Sub-kingdom I. Thallophyt(ES)-A.

Class 1. Algae.

1. Gigartinaceae

Gigartinaceae. Distinguished by being parenchymatous plants, growring in fresh or salt water, or moist places, red, purple, or violet hue, less commonly green or blackish; composed of 250 species. Chon-drus, Gigartina.

Class 2. FUNGI.

2. Hypocreaceae

Hypocreaceae. Distinguished by rarely containing chlorophyll, saprophytes, parasites, either soft, fibrous, gelatinous, fleshy, leathery, horny, mycelium inconspicuous, often producing a dense homogeneous tissue; composed of 200 species. Claviceps.

Sub-kingdom II. Pteridophyt(ES)-A.


3. Polypodiaceae

Polypodiaceae. Distinguished by leaves being fronds, large, spores one kind, in cases (sporangia) on under surface or margin, cir-cinate in vernation, stems usually prostrate, subterranean; composed of 70 genera, 3000 species. Dryopteris.


4. Lycopodiaceae

Lycopodiaceae. Distinguished by yellow spores, low, usually moss-like evergreens, stems much branched, elongated, sporangia 1-3-celled, solitary in the axils of leaves, or on their upper surface; composed of 125 species. Lycopodium.



5. Pinaceae (Coniferae)

Pinaceae (Coniferae). Distinguished as resinous, evergreen trees, shrubs, flowers unisexual, no perianth, staminate - catkins, pistillate - scaly aments, becoming cones, sepals naked (2), leaves needle-shaped; composed of 25 genera, 240 species. Pinus, Juniperus.

Class 6. ANGIOSPERMAE. Sub-class 1. Monocotyledones.

6. Graminaceae

Graminaceae. Distinguished by glumaceous flowers, paleae 2 in each, stamens hypogynous, stems hollow, jointed, leaves 2-ranked; composed of 3500 species. Zea, Saccharum, Beta, Agropyron, Hordeum.

7. Palmaceae

Palmaceae. Distinguished by plants being unbranched, leaves large, plaited, palmately parallel-veined, in one terminal cluster, perianth double, 3-merous; composed of 129 genera, 1100 species. Serenoa.

8. Melanthaceae

Melanthaceae. Distinguished by ovary superior, capsules mostly septicidal, with rootstocks, rarely bulbs, perianth 6, stamens 6, seeds appendaged, leaves grass-like, polygamous or dioecious; composed of 36 genera, 140 species. Veratrum, Asagroea.

9. Liliaceae

Liliaceae. Distinguished by regular, symmetrical flowers, 6's, perianth non-glumaceous, petaloid, hypogynous, ovary 3-celled, anther 2-celled; composed of 125 genera, 1300 species. Urginea, Aloe.

10. Convallariaceae

Convallariaceae. Distinguished by being erect herbs, fruit - fleshy berry, no tendrils, never with bulbs or corms, flowers solitary, regular, perfect, 6's, ovary superior; composed of 23 genera, 215 species. Colchicum.