This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
Jeaunel's General Antidote. Either of the following formulas may be employed when the nature of the poison is doubtful, or for arsenic, digitalis, mercuric salts, opium, strychnine, and zinc salts, but is of no value for antimony compounds, caustic alkalies, or phosphorus:
℞. | Liquor Ferri Tersulphatis, | ℥iiss | (75 Ml. (Cc.)) | |
Magnesii Oxidum, | ℥ij | (60 Gm.) | ||
℥i | (30 Gm.) | |||
Aqua Fontana, | ℥xx | (600 Ml. (Cc.)). | M. |
Keep the three last ingredients always mixed, and add liquor when needed. Dose, ℥ij-3 (60-90 Ml. (Cc.)).
℞ | Magnesii Oxidum, | ℥ij | (60 Gm.) | |
Carbo Ligni, | ℥ij | (60 Gm.) | ||
Ferri Hydroxidum, | ℥ij | (60 Gm.) | ||
Aqua Fontana, | ℥xij | (360 Ml. (Cc.)). | M. |
Albumen, White Of Egg. Dissolve 4 egg-whites in a quart of warm water - for mineral acids, mineral salts (corrosive sublimate, etc.), corrosive alkalies, aniline, creosote, bromine, chlorine, iodine, etc.
Milk, Fatty Oils, Mucilaginous Substances. Substitutes for albumen - for corrosive salts, corrosive acids and alkalies (especially ammonia), but the first two never for cantharides (phenol - carbolic acid), copper salts, or phosphorus, whose absorption they promote.
Castile Soap. Dissolve in 4 volumes of water, as a substitute for albumen - for corrosive acids, metallic salts (corrosive sublimate, potassium dichromate, tin and zinc salts), corrosive vegetable substances; harmful in alkaline poisoning, hence not to be used. Dose, ℥ij-12 (60-360 Ml. (Cc.)).
Tannic Acid, Coffee, Tea. To precipitate the various alkaloids as insoluble tannates; Potassium Permanganate - for morphine, codeine, etc.; Dialyzed Iron - for arsenic; French (Old) Oil of Turpentine - as physiological antidote for phosphorus; Ammonia Water, Aromatic Spirit of Ammonia, Brandy, Whisky, Amyl Nitrite, Faradic Battery, etc. - for general stimulation.
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