Manufacture: Add hydrochloric acid 84 Gm. to granulated zinc 24 Gm. and distilled water 25 Ml. (Cc), let stand until reaction ceases and acid saturated; pour off liquid, add nitric acid 1.2 Gm., heat at 115° C. (239° F.), until a portion removed and cooled, solidifies, cool, dissolve solidified mass in distilled water q. s. 100 Gm., then add precipitated zinc carbonate 1.2 Gm., agitate occasionally for 24 hours, set aside until clear by subsidence, separate clear solution by decanta-tion or siphon; the nitric acid oxidizes iron into ferric chloride, while the zinc carbonate precipitates it as ferric oxide. It is a clear, colorless, odorless, aqueous liquid (solution), very astringent, metallic taste, acid reaction, sp. gr. 1.548; contains 48.5-52 p. c. of zinc chloride. Dose, e-1/4 (.016-.06 M1. (Cc.)); seldom used internally.

Properties and Uses. - Alterative, antispasmodic, astringent, escharotic, caustic, antiseptic, disinfectant. Internally - in scrofula, epilepsy, chorea, nervous troubles. Externally - in cancerous affections, tumors, cancers, aneurism, malignant and morbid growths, lupus, ulcers of uterus, etc., leucorrhoea, gonorrhoea, hemorrhagic endometritis, cystic tumors, nasal polypi, abscesses, scrofulous glands; to fill carious teeth, vascular and thickened conjunctiva. The liquor is the weaker form, used chiefly to deodorize and disinfect sewers, sinks, water-closets, hospitals, dissecting-rooms, etc., for embalming, to preserve anatomical subjects. When diluted (1 in 18) used as injection in gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea, etc., and as wash for ulcers, abscesses, to destroy putrid odor, etc. The salt itself sometimes applied for caustic purposes in pasty form, diluted 2-3-4-5 times with wheat flour, rye flour, or gluten.

Poisoning: Symptoms similar to violent corrosive irritant poison; corrosion of lips and mouth, burning in throat, stomach, bowels, vomiting (blood-stained), increased pulse and respiration, dyspnoea, paralysis, cold surface, dilated pupils, coma, convulsions, death. Give alkalies, alkali carbonates, emetics, soap, milk, albumin, anodynes, opium, flaxseed poultices to abdomen, stimulants, tannin.

Zinci Sulphas. Zinc Sulphate, ZnSO4 + 7H2O. - (Syn.,Zinc.Sulph., Vitriolum Album, White Vitriol; Fr. Sulfas Zincicus, Sulfate de Zinc, Vitriol blanc, Couperose blanche; Ger. Zincum sulfuricum, Zinksulfat, Schwefelsaures Zinkoxyd, Weisser Vitriol, Galitzenstein.) This is the most important zinc salt.

Manufacture: Dissolve zinc in diluted sulphuric acid, remove iron and lead chlorides with nitric acid and zinc carbonate - 2Zn + 2H2SO4 + H2O = 2ZnSO4 + H4 + H2O. It is in colorless, transparent rhombic crystals, granular, crystalline powder, odorless, astringent, metallic taste, efflorescent in dry air, soluble in water (.6), glycerin (2.5), insoluble in alcohol, aqueous solution (1 in 10) acid; rapidly heated melts; strongly ignited partly decomposes losing water and sulphuric acid; contains 55.86-58.65 p. c. of anhydrous zinc sulphate, corresponding to 99.5 p. c. of crystallized salt. Tests: 1. Aqueous solution (1 in 20) with potassium ferrocyanide T. S. - white, gelatinous precipitate; with ammonium sulphide T. S.

Fig. 460.   Zinc sulphate crystals.

Fig. 460. - Zinc sulphate crystals.

- white precipitate; with barium chloride T. S. - white precipitate. 2. Aqueous solution (1 in 10) with ammonium carbonate T. S. - white precipitate, redissolved in excess of reagent. Impurities: Heavy metals, arsenic, alkali, alkali earth salts, chloride, free acid. Should be kept in well-closed containers. Dose, tonic, astringent, gr. 1-3 (.06-.2 Gm.), in pill, after meals; emetic, gr. 10-15 (.6-2 Gm.), in tepid water.

Preparations. - (Unoff.): Liquor Zinci et Alumini Compositus - zinc sulphate, aluminum sulphate, each 20 Gm., betanaphthol .06, oil of thyme .2, water q. s. 100. Liquor Zinci et Ferri Compositus - zinc sulphate, aluminum sulphate, each 20 Gm., copper sulphate 6.5, hypophosphorous acid .4, oil of thyme .2, water q. s. 100. Unguentum Zinci Oleatis (Br.), 20 p. c.

Properties and Uses. - Tonic, astringent, emetic, gastric catarrh, nightsweats, epilepsy, chorea, croup, diphtheria, dysentery, typhoid fever, atonic dyspepsia, heart palpitation, spasmodic asthma, whooping-cough. Externally - aphthae, conjunctivitis, gonorrhoea, ophthalmia, throat and larynx affections, hemorrhages, nasal polypi, ulcers, tumors, lupus, eczema, itching, to remove urethral caruncles, condylomata, warty excrescences. Caustic pste (℥j; 30 Gm. to glycerin 3j; 4 Ml. (Cc.)), caustic ointment (℥j; 30 Gm. to lard 3ij; 8 Gm.), used as escharotic; injection, collyrium, and gargle (1/5-1/2 p. c.) are often useful.

Zinci Valeras. Zinc Valerate, Zn(C5H9O2)2 + 2H2O. - (Syn., Zinc. Valer., Zinc Valerianate, Zinci Valerianas, Valerianas (Valeras) Zincicus; Fr. Valerianate (Valerate) de Zinc; Ger. Zincum Valeriani-cum, Baldriansaures Zinkoxyd.)

Manufacture: Mix hot solutions of zinc sulphate and sodium valerate; sodium sulphate remains in solution while zinc valerate separates in scaly crystals coming to the surface, the yield increasing upon evaporation - ZnSO4 + 2NaC5H9O2 = Zn(C5H9O2)2 + Na2SO4. It is in white, pearly scales, white powder, odor of valeric acid, sweetish, astringent, metallic taste; on exposure slowly loses valeric acid becoming partially insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol (22), water (70), a basic insoluble salt tending to form; aqueous solution (1 in 100) acid; gently heated melts; at higher temperature decomposes emitting inflammable vapors with a residue chiefly zinc oxide; contains 99 p. c. of crystallized salt. Tests: 1. Dissolve .5 Gm. in a mixture of hydrochloric acid .5 Ml. (Cc.) and distilled water 9 Ml. (Cc.) - valeric (isovaleric) acid is liberated, floating on surface, as an oily layer. 2. Dissolve in ammonium carbonate T. S. - no residue. Impurities: Heavy metals, arsenic, acetate, butyrate. Should be kept in small, well-closed containers. Dose, gr. 1-3 (.06-2 Gm.), in pill, mucilage, syrup.

Preparation. - (Unoff.): Elixir, 1.75 p. c, + citric acid 5.6, spirit of bitter almond 1, +, dose, 3j-2 (4-8 Ml. (Cc.)).

Properties and Uses. - Antispasmodic, nervine, diabetes insipidus, neuralgia, epilepsy, chlorosis, nervous headache, vertigo, whooping-cough, convulsions, hysteria, chorea, cholera.