1. Arctostaphylos Glau'Ca, Manzanita

Arctostaphylos Glau'Ca, Manzanita. California mountains, small tree; leaves 5 Cm. (2') long; contains arbutin, tannin 10 p. c, ash G p. c. A. polifo'lia and A. mucrocif'era, Mexico; both used like uva ursi.

2. Kal'Mia Latifo'Lia, Mountain Laurel, Calico-Bush

Kal'Mia Latifo'Lia, Mountain Laurel, Calico-Bush. About 1.8-9 M. (0-30°) high; flowers inodorous, May-June; leaves evergreen, elliptical; contains tannin, arbutin, resin, andromedotoxin, C31H51O10. Astringent; large doses poisonous.

3. Limo'nium carolinia'num (Stat'ice Limo'nium var. carolinia'na), Marsh Rosemary. - Plumbaginacese. The root, official 1820-1880; N. America. Plant a maritime perennial, acaulescent; leaves 2.5-4 Cm. (1-1 3/5') long, obovate, cuneiform, entire, mucronate, scape .3-6M. (1-2°) high, terete, corymbose panicles; flowers lavender color; root .3-.() M. (1-2°) long, 2.5 Cm. (1') thick, annulate, wrinkled, purplish-brown, astringent, bitter; contains tannin 14-18 p. c, volatile oil, resin. Used as astringent like catechu or kino for aphthous and ulcerative affections of the mouth, fauces, hemorrhages, dysentery; in decoction, infusion, tincture. Dose, gr. 5-30 (.3-2 Gm.).

4. Pala'quium Gut'ta, and P. oblongifo'lium, Gutta-percha - Sapo-taceae. Concrete exudation, official 1880-1890; Malayan Peninsula and Islands, Singapore, Borneo. Tree, 18-21 M. (60-70°) high, .6-1 M. (2-3°) thick; bark reddish-gray; leaves 10-12.5 Cm. (4-5') long, tomentose, silky beneath; flowers yellowish. Gutta-percha is obtained by incisions, or by felling trees, removing bark, and catching juice in plantain-leaf stalks, palm leaves, or cocoanut shells; it soon coagulates and occurs in yellowish, grayish masses, hard, heavier than water, flexible, plastic at 50° C. (122° F.), decomposes on melting; inodorous; tasteless; soluble in ether, chloroform, oil of turpentine, carbon disulphide; contains gutta, C20H32, 80 p. c, fine white powder; fluavil, C20H32O, yellow resin; albane, C20H32O2, white resin. Used in surgery for splints, catheters, bougies, specula, pessaries, syringes, etc. Liquor Guttoe Perchaz, official 1880-1890,15 p. c, + lead carbonate 17, chloroform q. s. 100; employed as an adhesive and protective agent for wounds, abrasions, skin affections, sore nipples, erysipelas, smallpox, etc.

5. Dios'Pyros Virginia'Na, Persimmon

Dios'Pyros Virginia'Na, Persimmon. Ebenacese. The unripe fruit dried, official 1820-1880; United States. Tree, 6-21 M. (20-70°) high, much smaller northward; wood hard, blackish; leaves 7.5-12.5 Cm. (3-5') long, entire, glaucous beneath, elliptical; flowers yellowish; fruit plum-like, 2.5 Cm. (1') thick, green, 4-lobed calyx at base; short style at apex, 6-celled, 6-seeded; taste astringent, when ripe orange-red, by frost sweet, edible; contains tannin, malic acid. Used as astringent for diarrhoea, chronic dysentery, uterine hemorrhage, leucorrhoea, sore throat; in infusion, tincture, syrup. Dose, gr.

15-60 (1-4 Gm.). Persimmon beer, made by fermenting ripe fruit with hops, as a beverage, and the bark as tonic and astringent, are popular to some extent.