae). Distinguished by calyx lobes being valvate, petals wrinkled, leaves exstipulate, stamens perigynons, inserted below the petals; eomposed of 21 genera, 350 species. Punica.

52. Myrtaceae

Myrtaceae. Distinguished by numerous stamens, leaves exstipulate, opposite, dotted, with marginal vein, ovary inferior; composed of 76 genera, 2700 species. Melaleuca (Cajuputi), Eugenia, Pimenta, Eucalyptus.

53. Umbelliferae

Umbelliferae. Distinguished by the 2-celled ovary forming a cremocarp, with vittae (oil-tubes), flowers in umbels, stems hollow, ovary inferior, crowned with fleshy disk; composed of 170 genera, 1600 species. Petroselinum, Pimpinella, Foeniculum, Carum, Coriandrum, Ferula.